Impact Acquire SDK Python
SoftwareSignalControl Class Reference

Category that contains the Software Signal Control features. More...

Inheritance diagram for SoftwareSignalControl:

Public Member Functions

 __init__ (self, *args)
 Constructs a new mvIMPACT.acquire.SoftwareSignalControl object.


 softwareSignalPulse = property(lib_mvIMPACT_acquire.SoftwareSignalControl_softwareSignalPulse_get, doc=)
 A method object.
 softwareSignalSelector = property(lib_mvIMPACT_acquire.SoftwareSignalControl_softwareSignalSelector_get, doc=)
 An enumerated integer property.
 thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag")

Detailed Description

Category that contains the Software Signal Control features.

A category that contains the Software Signal Control features.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __init__()

__init__ ( self,
* args )

Constructs a new mvIMPACT.acquire.SoftwareSignalControl object.

pDev[in] A pointer to a mvIMPACT.acquire.Device object obtained from a mvIMPACT.acquire.DeviceManager object.
settingName[in] The name of the driver internal setting to access with this instance. A list of valid setting names can be obtained by a call to mvIMPACT.acquire.FunctionInterface.getAvailableSettings, new settings can be created with the function mvIMPACT.acquire.FunctionInterface.createSetting

Property Documentation

◆ softwareSignalPulse

softwareSignalPulse = property(lib_mvIMPACT_acquire.SoftwareSignalControl_softwareSignalPulse_get, doc=)

A method object.

Generates a pulse signal that can be used as a software trigger.

Generates a pulse signal that can be used as a software trigger. This command can be used to trigger other modules that accept a SoftwareSignal as trigger source.

◆ softwareSignalSelector

softwareSignalSelector = property(lib_mvIMPACT_acquire.SoftwareSignalControl_softwareSignalSelector_get, doc=)

An enumerated integer property.

Selects which Software Signal features to control.

Selects which Software Signal features to control.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • SoftwareSignal0 (Display string: 'Software Signal 0'): Selects the software generated signal to control.
  • SoftwareSignal1 (Display string: 'Software Signal 1'): Selects the software generated signal to control.
  • SoftwareSignal2 (Display string: 'Software Signal 2'): Selects the software generated signal to control.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT.acquire.PropertyI.getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ thisown

thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag")