Impact Acquire SDK Java

Category that contains the digital input and output control features. More...

Public Member Functions

synchronized void delete ()
 DigitalIOControl (Device pDev)
 Constructs a new mvIMPACT.acquire.DigitalIOControl object.
 DigitalIOControl (Device pDev, String settingName)
 Constructs a new mvIMPACT.acquire.DigitalIOControl object.
PropertyI64 getLineFormat ()
 An enumerated integer property.
PropertyI getLineInverter ()
 A boolean property.
PropertyI64 getLineMode ()
 An enumerated integer property.
PropertyI64 getLineSelector ()
 An enumerated integer property.
PropertyI64 getLineSource ()
 An enumerated integer property.
PropertyI getLineStatus ()
 A boolean property.
PropertyI64 getLineStatusAll ()
 An integer property.
PropertyI getMvEnable12VPowerOut ()
 A boolean property.
PropertyI64 getMvLineDebounceTimeFallingEdge ()
 An integer property.
PropertyI64 getMvLineDebounceTimeRisingEdge ()
 An integer property.
PropertyI64 getMvLineLED ()
 An enumerated integer property.
PropertyI64 getMvRTMInputSelector ()
 An enumerated integer property.
PropertyI64 getMvRTMSource ()
 An enumerated integer property.
PropertyI64 getUserOutputSelector ()
 An enumerated integer property.
PropertyI getUserOutputValue ()
 A boolean property.
PropertyI64 getUserOutputValueAll ()
 An integer property.
PropertyI64 getUserOutputValueAllMask ()
 An integer property.

Protected Member Functions

 DigitalIOControl (long cPtr, boolean cMemoryOwn)
void finalize ()

Static Protected Member Functions

static long swigRelease (DigitalIOControl obj)

Protected Attributes

transient boolean swigCMemOwn

Detailed Description

Category that contains the digital input and output control features.

A category that contains the digital input and output control features.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ DigitalIOControl() [1/3]

DigitalIOControl ( long cPtr,
boolean cMemoryOwn )

◆ DigitalIOControl() [2/3]

DigitalIOControl ( Device pDev,
String settingName )

Constructs a new mvIMPACT.acquire.DigitalIOControl object.

pDev[in] A pointer to a mvIMPACT.acquire.Device object obtained from a mvIMPACT.acquire.DeviceManager object.
settingName[in] The name of the driver internal setting to access with this instance. A list of valid setting names can be obtained by a call to mvIMPACT.acquire.FunctionInterface.getAvailableSettings, new settings can be created with the function mvIMPACT.acquire.FunctionInterface.createSetting

◆ DigitalIOControl() [3/3]

Constructs a new mvIMPACT.acquire.DigitalIOControl object.

pDev[in] A pointer to a mvIMPACT.acquire.Device object obtained from a mvIMPACT.acquire.DeviceManager object. A list of valid setting names can be obtained by a call to mvIMPACT.acquire.FunctionInterface.getAvailableSettings, new settings can be created with the function mvIMPACT.acquire.FunctionInterface.createSetting

Member Function Documentation

◆ delete()

synchronized void delete ( )

◆ finalize()

void finalize ( )

◆ getLineFormat()

PropertyI64 getLineFormat ( )

An enumerated integer property.

Controls the current electrical format of the selected physical input or output Line.

Controls the current electrical format of the selected physical input or output Line.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • NoConnect (Display string: 'No Connect'): The Line is not connected.
  • TriState (Display string: 'Tri State'): The Line is currently in Tri-State mode (Not driven).
  • TTL (Display string: 'TTL'): The Line is currently accepting or sending TTL level signals.
  • LVDS (Display string: 'LVDS'): The Line is currently accepting or sending LVDS level signals.
  • RS422 (Display string: 'RS 422'): The Line is currently accepting or sending RS422 level signals.
  • OptoCoupled (Display string: 'Opto Coupled'): The Line is opto-coupled.
  • OpenDrain (Display string: 'Open Drain'): The Line is Open Drain (or Open Collector).
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT.acquire.PropertyI.getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ getLineInverter()

PropertyI getLineInverter ( )

A boolean property.

