Feature Name |
Min |
Max |
Inc |
Valid Values |
Documentation |
ProductFeatures |
This list has been created with driver version '2.3.2' and Firmware version '49'. This does NOT imply that all these features will only be available since these versions. They might be available in previous ones as well. |
Feature Name |
Min |
Max |
Inc |
Valid Values |
Documentation |
Camera |
This list contains features to control the device |
PixelFormat |
- |
- |
- |
Auto, Mono8, Mono10
Defines the transfer pixel format from the capture device into the host systems memory. This can differ from the pixel format delivered to the user application if needed. |
AutoControlMode |
- |
- |
- |
- |
AutoExposeControl |
- |
- |
- |
Off, On
- |
AutoGainControl |
- |
- |
- |
Off, On
- |
Gain_dB |
-9.000 dB |
29.700 dB |
0.045 dB |
- |
A floating point property to define the gain in dB |
OffsetAutoCalibration |
- |
- |
- |
Off, On
- |
OffsetAutoBlackLevel |
0 |
0 |
1 |
- |
- |
OffsetAutoBlackSpeed |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Offset_pc |
0.0 % |
100.0 % |
1.0 % |
- |
- |
TriggerMode |
- |
- |
- |
Continuous, OnDemand, OnLowLevel, OnHighLevel, OnFallingEdge, OnRisingEdge, OnHighExpose
- |
TriggerSource |
- |
- |
- |
DigIn0, DigIn1, RTCtrl, Digout0, Digout1, Digout2, Digout3
- |
ExposeMode |
- |
- |
- |
Standard, Overlapped, NoShutter
- |
PixelClock_KHz |
- |
- |
- |
12000, 20000, 24000, 32000, 40000
- |
Expose_us |
0 |
10000000 |
1 |
- |
- |
BinningMode |
- |
- |
- |
Off, BinningH, BinningV, BinningHV
- |
FrameDelay_us |
0 |
100000 |
100 |
- |
- |
LineDelay_clk |
0 |
2000 |
10 |
- |
- |
Framerate_Hz |
1.000000 |
100000.000000 |
0.010000 |
- |
- |
FlashMode |
- |
3 |
- |
Off, Digout0, Digout1
- |
FlashType |
- |
- |
- |
- |
TestMode |
- |
- |
- |
Off, GreyRamp, MovingColor
- |
ShutterMode |
- |
- |
- |
- |
ImageRequestTimeout_ms |
0 ms |
- |
- |
Defines the timeout for the request in ms. Once the timeout has elapsed the request object is returned to the user even if no data has been captured into it. A timeout of 0 never elapses. |
FlashToExposeDelay_us |
0 |
10000 |
50 |
- |
- |
AdvancedOptions |
- |
4 |
- |
Off, ImageAverage
LowLight: Put camera in low light mode. EmbeddedImageInfo: Embed sensor specific info into the image readout buffer. ImageAverage: Calculate the average intensity value of the image and return as part of the request. |
SensorTimingMode |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Feature Name |
Min |
Max |
Inc |
Valid Values |
Documentation |
Aoi |
This list contains features to describe an Area Of Interest(AOI) |
X |
0 |
1364 |
4 |
- |
- |
Y |
0 |
1030 |
2 |
- |
- |
W |
4 |
1368 |
4 |
- |
- |
H |
2 |
1032 |
2 |
- |
- |
Feature Name |
Min |
Max |
Inc |
Valid Values |
Documentation |
AutoControlParameters |
- |
AoiMode |
- |
- |
- |
Centered, Full, User
- |
DesiredAverageGreyValue |
0 |
255 |
1 |
- |
For multi-byte pixel formats, this will refer to the 8 MSBs |
ControllerSpeed |
- |
- |
- |
Slow, Medium, Fast, User
- |
ControllerDelay_Images |
0 |
10000000 |
1 |
- |
- |
GainLowerLimit_dB |
-9.000000 |
29.700000 |
0.045000 |
- |
- |
GainUpperLimit_dB |
-9.000000 |
29.700000 |
0.045000 |
- |
- |
ExposeLowerLimit_us |
0 |
10000000 |
1 |
- |
- |
ExposeUpperLimit_us |
0 |
10000000 |
1 |
- |
- |
Feature Name |
Min |
Max |
Inc |
Valid Values |
Documentation |
Aoi |
This list contains features to describe an Area Of Interest(AOI) |
X |
0 |
1364 |
4 |
- |
- |
Y |
0 |
1030 |
2 |
- |
- |
W |
4 |
1368 |
4 |
- |
- |
H |
2 |
1032 |
2 |
- |
- |
Feature Name |
Min |
Max |
Inc |
Valid Values |
Documentation |
ControllerParameter |
- |
ControllerGain |
0.000000 |
100.000000 |
0.001000 |
- |
- |
IntegralTime_ms |
0.000100 |
1000000.000000 |
0.000100 |
- |
- |
DerivativeTime_ms |
0.000000 |
10000.000000 |
0.000100 |
- |
- |
Feature Name |
Min |
Max |
Inc |
Valid Values |
Documentation |
