Impact Acquire SDK Java
Package mvIMPACT.acquire


class  acquire
interface  acquireConstants
class  acquireJNI
class  AcquisitionControl
 Category for the acquisition and trigger control features. More...
class  ActionControl
 Category that contains the Action control features. More...
class  AnalogControl
 Category that contains the Analog control features. More...
class  AutoControlParameters
 A class to control the automatic control parameters of a device(Device specific interface layout only). More...
class  BasicDeviceSettings
 A base class for essential device related settings. More...
class  BasicDeviceSettingsWithAOI
 A base class for camera related settings(Device specific interface layout only). More...
class  BufferPart
 Contains information about a specific part of a captured buffer. More...
class  CameraDescriptionBase
 A base class to describe a camera (Device specific interface layout only) connected to a frame grabber (deprecated. More...
class  CameraDescriptionCameraLink
 A class to describe a CameraLink® compliant camera(Device specific interface layout only) (deprecated. More...
class  CameraDescriptionDigital
 A class to describe a non-standard digital video signal(Device specific interface layout only) (deprecated. More...
class  CameraDescriptionDigitalBase
 A base class to describe an arbitrary digital camera signal(Device specific interface layout only) (deprecated. More...
class  CameraDescriptionDigitalBase2
 A base class to describe an arbitrary digital camera signal(Device specific interface layout only) (deprecated. More...
class  CameraDescriptionManager
 Grants access to camera description objects(Device specific interface layout only) (deprecated. More...
class  CameraDescriptionNonStandard
 A class describing non-standard video cameras(Device specific interface layout only) (deprecated. More...
class  CameraDescriptionSDI
 A base class to describe an SDI(Serial Digital Interface) camera signal (Device specific interface layout only) (deprecated. More...
class  CameraDescriptionStandard
 A class describing analogue standard compliant video cameras(Device specific interface layout only) (deprecated. More...
class  CameraDescriptionStandardBase
 An internal base class to describe standard analogue video cameras(Device specific interface layout only) (deprecated. More...
class  CameraSettingsBase
 A base class for camera related settings(Device specific interface layout only). More...
class  CameraSettingsBlueCOUGAR
 mvBlueCOUGAR related camera settings (Device specific interface layout only). More...
class  CameraSettingsBlueDevice
 A base class for camera related settings belonging to the mvBlueXXX-series (Device specific interface layout only). More...
class  CameraSettingsBlueFOX
 mvBlueFOX related camera settings(Device specific interface layout only). More...
class  CameraSettingsFrameGrabber
 A class to access frame grabber related camera settings(Device specific interface layout only) (deprecated. More...
class  CameraSettingsV4L2Device
 mvV4L2 related camera settings(Device specific interface layout only). More...
class  CameraSettingsVirtualDevice
 mvVirtualDevice related camera settings(Device specific interface layout only). More...
class  ChannelData
 A structure for image buffer channel specific data. More...
class  ChunkDataControl
 Category that contains the Chunk Data control features. More...
class  ColorTransformationControl
 Category that contains the Color Transformation control features. More...
class  Component
 A base class to implement access to internal driver components. More...
class  ComponentAccess
 A base class to implement access to internal driver objects. More...
class  ComponentCallback
 A simple helper class to wrap the creation of a callback object. More...
class  ComponentCollection
 A base class for sets of properties that can be modified by the user. More...
class  ComponentList
 A class to provide access to component lists. More...
class  ComponentLocator
 A class to locate components within the driver. More...
class  ComponentLocatorBase
 A base class to locate components within the driver. More...
class  ComponentVector
class  Connector
 A class describing how a video signal source(e.g. More...
class  CounterAndTimerControl
 Category that contains the Counter and Timer control features. More...
class  CustomCommandGenerator
 Contains convenience functions to control features understood by a devices custom command interpreter. More...
class  DataStreamModule
 Category that contains items that belong to the data stream module of the transport layer. More...
class  DepthControl
 Adjustment and triggering of the depth image for 3D control. More...
class  Device
 This class and its functions represent an actual device detected by this interface in the current system. More...
class  DeviceComponentLocator
 A class to locate components within the driver. More...
class  DeviceControl
 Classes and functions that will be available if the device is used. More...