Controls the inversion of the signal of the selected input or output Line.

Controls the inversion of the signal of the selected input or output Line.

◆ getLineMode()

PropertyI64 getLineMode ( )

An enumerated integer property.

Controls if the physical Line is used to Input or Output a signal.

Controls if the physical Line is used to Input or Output a signal.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Input (Display string: 'Input'): The selected physical line is used to Input an electrical signal.
  • Output (Display string: 'Output'): The selected physical line is used to Output an electrical signal.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT.acquire.PropertyI.getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ getLineSelector()

PropertyI64 getLineSelector ( )

An enumerated integer property.

Selects the physical line (or pin) of the external device connector or the virtual line of the Transport Layer to configure.

Selects the physical line (or pin) of the external device connector or the virtual line of the Transport Layer to configure.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • CC1 (Display string: 'CC 1'): Index of the Camera Link physical line and associated I/O control block to use. This ensures a direct mapping between the lines on the frame grabber and on the camera. Applicable to CameraLink Product only.
  • CC2 (Display string: 'CC 2'): Index of the Camera Link physical line and associated I/O control block to use. This ensures a direct mapping between the lines on the frame grabber and on the camera. Applicable to CameraLink Product only.
  • CC3 (Display string: 'CC 3'): Index of the Camera Link physical line and associated I/O control block to use. This ensures a direct mapping between the lines on the frame grabber and on the camera. Applicable to CameraLink Product only.
  • CC4 (Display string: 'CC 4'): Index of the Camera Link physical line and associated I/O control block to use. This ensures a direct mapping between the lines on the frame grabber and on the camera. Applicable to CameraLink Product only.
  • CC5 (Display string: 'CC 5'): Index of the Camera Link physical line and associated I/O control block to use. This ensures a direct mapping between the lines on the frame grabber and on the camera. Applicable to CameraLink Product only.
  • CC6 (Display string: 'CC 6'): Index of the Camera Link physical line and associated I/O control block to use. This ensures a direct mapping between the lines on the frame grabber and on the camera. Applicable to CameraLink Product only.
  • CC7 (Display string: 'CC 7'): Index of the Camera Link physical line and associated I/O control block to use. This ensures a direct mapping between the lines on the frame grabber and on the camera. Applicable to CameraLink Product only.
  • CC8 (Display string: 'CC 8'): Index of the Camera Link physical line and associated I/O control block to use. This ensures a direct mapping between the lines on the frame grabber and on the camera. Applicable to CameraLink Product only.
  • CC9 (Display string: 'CC 9'): Index of the Camera Link physical line and associated I/O control block to use. This ensures a direct mapping between the lines on the frame grabber and on the camera. Applicable to CameraLink Product only.
  • CC10 (Display string: 'CC 10'): Index of the Camera Link physical line and associated I/O control block to use. This ensures a direct mapping between the lines on the frame grabber and on the camera. Applicable to CameraLink Product only.
  • CC11 (Display string: 'CC 11'): Index of the Camera Link physical line and associated I/O control block to use. This ensures a direct mapping between the lines on the frame grabber and on the camera. Applicable to CameraLink Product only.
  • CC12 (Display string: 'CC 12'): Index of the Camera Link physical line and associated I/O control block to use. This ensures a direct mapping between the lines on the frame grabber and on the camera. Applicable to CameraLink Product only.
  • CC13 (Display string: 'CC 13'): Index of the Camera Link physical line and associated I/O control block to use. This ensures a direct mapping between the lines on the frame grabber and on the camera. Applicable to CameraLink Product only.
  • CC14 (Display string: 'CC 14'): Index of the Camera Link physical line and associated I/O control block to use. This ensures a direct mapping between the lines on the frame grabber and on the camera. Applicable to CameraLink Product only.
  • CC15 (Display string: 'CC 15'): Index of the Camera Link physical line and associated I/O control block to use. This ensures a direct mapping between the lines on the frame grabber and on the camera. Applicable to CameraLink Product only.
  • Line0 (Display string: 'Line 0'): Index of the physical line and associated I/O control block to use.
  • Line1 (Display string: 'Line 1'): Index of the physical line and associated I/O control block to use.
  • Line2 (Display string: 'Line 2'): Index of the physical line and associated I/O control block to use.
  • Line3 (Display string: 'Line 3'): Index of the physical line and associated I/O control block to use.
  • Line4 (Display string: 'Line 4'): Index of the physical line and associated I/O control block to use.
  • Line5 (Display string: 'Line 5'): Index of the physical line and associated I/O control block to use.
  • Line6 (Display string: 'Line 6'): Index of the physical line and associated I/O control block to use.
  • Line7 (Display string: 'Line 7'): Index of the physical line and associated I/O control block to use.
  • Line8 (Display string: 'Line 8'): Index of the physical line and associated I/O control block to use.
  • Line9 (Display string: 'Line 9'): Index of the physical line and associated I/O control block to use.
  • Line10 (Display string: 'Line 10'): Index of the physical line and associated I/O control block to use.
  • Line11 (Display string: 'Line 11'): Index of the physical line and associated I/O control block to use.
  • Line12 (Display string: 'Line 12'): Index of the physical line and associated I/O control block to use.
  • Line13 (Display string: 'Line 13'): Index of the physical line and associated I/O control block to use.
  • Line14 (Display string: 'Line 14'): Index of the physical line and associated I/O control block to use.
  • Line15 (Display string: 'Line 15'): Index of the physical line and associated I/O control block to use.
  • LinkTrigger0 (Display string: 'Link Trigger 0'): Index of the virtual line going on the Transport layer to use.
  • LinkTrigger1 (Display string: 'Link Trigger 1'): Index of the virtual line going on the Transport layer to use.
  • LinkTrigger2 (Display string: 'Link Trigger 2'): Index of the virtual line going on the Transport layer to use.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT.acquire.PropertyI.getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

