Impact Acquire SDK Java
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
 CAcquisitionControlCategory for the acquisition and trigger control features
 CActionControlCategory that contains the Action control features
 CAnalogControlCategory that contains the Analog control features
 CCameraDescriptionManagerGrants access to camera description objects(Device specific interface layout only) (deprecated
 CChannelDataA structure for image buffer channel specific data
 CChunkDataControlCategory that contains the Chunk Data control features
 CColorTransformationControlCategory that contains the Color Transformation control features
 CComponentAccessA base class to implement access to internal driver objects
 CComponentCallbackA simple helper class to wrap the creation of a callback object
 CComponentCollectionA base class for sets of properties that can be modified by the user
 CCounterAndTimerControlCategory that contains the Counter and Timer control features
 CCustomCommandGeneratorContains convenience functions to control features understood by a devices custom command interpreter
 CDeviceThis class and its functions represent an actual device detected by this interface in the current system
 CDeviceControlClasses and functions that will be available if the device is used
 CDigitalInputA class to represent a digital input pin(Device specific interface layout only)
 CDigitalIOControlCategory that contains the digital input and output control features
 CDigitalOutputA class to represent a digital output pin(Device specific interface layout only)
 CEncoderControlCategory that contains the quadrature Encoder Control features
 CEventControlCategory that contains Event control features
 CExceptionFactoryA factory class to raise Impact Acquire related exceptions
 CFileAccessControlCategory that contains the File Access control features
 CFirmwareUpdaterA class to perform a firmware update of a specific device
 CFullSettingsBaseA base class that provides access to the most common settings for a device
 CFunctionInterfaceThe function interface to devices supported by this interface
 CImageBufferFully describes a captured image
 CImageBufferDescA wrapper class to handle mvIMPACT.acquire.ImageBuffer structures
 CImageDisplayA class that can be used for displaying images within existing windows or GUI elements that can provide a window handle
 CImageFormatControlCategory for Image Format Control features
 CIOSubSystemA base class to handle digital inputs and outputs(Device specific interface layout only)
 CLensControlBaseContains convenience functions to control features understood by generic lens adapters
 CLightControlCategory containing the Lighting control features
 CLogicBlockControlCategory that contains the Logic Block control features
 CLUTControlCategory that includes the LUT control features
 CmvI2cInterfaceControlContains features to control the I2C interface
 COpticControlCategory for optical control features
 COutputSignalGeneratorBlueDeviceA class to create complex digital output signals(Device specific interface layout only)
 COutputSignalGeneratorFrameGrabberA class to create complex digital output signals(Device specific interface layout only) (deprecated
 CRequestContains information about a captured buffer
 CRequestFactoryA default request factory
 CScan3dControlCategory for control of 3D camera specific features
 CSequencerControlCategory for the Sequencer Control features
 CSoftwareSignalControlCategory that contains the Software Signal Control features
 CSourceControlCategory that contains the source control features
 CTAcquisitionFieldDefines which field triggers the start of the acquisition (deprecated
 CTAcquisitionModeDefines valid acquisition modes
 CTAcquisitionStartStopBehaviourDefines valid modes for acquisition start/stop behaviour
 CTAoiModeDefines valid Area Of Interest modes
 CTAutoControlModeDefines valid auto control modes
 CTAutoControlSpeedDefines valid auto-control speed modes
 CTAutoExposureControlDefines valid AEC( Automatic Exposure Control ) modes
 CTAutoGainControlDefines valid AGC( Automatic Gain Control ) modes
 CTAutoOffsetCalibrationDefines valid offset calibration modes
 CTBayerConversionModeDefines the Bayer conversion algorithm to use
 CTBayerMosaicParityDefines valid Bayer formats
 CTBayerWhiteBalanceResultDefines valid results of a white balance calibration
 CTBlueFOXDigitalInputThresholdDefines valid thresholds( in Volt ) for the digital inputs of the
 CTBlueFOXFooterModeDefines the footer mode of the mvBlueFOX
 CTBlueFOXInfoSensorCapabilitiesDefines valid image sensor capabilities
 CTBlueFOXOffsetAutoBlackSpeedDefines Offset Auto Calibration Controller Speed
 CTBlueFOXSensorTimingSensor timing options
 CTBlueFOXTransferSizeDefines the block size used for the USB transfer of the mvBlueFOX
 CTBooleanDefines a Boolean value type
 CTBufferPartDataTypeDefines buffer part data types
 CTCallbackTypeDefines the type of callback to register
 CTCameraAoiModeDefines the camera Aoi modes
 CTCameraBinningModeDefines valid binning modes for the camera
 CTCameraDataFormatDefines the data format the camera is sending (deprecated
