Impact Acquire SDK Java
TDeviceAdvancedOptions Class Reference

Defines valid advanced options. More...

Static Public Attributes

static final int daoEmbeddedImageInfo = acquireJNI.daoEmbeddedImageInfo_get()
 Embed sensor specific info into the image readout buffer.
static final int daoEnablePerChannelOffsetCorrection = acquireJNI.daoEnablePerChannelOffsetCorrection_get()
 Enable per channel offset correction.
static final int daoImageAverage = acquireJNI.daoImageAverage_get()
 Calculate the average intensity value of the image and return as part of the request.
static final int daoLowFrameRateOptimization = acquireJNI.daoLowFrameRateOptimization_get()
 Enable low frame rate optimization.
static final int daoLowLight = acquireJNI.daoLowLight_get()
 Put camera in low light mode.
static final int daoOff = acquireJNI.daoOff_get()
 No advanced option selected.
static final int daoOnDemandTriggerPreShot = acquireJNI.daoOnDemandTriggerPreShot_get()
 Enable on demand trigger pre-shot option.
static final int daoPipelinedGainExposeControl = acquireJNI.daoPipelinedGainExposeControl_get()
 Enable pipelined Gain/Exposure control.
static final int daoTriggerSensorColumnCalibration = acquireJNI.daoTriggerSensorColumnCalibration_get()
 Trigger sensor column correction.
static final int daoUseRawSensorGain = acquireJNI.daoUseRawSensorGain_get()
 Enable raw sensor gain.

Detailed Description

Defines valid advanced options.

These enums may be 'ored' together.

Member Data Documentation

◆ daoEmbeddedImageInfo

final int daoEmbeddedImageInfo = acquireJNI.daoEmbeddedImageInfo_get()

Embed sensor specific info into the image readout buffer.

◆ daoEnablePerChannelOffsetCorrection

final int daoEnablePerChannelOffsetCorrection = acquireJNI.daoEnablePerChannelOffsetCorrection_get()

Enable per channel offset correction.

Allow per channel offset correction in non auto offset mode for sensors with a Bayer (RGGB) based analog path. The per channel offset value will be added to the master offset (Offset_pc).

◆ daoImageAverage

final int daoImageAverage = acquireJNI.daoImageAverage_get()

Calculate the average intensity value of the image and return as part of the request.

◆ daoLowFrameRateOptimization

final int daoLowFrameRateOptimization = acquireJNI.daoLowFrameRateOptimization_get()

Enable low frame rate optimization.

This will result in a much reduced variation in the offset signal when changing the sensor frame rate or running the sensor at low frame rates. The offset will change slightly if switched on and the signal response is slightly reduced.

◆ daoLowLight

final int daoLowLight = acquireJNI.daoLowLight_get()

Put camera in low light mode.

This is a special feature offered by some sensors. Typically this will enable an additional analogue gain that will increase both the luminance and the noise of the resulting image. This feature can not be configured any further and there also is no additional information available on this topic.

◆ daoOff

final int daoOff = acquireJNI.daoOff_get()

No advanced option selected.

◆ daoOnDemandTriggerPreShot

final int daoOnDemandTriggerPreShot = acquireJNI.daoOnDemandTriggerPreShot_get()

Enable on demand trigger pre-shot option.

This will trigger an internal image capture cycle on the sensor prior to the user requested frame. Can be used to remove variations in image quality when working with unstable frame rates.


◆ daoPipelinedGainExposeControl

final int daoPipelinedGainExposeControl = acquireJNI.daoPipelinedGainExposeControl_get()

Enable pipelined Gain/Exposure control.

This will result in a changed exposure or gain value becoming active not with the next frame but the one after that. Changing Gain/Exposure will be faster in pipelined Gain/Exposure control mode.


◆ daoTriggerSensorColumnCalibration

final int daoTriggerSensorColumnCalibration = acquireJNI.daoTriggerSensorColumnCalibration_get()

Trigger sensor column correction.

When switched on this triggers a single column correction calibration process when requesting an image. To do it again switch it off and on again. This should be done while no acquisition is running. Changing gain or AOI could make such a recalibration necessary.

◆ daoUseRawSensorGain

final int daoUseRawSensorGain = acquireJNI.daoUseRawSensorGain_get()

Enable raw sensor gain.

Use mathematical correct gain for sensor setting. Thus increasing the gain by 6 dB will actually result in a factor of 2. However with this option enabled the gain range will include values so low that the pixel saturation charge will be with in ADC digitizer range thus an over-saturated image will contain pixels that do NOT contain the maximum value for the given pixel format.