See lineStatusAll to find out which line corresponds to which input or output of your device

◆ getLineSource()

PropertyI64 getLineSource ( )

An enumerated integer property.

Selects which internal acquisition or I/O source signal to output on the selected Line.

Selects which internal acquisition or I/O source signal to output on the selected Line. LineMode must be Output.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • AcquisitionActive (Display string: 'Acquisition Active'): Device is currently doing an acquisition of one or many Frames.
  • AcquisitionTrigger (Display string: 'Acquisition Trigger'): Device is currently waiting for a trigger for the capture of one or many Frames.
  • AcquisitionTriggerMissed (Display string: 'Acquisition Trigger Missed'): Device has missed an Acquisition start trigger.
  • AcquisitionTriggerWait (Display string: 'Acquisition Trigger Wait'): Device is currently waiting for a trigger for the capture of one or many Frames.
  • Counter0Active (Display string: 'Counter 0 Active'): The chosen counter is in active state (counting).
  • Counter1Active (Display string: 'Counter 1 Active'): The chosen counter is in active state (counting).
  • Counter2Active (Display string: 'Counter 2 Active'): The chosen counter is in active state (counting).
  • Counter3Active (Display string: 'Counter 3 Active'): The chosen counter is in active state (counting).
  • Counter4Active (Display string: 'Counter 4 Active'): The chosen counter is in active state (counting).
  • Counter5Active (Display string: 'Counter 5 Active'): The chosen counter is in active state (counting).
  • Counter6Active (Display string: 'Counter 6 Active'): The chosen counter is in active state (counting).
  • Counter7Active (Display string: 'Counter 7 Active'): The chosen counter is in active state (counting).
  • Counter8Active (Display string: 'Counter 8 Active'): The chosen counter is in active state (counting).
  • Encoder0 (Display string: 'Encoder 0'): The chosen Encoder Output state.
  • Encoder1 (Display string: 'Encoder 1'): The chosen Encoder Output state.
  • Encoder2 (Display string: 'Encoder 2'): The chosen Encoder Output state.
  • ExposureActive (Display string: 'Exposure Active'): Device is doing the exposure of a Frame (or Line).
  • ExposureAlternateActive (Display string: 'Exposure Alternate Active')
  • FrameActive (Display string: 'Frame Active'): Device is currently doing the capture of a Frame.
  • FrameTrigger (Display string: 'Frame Trigger'): Device is currently waiting for a Frame start trigger.
  • FrameTriggerMissed (Display string: 'Frame Trigger Missed'): Device has missed a Frame start trigger.
  • FrameTriggerWait (Display string: 'Frame Trigger Wait'): Device is currently waiting for a Frame start trigger.
  • High (Display string: 'High')
  • LineActive (Display string: 'Line Active'): Device is currently doing the capture of a Line.
  • LineTrigger (Display string: 'Line Trigger'): Device is currently waiting for a Line start trigger.
  • LineTriggerMissed (Display string: 'Line Trigger Missed'): Device has missed a Line start trigger.
  • LineTriggerWait (Display string: 'Line Trigger Wait'): Device is currently waiting for a Line start trigger.
  • LogicBlock0 (Display string: 'Logic Block 0'): The choosen Logic Block output state.
  • LogicBlock1 (Display string: 'Logic Block 1'): The choosen Logic Block output state.
  • LogicBlock2 (Display string: 'Logic Block 2'): The choosen Logic Block output state.
  • Low (Display string: 'Low')
  • Off (Display string: 'Off'): Line output is disabled (Tri-State).
