Impact Acquire SDK Java
TImageProcessingMode Class Reference

Defines valid modes the internal image processing pipeline can be operated in. More...

Static Public Attributes

static final int ipmDefault = acquireJNI.ipmDefault_get()
 The default mode where every image is processed in the order they have been acquired.
static final int ipmProcessLatestOnly = acquireJNI.ipmProcessLatestOnly_get()
 This mode can be useful for applications where processing on the host takes longer than the average time between two consecutive frames transmitted by the device.

Detailed Description

Defines valid modes the internal image processing pipeline can be operated in.


Member Data Documentation

◆ ipmDefault

final int ipmDefault = acquireJNI.ipmDefault_get()

The default mode where every image is processed in the order they have been acquired.

◆ ipmProcessLatestOnly

final int ipmProcessLatestOnly = acquireJNI.ipmProcessLatestOnly_get()

This mode can be useful for applications where processing on the host takes longer than the average time between two consecutive frames transmitted by the device.

This might be useful for applications that display the processed result but that also want to capture data at the highest possible frame rate and is not important that EVERY image gets processed.

This mode might result in images being returned without the expected processing on the host.
See also