Impact Acquire SDK Java
Defines valid test modes for virtual devices. More...
Static Public Attributes | |
static final int | vdtmBayerWhiteBalanceTestImage = acquireJNI.vdtmBayerWhiteBalanceTestImage_get() |
Will generate a still Bayer test pattern that can be used for white balancing. | |
static final int | vdtmEmptyMonoBuffer = acquireJNI.vdtmEmptyMonoBuffer_get() |
Will just allocate but not initialize a mono buffer. | |
static final int | vdtmHorizontalBayer12Packed_V1Ramp = acquireJNI.vdtmHorizontalBayer12Packed_V1Ramp_get() |
Will generate a horizontal Bayer ramp with pixel format mvIMPACT.acquire.TImageBufferPixelFormat.ibpfMono12Packed_V1. | |
static final int | vdtmHorizontalBayer12Packed_V2Ramp = acquireJNI.vdtmHorizontalBayer12Packed_V2Ramp_get() |
Will generate a horizontal Bayer ramp with pixel format mvIMPACT.acquire.TImageBufferPixelFormat.ibpfMono12Packed_V2. | |
static final int | vdtmHorizontalMono12Packed_V1Ramp = acquireJNI.vdtmHorizontalMono12Packed_V1Ramp_get() |
Will generate a horizontal mono ramp with pixel format mvIMPACT.acquire.TImageBufferPixelFormat.ibpfMono12Packed_V1. | |
static final int | vdtmHorizontalMono12Packed_V2Ramp = acquireJNI.vdtmHorizontalMono12Packed_V2Ramp_get() |
Will generate a horizontal mono ramp with pixel format mvIMPACT.acquire.TImageBufferPixelFormat.ibpfMono12Packed_V2. | |
static final int | vdtmHorizontalMonoRamp = acquireJNI.vdtmHorizontalMonoRamp_get() |
Will generate a horizontal mono ramp. | |
static final int | vdtmHotAndColdPixelTestImageBayer = acquireJNI.vdtmHotAndColdPixelTestImageBayer_get() |
Will generate a still Bayer test pattern for hot and cold pixel calibration. | |
static final int | vdtmHotAndColdPixelTestImageRGB888Packed = acquireJNI.vdtmHotAndColdPixelTestImageRGB888Packed_get() |
Will generate a still RGB8 test pattern for hot and cold pixel calibration. | |
static final int | vdtmImageDirectory = acquireJNI.vdtmImageDirectory_get() |
Will capture images from a user supplied directory. | |
static final int | vdtmLeakyPixelTestImageMono8Bayer = acquireJNI.vdtmLeakyPixelTestImageMono8Bayer_get() |
Will generate a still 8 bit Bayer test pattern for leaky pixel calibration. | |
static final int | vdtmMovingBayerDataRamp = acquireJNI.vdtmMovingBayerDataRamp_get() |
Will generate a moving Bayer test pattern. | |
static final int | vdtmMovingBGR888PackedImage = acquireJNI.vdtmMovingBGR888PackedImage_get() |
Will generate a moving test pattern with pixel format mvIMPACT.acquire.TImageBufferPixelFormat.ibpfBGR888Packed. | |
static final int | vdtmMovingBGRPacked_V2Image = acquireJNI.vdtmMovingBGRPacked_V2Image_get() |
Will generate a moving test pattern with pixel format mvIMPACT.acquire.TImageBufferPixelFormat.ibpfBGR101010Packed_V2. | |
static final int | vdtmMovingMonoRamp = acquireJNI.vdtmMovingMonoRamp_get() |
Will generate a moving horizontal test pattern with a mono pixel format. | |
static final int | vdtmMovingRGB101010PackedImage = acquireJNI.vdtmMovingRGB101010PackedImage_get() |
Will generate a moving test pattern with pixel format mvIMPACT.acquire.TImageBufferPixelFormat.ibpfRGB101010Packed. | |
static final int | vdtmMovingRGB121212PackedImage = acquireJNI.vdtmMovingRGB121212PackedImage_get() |
Will generate a moving test pattern with pixel format mvIMPACT.acquire.TImageBufferPixelFormat.ibpfRGB121212Packed. | |