IOSubSystem |
Digital I/O related features |
DigitalInputs |
- |
- |
- |
Off, On
An integer vector property to access the digital inputs |
DigitalOutputs |
- |
- |
- |
Off, On
An integer vector property to access the digital outputs |
DigitalInputThreshold |
- |
- |
- |
2V, 10V
The input threshold of the digital inputs |
Feature Name |
Min |
Max |
Inc |
Valid Values |
Documentation |
HardwareRealTimeController |
A list containing features to access the 'H'ardware 'R'eal'T'ime 'C'ontroller(s)(HRTC) |
Feature Name |
Min |
Max |
Inc |
Valid Values |
Documentation |
HRTCtrl_0 |
- |
ProgramSize |
0 |
64 |
1 |
- |
The size(in program steps) of the HRTC program |
Mode |
- |
- |
- |
Stop, Run, RunRestart
The current mode the HRTC program is in |
ProgramState |
- |
- |
- |
- |
The current state of the HRTC program |
Filename |
- |
- |
- |
- |
The name of the file used to load/store HRTC programs from/to |
Feature Name |
Min |
Max |
Inc |
Valid Values |
Documentation |
RTCtrProgram |
A list containing features to access and modify the program executed by a 'H'ardware 'R'eal'T'ime 'C'ontroller(HRTC) engine |
Feature Name |
Min |
Max |
Inc |
Valid Values |
Documentation |
Step0 |
Features in this list represent a single instruction belonging to a HRTC program |
OpCode |
- |
- |
- |
Nop, SetDigout, WaitDigin, WaitClocks, Jump, TriggerSet, TriggerReset, ExposeSet, ExposeReset, FrameNrReset
Defines the HRTC instruction to be executed |
Clocks_us |
0 |
1 |
- |
Defines a time span(in us)(usually associated with a 'Wait' instruction) |
DigitalInputs |
- |
- |
- |
Off, On, Ignore
An integer vector property to configure the digital inputs(usually associated with a 'WaitDigIn' instruction) |
DigitalOutputs |
- |
- |
- |
Off, On, Keep
An integer vector property to configure the digital outputs(usually associated with a 'SetDigOut' instruction) |
Address |
0 |
63 |
1 |
- |
Defines an address(usually associated with a 'Jump' instruction) |
FrameID |
0 |
255 |
1 |
- |
An integer property to define a frame ID to be associated with a frame(usually associated with a 'TriggerSet' instruction) |
SensorHeads |
- |
- |
- |
Off, On, Keep
An integer vector property to configure the sensor heads(usually associated with a 'Trigger' or 'Exposure' related instruction)(only available for devices with multiple sensor heads) |
Feature Name |
Min |
Max |
Inc |
Valid Values |
Documentation |
Step1 |
Features in this list represent a single instruction belonging to a HRTC program |
OpCode |
- |
- |
- |
Nop, SetDigout, WaitDigin, WaitClocks, Jump, TriggerSet, TriggerReset, ExposeSet, ExposeReset, FrameNrReset
Defines the HRTC instruction to be executed |
Clocks_us |
0 |
1 |
- |
Defines a time span(in us)(usually associated with a 'Wait' instruction) |
DigitalInputs |
- |
- |
- |
Off, On, Ignore
An integer vector property to configure the digital inputs(usually associated with a 'WaitDigIn' instruction) |
DigitalOutputs |
- |
- |
- |
Off, On, Keep
An integer vector property to configure the digital outputs(usually associated with a 'SetDigOut' instruction) |
Address |
0 |
63 |
1 |
- |
Defines an address(usually associated with a 'Jump' instruction) |
FrameID |
0 |
255 |
1 |
- |
An integer property to define a frame ID to be associated with a frame(usually associated with a 'TriggerSet' instruction) |
SensorHeads |
- |
- |
- |
Off, On, Keep
An integer vector property to configure the sensor heads(usually associated with a 'Trigger' or 'Exposure' related instruction)(only available for devices with multiple sensor heads) |
Feature Name |
Min |
Max |
Inc |
Valid Values |
Documentation |
Step2 |
Features in this list represent a single instruction belonging to a HRTC program |
OpCode |
- |
- |
- |
Nop, SetDigout, WaitDigin, WaitClocks, Jump, TriggerSet, TriggerReset, ExposeSet, ExposeReset, FrameNrReset
Defines the HRTC instruction to be executed |
