A structure for image buffer channel specific data Channel specific data in an image is data, that in e.g.
| iChannelOffset = property(lib_mvIMPACT_acquire.ChannelData_iChannelOffset_get, lib_mvIMPACT_acquire.ChannelData_iChannelOffset_set, doc=) |
| The offset (in bytes) to the next channel.
| iLinePitch = property(lib_mvIMPACT_acquire.ChannelData_iLinePitch_get, lib_mvIMPACT_acquire.ChannelData_iLinePitch_set, doc=) |
| The offset (in bytes) to the next line of this channel.
| iPixelPitch = property(lib_mvIMPACT_acquire.ChannelData_iPixelPitch_get, lib_mvIMPACT_acquire.ChannelData_iPixelPitch_set, doc=) |
| The offset (in bytes) to the next pixel of this channel.
| szChannelDesc = property(lib_mvIMPACT_acquire.ChannelData_szChannelDesc_get, lib_mvIMPACT_acquire.ChannelData_szChannelDesc_set, doc=) |
| The string descriptor for this channel.
| thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") |
A structure for image buffer channel specific data Channel specific data in an image is data, that in e.g.
and RGB image might differ for the color components red, green and blue.