Impact Acquire SDK Python
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234567]
 CImpactAcquireExceptionA base class for exceptions generated by Impact Acquire
 CAcquisitionControlCategory for the acquisition and trigger control features
 CActionControlCategory that contains the Action control features
 CAnalogControlCategory that contains the Analog control features
 CCameraDescriptionManagerGrants access to camera description objects(Device specific interface layout only) (deprecated
 CChannelDataA structure for image buffer channel specific data Channel specific data in an image is data, that in e.g
 CChunkDataControlCategory that contains the Chunk Data control features
 CColorTransformationControlCategory that contains the Color Transformation control features
 CComponentAccessA base class to implement access to internal driver objects
 CComponentCallbackA simple helper class to wrap the creation of a callback object
 CComponentCollectionA base class for sets of properties that can be modified by the user
 CCounterAndTimerControlCategory that contains the Counter and Timer control features
 CCustomCommandGeneratorContains convenience functions to control features understood by a devices custom command interpreter
 CDeviceThis class and its functions represent an actual device detected by this interface in the current system
 CDeviceControlClasses and functions that will be available if the device is used with the GenICam interface layout
 CDeviceManagerGrants access to devices that can be operated by this software interface
 CDigitalIOControlCategory that contains the digital input and output control features
 CDigitalInputA class to represent a digital input pin(Device specific interface layout only)
 CDigitalOutputA class to represent a digital output pin(Device specific interface layout only)
 CEncoderControlCategory that contains the quadrature Encoder Control features
 CEventControlCategory that contains Event control features
 CExceptionFactoryA factory class to raise Impact Acquire related exceptions
 CFileAccessControlCategory that contains the File Access control features
 CFirmwareUpdaterA class to perform a firmware update of a specific device
 CFullSettingsBaseA base class that provides access to the most common settings for a device
 CFunctionInterfaceThe function interface to devices supported by this interface
 CIOSubSystemA base class to handle digital inputs and outputs(Device specific interface layout only)
 CImageBufferFully describes a captured image
 CImageBufferDescA wrapper class to handle mvIMPACT.acquire.ImageBuffer structures
 CImageDisplayA class that can be used for displaying images within existing windows or GUI elements that can provide a window handle
 CImageDisplayWindowA class that can be used to display images in a window
 CImageFormatControlCategory for Image Format Control features
 CLUTControlCategory that includes the LUT control features
 CLightControlCategory containing the Lighting control features
 CLogicBlockControlCategory that contains the Logic Block control features
 COpticControlCategory for optical control features
 COutputSignalGeneratorBlueDeviceA class to create complex digital output signals(Device specific interface layout only)
 COutputSignalGeneratorFrameGrabberA class to create complex digital output signals(Device specific interface layout only) (deprecated
 CRequestContains information about a captured buffer
 CRequestFactoryA default request factory
 CScan3dControlCategory for control of 3D camera specific features
 CSequencerControlCategory for the Sequencer Control features
 CSoftwareSignalControlCategory that contains the Software Signal Control features
 CSourceControlCategory that contains the source control features
 CTestControlCategory for Test Control features
 CTransferControlCategory for the data Transfer Control features
 CTransportLayerControlCategory that contains the transport Layer control features
 CUserDataA helper class to work with the device specific non-volatile memory(if available)
 CUserDataEntryA helper class that represents one entry in the devices non-volatile memory (if available)
 CUserSetControlCategory that contains the User Set control features
 CVideoStreamA class to create compressed video stream from images captured or loaded using the Impact Acquire API
 CVideoStreamPauseScopeA smaller helper class for pausing a video stream for a defined time
 CWhiteBalancerConvenience class to provide an easy way for a more precise white balance calibration
 CmvI2cInterfaceControlContains features to control the I2C interface