Impact Acquire SDK Java
Classes | |
class | acquire |
interface | acquireConstants |
class | acquireJNI |
class | AcquisitionControl |
Category for the acquisition and trigger control features. More... | |
class | ActionControl |
Category that contains the Action control features. More... | |
class | AnalogControl |
Category that contains the Analog control features. More... | |
class | AutoControlParameters |
A class to control the automatic control parameters of a device(Device specific interface layout only). More... | |
class | BasicDeviceSettings |
A base class for essential device related settings. More... | |
class | BasicDeviceSettingsWithAOI |
A base class for camera related settings(Device specific interface layout only). More... | |
class | BufferPart |
Contains information about a specific part of a captured buffer. More... | |
class | CameraDescriptionBase |
A base class to describe a camera (Device specific interface layout only) connected to a frame grabber (deprecated. More... | |
class | CameraDescriptionCameraLink |
A class to describe a CameraLink® compliant camera(Device specific interface layout only) (deprecated. More... | |
class | CameraDescriptionDigital |
A class to describe a non-standard digital video signal(Device specific interface layout only) (deprecated. More... | |
class | CameraDescriptionDigitalBase |
A base class to describe an arbitrary digital camera signal(Device specific interface layout only) (deprecated. More... | |
class | CameraDescriptionDigitalBase2 |
A base class to describe an arbitrary digital camera signal(Device specific interface layout only) (deprecated. More... | |
class | CameraDescriptionManager |
Grants access to camera description objects(Device specific interface layout only) (deprecated. More... | |
class | CameraDescriptionNonStandard |
A class describing non-standard video cameras(Device specific interface layout only) (deprecated. More... | |
class | CameraDescriptionSDI |
A base class to describe an SDI(Serial Digital Interface) camera signal (Device specific interface layout only) (deprecated. More... | |
class | CameraDescriptionStandard |
A class describing analogue standard compliant video cameras(Device specific interface layout only) (deprecated. More... | |
class | CameraDescriptionStandardBase |
An internal base class to describe standard analogue video cameras(Device specific interface layout only) (deprecated. More... | |
class | CameraSettingsBase |
A base class for camera related settings(Device specific interface layout only). More... | |
class | CameraSettingsBlueCOUGAR |
mvBlueCOUGAR related camera settings (Device specific interface layout only). More... | |
class | CameraSettingsBlueDevice |
A base class for camera related settings belonging to the mvBlueXXX-series (Device specific interface layout only). More... | |
class | CameraSettingsBlueFOX |
mvBlueFOX related camera settings(Device specific interface layout only). More... | |
class | CameraSettingsFrameGrabber |
A class to access frame grabber related camera settings(Device specific interface layout only) (deprecated. More... | |
class | CameraSettingsV4L2Device |
mvV4L2 related camera settings(Device specific interface layout only). More... | |
class | CameraSettingsVirtualDevice |
mvVirtualDevice related camera settings(Device specific interface layout only). More... | |
class | ChannelData |
A structure for image buffer channel specific data. More... | |
class | ChunkDataControl |
Category that contains the Chunk Data control features. More... | |
class | ColorTransformationControl |
Category that contains the Color Transformation control features. More... | |
class | Component |
A base class to implement access to internal driver components. More... | |
class | ComponentAccess |
A base class to implement access to internal driver objects. More... | |
class | ComponentCallback |
A simple helper class to wrap the creation of a callback object. More... | |
class | ComponentCollection |
A base class for sets of properties that can be modified by the user. More... | |
class | ComponentList |
A class to provide access to component lists. More... | |
class | ComponentLocator |
A class to locate components within the driver. More... | |
class | ComponentLocatorBase |
A base class to locate components within the driver. More... | |
class | ComponentVector |
class | Connector |
A class describing how a video signal source(e.g. More... | |
class | CounterAndTimerControl |