  • SoftwareSignal0 (Display string: 'Software Signal 0'): The choosen Software Signal output state.
  • SoftwareSignal1 (Display string: 'Software Signal 1'): The choosen Software Signal output state.
  • SoftwareSignal2 (Display string: 'Software Signal 2'): The choosen Software Signal output state.
  • Stream0TransferActive (Display string: 'Stream 0 Transfer Active'): Transfer on the stream is active.
  • Stream0TransferOverflow (Display string: 'Stream 0 Transfer Overflow'): Transfer on the stream is in overflow.
  • Stream0TransferPaused (Display string: 'Stream 0 Transfer Paused'): Transfer on the stream is paused.
  • Stream0TransferStopped (Display string: 'Stream 0 Transfer Stopped'): Transfer on the stream is stopped.
  • Stream0TransferStopping (Display string: 'Stream 0 Transfer Stopping'): Transfer on the stream is stopping.
  • Stream1TransferActive (Display string: 'Stream 1 Transfer Active'): Transfer on the stream is active.
  • Stream1TransferOverflow (Display string: 'Stream 1 Transfer Overflow'): Transfer on the stream is in overflow.
  • Stream1TransferPaused (Display string: 'Stream 1 Transfer Paused'): Transfer on the stream is paused.
  • Stream1TransferStopped (Display string: 'Stream 1 Transfer Stopped'): Transfer on the stream is stopped.
  • Stream1TransferStopping (Display string: 'Stream 1 Transfer Stopping'): Transfer on the stream is stopping.
  • Timer0Active (Display string: 'Timer 0 Active'): The chosen Timer is in active state.
  • Timer1Active (Display string: 'Timer 1 Active'): The chosen Timer is in active state.
  • Timer2Active (Display string: 'Timer 2 Active'): The chosen Timer is in active state.
  • UserOutput0 (Display string: 'User Output 0'): The chosen User Output Bit state as defined by its current UserOutputValue.
  • UserOutput1 (Display string: 'User Output 1'): The chosen User Output Bit state as defined by its current UserOutputValue.
  • UserOutput2 (Display string: 'User Output 2'): The chosen User Output Bit state as defined by its current UserOutputValue.
  • UserOutput3 (Display string: 'User Output 3'): The chosen User Output Bit state as defined by its current UserOutputValue.
  • UserOutput4 (Display string: 'User Output 4'): The chosen User Output Bit state as defined by its current UserOutputValue.
  • UserOutput5 (Display string: 'User Output 5'): The chosen User Output Bit state as defined by its current UserOutputValue.
  • UserOutput6 (Display string: 'User Output 6'): The chosen User Output Bit state as defined by its current UserOutputValue.
  • UserOutput7 (Display string: 'User Output 7'): The chosen User Output Bit state as defined by its current UserOutputValue.
  • mvExposureActive (Display string: 'mv Exposure Active')
  • mvExposureAndAcquisitionActive (Display string: 'mv Exposure And Acquisition Active')
  • mvExposureSensor2Active (Display string: 'mv Exposure Sensor 2 Active')
  • mvLogicGateOR1Output (Display string: 'mv Logic Gate OR 1 Output')
  • mvLogicGateOR2Output (Display string: 'mv Logic Gate OR 2 Output')
  • mvLogicGateOR3Output (Display string: 'mv Logic Gate OR 3 Output')
  • mvLogicGateOR4Output (Display string: 'mv Logic Gate OR 4 Output')
  • mvRTMOutput0 (Display string: 'mv RTM Output 0')
  • mvRTMOutput1 (Display string: 'mv RTM Output 1')
  • mvRTMOutput2 (Display string: 'mv RTM Output 2')
  • mvRTMOutput3 (Display string: 'mv RTM Output 3')
  • mvReadOutActive (Display string: 'mv Read Out Active')
  • mvTemperatureOutOfRange (Display string: 'mv Temperature Out Of Range')
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT.acquire.PropertyI.getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ getLineStatus()