Clocks_us |
0 |
1 |
- |
Defines a time span(in us)(usually associated with a 'Wait' instruction) |
DigitalInputs |
- |
- |
- |
Off, On, Ignore
An integer vector property to configure the digital inputs(usually associated with a 'WaitDigIn' instruction) |
DigitalOutputs |
- |
- |
- |
Off, On, Keep
An integer vector property to configure the digital outputs(usually associated with a 'SetDigOut' instruction) |
Address |
0 |
63 |
1 |
- |
Defines an address(usually associated with a 'Jump' instruction) |
FrameID |
0 |
255 |
1 |
- |
An integer property to define a frame ID to be associated with a frame(usually associated with a 'TriggerSet' instruction) |
SensorHeads |
- |
- |
- |
Off, On, Keep
An integer vector property to configure the sensor heads(usually associated with a 'Trigger' or 'Exposure' related instruction)(only available for devices with multiple sensor heads) |
Feature Name |
Min |
Max |
Inc |
Valid Values |
Documentation |
Step3 |
Features in this list represent a single instruction belonging to a HRTC program |
OpCode |
- |
- |
- |
Nop, SetDigout, WaitDigin, WaitClocks, Jump, TriggerSet, TriggerReset, ExposeSet, ExposeReset, FrameNrReset
Defines the HRTC instruction to be executed |
Clocks_us |
0 |
1 |
- |
Defines a time span(in us)(usually associated with a 'Wait' instruction) |
DigitalInputs |
- |
- |
- |
Off, On, Ignore
An integer vector property to configure the digital inputs(usually associated with a 'WaitDigIn' instruction) |
DigitalOutputs |
- |
- |
- |
Off, On, Keep
An integer vector property to configure the digital outputs(usually associated with a 'SetDigOut' instruction) |
Address |
0 |
63 |
1 |
- |
Defines an address(usually associated with a 'Jump' instruction) |
FrameID |
0 |
255 |
1 |
- |
An integer property to define a frame ID to be associated with a frame(usually associated with a 'TriggerSet' instruction) |
SensorHeads |
- |
- |
- |
Off, On, Keep
An integer vector property to configure the sensor heads(usually associated with a 'Trigger' or 'Exposure' related instruction)(only available for devices with multiple sensor heads) |
Feature Name |
Min |
Max |
Inc |
Valid Values |
Documentation |
Step4 |
Features in this list represent a single instruction belonging to a HRTC program |
OpCode |
- |
- |
- |
Nop, SetDigout, WaitDigin, WaitClocks, Jump, TriggerSet, TriggerReset, ExposeSet, ExposeReset, FrameNrReset
Defines the HRTC instruction to be executed |
Clocks_us |
0 |
1 |
- |
Defines a time span(in us)(usually associated with a 'Wait' instruction) |
DigitalInputs |
- |
- |
- |
Off, On, Ignore
An integer vector property to configure the digital inputs(usually associated with a 'WaitDigIn' instruction) |
DigitalOutputs |
- |
- |
- |
Off, On, Keep
An integer vector property to configure the digital outputs(usually associated with a 'SetDigOut' instruction) |
Address |
0 |
63 |
1 |
- |
Defines an address(usually associated with a 'Jump' instruction) |
FrameID |
0 |
255 |
1 |
- |
An integer property to define a frame ID to be associated with a frame(usually associated with a 'TriggerSet' instruction) |
SensorHeads |
- |
- |
- |
Off, On, Keep
An integer vector property to configure the sensor heads(usually associated with a 'Trigger' or 'Exposure' related instruction)(only available for devices with multiple sensor heads) |
Feature Name |
Min |
Max |
Inc |
Valid Values |
Documentation |
DigitalIOMeasurementControl |
This list contains features to configure the digital I/O measurement control of the device |
DigitalIOMeasurementMode |
- |
- |
- |
Frequency_Hz_10msGate, Frequency_Hz_100msGate
This feature selects the digital I/O measurement mode |
DigitalIOMeasurementSource |
- |
- |
- |
Input0, Input1
This feature selects the source for the digital I/O measurement |
DigitalIOMeasurementResult |
- |
- |
- |
- |
This feature contains result of the last digital I/O measurement |