class  DeviceManager
 Grants access to devices that can be operated by this software interface. More...
class  DeviceModule
 Category contains items that belong to the device module of the transport layer. More...
class  DigitalInput
 A class to represent a digital input pin(Device specific interface layout only). More...
class  DigitalIOControl
 Category that contains the digital input and output control features. More...
class  DigitalIOMeasurementControl
 Properties for configuring settings belonging to the digital I/O measurement(Device specific interface layout only). More...
class  DigitalOutput
 A class to represent a digital output pin(Device specific interface layout only). More...
class  DoubleVector
class  ECantAccessData
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_LIST_CANT_ACCESS_DATA error. More...
class  ECantAllocateNewList
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_CANT_ALLOCATE_LIST error. More...
class  ECantRegisterComponent
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_CANT_REGISTER_COMPONENT error. More...
class  ECantSerializeData
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_CANT_SERIALIZE_DATA error. More...
class  EComponent
 A base class for mvIMPACT.acquire.Component object related exceptions from the property module. More...
class  EComponentIDInvalid
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_COMPONENT_ID_INVALID error. More...
class  EComponentNotFound
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND error. More...
class  EDeviceManager
 A base class for device manager related exceptions. More...
class  EImplementationMissing
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_IMPLEMENTATION_MISSING error. More...
class  EIncompatibleComponents
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_INCOMPATIBLE_COMPONENTS error. More...
class  EInputBufferTooSmall
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_INPUT_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL error. More...
class  EInvalidFileContent
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_INVALID_FILE_CONTENT error. More...
class  EInvalidInputParameter
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_INVALID_INPUT_PARAMETER error. More...
class  EInvalidListID
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_LIST_ID_INVALID error. More...
class  EInvalidParameterList
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_METHOD_INVALID_PARAM_LIST error. More...
class  EInvalidValue
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_INVALID_PROP_VALUE error. More...
class  EInvalidValueType
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_INVALID_PROP_VALUE_TYPE error. More...
class  EListEntryOccupied
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_LIST_ENTRY_OCCUPIED error. More...
class  EMethod
 A base class for mvIMPACT.acquire.Method object related exceptions from the property module. More...
class  EMethodPtrInvalid
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_METHOD_PTR_INVALID error. More...
class  EncoderControl
 Category that contains the quadrature Encoder Control features. More...
class  ENoModifySizeRights
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_NO_MODIFY_SIZE_RIGHTS error. More...
class  ENoReadRights
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_NO_READ_RIGHTS error. More...
class  ENotAList
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_NOT_A_LIST error. More...
class  ENotAMethod
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_NOT_A_METHOD error. More...
class  ENotAProperty
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_NOT_A_PROPERTY error. More...
class  ENoWriteRights
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_NO_WRITE_RIGHTS error. More...
class  EProperty
 A base class for mvIMPACT.acquire.Property related exceptions from the property module. More...
class  EPropertyHandling
 A base class for exceptions related to the property module. More...
class  EPropertyList
 A base class for component list related exceptions from the property module. More...
class  ESizeMismatch
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_SIZE_MISMATCH error. More...
class  ETranslationTableCorrupted
class  ETranslationTableNotDefined
class  EUnsupportedOperation
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION error. More...
class  EUnsupportedParameter
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_UNSUPPORTED_PARAMETER error. More...
class  EValidationFailed
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_PROP_VALIDATION_FAILED error. More...
class  EValIDOutOfBounds
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_PROP_VAL_ID_OUT_OF_BOUNDS error. More...
class  EValTooLarge
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_PROP_VAL_TOO_LARGE error. More...
class  EValTooSmall
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_PROP_VAL_TOO_SMALL error. More...
class  EventControl
 Category that contains Event control features. More...
class  EWrongParamCount
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.TPROPHANDLING_ERROR.PROPHANDLING_WRONG_PARAM_COUNT error. More...
class  ExceptionFactory
 A factory class to raise Impact Acquire related exceptions. More...
class  FileAccessControl
 Category that contains the File Access control features. More...
class  FirmwareUpdater
 A class to perform a firmware update of a specific device. More...
class  FullSettingsBase
 A base class that provides access to the most common settings for a device. More...