Category that contains the Counter and Timer control features. More... | |
class | CustomCommandGenerator |
Contains convenience functions to control features understood by a devices custom command interpreter. More... | |
class | DataStreamModule |
Category that contains items that belong to the data stream module of the transport layer. More... | |
class | DepthControl |
Adjustment and triggering of the depth image for 3D control. More... | |
class | Device |
This class and its functions represent an actual device detected by this interface in the current system. More... | |
class | DeviceComponentLocator |
A class to locate components within the driver. More... | |
class | DeviceControl |
Classes and functions that will be available if the device is used. More... | |
class | DeviceManager |
Grants access to devices that can be operated by this software interface. More... | |
class | DeviceModule |
Category contains items that belong to the device module of the transport layer. More... | |
class | DigitalInput |
A class to represent a digital input pin(Device specific interface layout only). More... | |
class | DigitalIOControl |
Category that contains the digital input and output control features. More... | |
class | DigitalIOMeasurementControl |
Properties for configuring settings belonging to the digital I/O measurement(Device specific interface layout only). More... | |
class | DigitalOutput |
A class to represent a digital output pin(Device specific interface layout only). More... | |
class | DoubleVector |
class | ECantAccessData |
An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_LIST_CANT_ACCESS_DATA error. More... | |
class | ECantAllocateNewList |
An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_CANT_ALLOCATE_LIST error. More... | |
class | ECantRegisterComponent |
An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_CANT_REGISTER_COMPONENT error. More... | |
class | ECantSerializeData |
An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_CANT_SERIALIZE_DATA error. More... | |
class | EComponent |
A base class for mvIMPACT.acquire.Component object related exceptions from the property module. More... | |
class | EComponentIDInvalid |
An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_COMPONENT_ID_INVALID error. More... | |
class | EComponentNotFound |
An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND error. More... | |
class | EDeviceManager |
A base class for device manager related exceptions. More... | |
class | EImplementationMissing |
An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_IMPLEMENTATION_MISSING error. More... | |
class | EIncompatibleComponents |
An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_INCOMPATIBLE_COMPONENTS error. More... | |
class | EInputBufferTooSmall |
An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_INPUT_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL error. More... | |
class | EInvalidFileContent |
An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_INVALID_FILE_CONTENT error. More... | |
class | EInvalidInputParameter |
An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_INVALID_INPUT_PARAMETER error. More... | |
class | EInvalidListID |
An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_LIST_ID_INVALID error. More... | |
class | EInvalidParameterList |
An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_METHOD_INVALID_PARAM_LIST error. More... | |
class | EInvalidValue |
An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_INVALID_PROP_VALUE error. More... | |
class | EInvalidValueType |
An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_INVALID_PROP_VALUE_TYPE error. More... | |
class | EListEntryOccupied |
An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_LIST_ENTRY_OCCUPIED error. More... | |
class | EMethod |
A base class for mvIMPACT.acquire.Method object related exceptions from the property module. More... | |
class | EMethodPtrInvalid |
An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_METHOD_PTR_INVALID error. More... | |
class | EncoderControl |
Category that contains the quadrature Encoder Control features. More... | |
class | ENoModifySizeRights |
An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_NO_MODIFY_SIZE_RIGHTS error. More... | |
class | ENoReadRights |
An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_NO_READ_RIGHTS error. More... | |
class | ENotAList |
An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_NOT_A_LIST error. More... | |