PropertyI getLineStatus ( )

A boolean property.

Returns the current status of the selected input or output Line.

Returns the current status of the selected input or output Line.

◆ getLineStatusAll()

PropertyI64 getLineStatusAll ( )

An integer property.

Returns the current status of all available Line signals at time of polling in a single bit field.

Returns the current status of all available Line signals at time of polling in a single bit field.

The following table documents which bit in this property represents the state of which digital I/O for mvBlueCOUGAR-X and mvBlueFOX3 devices:

0out 0Line0
1out 1Line1
2out 2Line2
3out 3Line3
4in 0Line4
5in 1Line5

The following table documents which bit in this property represents the state of which digital I/O for mvBlueCOUGAR-X-POE devices:

0out 0Line0
1out 1Line1
4in 0Line4
5in 1Line5

The following table documents which bit in this property represents the state of which digital I/O for mvBlueCOUGAR-X-POEI mvBlueCOUGAR-XD devices:

0out 0Line0
1out 1Line1
2out 2Line2
3out 3Line3
4in 0Line4
5in 1Line5
6in 2Line6
7in 3Line7

◆ getMvEnable12VPowerOut()

PropertyI getMvEnable12VPowerOut ( )

A boolean property.

Enable 12V power out on MultipurposeIO POWER_OUT pin.

Enable 12V power out on MultipurposeIO POWER_OUT pin.

◆ getMvLineDebounceTimeFallingEdge()

PropertyI64 getMvLineDebounceTimeFallingEdge ( )

An integer property.

Sets the debounce time in micro seconds for high to low transitions.

Sets the debounce time in micro seconds for high to low transitions.

◆ getMvLineDebounceTimeRisingEdge()

PropertyI64 getMvLineDebounceTimeRisingEdge ( )

An integer property.

Sets the debounce time in micro seconds for low to high transitions.

Sets the debounce time in micro seconds for low to high transitions.

◆ getMvLineLED()

PropertyI64 getMvLineLED ( )

An enumerated integer property.

Selects the digital I/O line to be stated by the LED

Selects the digital I/O line to be stated by the LED

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Off (Display string: 'Off')
  • Line0 (Display string: 'Line 0')
  • Line1 (Display string: 'Line 1')
  • Line2 (Display string: 'Line 2')
  • Line3 (Display string: 'Line 3')
  • Line4 (Display string: 'Line 4')
  • Line5 (Display string: 'Line 5')
  • Line6 (Display string: 'Line 6')
  • Line7 (Display string: 'Line 7')
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT.acquire.PropertyI.getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ getMvRTMInputSelector()

PropertyI64 getMvRTMInputSelector ( )

An enumerated integer property.