static final int | vdtmMovingRGB141414PackedImage = acquireJNI.vdtmMovingRGB141414PackedImage_get() |
Will generate a moving test pattern with pixel format mvIMPACT.acquire.TImageBufferPixelFormat.ibpfRGB141414Packed. | |
static final int | vdtmMovingRGB161616PackedImage = acquireJNI.vdtmMovingRGB161616PackedImage_get() |
Will generate a moving test pattern with pixel format mvIMPACT.acquire.TImageBufferPixelFormat.ibpfRGB161616Packed. | |
static final int | vdtmMovingRGB888PackedImage = acquireJNI.vdtmMovingRGB888PackedImage_get() |
Will generate a moving test pattern with pixel format mvIMPACT.acquire.TImageBufferPixelFormat.ibpfRGB888Packed. | |
static final int | vdtmMovingRGB888PlanarImage = acquireJNI.vdtmMovingRGB888PlanarImage_get() |
Will generate a moving test pattern with pixel format mvIMPACT.acquire.TImageBufferPixelFormat.ibpfRGB888Planar. | |
static final int | vdtmMovingRGBx888PackedImage = acquireJNI.vdtmMovingRGBx888PackedImage_get() |
Will generate a moving test pattern with pixel format mvIMPACT.acquire.TImageBufferPixelFormat.ibpfRGBx888Packed. | |
static final int | vdtmMovingRGBx888PlanarImage = acquireJNI.vdtmMovingRGBx888PlanarImage_get() |
Will generate a moving test pattern with pixel format mvIMPACT.acquire.TImageBufferPixelFormat.ibpfRGBx888Planar. | |
static final int | vdtmMovingVerticalMonoRamp = acquireJNI.vdtmMovingVerticalMonoRamp_get() |
Will generate a moving vertical mono ramp. | |
static final int | vdtmMovingYUV411_UYYVYY_PackedRamp = acquireJNI.vdtmMovingYUV411_UYYVYY_PackedRamp_get() |
Will generate a moving test pattern with pixel format mvIMPACT.acquire.TImageBufferPixelFormat.ibpfYUV411_UYYVYY_Packed. | |
static final int | vdtmMovingYUV422_UYVYPackedRamp = acquireJNI.vdtmMovingYUV422_UYVYPackedRamp_get() |
Will generate a moving test pattern with pixel format mvIMPACT.acquire.TImageBufferPixelFormat.ibpfYUV422_UYVYPacked or mvIMPACT.acquire.TImageBufferPixelFormat.ibpfYUV422_UYVY_10Packed depending on the value of the 'ChannelBitDepth' property. | |
static final int | vdtmMovingYUV422PackedRamp = acquireJNI.vdtmMovingYUV422PackedRamp_get() |
Will generate a moving test pattern with pixel format mvIMPACT.acquire.TImageBufferPixelFormat.ibpfYUV422Packed or mvIMPACT.acquire.TImageBufferPixelFormat.ibpfYUV422_10Packed depending on the value of the 'ChannelBitDepth' property. | |
static final int | vdtmMovingYUV422PlanarRamp = acquireJNI.vdtmMovingYUV422PlanarRamp_get() |
Will generate a moving test pattern with pixel format mvIMPACT.acquire.TImageBufferPixelFormat.ibpfYUV422Planar. | |
static final int | vdtmMovingYUV444_UYVPackedRamp = acquireJNI.vdtmMovingYUV444_UYVPackedRamp_get() |
Will generate a moving test pattern with pixel format mvIMPACT.acquire.TImageBufferPixelFormat.ibpfYUV444_UYVPacked or mvIMPACT.acquire.TImageBufferPixelFormat.ibpfYUV444_UYV_10Packed depending on the value of the 'ChannelBitDepth' property. | |
static final int | vdtmMovingYUV444PackedRamp = acquireJNI.vdtmMovingYUV444PackedRamp_get() |
Will generate a moving test pattern with pixel format mvIMPACT.acquire.TImageBufferPixelFormat.ibpfYUV444Packed or mvIMPACT.acquire.TImageBufferPixelFormat.ibpfYUV444_10Packed depending on the value of the 'ChannelBitDepth' property. | |
static final int | vdtmVerticalMonoRamp = acquireJNI.vdtmVerticalMonoRamp_get() |
Will generate a vertical mono ramp. | |
Defines valid test modes for virtual devices.