class  FunctionInterface
 The function interface to devices supported by this interface. More...
class  GainOffsetKneeChannelParameters
 Properties for configuring settings belonging to a certain channel of the GainOffsetKnee filter. More...
class  GenTLDriverConfigurator
 A class that contains items to configure the behaviour of the GenICam GenTL driver stack. More...
class  GenTLProducerConfiguration
 A class that contains items to configure the behaviour of the GenICam GenTL driver stack. More...
class  GenTLProducerConfigurationVector
class  HDRControl
 A class to control the HDR (High Dynamic Range) parameters of a device (Device specific interface layout only). More...
class  HDRKneePoint
 A class to configure a HDR (High Dynamic Range) knee point (Device specific interface layout only). More...
class  I2CControl
 Properties for accessing features belonging to the I2C control(Device specific interface layout only). More...
class  ImageBuffer
 Fully describes a captured image. More...
class  ImageBufferDesc
 A wrapper class to handle mvIMPACT.acquire.ImageBuffer structures. More...
class  ImageDestination
 Properties to define the format of resulting images. More...
class  ImageDisplay
 A class that can be used for displaying images within existing windows or GUI elements that can provide a window handle. More...
class  ImageDisplayWindow
 A class that can be used to display images in a window. More...
class  ImageFormatControl
 Category for Image Format Control features. More...
class  ImageMemoryManager
 An interface class to access DMA memory related properties(Device specific interface layout only). More...
class  ImageProcessing
 Base class for image processing related properties. More...
class  ImageRequestControl
 A helper class to control the way an image request will be processed. More...
class  ImpactAcquireException
 A base class for exceptions generated by Impact Acquire. More...
class  Info
 A base class to access various general information about the device and its driver. More...
class  InfoBlueCOUGAR
 A more specific class to query information about a mvBlueCOUGAR devices and its driver(Device specific interface layout only). More...
class  InfoBlueDevice
 A more specific class to query information about a mvBlueDevice device and its driver(Device specific interface layout only). More...
class  InfoBlueFOX
 A more specific class to query information about a mvBlueFOX device and its driver(Device specific interface layout only). More...
class  Int64Vector
class  InterfaceModule
 Category that contains items that belong to the interface module of the transport layer. More...
class  IntVector
class  IOSubSystem
 A base class to handle digital inputs and outputs(Device specific interface layout only). More...
class  IOSubSystemBlueFOX
 A class to handle the digital inputs and outputs for mvBlueFOX USB cameras(Device specific interface layout only). More...
class  IOSubSystemCommon
 A base class to handle the digital inputs and outputs for devices (Device specific interface layout only). More...
class  IOSubSystemFrameGrabber
 A class to handle the digital inputs and outputs for frame grabber devices(Device specific interface layout only) (deprecated. More...
class  LensControlBase
 Contains convenience functions to control features understood by generic lens adapters. More...
class  LensControlBirger
 Contains convenience functions to control features understood by Birger Engineering, Inc. More...
class  LightControl
 Category containing the Lighting control features. More...
class  LogicBlockControl
 Category that contains the Logic Block control features. More...
class  LUTControl
 Category that includes the LUT control features. More...
class  LUTParameters
 Properties for configuring settings belonging to a certain LUT (Look Up Table) to be applied to a captured image. More...
class  Method
 A class to call arbitrary driver functions. More...
class  MirrorParameters
 Properties for configuring settings belonging to the mirror filter that processes a certain channel of a captured image. More...
class  MotorFocusControl
 Properties for configuring settings belonging to the motor focus control (Device specific interface layout only). More...
class  mvAutoFeatureControl
 Contains features to control the image controllers. More...
class  mvCurrentControl
 Category that contains features to control the devices Current Control parameters. More...
class  mvDefectivePixelCorrectionControl
 Contains features to control the device's defective pixel correction parameters. More...
class  mvFFCControl
 Contains features to control the devices Flat Field Correction parameters. More...
class  mvFrameAverageControl
 Category that contains features to control the frame averaging engine. More...
class  mvHDRControl
 Category that contains features to control the devices High Dynamic Range parameters. More...
class  mvI2cInterfaceControl
 Contains features to control the I2C interface. More...
class  mvLensControl
 Contains features to control motorized lenses. More...
class  mvLogicGateControl
 Category that contains features to control the devices Logic Gate Control parameters. More...
class  mvSerialInterfaceControl
 Contains features to control the serial interface. More...
class  OpticControl
 Category for optical control features. More...
class  OutputSignalGeneratorBlueDevice
 A class to create complex digital output signals(Device specific interface layout only). More...
class  OutputSignalGeneratorFrameGrabber
 A class to create complex digital output signals(Device specific interface layout only) (deprecated. More...
class  Property
 A base class for properties. More...
class  PropertyF
 A template class to represent float properties and enumerated float properties. More...
class  PropertyI
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyI64
 A template class to represent 64 bit integer properties and enumerated 64 bit integer properties. More...
class  PropertyPtr
 A class to represent pointer properties. More...
class  PropertyS
 A class to represent string properties. More...
class  PulseStartConfiguration
 A class to configure the creation of digital signals passed to one or more of the digital outputs of a device(Device specific interface layout only). More...
class  Request
 Contains information about a captured buffer. More...
class  RequestFactory
 A default request factory. More...
class  RequestInfoConfiguration
 Properties to configure which information shall be attached to the resulting images. More...
class  RTCtrProgram
 A class to represent real time control programs(Device specific interface layout only). More...
class  RTCtrProgramStep
 A class to represent one step of a real time control(RTCtr) program (Device specific interface layout only). More...
class  Scan3dControl
 Category for control of 3D camera specific features. More...
class  SequencerControl
 Category for the Sequencer Control features. More...
class  SettingsBlueFOX
 This class provides access to general settings as well as to settings which are unique for the mvBlueFOX(Device specific interface layout only). More...
class  SoftwareSignalControl
 Category that contains the Software Signal Control features. More...
class  SourceControl
 Category that contains the source control features. More...
class  Statistics
 Contains basic statistical information. More...
class  StringDoublePair
class  StringDoubleVector
class  StringInt64Pair
class  StringInt64Vector
class  StringIntPair
class  StringIntVector
class  StringPropertyIMap
class  StringVector
class  SWIGTYPE_p_BrushHandle
class  SWIGTYPE_p_ColorValue
class  SWIGTYPE_p_p_void
class  SWIGTYPE_p_std__string
class  SWIGTYPE_p_std__vectorT_void_p_t
class  SWIGTYPE_p_void
class  SWIGTYPE_p_WindowHandle
class  SyncOutput
 A class to represent a sync. More...
class  SystemBlueFOX
 A class containing mvBlueFOX specific settings to control the overall behaviour of the driver(Device specific interface layout only). More...
class  SystemModule
 Category that contains items that belong to the system module of the transport layer. More...
class  SystemSettings
 A base class for accessing settings that control the overall behaviour of a device driver. More...
class  SystemV4L2
 A class containing mvV4L2 specific settings to control the overall behaviour of the driver(Device specific interface layout only). More...
class  TAcquisitionField
 Defines which field triggers the start of the acquisition (deprecated. More...
class  TAcquisitionMode
 Defines valid acquisition modes. More...
class  TAcquisitionStartStopBehaviour
 Defines valid modes for acquisition start/stop behaviour. More...
class  TAoiMode
 Defines valid Area Of Interest modes. More...
class  TAutoControlMode
 Defines valid auto control modes. More...
class  TAutoControlSpeed
 Defines valid auto-control speed modes. More...
class  TAutoExposureControl
 Defines valid AEC( Automatic Exposure Control ) modes. More...
class  TAutoGainControl
 Defines valid AGC( Automatic Gain Control ) modes. More...
class  TAutoOffsetCalibration
 Defines valid offset calibration modes. More...
class  TBayerConversionMode
 Defines the Bayer conversion algorithm to use. More...
class  TBayerMosaicParity
 Defines valid Bayer formats. More...
class  TBayerWhiteBalanceResult
 Defines valid results of a white balance calibration. More...
class  TBlueFOXDigitalInputThreshold
 Defines valid thresholds( in Volt ) for the digital inputs of the. More...
class  TBlueFOXFooterMode
 Defines the footer mode of the mvBlueFOX. More...