class | ENotAMethod |
An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_NOT_A_METHOD error. More... | |
class | ENotAProperty |
An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_NOT_A_PROPERTY error. More... | |
class | ENoWriteRights |
An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_NO_WRITE_RIGHTS error. More... | |
class | EProperty |
A base class for mvIMPACT.acquire.Property related exceptions from the property module. More... | |
class | EPropertyHandling |
A base class for exceptions related to the property module. More... | |
class | EPropertyList |
A base class for component list related exceptions from the property module. More... | |
class | ESizeMismatch |
An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_SIZE_MISMATCH error. More... | |
class | ETranslationTableCorrupted |
An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_PROP_TRANSLATION_TABLE_CORRUPTED error. More... | |
class | ETranslationTableNotDefined |
An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_PROP_TRANSLATION_TABLE_NOT_DEFINED error. More... | |
class | EUnsupportedOperation |
An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION error. More... | |
class | EUnsupportedParameter |
An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_UNSUPPORTED_PARAMETER error. More... | |
class | EValidationFailed |
An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_PROP_VALIDATION_FAILED error. More... | |
class | EValIDOutOfBounds |
An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_PROP_VAL_ID_OUT_OF_BOUNDS error. More... | |
class | EValTooLarge |
An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_PROP_VAL_TOO_LARGE error. More... | |
class | EValTooSmall |
An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_PROP_VAL_TOO_SMALL error. More... | |
class | EventControl |
Category that contains Event control features. More... | |
class | EWrongParamCount |
An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_WRONG_PARAM_COUNT error. More... | |
class | ExceptionFactory |
A factory class to raise Impact Acquire related exceptions. More... | |
class | FileAccessControl |
Category that contains the File Access control features. More... | |
class | FirmwareUpdater |
A class to perform a firmware update of a specific device. More... | |
class | FullSettingsBase |
A base class that provides access to the most common settings for a device. More... | |
class | FunctionInterface |
The function interface to devices supported by this interface. More... | |
class | GainOffsetKneeChannelParameters |
Properties for configuring settings belonging to a certain channel of the GainOffsetKnee filter. More... | |
class | GenTLDriverConfigurator |
A class that contains items to configure the behaviour of the GenICam GenTL driver stack. More... | |
class | GenTLProducerConfiguration |
A class that contains items to configure the behaviour of the GenICam GenTL driver stack. More... | |
class | GenTLProducerConfigurationVector |
class | HDRControl |
A class to control the HDR (High Dynamic Range) parameters of a device (Device specific interface layout only). More... | |
class | HDRKneePoint |
A class to configure a HDR (High Dynamic Range) knee point (Device specific interface layout only). More... | |
class | I2CControl |
Properties for accessing features belonging to the I2C control(Device specific interface layout only). More... | |
class | ImageBuffer |
Fully describes a captured image. More... | |
class | ImageBufferDesc |
A wrapper class to handle mvIMPACT.acquire.ImageBuffer structures. More... | |
class | ImageDestination |
Properties to define the format of resulting images. More... | |
class | ImageDisplay |
A class that can be used for displaying images within existing windows or GUI elements that can provide a window handle. More... | |
class | ImageDisplayWindow |
A class that can be used to display images in a window. More... | |
class | ImageFormatControl |
Category for Image Format Control features. More... | |
class | ImageMemoryManager |
An interface class to access DMA memory related properties(Device specific interface layout only). More... | |
class | ImageProcessing |
Base class for image processing related properties. More... | |
class | ImageRequestControl |
A helper class to control the way an image request will be processed. More... | |
class | ImpactAcquireException |
A base class for exceptions generated by Impact Acquire. More... | |
class | Info |
