Balluff - BVS CA-MLC / BVS CA-IGC / mvBlueFOX Technical Documentation
mvBlueFOX-[Model]202a (1.3 Mpix [1280 x 1024])


The CMOS sensor module (MT9M001) incorporates the following features:

  • resolution to 1280 x 1024 gray scale
  • supports window AOI mode with faster readout
  • dynamic range 61dB
  • programmable analog gain (0..12dB)
  • progressive scan sensor (no interlaced problems!)
  • rolling shutter
  • programmable readout timing with free capture windows and partial scan
  • many trigger modes (free-running, hardware-triggered)

Details of operation

The sensor uses following acquisition mode:

  • rolling shutter (ShutterMode = "ElectronicRollingShutter").

With the rolling shutter the lines are exposed for the same duration, but at a slightly different point in time.

Moving objects together with a rolling shutter can cause a shear in moving objects.

Furthermore, the sensor offers one operating mode:

  • snapshot mode (which means sequential exposure and readout)

Snapshot mode

In snapshot mode, the image acquisition process consists off several sequential phases:


Snapshot mode starts with a trigger. This can be either a hardware or a software signal.

The following trigger modes are available:

Mode Description
ContinuousFree running, no external trigger signal needed.
OnDemandImage acquisition triggered by command (software trigger).
OnLowLevelAs long as trigger signal is Low camera acquires images with own timing.
OnHighLevelAs long as trigger signal is High camera acquires images with own timing.
OnFallingEdgeEach falling edge of trigger signal acquires one image.
OnRisingEdgeEach rising edge of trigger signal acquires one image.
OnHighExposeEach rising edge of trigger signal acquires one image, exposure time corresponds to pulse width.
OnLowExposeEach falling edge of trigger signal acquires one image, exposure time corresponds to pulse width.
OnAnyEdgeStart the exposure of a frame when the trigger input level changes from high to low or from low to high.
See also
For detailed description about the trigger modes ( [Impact Acquire API])
  • C: TCameraTriggerMode
  • C++: mvIMPACT::acquire::TCameraTriggerMode

Erase, exposure and readout

After the trigger pulse, the complete sensor array is erased. This takes some time, so there is a fix delay from about 285 us between the trigger pulse on digital input 0 and the start of exposure of the first line.
The exact time of exposure start of each line (except the first line) depends on the exposure time and the position of the line. The exposure of a particular line N is finished when line N is ready for readout. Image data is read out line-by-line and transferred to memory (see:
Exposure time is adjustable by software and depends on the image width. To calculate the exposure step size you will need following formula:

LineDelay = 0

PixelClkPeriod =    1

RowTime = ( ImageWidth + 244 + LineDelay ) * PixelClkPeriod

RowTime = MinExposurTime = ExposureStepSize

Exposure step size calculator
Image width: pixels
Exposure step size: us

Image data is then shifted out line-by-line and transferred to memory.

To calculate the maximum frames per second (FPSmax) in snapshot mode you will need following formula:

FrameTime = (ImageWidth + 244) * ((ImageHeight + 16) / PixelClock)
FPS_max =                   1
                  FrameTime + ExposureTime

CMOS Timing in Snapshot mode

Frame rate calculator

The calculator returns the max. frame rate supported by the sensor. Please keep in mind that it will depend on the interface and the used image format if this frame rate can be transferred.
Frame rate calculator
Mode: Sequential exposure and readout (default)
Pixel clock: 40 MHz
27 MHz
Image width: pixels
Image height: pixels
Exposure time: us
Frame rate (max): 1/s

Sensor Data

Device Structure

  • Progressive scan CMOS image sensor
  • Image size: 6.66(H)x5.32(V)mm (Type 1/2")
  • Number of effective pixels: 1280 (H) x 1024 (V)
  • Unit cell size: 5.2um (H) x 5.2um (V)


Gray scale version

Device Feature And Property List