class  TBlueFOXInfoSensorCapabilities
 Defines valid image sensor capabilities. More...
class  TBlueFOXOffsetAutoBlackSpeed
 Defines Offset Auto Calibration Controller Speed. More...
class  TBlueFOXSensorTiming
 Sensor timing options. More...
class  TBlueFOXTransferSize
 Defines the block size used for the USB transfer of the mvBlueFOX. More...
class  TBoolean
 Defines a Boolean value type. More...
class  TBufferPartDataType
 Defines buffer part data types. More...
class  TCallbackType
 Defines the type of callback to register. More...
class  TCameraAoiMode
 Defines the camera Aoi modes. More...
class  TCameraBinningMode
 Defines valid binning modes for the camera. More...
class  TCameraDataFormat
 Defines the data format the camera is sending (deprecated. More...
class  TCameraExposeMode
 Defines recognized camera sensor expose modes. More...
class  TCameraExternalSyncEdge
 Some grabbers are able to get the video signal and sync signals ( HD-IN, VD-IN ) on separate lines. More...
class  TCameraExternalSyncOutput
 Some grabbers are able to get the video signal and the sync signal on different input pins. More...
class  TCameraFlashMode
 Defines valid camera flash modes. More...
class  TCameraFlashType
 Defines valid camera flash control types. More...
class  TCameraHDRMode
 Defines valid camera High Dynamic Range modes. More...
class  TCameraInterlacedType
 Defines how the camera transmits its video signal (deprecated. More...
class  TCameraLinkDataValidMode
 Defines how the camera transmits the DVAL signal defined in the CameraLink® standard (deprecated. More...
class  TCameraOutput
 Defines valid ways a camera can offer image data to a capture device (deprecated. More...
class  TCameraPixelClock
 Defines valid camera pixel frequencies. More...
class  TCameraScanMode
 Defines valid scan modes for the a camera. More...
class  TCameraSerialPortBaudRate
 Defines valid baud rates for serial port communication between frame grabber and camera (deprecated. More...
class  TCameraShutterMode
 Defines recognized camera sensor shutter modes. More...
class  TCameraTapsXGeometry
 Multitap cameras can transmit data in different ways. More...
class  TCameraTapsYGeometry
 Multi-tap cameras can transmit data in different ways. More...
class  TCameraTestMode
 Defines valid transmission modes for the camera. More...
class  TCameraTriggerMode
 Defines valid camera sensor trigger modes. More...
class  TCameraTriggerSource
 Defined valid camera sensor trigger source values. More...
class  TChannelSplitMode
 Defines valid modes for channel split filters. More...
class  TClampMode
 Clamp signal means, that an AC coupled video signal is clamped on the porch to get a signal transfer with less noise and independent from the d.c. More...
class  TColorProcessingMode
 Defines the color processing mode. More...
class  TColorTwistInputCorrectionMatrixMode
 Defines valid values for input color correction matrices. More...
class  TColorTwistOutputCorrectionMatrixMode
 Defines valid values for output color correction matrices. More...
class  TComponentFlag
 Flags defining access rights and other component properties. More...
class  TComponentRepresentation
 Defines valid recommended representations for features. More...
class  TComponentType
 Allowed components handled by this module. More...
class  TComponentVisibility
 Defines valid recommended visibilities for features. More...
class  TDarkCurrentFilterMode
 Defines valid modes for the dark current filter. More...
class  TDefectivePixelsFilterMode
 Defines valid modes for defective pixels filter. More...
class  TDeviceAccessMode
 Defines valid device access modes. More...
class  TDeviceAdvancedOptions
 Defines valid advanced options. More...
class  TDeviceAutoNegotiatePacketSizeMode
 Defines the way the packet size auto negotiation is handled for GigE Vision™ devices. More...
class  TDeviceCapability
 Defines valid device capabilities. More...
class  TDeviceClass
 Defines valid generic device classes. More...
class  TDeviceDigitalOutputMode
 Defines grabber specific digital output modes. More...
class  TDeviceImageTrigger
 Defines acquisition start event if using pulse sequences (deprecated. More...
class  TDeviceInterfaceLayout
 Defines valid interface layouts for the device. More...