A base class to access various general information about the device and its driver. More... | |
class | InfoBlueCOUGAR |
A more specific class to query information about a mvBlueCOUGAR devices and its driver(Device specific interface layout only). More... | |
class | InfoBlueDevice |
A more specific class to query information about a mvBlueDevice device and its driver(Device specific interface layout only). More... | |
class | InfoBlueFOX |
A more specific class to query information about a mvBlueFOX device and its driver(Device specific interface layout only). More... | |
class | Int64Vector |
class | InterfaceModule |
Category that contains items that belong to the interface module of the transport layer. More... | |
class | IntVector |
class | IOSubSystem |
A base class to handle digital inputs and outputs(Device specific interface layout only). More... | |
class | IOSubSystemBlueFOX |
A class to handle the digital inputs and outputs for mvBlueFOX USB cameras(Device specific interface layout only). More... | |
class | IOSubSystemCommon |
A base class to handle the digital inputs and outputs for devices (Device specific interface layout only). More... | |
class | IOSubSystemFrameGrabber |
A class to handle the digital inputs and outputs for frame grabber devices(Device specific interface layout only) (deprecated. More... | |
class | LensControlBase |
Contains convenience functions to control features understood by generic lens adapters. More... | |
class | LensControlBirger |
Contains convenience functions to control features understood by Birger Engineering, Inc. More... | |
class | LightControl |
Category containing the Lighting control features. More... | |
class | LogicBlockControl |
Category that contains the Logic Block control features. More... | |
class | LUTControl |
Category that includes the LUT control features. More... | |
class | LUTParameters |
Properties for configuring settings belonging to a certain LUT (Look Up Table) to be applied to a captured image. More... | |
class | Method |
A class to call arbitrary driver functions. More... | |
class | MirrorParameters |
Properties for configuring settings belonging to the mirror filter that processes a certain channel of a captured image. More... | |
class | MotorFocusControl |
Properties for configuring settings belonging to the motor focus control (Device specific interface layout only). More... | |
class | mvAutoFeatureControl |
Contains features to control the image controllers. More... | |
class | mvCurrentControl |
Category that contains features to control the devices Current Control parameters. More... | |
class | mvDefectivePixelCorrectionControl |
Contains features to control the device's defective pixel correction parameters. More... | |
class | mvFFCControl |
Contains features to control the devices Flat Field Correction parameters. More... | |
class | mvFrameAverageControl |
Category that contains features to control the frame averaging engine. More... | |
class | mvHDRControl |
Category that contains features to control the devices High Dynamic Range parameters. More... | |
class | mvI2cInterfaceControl |
Contains features to control the I2C interface. More... | |
class | mvLensControl |
Contains features to control motorized lenses. More... | |
class | mvLogicGateControl |
Category that contains features to control the devices Logic Gate Control parameters. More... | |
class | mvSerialInterfaceControl |
Contains features to control the serial interface. More... | |
class | OpticControl |
Category for optical control features. More... | |
class | OutputSignalGeneratorBlueDevice |
A class to create complex digital output signals(Device specific interface layout only). More... | |
class | OutputSignalGeneratorFrameGrabber |
A class to create complex digital output signals(Device specific interface layout only) (deprecated. More... | |
class | Property |
A base class for properties. More... | |
class | PropertyF |
A template class to represent float properties and enumerated float properties. More... | |
class | PropertyI |
A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More... | |
class | PropertyI64 |
A template class to represent 64 bit integer properties and enumerated 64 bit integer properties. More... | |
class | PropertyPtr |
A class to represent pointer properties. More... | |
class | PropertyS |
A class to represent string properties. More... | |
class | PulseStartConfiguration |