static |
Will generate a still Bayer test pattern that can be used for white balancing.
static |
Will just allocate but not initialize a mono buffer.
static |
Will generate a horizontal Bayer ramp with pixel format mvIMPACT.acquire.TImageBufferPixelFormat.ibpfMono12Packed_V1.
static |
Will generate a horizontal Bayer ramp with pixel format mvIMPACT.acquire.TImageBufferPixelFormat.ibpfMono12Packed_V2.
static |
Will generate a horizontal mono ramp with pixel format mvIMPACT.acquire.TImageBufferPixelFormat.ibpfMono12Packed_V1.
static |
Will generate a horizontal mono ramp with pixel format mvIMPACT.acquire.TImageBufferPixelFormat.ibpfMono12Packed_V2.
static |
Will generate a horizontal mono ramp.
static |
Will generate a still Bayer test pattern for hot and cold pixel calibration.
static |
Will generate a still RGB8 test pattern for hot and cold pixel calibration.
static |
Will capture images from a user supplied directory.
static |
Will generate a still 8 bit Bayer test pattern for leaky pixel calibration.
static |
Will generate a moving Bayer test pattern.
static |
Will generate a moving test pattern with pixel format mvIMPACT.acquire.TImageBufferPixelFormat.ibpfBGR888Packed.
static |
Will generate a moving test pattern with pixel format mvIMPACT.acquire.TImageBufferPixelFormat.ibpfBGR101010Packed_V2.
static |
Will generate a moving horizontal test pattern with a mono pixel format.
static |
Will generate a moving test pattern with pixel format mvIMPACT.acquire.TImageBufferPixelFormat.ibpfRGB101010Packed.
static |
Will generate a moving test pattern with pixel format mvIMPACT.acquire.TImageBufferPixelFormat.ibpfRGB121212Packed.
static |
Will generate a moving test pattern with pixel format mvIMPACT.acquire.TImageBufferPixelFormat.ibpfRGB141414Packed.
static |
Will generate a moving test pattern with pixel format mvIMPACT.acquire.TImageBufferPixelFormat.ibpfRGB161616Packed.
static |
Will generate a moving test pattern with pixel format mvIMPACT.acquire.TImageBufferPixelFormat.ibpfRGB888Packed.
static |
Will generate a moving test pattern with pixel format mvIMPACT.acquire.TImageBufferPixelFormat.ibpfRGB888Planar.
static |
Will generate a moving test pattern with pixel format mvIMPACT.acquire.TImageBufferPixelFormat.ibpfRGBx888Packed.
static |
Will generate a moving test pattern with pixel format mvIMPACT.acquire.TImageBufferPixelFormat.ibpfRGBx888Planar.
static |
Will generate a moving vertical mono ramp.
static |
Will generate a moving test pattern with pixel format mvIMPACT.acquire.TImageBufferPixelFormat.ibpfYUV411_UYYVYY_Packed.
static |
Will generate a moving test pattern with pixel format mvIMPACT.acquire.TImageBufferPixelFormat.ibpfYUV422_UYVYPacked or mvIMPACT.acquire.TImageBufferPixelFormat.ibpfYUV422_UYVY_10Packed depending on the value of the 'ChannelBitDepth' property.
static |
Will generate a moving test pattern with pixel format mvIMPACT.acquire.TImageBufferPixelFormat.ibpfYUV422Packed or mvIMPACT.acquire.TImageBufferPixelFormat.ibpfYUV422_10Packed depending on the value of the 'ChannelBitDepth' property.
static |
Will generate a moving test pattern with pixel format mvIMPACT.acquire.TImageBufferPixelFormat.ibpfYUV422Planar.
static |
Will generate a moving test pattern with pixel format mvIMPACT.acquire.TImageBufferPixelFormat.ibpfYUV444_UYVPacked or mvIMPACT.acquire.TImageBufferPixelFormat.ibpfYUV444_UYV_10Packed depending on the value of the 'ChannelBitDepth' property.
static |
Will generate a moving test pattern with pixel format mvIMPACT.acquire.TImageBufferPixelFormat.ibpfYUV444Packed or mvIMPACT.acquire.TImageBufferPixelFormat.ibpfYUV444_10Packed depending on the value of the 'ChannelBitDepth' property.
static |
Will generate a vertical mono ramp.