class  TDeviceListType
 Defines valid interface list types, which can be located using an instance of mvIMPACT.acquire.DeviceComponentLocator. More...
class  TDeviceLoadSettings
 Defines valid modes for the loading of settings during initialization. More...
class  TDevicePowerMode
 Defines the power mode for this device. More...
class  TDeviceScanRateMode
 Defines valid device scan rate mode. More...
class  TDeviceSignalOutputStartEvent
 Defines valid moments to start the signal generation on the digital outputs. More...
class  TDeviceState
 Defines valid Device states. More...
class  TDeviceSyncOutMode
 Valid sync. More...
class  TDeviceTriggerInterface
 Defines which trigger interface is currently active for the device. More...
class  TDeviceTriggerMode
 Valid trigger modes for frame grabber boards. More...
class  TDeviceTriggerOverlap
 Specifies the type trigger overlap permitted with the previous frame. More...
class  TDigIOState
 Defines valid digital I/O states. More...
class  TDigitalIOMeasurementMode
 Defines valid IO Measurement Modes. More...
class  TDigitalIOMeasurementSource
 Defines valid IO Measurement Sources. More...
class  TDigitalOutputControlMode
 Defines valid ways to create signals on a digital output (deprecated. More...
class  TDigitalSignal
 Defines valid digital source signal constants that can be used to configure a devices behaviour in certain digital I/O related modes (deprecated. More...
class  TDisplayMode
 Defines valid display modes. More...
 Errors reported by the device manager. More...
class  TestControl
 Category for Test Control features. More...
class  TFieldGateMode
 The field gate is used to detect the field ( odd or even ) for interlaced video signals (deprecated. More...
class  TFirmwareUpdateAction
 Defines valid steps for the actual firmware update process. More...
class  TFirmwareUpdateStep
 Defines valid steps for the actual firmware update process. More...
class  TFlatFieldFilterCorrectionMode
 Defines valid modes for the flat field correction. More...
class  TFlatFieldFilterMode
 Defines valid modes for the flat field filter. More...
class  TFormatFlags
 Defines valid display pixel formats. More...
class  THWUpdateResult
 Defines valid Device HW update results. More...
class  TI2COperationMode
 Valid I2C operation modes. More...
class  TI2COperationStatus
 Valid I2C operation status values. More...
class  TImageBufferFormatReinterpreterMode
 Valid image buffer format reinterpreter modes. More...
class  TImageBufferPixelFormat
 Valid image buffer pixel formats. More...
class  TImageDestinationPixelFormat
 Defines the pixel format of the result image. More...
class  TImageDisplayError
 Defines valid error values for this module. More...
class  TImageFileFormat
 Defines valid image file formats. More...
class  TImageProcessingFilter
 Defines valid filters which can be applied to the captured image before it is transferred to the user. More...
class  TImageProcessingMode
 Defines valid modes the internal image processing pipeline can be operated in. More...
class  TImageProcessingOptimization
 Defines valid modes the internal image processing algorithms can be operated in. More...
class  TImageProcessingResult
 Defines valid values for the result of a certain image processing algorithm applied to a request. More...
class  TImageRequestControlMode
 Defines the behaviour of an mvIMPACT.acquire.ImageRequestControl. More...
class  TImageRequestParam
 Defines valid image request parameters. More...
class  TImpactBufferFlag
 Flags to define the way an mvIMPACT buffer is created and handled. More...
class  TInfoSensorColorMode
 Defines the type of camera sensor. More...
class  TInfoSensorColorPattern
 Defines the bayer pattern of the sensor. More...
class  TInfoSensorType
 Defines the type of camera sensor. More...
class  TInterfaceEnumerationBehaviour
 Defines the enumeration behaviour of a certain interface of a third party GenTL producer. More...
class  TInterlacedMode
 Defines how to handle interlaced image data (deprecated. More...
class  TInterpolationMode
 Defines valid scaler interpolation modes. More...
class  TLibraryQuery
 Defines valid libraries to query information from. More...
class  TLineCounter
 Currently available for mvTITAN/mvGAMMA-CL (deprecated. More...
class  TLUTGammaMode
 Defines valid LUT(LookUp Table) gamma modes. More...
class  TLUTImplementation
 Defines valid LUT(LookUp Table) implementations. More...