A class to configure the creation of digital signals passed to one or more of the digital outputs of a device(Device specific interface layout only). More... | |
class | Request |
Contains information about a captured buffer. More... | |
class | RequestFactory |
A default request factory. More... | |
class | RequestInfoConfiguration |
Properties to configure which information shall be attached to the resulting images. More... | |
class | RTCtrProgram |
A class to represent real time control programs(Device specific interface layout only). More... | |
class | RTCtrProgramStep |
A class to represent one step of a real time control(RTCtr) program (Device specific interface layout only). More... | |
class | Scan3dControl |
Category for control of 3D camera specific features. More... | |
class | SequencerControl |
Category for the Sequencer Control features. More... | |
class | SettingsBlueFOX |
This class provides access to general settings as well as to settings which are unique for the mvBlueFOX(Device specific interface layout only). More... | |
class | SoftwareSignalControl |
Category that contains the Software Signal Control features. More... | |
class | SourceControl |
Category that contains the source control features. More... | |
class | Statistics |
Contains basic statistical information. More... | |
class | StringDoublePair |
class | StringDoubleVector |
class | StringInt64Pair |
class | StringInt64Vector |
class | StringIntPair |
class | StringIntVector |
class | StringPropertyIMap |
class | StringVector |
class | SWIGTYPE_p_BrushHandle |
class | SWIGTYPE_p_ColorValue |
class | SWIGTYPE_p_mvIMPACT__acquire__display__TFormatFlags |
class | SWIGTYPE_p_p_void |
class | SWIGTYPE_p_std__string |
class | SWIGTYPE_p_std__vectorT_void_p_t |
class | SWIGTYPE_p_void |
class | SWIGTYPE_p_WindowHandle |
class | SyncOutput |
A class to represent a sync. More... | |
class | SystemBlueFOX |
A class containing mvBlueFOX specific settings to control the overall behaviour of the driver(Device specific interface layout only). More... | |
class | SystemModule |
Category that contains items that belong to the system module of the transport layer. More... | |
class | SystemSettings |
A base class for accessing settings that control the overall behaviour of a device driver. More... | |
class | SystemV4L2 |
A class containing mvV4L2 specific settings to control the overall behaviour of the driver(Device specific interface layout only). More... | |
class | TAcquisitionField |
Defines which field triggers the start of the acquisition (deprecated. More... | |
class | TAcquisitionMode |
Defines valid acquisition modes. More... | |
class | TAcquisitionStartStopBehaviour |
Defines valid modes for acquisition start/stop behaviour. More... | |
class | TAoiMode |
Defines valid Area Of Interest modes. More... | |
class | TAutoControlMode |
Defines valid auto control modes. More... | |
class | TAutoControlSpeed |
Defines valid auto-control speed modes. More... | |
class | TAutoExposureControl |
Defines valid AEC( Automatic Exposure Control ) modes. More... | |
class | TAutoGainControl |
Defines valid AGC( Automatic Gain Control ) modes. More... | |
class | TAutoOffsetCalibration |
Defines valid offset calibration modes. More... | |
class | TBayerConversionMode |
Defines the Bayer conversion algorithm to use. More... | |
class | TBayerMosaicParity |
Defines valid Bayer formats. More... | |
class | TBayerWhiteBalanceResult |
Defines valid results of a white balance calibration. More... | |
class | TBlueFOXDigitalInputThreshold |
Defines valid thresholds( in Volt ) for the digital inputs of the. More... | |
class | TBlueFOXFooterMode |
Defines the footer mode of the mvBlueFOX. More... | |
class | TBlueFOXInfoSensorCapabilities |
Defines valid image sensor capabilities. More... | |
class | TBlueFOXOffsetAutoBlackSpeed |
Defines Offset Auto Calibration Controller Speed. More... | |
class | TBlueFOXSensorTiming |
Sensor timing options. More... | |
class | TBlueFOXTransferSize |
Defines the block size used for the USB transfer of the mvBlueFOX. More... | |
class | TBoolean |
Defines a Boolean value type. More... | |
class | TBufferPartDataType |
Defines buffer part data types. More... | |
class | TCallbackType |
Defines the type of callback to register. More... | |
class | TCameraAoiMode |
Defines the camera Aoi modes. More... | |
class | TCameraBinningMode |
Defines valid binning modes for the camera. More... | |
class | TCameraDataFormat |
