Impact Acquire SDK Java
TDeviceListType Class Reference

Defines valid interface list types, which can be located using an instance of mvIMPACT.acquire.DeviceComponentLocator. More...

Static Public Attributes

static final int dltCameraDescriptions = acquireJNI.dltCameraDescriptions_get()
 Specifies the driver interface list providing access to the recognized camera description lists.
static final int dltDeviceSpecificData = acquireJNI.dltDeviceSpecificData_get()
 Specifies the driver interface list providing access to the device specific settings lists.
static final int dltImageMemoryManager = acquireJNI.dltImageMemoryManager_get()
 Specifies the driver interface list providing access to the devices memory manager list.
static final int dltInfo = acquireJNI.dltInfo_get()
 Specifies the driver interfaces list containing general information.
static final int dltIOSubSystem = acquireJNI.dltIOSubSystem_get()
 Specifies the driver interface list containing properties to work with any kind of I/O pin belonging to that device.
static final int dltLast = acquireJNI.dltLast_get()
 Defines the last entry in this enumeration.
static final int dltPseudoLast = acquireJNI.dltPseudoLast_get()
static final int dltRequest = acquireJNI.dltRequest_get()
 Specifies the list of driver owned image request objects.
static final int dltRequestCtrl = acquireJNI.dltRequestCtrl_get()
 Specifies a certain image request control.
static final int dltRTCtr = acquireJNI.dltRTCtr_get()
 Specifies the driver interface list providing access to the drivers Hardware Real-Time Controller (HRTC).
static final int dltSetting = acquireJNI.dltSetting_get()
 Specifies a certain setting.
static final int dltStatistics = acquireJNI.dltStatistics_get()
 Specifies the driver interface list containing statistical information.
static final int dltSystemSettings = acquireJNI.dltSystemSettings_get()
 Specifies the driver interface list containing properties, which influence the overall operation of the device.
static final int dltUndefined = acquireJNI.dltUndefined_get()
 A placeholder for an undefined list type.

Detailed Description

Defines valid interface list types, which can be located using an instance of mvIMPACT.acquire.DeviceComponentLocator.

Member Data Documentation

◆ dltCameraDescriptions

final int dltCameraDescriptions = acquireJNI.dltCameraDescriptions_get()

Specifies the driver interface list providing access to the recognized camera description lists.

Within this list all recognized camera descriptions can be found, each forming a sub list containing the properties describing the camera.

This feature is only available for frame grabber devices currently.

◆ dltDeviceSpecificData

final int dltDeviceSpecificData = acquireJNI.dltDeviceSpecificData_get()

Specifies the driver interface list providing access to the device specific settings lists.

This feature currently is only available for frame grabber devices.

◆ dltImageMemoryManager

final int dltImageMemoryManager = acquireJNI.dltImageMemoryManager_get()

Specifies the driver interface list providing access to the devices memory manager list.

This feature currently is only available for frame grabber devices.

This list will contain properties and lists providing access to settings related to the memory handling used by the device. E.g. the buffer size for individual DMA blocks can be configured here.

Properties in this list should only be modified by advanced users.

◆ dltInfo

final int dltInfo = acquireJNI.dltInfo_get()

Specifies the driver interfaces list containing general information.

This e.g. can be properties containing the driver version, the current state of the device and stuff like that.

◆ dltIOSubSystem

final int dltIOSubSystem = acquireJNI.dltIOSubSystem_get()

Specifies the driver interface list containing properties to work with any kind of I/O pin belonging to that device.

Here properties addressing the digital inputs and outputs and other I/O related properties can be found.

◆ dltLast

final int dltLast = acquireJNI.dltLast_get()

Defines the last entry in this enumeration.

This is always equal to the last 'real' enum value.

◆ dltPseudoLast

final int dltPseudoLast = acquireJNI.dltPseudoLast_get()

◆ dltRequest

final int dltRequest = acquireJNI.dltRequest_get()

Specifies the list of driver owned image request objects.

◆ dltRequestCtrl

final int dltRequestCtrl = acquireJNI.dltRequestCtrl_get()

Specifies a certain image request control.

An additional string defines the name of the setting to look for.

◆ dltRTCtr

final int dltRTCtr = acquireJNI.dltRTCtr_get()

Specifies the driver interface list providing access to the drivers Hardware Real-Time Controller (HRTC).

Here properties to control the behaviour of the HRTCs can be found.

This feature might not be available for every device.

◆ dltSetting

final int dltSetting = acquireJNI.dltSetting_get()

Specifies a certain setting.

An additional string defines the name of the setting to look for.

◆ dltStatistics

final int dltStatistics = acquireJNI.dltStatistics_get()

Specifies the driver interface list containing statistical information.

This list e.g. might contain the current frame rate, the total number of images captured, etc.

◆ dltSystemSettings

final int dltSystemSettings = acquireJNI.dltSystemSettings_get()

Specifies the driver interface list containing properties, which influence the overall operation of the device.

This list e.g. might contain the priority of the drivers internal worker thread, the number of request objects the driver shall work with, etc.

◆ dltUndefined

final int dltUndefined = acquireJNI.dltUndefined_get()

A placeholder for an undefined list type.