class  TLUTInterpolationMode
 Defines valid LUT(LookUp Table) interpolation modes. More...
class  TLUTMapping
 Defines valid LUT(LookUp Table) mapping modes. More...
class  TLUTMode
 Defines valid LUT(LookUp Table) modes. More...
class  TMemoryManagerMode
 Defines valid modes to operate the memory manager in. More...
class  TMemoryManagerPoolMode
 Defines the pool mode of memory manager. More...
class  TMirrorMode
 Defines valid mirror modes. More...
class  TMirrorOperationMode
 Defines valid mirror operation modes. More...
class  TOnBoardMemoryMode
 Defines valid modes for the handling of the device' on board memory (if available) (deprecated. More...
class  TPayloadType
 Defines supported payload types. More...
class  TPolarizedDataExtractionInterpolationMode
 Defines valid modes for the interpolation mode of polarization data extraction filters. More...
class  TPolarizedDataExtractionMode
 Defines valid modes for polarization data extraction filters. More...
class  TPropertyLimits
 Defines valid limits which can be queried for a mvIMPACT.acquire.Property object. More...
 Error codes of the module handling everything related to properties. More...
class  TPulseStartTrigger
 Defines valid pulse start trigger values. More...
class  TransferControl
 Category for the data Transfer Control features. More...
class  TransportLayerControl
 Category that contains the transport Layer control features. More...
class  TRequestImageMemoryMode
 Defines valid image modes for request objects. More...
class  TRequestResult
 Defines valid result of an image request. More...
class  TRequestState
 Defines the current state of this mvIMPACT.acquire.Request. More...
class  TRequestTransmissionMode
 Defines valid request transmission modes. More...
class  TriggerControl
 A class to configure the behaviour of trigger signals. More...
class  TRTCtrlModes
 Defines valid RTCtrl Modes. More...
class  TRTProgOpCodes
 Defines valid RTProg OpCodes. More...
class  TScalerInterpolationMode
 Defines valid scaler interpolation modes. More...
class  TScalerMode
 Defines valid scaler modes. More...
class  TScanClock
 Analogue grabbers generate its scan clock on different ways (deprecated. More...
class  TScanStandard
 Defines valid scan modes for standard cameras (deprecated. More...
class  TScope
 Defines the scope for data import/export operations. More...
class  TSequencerSetParameter
 Defines valid parameters that can be modified within a sequencer set at runtime. More...
class  TStorageFlag
 Defines the way component lists are imported and exported. More...
class  TStorageLocation
 Defines valid storage locations for component list import, export and delete operations. More...
class  TTriggerMoment
 Defines a trigger moment for a digital signal. More...
class  TUserDataAccessRight
 Defines valid flags for controlling the user access rights to the user data that can be stored in the devices non-volatile memory. More...
class  TUserDataReconnectBehaviour
 Defined valid values for the behaviour of the user data when a device has been disconnected and reconnected within a running process. More...
class  TValueType
 Allowed values types for property objects. More...
class  TVideoCodec
 Defines valid video codecs that might be supported by the underlying video compression engine. More...
class  TVideoStandard
 Defines valid video standards that might be supported by a video capture device. More...
class  TVirtualDeviceImageType
 Defines valid image types used when capturing data from a certain directory. More...
class  TVirtualDeviceTestMode
 Defines valid test modes for virtual devices. More...
class  TWhiteBalanceCalibrationMode
 Defines valid white balance calibration modes. More...
class  TWhiteBalanceParameter
 Defines valid parameter sets selectable via the WhiteBalance property. More...
class  UserData
 A helper class to work with the device specific non-volatile memory(if available). More...
class  UserDataEntry
 A helper class that represents one entry in the devices non-volatile memory (if available). More...
class  UserSetControl
 Category that contains the User Set control features. More...
class  VideoStream
 A class to create compressed video stream from images captured or loaded using the Impact Acquire API. More...
class  VideoStreamPauseScope
 A smaller helper class for pausing a video stream for a defined time. More...
class  WhiteBalancer
 Convenience class to provide an easy way for a more precise white balance calibration. More...
class  WhiteBalanceSettings
 Properties for adjusting the colors during a Bayer conversion. More...