Selects which RTM input to configure.

Selects which RTM input to configure.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • mvRTMInput0 (Display string: 'mv RTM Input 0')
  • mvRTMInput1 (Display string: 'mv RTM Input 1')
  • mvRTMInput2 (Display string: 'mv RTM Input 2')
  • mvRTMInput3 (Display string: 'mv RTM Input 3')
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT.acquire.PropertyI.getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ getMvRTMSource()

PropertyI64 getMvRTMSource ( )

An enumerated integer property.

Selects which signal to connect to the selected RTM input.

Selects which signal to connect to the selected RTM input.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Off (Display string: 'Off')
  • Line4 (Display string: 'Line 4')
  • Line5 (Display string: 'Line 5')
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT.acquire.PropertyI.getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ getUserOutputSelector()

PropertyI64 getUserOutputSelector ( )

An enumerated integer property.

Selects which bit of the User Output register will be set by UserOutputValue.

Selects which bit of the User Output register will be set by UserOutputValue.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • UserOutput0 (Display string: 'User Output 0'): Selects the bit 0 of the User Output register.
  • UserOutput1 (Display string: 'User Output 1'): Selects the bit 1 of the User Output register.
  • UserOutput2 (Display string: 'User Output 2'): Selects the bit 2 of the User Output register.
  • UserOutput3 (Display string: 'User Output 3'): Selects the bit 3 of the User Output register.
  • UserOutput4 (Display string: 'User Output 4'): Selects the bit 4 of the User Output register.
  • UserOutput5 (Display string: 'User Output 5'): Selects the bit 5 of the User Output register.
  • UserOutput6 (Display string: 'User Output 6'): Selects the bit 6 of the User Output register.
  • UserOutput7 (Display string: 'User Output 7'): Selects the bit 7 of the User Output register.
  • UserOutput8 (Display string: 'User Output 8'): Selects the bit 8 of the User Output register.
  • UserOutput9 (Display string: 'User Output 9'): Selects the bit 9 of the User Output register.
  • UserOutput10 (Display string: 'User Output 10'): Selects the bit 10 of the User Output register.
  • UserOutput11 (Display string: 'User Output 11'): Selects the bit 11 of the User Output register.
  • UserOutput12 (Display string: 'User Output 12'): Selects the bit 12 of the User Output register.
  • UserOutput13 (Display string: 'User Output 13'): Selects the bit 13 of the User Output register.
  • UserOutput14 (Display string: 'User Output 14'): Selects the bit 14 of the User Output register.
  • UserOutput15 (Display string: 'User Output 15'): Selects the bit 15 of the User Output register.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT.acquire.PropertyI.getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ getUserOutputValue()

PropertyI getUserOutputValue ( )

A boolean property.

Sets the value of the bit selected by UserOutputSelector.

Sets the value of the bit selected by UserOutputSelector.

◆ getUserOutputValueAll()

PropertyI64 getUserOutputValueAll ( )

An integer property.

Sets the value of all the bits of the User Output register.

Sets the value of all the bits of the User Output register. It is subject to the UserOutputValueAllMask.

◆ getUserOutputValueAllMask()

PropertyI64 getUserOutputValueAllMask ( )

An integer property.

Sets the write mask to apply to the value specified by UserOutputValueAll before writing it in the User Output register.

Sets the write mask to apply to the value specified by UserOutputValueAll before writing it in the User Output register. If the UserOutputValueAllMask feature is present, setting the user Output register using UserOutputValueAll will only change the bits that have a corresponding bit in the mask set to one.

◆ swigRelease()

static long swigRelease ( DigitalIOControl obj)

Member Data Documentation

◆ swigCMemOwn

transient boolean swigCMemOwn