Defines the data format the camera is sending (deprecated. More... | |
class | TCameraExposeMode |
Defines recognized camera sensor expose modes. More... | |
class | TCameraExternalSyncEdge |
Some grabbers are able to get the video signal and sync signals ( HD-IN, VD-IN ) on separate lines. More... | |
class | TCameraExternalSyncOutput |
Some grabbers are able to get the video signal and the sync signal on different input pins. More... | |
class | TCameraFlashMode |
Defines valid camera flash modes. More... | |
class | TCameraFlashType |
Defines valid camera flash control types. More... | |
class | TCameraHDRMode |
Defines valid camera High Dynamic Range modes. More... | |
class | TCameraInterlacedType |
Defines how the camera transmits its video signal (deprecated. More... | |
class | TCameraLinkDataValidMode |
Defines how the camera transmits the DVAL signal defined in the CameraLink® standard (deprecated. More... | |
class | TCameraOutput |
Defines valid ways a camera can offer image data to a capture device (deprecated. More... | |
class | TCameraPixelClock |
Defines valid camera pixel frequencies. More... | |
class | TCameraScanMode |
Defines valid scan modes for the a camera. More... | |
class | TCameraSerialPortBaudRate |
Defines valid baud rates for serial port communication between frame grabber and camera (deprecated. More... | |
class | TCameraShutterMode |
Defines recognized camera sensor shutter modes. More... | |
class | TCameraTapsXGeometry |
Multitap cameras can transmit data in different ways. More... | |
class | TCameraTapsYGeometry |
Multi-tap cameras can transmit data in different ways. More... | |
class | TCameraTestMode |
Defines valid transmission modes for the camera. More... | |
class | TCameraTriggerMode |
Defines valid camera sensor trigger modes. More... | |
class | TCameraTriggerSource |
Defined valid camera sensor trigger source values. More... | |
class | TChannelSplitMode |
Defines valid modes for channel split filters. More... | |
class | TClampMode |
Clamp signal means, that an AC coupled video signal is clamped on the porch to get a signal transfer with less noise and independent from the d.c. More... | |
class | TColorProcessingMode |
Defines the color processing mode. More... | |
class | TColorTwistInputCorrectionMatrixMode |
Defines valid values for input color correction matrices. More... | |
class | TColorTwistOutputCorrectionMatrixMode |
Defines valid values for output color correction matrices. More... | |
class | TComponentFlag |
Flags defining access rights and other component properties. More... | |
class | TComponentRepresentation |
Defines valid recommended representations for features. More... | |
class | TComponentType |
Allowed components handled by this module. More... | |
class | TComponentVisibility |
Defines valid recommended visibilities for features. More... | |
class | TDarkCurrentFilterMode |
Defines valid modes for the dark current filter. More... | |
class | TDefectivePixelsFilterMode |
Defines valid modes for defective pixels filter. More... | |
class | TDeviceAccessMode |
Defines valid device access modes. More... | |
class | TDeviceAdvancedOptions |
Defines valid advanced options. More... | |
class | TDeviceAutoNegotiatePacketSizeMode |
Defines the way the packet size auto negotiation is handled for GigE Vision™ devices. More... | |
class | TDeviceCapability |
Defines valid device capabilities. More... | |
class | TDeviceClass |
Defines valid generic device classes. More... | |
class | TDeviceDigitalOutputMode |
Defines grabber specific digital output modes. More... | |
class | TDeviceImageTrigger |
Defines acquisition start event if using pulse sequences (deprecated. More... | |
class | TDeviceInterfaceLayout |
Defines valid interface layouts for the device. More... | |
class | TDeviceListType |
Defines valid interface list types, which can be located using an instance of mvIMPACT.acquire.DeviceComponentLocator. More... | |
class | TDeviceLoadSettings |
Defines valid modes for the loading of settings during initialization. More... | |
class | TDevicePowerMode |
Defines the power mode for this device. More... | |
class | TDeviceScanRateMode |
Defines valid device scan rate mode. More... | |
class | TDeviceSignalOutputStartEvent |
Defines valid moments to start the signal generation on the digital outputs. More... | |
class | TDeviceState |
Defines valid Device states. More... | |
class | TDeviceSyncOutMode |
Valid sync. More... | |
