Balluff - BVS CA-MLC / BVS CA-IGC / mvBlueFOX Technical Documentation
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Legal Notice
Symbols and Conventions
Important Information
System Requirements
Installing the Impact Acquire driver
Connecting The Camera
Driver concept
Relationship between driver, firmware and FPGA file
About Settings
Optimizing USB Performance
Using USB2 Cameras In A Docker Container
Technical Data
Sensor Overview
GUI tools
HRTC - Hardware Real-Time Controller
Developing applications using the Impact Acquire SDK
DirectShow Interface
Accessing log files
VLC Media Player Issues
Error code list
Use Cases
Introducing acquisition / recording possibilities
Generating very long exposure times
Using Video Stream Recording
Improving the acquisition / image quality
Correcting image errors of a sensor
Optimizing the color/luminance fidelity of the camera
Working With Gain And Black-Level Values Per Color Channel
Saving data on the device
Creating user data entries
Working with several cameras simultaneously
Using 2 BVS CA-MLC cameras in Master-Slave mode
Synchronize the cameras to expose at the same time
Working with HDR (High Dynamic Range Control)
Adjusting sensor of camera models with onsemi MT9V034
Adjusting sensor of camera models with onsemi MT9M034
Working with I2C devices
Working with the I2C interface (I2C Control)
Using BVS CA-MLC with motorized lenses (MotorFocusControl)
Working with LUTs
Introducing LUTs
Working with triggers
Using external trigger with CMOS sensors
Working with 3rd party tools
Using VLC Media Player
Using USB2 Cameras In A Docker Container
Working with the Hardware Real-Time Controller (HRTC)
Achieve a defined image frequency (HRTC)
Delay the external trigger signal (HRTC)
Creating double acquisitions (HRTC)
Take two images after one external trigger (HRTC)
Take two images with different expose times after an external trigger (HRTC)
Edge controlled triggering (HRTC)
Delay the expose start of the following camera (HRTC)
Appendix A. Specific Camera / Sensor Data
mvBlueFOX-[Model]220 (0.3 Mpix [640 x 480])
Device Feature And Property List
mvBlueFOX-220G Features
mvBlueFOX-220C Features
mvBlueFOX-[Model]220a (0.3 Mpix [640 x 480])
Device Feature And Property List
mvBlueFOX-220aG Features
mvBlueFOX-220aC Features
mvBlueFOX-[Model]221 (0.8 Mpix [1024 x 768])
Device Feature And Property List
mvBlueFOX-221G Features
mvBlueFOX-221C Features
mvBlueFOX-[Model]223 (1.4 Mpix [1360 x 1024])
Device Feature And Property List
mvBlueFOX-223G Features
mvBlueFOX-223C Features
mvBlueFOX-[Model]224 (1.9 Mpix [1600 x 1200])
Device Feature And Property List
mvBlueFOX-224G Features
mvBlueFOX-224C Features
mvBlueFOX-[Model]200w (0.4 Mpix [752 x 480])
Device Feature And Property List
mvBlueFOX-200wG Features
mvBlueFOX-200wC Features
mvBlueFOX-[Model]202a (1.3 Mpix [1280 x 1024])
Device Feature And Property List
mvBlueFOX-202aG Features
BVS CA-[MLC|IGC]-0012V / mvBlueFOX-[MLC|IGC]202v (1.2 Mpix [1280 x 960])
Device Feature And Property List
BVS CA-[MLC|IGC]-0012VG / mvBlueFOX-[MLC|IGC]202vG Features
BVS CA-[MLC|IGC]-0012VC / mvBlueFOX-[MLC|IGC]202vC Features
mvBlueFOX-[Model]202b (1.2 Mpix [1280 x 960])
Device Feature And Property List
mvBlueFOX-202bG Features
mvBlueFOX-202bC Features
mvBlueFOX-[Model]202d (1.2 Mpix [1280 x 960])
Device Feature And Property List
mvBlueFOX-ML/IGC202dG Features
mvBlueFOX-ML/IGC202dC Features
mvBlueFOX-[Model]205 (5.0 Mpix [2592 x 1944])
Device Feature And Property List
mvBlueFOX-205G Features
mvBlueFOX-205C Features
Appendix B. Product Comparison
Appendix C. Tested ARM platforms
C.1 ARM64 based devices
NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier
NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX
NVIDIA Jetson Nano
Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4
i.MX8M Mini
C.2 ARMhf based devices
Raspberry Pi 4
Generated on Mon Oct 9 2023 22:15:44