Impact Acquire SDK C++
DigitalOutput Class Reference

A class to represent a digital output pin(Device specific interface layout only). More...

#include <mvIMPACT_acquire.h>

Public Member Functions

bool flip (void)
 Inverts the current state of the digital output and returns the previous state.
bool get (void) const
 Returns the current state of this output pin.
std::string getDescription (void) const
 Returns a description for this digital output.
bool isWriteable (void) const
 Checks if the caller has write/modify access to this digital output.
void reset (void)
 Sets the output pin to 'logic 0'.
void set (void)
 Sets the output pin to 'logic 1'.


class IOSubSystem

Detailed Description

A class to represent a digital output pin(Device specific interface layout only).

This class will only be available if mvIMPACT::acquire::Device::interfaceLayout is set to mvIMPACT::acquire::dilDeviceSpecific before the device is opened.
DigitalIOs.cpp, DigitalIOs.legacy.cpp, SingleCaptureMasterSlave.cpp, and SingleCaptureMasterSlave.legacy.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ flip()

bool flip ( void )

Inverts the current state of the digital output and returns the previous state.

  • true if the previous state of this pin was considered as 'logic 1'
  • false otherwise
DigitalIOs.cpp, and DigitalIOs.legacy.cpp.

◆ get()

bool get ( void ) const

Returns the current state of this output pin.

  • true if the current state of this pin is considered as 'logic 1'
  • false otherwise
DigitalIOs.cpp, and DigitalIOs.legacy.cpp.

◆ getDescription()

std::string getDescription ( void ) const

Returns a description for this digital output.

This might contain connector descriptions or other information like e.g. 'CC1(J1)', which means, this is the CameraLink® control channel 1 of connector J1.

DigitalIOs.cpp, DigitalIOs.legacy.cpp, SingleCaptureMasterSlave.cpp, and SingleCaptureMasterSlave.legacy.cpp.

◆ isWriteable()

bool isWriteable ( void ) const

Checks if the caller has write/modify access to this digital output.

Some devices will offer access to digital outputs, but these outputs can't be switched manually. E.g. a device might offer a digital output that can only be configured to stay either high or low during frame exposure but can't be switched to high at a certain user defined moment. For such an output, this function will return false.

If the user calls a function belonging to this class that would modify the state of the associated digital output, an exception will be raised.

  • true if the caller is allowed to call write/modify operation for this component.
  • false otherwise.
DigitalIOs.cpp, and DigitalIOs.legacy.cpp.

◆ reset()

void reset ( void )

Sets the output pin to 'logic 0'.

DigitalIOs.cpp, and DigitalIOs.legacy.cpp.

◆ set()

void set ( void )

Sets the output pin to 'logic 1'.

DigitalIOs.cpp, and DigitalIOs.legacy.cpp.

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ IOSubSystem