 CTCameraExposeModeDefines recognized camera sensor expose modes
 CTCameraExternalSyncEdgeSome grabbers are able to get the video signal and sync signals ( HD-IN, VD-IN ) on separate lines
 CTCameraExternalSyncOutputSome grabbers are able to get the video signal and the sync signal on different input pins
 CTCameraFlashModeDefines valid camera flash modes
 CTCameraFlashTypeDefines valid camera flash control types
 CTCameraHDRModeDefines valid camera High Dynamic Range modes
 CTCameraInterlacedTypeDefines how the camera transmits its video signal (deprecated
 CTCameraLinkDataValidModeDefines how the camera transmits the DVAL signal defined in the CameraLink® standard (deprecated
 CTCameraOutputDefines valid ways a camera can offer image data to a capture device (deprecated
 CTCameraPixelClockDefines valid camera pixel frequencies
 CTCameraScanModeDefines valid scan modes for the a camera
 CTCameraSerialPortBaudRateDefines valid baud rates for serial port communication between frame grabber and camera (deprecated
 CTCameraShutterModeDefines recognized camera sensor shutter modes
 CTCameraTapsXGeometryMultitap cameras can transmit data in different ways
 CTCameraTapsYGeometryMulti-tap cameras can transmit data in different ways
 CTCameraTestModeDefines valid transmission modes for the camera
 CTCameraTriggerModeDefines valid camera sensor trigger modes
 CTCameraTriggerSourceDefined valid camera sensor trigger source values
 CTChannelSplitModeDefines valid modes for channel split filters
 CTClampModeClamp signal means, that an AC coupled video signal is clamped on the porch to get a signal transfer with less noise and independent from the d.c
 CTColorProcessingModeDefines the color processing mode
 CTColorTwistInputCorrectionMatrixModeDefines valid values for input color correction matrices
 CTColorTwistOutputCorrectionMatrixModeDefines valid values for output color correction matrices
 CTComponentFlagFlags defining access rights and other component properties
 CTComponentRepresentationDefines valid recommended representations for features
 CTComponentTypeAllowed components handled by this module
 CTComponentVisibilityDefines valid recommended visibilities for features
 CTDarkCurrentFilterModeDefines valid modes for the dark current filter
 CTDefectivePixelsFilterModeDefines valid modes for defective pixels filter
 CTDeviceAccessModeDefines valid device access modes
 CTDeviceAdvancedOptionsDefines valid advanced options
 CTDeviceAutoNegotiatePacketSizeModeDefines the way the packet size auto negotiation is handled for GigE Vision™ devices
 CTDeviceCapabilityDefines valid device capabilities
 CTDeviceClassDefines valid generic device classes
 CTDeviceDigitalOutputModeDefines grabber specific digital output modes
 CTDeviceImageTriggerDefines acquisition start event if using pulse sequences (deprecated
 CTDeviceInterfaceLayoutDefines valid interface layouts for the device
 CTDeviceListTypeDefines valid interface list types, which can be located using an instance of mvIMPACT.acquire.DeviceComponentLocator
 CTDeviceLoadSettingsDefines valid modes for the loading of settings during initialization
 CTDevicePowerModeDefines the power mode for this device
 CTDeviceScanRateModeDefines valid device scan rate mode
 CTDeviceSignalOutputStartEventDefines valid moments to start the signal generation on the digital outputs
 CTDeviceStateDefines valid Device states
 CTDeviceSyncOutModeValid sync
 CTDeviceTriggerInterfaceDefines which trigger interface is currently active for the device
 CTDeviceTriggerModeValid trigger modes for frame grabber boards
 CTDeviceTriggerOverlapSpecifies the type trigger overlap permitted with the previous frame
 CTDigIOStateDefines valid digital I/O states
 CTDigitalIOMeasurementModeDefines valid IO Measurement Modes
 CTDigitalIOMeasurementSourceDefines valid IO Measurement Sources
 CTDigitalOutputControlModeDefines valid ways to create signals on a digital output (deprecated
 CTDigitalSignalDefines valid digital source signal constants that can be used to configure a devices behaviour in certain digital I/O related modes (deprecated
 CTDisplayModeDefines valid display modes
 CTDMR_ERRORErrors reported by the device manager
 CTestControlCategory for Test Control features
 CTFieldGateModeThe field gate is used to detect the field ( odd or even ) for interlaced video signals (deprecated
 CTFirmwareUpdateActionDefines valid steps for the actual firmware update process
 CTFirmwareUpdateStepDefines valid steps for the actual firmware update process
 CTFlatFieldFilterCorrectionModeDefines valid modes for the flat field correction
 CTFlatFieldFilterModeDefines valid modes for the flat field filter
 CTFormatFlagsDefines valid display pixel formats
 CTHWUpdateResultDefines valid Device HW update results
 CTI2COperationModeValid I2C operation modes
 CTI2COperationStatusValid I2C operation status values
 CTImageBufferFormatReinterpreterModeValid image buffer format reinterpreter modes
 CTImageBufferPixelFormatValid image buffer pixel formats
 CTImageDestinationPixelFormatDefines the pixel format of the result image
 CTImageDisplayErrorDefines valid error values for this module
