Impact Acquire SDK C++
SyncOutput Class Reference

A class to represent a sync. output pin(Device specific interface layout only). More...

#include <mvIMPACT_acquire.h>

Inheritance diagram for SyncOutput:

Public Member Functions

std::string getDescription (void) const
 Returns a description for this sync. output.
HOBJ hObj (void) const
 Returns a unique identifier for the component collection referenced by this object.
const ComponentCollectionrestoreDefault (void) const
 Restores the default for every component of this collection.

Public Attributes

PropertyF frequency_Hz
 A float property defining the frequency(in Hertz) for the sync. signal generated by this pin.
PropertyF lowPart_pc
 A float property defining the width in percent the sync. signal stays low during one period. The output signal generated will be a square pulse.

Protected Attributes

HOBJ m_hRoot


class IOSubSystem

Detailed Description

A class to represent a sync. output pin(Device specific interface layout only).

Instances of this class can be used to define and generate sync. signals at the corresponding outputs of the device.

Instances of this class can't be constructed directly, but must be obtained via the device specific class derived from mvIMPACT::acquire::IOSubSystem.
This class will only be available if mvIMPACT::acquire::Device::interfaceLayout is set to mvIMPACT::acquire::dilDeviceSpecific before the device is opened.
DigitalIOs.cpp, and DigitalIOs.legacy.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ getDescription()

std::string getDescription ( void ) const

Returns a description for this sync. output.

This might contain connector descriptions or other information like e.g. 'VD-OUT(J9.24)', which means, this is the VD output at connector J9 pin 24.

◆ hObj()

HOBJ hObj ( void ) const

Returns a unique identifier for the component collection referenced by this object.

This handle will always reference an object of type mvIMPACT::acquire::ComponentList.

A unique identifier for the component referenced by this object.

◆ restoreDefault()

const ComponentCollection & restoreDefault ( void ) const

Restores the default for every component of this collection.

Calling this function will restore the default value for every component belonging to this collection.

The caller must have the right to modify the component. Otherwise an exception will be thrown.
A const reference to the component.

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ IOSubSystem

friend class IOSubSystem

Member Data Documentation

◆ frequency_Hz

PropertyF frequency_Hz

A float property defining the frequency(in Hertz) for the sync. signal generated by this pin.

DigitalIOs.cpp, and DigitalIOs.legacy.cpp.

◆ lowPart_pc

PropertyF lowPart_pc

A float property defining the width in percent the sync. signal stays low during one period. The output signal generated will be a square pulse.

DigitalIOs.cpp, and DigitalIOs.legacy.cpp.

◆ m_hRoot

HOBJ m_hRoot