class | TDeviceTriggerInterface |
Defines which trigger interface is currently active for the device. More... | |
class | TDeviceTriggerMode |
Valid trigger modes for frame grabber boards. More... | |
class | TDeviceTriggerOverlap |
Specifies the type trigger overlap permitted with the previous frame. More... | |
class | TDigIOState |
Defines valid digital I/O states. More... | |
class | TDigitalIOMeasurementMode |
Defines valid IO Measurement Modes. More... | |
class | TDigitalIOMeasurementSource |
Defines valid IO Measurement Sources. More... | |
class | TDigitalOutputControlMode |
Defines valid ways to create signals on a digital output (deprecated. More... | |
class | TDigitalSignal |
Defines valid digital source signal constants that can be used to configure a devices behaviour in certain digital I/O related modes (deprecated. More... | |
class | TDisplayMode |
Defines valid display modes. More... | |
class | TDMR_ERROR |
Errors reported by the device manager. More... | |
class | TestControl |
Category for Test Control features. More... | |
class | TFieldGateMode |
The field gate is used to detect the field ( odd or even ) for interlaced video signals (deprecated. More... | |
class | TFirmwareUpdateAction |
Defines valid steps for the actual firmware update process. More... | |
class | TFirmwareUpdateStep |
Defines valid steps for the actual firmware update process. More... | |
class | TFlatFieldFilterCorrectionMode |
Defines valid modes for the flat field correction. More... | |
class | TFlatFieldFilterMode |
Defines valid modes for the flat field filter. More... | |
class | TFormatFlags |
Defines valid display pixel formats. More... | |
class | THWUpdateResult |
Defines valid Device HW update results. More... | |
class | TI2COperationMode |
Valid I2C operation modes. More... | |
class | TI2COperationStatus |
Valid I2C operation status values. More... | |
class | TImageBufferFormatReinterpreterMode |
Valid image buffer format reinterpreter modes. More... | |
class | TImageBufferPixelFormat |
Valid image buffer pixel formats. More... | |
class | TImageDestinationPixelFormat |
Defines the pixel format of the result image. More... | |
class | TImageDisplayError |
Defines valid error values for this module. More... | |
class | TImageFileFormat |
Defines valid image file formats. More... | |
class | TImageProcessingFilter |
Defines valid filters which can be applied to the captured image before it is transferred to the user. More... | |
class | TImageProcessingMode |
Defines valid modes the internal image processing pipeline can be operated in. More... | |
class | TImageProcessingOptimization |
Defines valid modes the internal image processing algorithms can be operated in. More... | |
class | TImageProcessingResult |
Defines valid values for the result of a certain image processing algorithm applied to a request. More... | |
class | TImageRequestControlMode |
Defines the behaviour of an mvIMPACT.acquire.ImageRequestControl. More... | |
class | TImageRequestParam |
Defines valid image request parameters. More... | |
class | TImpactBufferFlag |
Flags to define the way an mvIMPACT buffer is created and handled. More... | |
class | TInfoSensorColorMode |
Defines the type of camera sensor. More... | |
class | TInfoSensorColorPattern |
Defines the bayer pattern of the sensor. More... | |
class | TInfoSensorType |
Defines the type of camera sensor. More... | |
class | TInterfaceEnumerationBehaviour |
Defines the enumeration behaviour of a certain interface of a third party GenTL producer. More... | |
class | TInterlacedMode |
Defines how to handle interlaced image data (deprecated. More... | |
class | TInterpolationMode |
Defines valid scaler interpolation modes. More... | |
class | TLibraryQuery |
Defines valid libraries to query information from. More... | |
class | TLineCounter |
Currently available for mvTITAN/mvGAMMA-CL (deprecated. More... | |
class | TLUTGammaMode |
Defines valid LUT(LookUp Table) gamma modes. More... | |
class | TLUTImplementation |
Defines valid LUT(LookUp Table) implementations. More... | |
class | TLUTInterpolationMode |
Defines valid LUT(LookUp Table) interpolation modes. More... | |
class | TLUTMapping |
Defines valid LUT(LookUp Table) mapping modes. More... | |
class | TLUTMode |
Defines valid LUT(LookUp Table) modes. More... | |
class | TMemoryManagerMode |
Defines valid modes to operate the memory manager in. More... | |
class | TMemoryManagerPoolMode |
Defines the pool mode of memory manager. More... | |
