Impact Acquire SDK C++
Supported Compilers


The following compilers have been tested successfully with the Impact Acquire SDK on Windows:

  • Microsoft Visual Studio® 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019 and 2022
  • Borland™ C++ Builder 5 and 6
  • CodeGear™ C++ Builder 2007
  • Borland™ Developer Studio 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009
  • Embarcadero RAD Studio XE2, XE8 and 10.3 Version 20

On Windows for the examples only one set of project files will be part of the installation packages. At the time of writing this was Visual Studio 2013. However as Impact Acquire comes with CMake support files makefiles and project files for a wide variety of other compilers can be generated. Please refer to the Building And Linking Using CMake section for detailed instructions. When generating makefiles or project files for a compiler that is not C++11 or above, be aware that using CMake will automatically result in legacy C++ code being used for the example applications.


Impact Acquire SDK has been compiled successfully with gcc 5.5.0 - gcc 13.1.0 as well as clang versions up to 17.0.6.

Since version 2.37.0 Impact Acquire is no longer shipped for Linux x86 and ARMsf! For details please also refer to Supported Device Families And Technologies.

Additional information about supported compilers and minimum versions for libstdc++/libgcc can be found here

Traditional makefiles as shipped with Impact Acquire at the time of writing will support a wide variety of target platforms. However since CMake support has been added to the SDK these makefiles will no longer be maintained. The recommended way to build makefiles for compiling the SDK examples these days is by using CMake. This also automatically uses C++11 or above versions of the example code if supported by the target compiler. The ready to use makefiles will only compile C++03 versions of the code. But as Impact Acquire comes with CMake support files, makefiles and project files(e.g. for Eclipse) for a wide variety of other compilers(clang, ...) and platforms can be generated very easily. Please refer to the Building And Linking Using CMake section for detailed instructions.


Impact Acquire SDK has been compiled successfully with with clang 13.0.6, 14.0.0, 15.0.6 and 17.0.6.

The recommended way to build makefiles for compiling the SDK examples these days is by using CMake. This also automatically uses C++11 or above versions of the example code. Please refer to the Building And Linking Using CMake section for detailed instructions.