 CTImageFileFormatDefines valid image file formats
 CTImageProcessingFilterDefines valid filters which can be applied to the captured image before it is transferred to the user
 CTImageProcessingModeDefines valid modes the internal image processing pipeline can be operated in
 CTImageProcessingOptimizationDefines valid modes the internal image processing algorithms can be operated in
 CTImageProcessingResultDefines valid values for the result of a certain image processing algorithm applied to a request
 CTImageRequestControlModeDefines the behaviour of an mvIMPACT.acquire.ImageRequestControl
 CTImageRequestParamDefines valid image request parameters
 CTImpactBufferFlagFlags to define the way an mvIMPACT buffer is created and handled
 CTInfoSensorColorModeDefines the type of camera sensor
 CTInfoSensorColorPatternDefines the bayer pattern of the sensor
 CTInfoSensorTypeDefines the type of camera sensor
 CTInterfaceEnumerationBehaviourDefines the enumeration behaviour of a certain interface of a third party GenTL producer
 CTInterlacedModeDefines how to handle interlaced image data (deprecated
 CTInterpolationModeDefines valid scaler interpolation modes
 CTLibraryQueryDefines valid libraries to query information from
 CTLineCounterCurrently available for mvTITAN/mvGAMMA-CL (deprecated
 CTLUTGammaModeDefines valid LUT(LookUp Table) gamma modes
 CTLUTImplementationDefines valid LUT(LookUp Table) implementations
 CTLUTInterpolationModeDefines valid LUT(LookUp Table) interpolation modes
 CTLUTMappingDefines valid LUT(LookUp Table) mapping modes
 CTLUTModeDefines valid LUT(LookUp Table) modes
 CTMemoryManagerModeDefines valid modes to operate the memory manager in
 CTMemoryManagerPoolModeDefines the pool mode of memory manager
 CTMirrorModeDefines valid mirror modes
 CTMirrorOperationModeDefines valid mirror operation modes
 CTOnBoardMemoryModeDefines valid modes for the handling of the device' on board memory (if available) (deprecated
 CTPayloadTypeDefines supported payload types
 CTPolarizedDataExtractionInterpolationModeDefines valid modes for the interpolation mode of polarization data extraction filters
 CTPolarizedDataExtractionModeDefines valid modes for polarization data extraction filters
 CTPropertyLimitsDefines valid limits which can be queried for a mvIMPACT.acquire.Property object
 CTPROPHANDLING_ERRORError codes of the module handling everything related to properties
 CTPulseStartTriggerDefines valid pulse start trigger values
 CTransferControlCategory for the data Transfer Control features
 CTransportLayerControlCategory that contains the transport Layer control features
 CTRequestImageMemoryModeDefines valid image modes for request objects
 CTRequestResultDefines valid result of an image request
 CTRequestStateDefines the current state of this mvIMPACT.acquire.Request
 CTRequestTransmissionModeDefines valid request transmission modes
 CTRTCtrlModesDefines valid RTCtrl Modes
 CTRTProgOpCodesDefines valid RTProg OpCodes
 CTScalerInterpolationModeDefines valid scaler interpolation modes
 CTScalerModeDefines valid scaler modes
 CTScanClockAnalogue grabbers generate its scan clock on different ways (deprecated
 CTScanStandardDefines valid scan modes for standard cameras (deprecated
 CTScopeDefines the scope for data import/export operations
 CTSequencerSetParameterDefines valid parameters that can be modified within a sequencer set at runtime
 CTStorageFlagDefines the way component lists are imported and exported
 CTStorageLocationDefines valid storage locations for component list import, export and delete operations
 CTTriggerMomentDefines a trigger moment for a digital signal
 CTUserDataAccessRightDefines valid flags for controlling the user access rights to the user data that can be stored in the devices non-volatile memory
 CTUserDataReconnectBehaviourDefined valid values for the behaviour of the user data when a device has been disconnected and reconnected within a running process
 CTValueTypeAllowed values types for property objects
 CTVideoCodecDefines valid video codecs that might be supported by the underlying video compression engine
 CTVideoStandardDefines valid video standards that might be supported by a video capture device
 CTVirtualDeviceImageTypeDefines valid image types used when capturing data from a certain directory
 CTVirtualDeviceTestModeDefines valid test modes for virtual devices
 CTWhiteBalanceCalibrationModeDefines valid white balance calibration modes
 CTWhiteBalanceParameterDefines valid parameter sets selectable via the WhiteBalance property
 CUserDataA helper class to work with the device specific non-volatile memory(if available)
 CUserDataEntryA helper class that represents one entry in the devices non-volatile memory (if available)
 CUserSetControlCategory that contains the User Set control features
 CVideoStreamA class to create compressed video stream from images captured or loaded using the Impact Acquire API
 CVideoStreamPauseScopeA smaller helper class for pausing a video stream for a defined time
 CWhiteBalancerConvenience class to provide an easy way for a more precise white balance calibration