class | TMirrorMode |
Defines valid mirror modes. More... | |
class | TMirrorOperationMode |
Defines valid mirror operation modes. More... | |
class | TOnBoardMemoryMode |
Defines valid modes for the handling of the device' on board memory (if available) (deprecated. More... | |
class | TPayloadType |
Defines supported payload types. More... | |
class | TPolarizedDataExtractionInterpolationMode |
Defines valid modes for the interpolation mode of polarization data extraction filters. More... | |
class | TPolarizedDataExtractionMode |
Defines valid modes for polarization data extraction filters. More... | |
class | TPropertyLimits |
Defines valid limits which can be queried for a mvIMPACT.acquire.Property object. More... | |
Error codes of the module handling everything related to properties. More... | |
class | TPulseStartTrigger |
Defines valid pulse start trigger values. More... | |
class | TransferControl |
Category for the data Transfer Control features. More... | |
class | TransportLayerControl |
Category that contains the transport Layer control features. More... | |
class | TRequestImageMemoryMode |
Defines valid image modes for request objects. More... | |
class | TRequestResult |
Defines valid result of an image request. More... | |
class | TRequestState |
Defines the current state of this mvIMPACT.acquire.Request. More... | |
class | TRequestTransmissionMode |
Defines valid request transmission modes. More... | |
class | TriggerControl |
A class to configure the behaviour of trigger signals. More... | |
class | TRTCtrlModes |
Defines valid RTCtrl Modes. More... | |
class | TRTProgOpCodes |
Defines valid RTProg OpCodes. More... | |
class | TScalerInterpolationMode |
Defines valid scaler interpolation modes. More... | |
class | TScalerMode |
Defines valid scaler modes. More... | |
class | TScanClock |
Analogue grabbers generate its scan clock on different ways (deprecated. More... | |
class | TScanStandard |
Defines valid scan modes for standard cameras (deprecated. More... | |
class | TScope |
Defines the scope for data import/export operations. More... | |
class | TSequencerSetParameter |
Defines valid parameters that can be modified within a sequencer set at runtime. More... | |
class | TStorageFlag |
Defines the way component lists are imported and exported. More... | |
class | TStorageLocation |
Defines valid storage locations for component list import, export and delete operations. More... | |
class | TTriggerMoment |
Defines a trigger moment for a digital signal. More... | |
class | TUserDataAccessRight |
Defines valid flags for controlling the user access rights to the user data that can be stored in the devices non-volatile memory. More... | |
class | TUserDataReconnectBehaviour |
Defined valid values for the behaviour of the user data when a device has been disconnected and reconnected within a running process. More... | |
class | TValueType |
Allowed values types for property objects. More... | |
class | TVideoCodec |
Defines valid video codecs that might be supported by the underlying video compression engine. More... | |
class | TVideoStandard |
Defines valid video standards that might be supported by a video capture device. More... | |
class | TVirtualDeviceImageType |
Defines valid image types used when capturing data from a certain directory. More... | |
class | TVirtualDeviceTestMode |
Defines valid test modes for virtual devices. More... | |
class | TWhiteBalanceCalibrationMode |
Defines valid white balance calibration modes. More... | |
class | TWhiteBalanceParameter |
Defines valid parameter sets selectable via the WhiteBalance property. More... | |
class | UserData |
A helper class to work with the device specific non-volatile memory(if available). More... | |
class | UserDataEntry |
A helper class that represents one entry in the devices non-volatile memory (if available). More... | |
class | UserSetControl |
Category that contains the User Set control features. More... | |
class | VideoStream |
A class to create compressed video stream from images captured or loaded using the Impact Acquire API. More... | |
class | VideoStreamPauseScope |
A smaller helper class for pausing a video stream for a defined time. More... | |
class | WhiteBalancer |
Convenience class to provide an easy way for a more precise white balance calibration. More... | |
class | WhiteBalanceSettings |
Properties for adjusting the colors during a Bayer conversion. More... | |