Impact Acquire SDK Python
CameraSettingsBlueDevice Class Reference

A base class for camera related settings belonging to the mvBlueXXX-series (Device specific interface layout only). More...

Inheritance diagram for CameraSettingsBlueDevice:

Public Member Functions

 __init__ (self, *args)
 Constructs a new mvIMPACT.acquire.CameraSettingsBlueDevice object.
 getAutoControlParameters (self)
 Provides access to the control parameters for AGC and AEC.


 autoControlMode = property(lib_mvIMPACT_acquire.CameraSettingsBlueDevice_autoControlMode_get, doc=)
 An enumerated integer property defining the auto control mode the device is operated in.
 autoControlParameters = property(lib_mvIMPACT_acquire.CameraSettingsBlueDevice_autoControlParameters_get, doc=)
 Provides access to the control parameters for AGC and AEC.
 autoExposeControl = property(lib_mvIMPACT_acquire.CameraSettingsBlueDevice_autoExposeControl_get, doc=)
 An enumerated integer property, which represents the current mode the AEC (A utomatic E xpose C ontrol) is operated in.
 autoGainControl = property(lib_mvIMPACT_acquire.CameraSettingsBlueDevice_autoGainControl_get, doc=)
 An enumerated integer property, which represents the current mode the AGC (A utomatic G ain C ontrol) is operated in.
 binningMode = property(lib_mvIMPACT_acquire.CameraSettingsBlueDevice_binningMode_get, doc=)
 An enumerated integer property defining the binning mode the camera is operated in.
 expose_us = property(lib_mvIMPACT_acquire.CameraSettingsBlueDevice_expose_us_get, doc=)
 An integer property which defines the exposure time for an image in us.
 exposeMode = property(lib_mvIMPACT_acquire.CameraSettingsBlueDevice_exposeMode_get, doc=)
 An enumerated integer property defining the exposure mode the camera sensor is operated in.
 frameDelay_us = property(lib_mvIMPACT_acquire.CameraSettingsBlueDevice_frameDelay_us_get, doc=)
 An integer property defining the delay in us between an external trigger event an the begin of the sensor exposure.
 gain_dB = property(lib_mvIMPACT_acquire.CameraSettingsBlueDevice_gain_dB_get, doc=)
 A float property defining the gain in dB.
 offset_pc = property(lib_mvIMPACT_acquire.CameraSettingsBlueDevice_offset_pc_get, doc=)
 A float property defining the analogue sensor offset in percent of the allowed range (sensor specific).
 pixelClock_KHz = property(lib_mvIMPACT_acquire.CameraSettingsBlueDevice_pixelClock_KHz_get, doc=)
 An enumerated integer property defining the pixel clock of the camera sensor in KHz.
 testMode = property(lib_mvIMPACT_acquire.CameraSettingsBlueDevice_testMode_get, doc=)
 An enumerated integer property defining the image transmission mode of the camera.
 thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag")
 triggerMode = property(lib_mvIMPACT_acquire.CameraSettingsBlueDevice_triggerMode_get, doc=)
 An enumerated integer property which defines what kind of trigger mode shall be used for an image acquisition.

Detailed Description

A base class for camera related settings belonging to the mvBlueXXX-series (Device specific interface layout only).

This class will only be available if mvIMPACT.acquire.Device.interfaceLayout is set to mvIMPACT.acquire.dilDeviceSpecific before the device is opened.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __init__()

__init__ ( self,
* args )

Constructs a new mvIMPACT.acquire.CameraSettingsBlueDevice object.

pDev[in] A pointer to a mvIMPACT.acquire.Device object obtained from a mvIMPACT.acquire.DeviceManager object.
settingName[in] The name of the driver internal setting to access with this instance. A list of valid setting names can be obtained by a call to mvIMPACT.acquire.FunctionInterface.getAvailableSettings, new settings can be created with the function mvIMPACT.acquire.FunctionInterface.createSetting

Reimplemented from CameraSettingsBase.

Reimplemented in CameraSettingsBlueFOX, and CameraSettingsBlueCOUGAR.

Member Function Documentation

◆ getAutoControlParameters()

getAutoControlParameters ( self)

Provides access to the control parameters for AGC and AEC.

These settings will only affect the image if mvIMPACT.acquire.CameraSettingsBlueDevice.autoGainControl, mvIMPACT.acquire.CameraSettingsBlueDevice.autoExposeControl or both are set to active.

Property Documentation

◆ autoControlMode

autoControlMode = property(lib_mvIMPACT_acquire.CameraSettingsBlueDevice_autoControlMode_get, doc=)

An enumerated integer property defining the auto control mode the device is operated in.

This property can be used to control the overall behaviour of the algorithms used for performing AEC (A utomatic E xpose C ontrol) or AGC (A utomatic G ain C ontrol). This could be done by the device itself thus e.g. even in the analog domain or e.g. by a software process in the driver. Each method will offer certain advantages and disadvantages and depending on the application the correct method can be selected.

Valid values for this property may be: mvIMPACT.acquire.acmStandard, mvIMPACT.acquire.acmDeviceSpecific.

Every device or even different models belonging to the same device family may support different auto control modes, thus it's crucial to query the valid modes for each device by reading the properties translation dictionary BEFORE trying to assign a certain value to this property.

◆ autoControlParameters

autoControlParameters = property(lib_mvIMPACT_acquire.CameraSettingsBlueDevice_autoControlParameters_get, doc=)

Provides access to the control parameters for AGC and AEC.

These settings will only affect the image if mvIMPACT.acquire.CameraSettingsBlueDevice.autoGainControl, mvIMPACT.acquire.CameraSettingsBlueDevice.autoExposeControl or both are set to active.

◆ autoExposeControl

autoExposeControl = property(lib_mvIMPACT_acquire.CameraSettingsBlueDevice_autoExposeControl_get, doc=)

An enumerated integer property, which represents the current mode the AEC (A utomatic E xpose C ontrol) is operated in.

The values used to capture the image, which are directly influenced by an activated AGC or AEC (e.g. the gain or the exposure time) will be returned as part of the result of the image request.

Valid values for this property may be: mvIMPACT.acquire.aecOff, mvIMPACT.acquire.aecOn.

This property might not be supported by every device. Therefore always call the function mvIMPACT.acquire.Component.isValid to check if this property is available or not.

◆ autoGainControl

autoGainControl = property(lib_mvIMPACT_acquire.CameraSettingsBlueDevice_autoGainControl_get, doc=)

An enumerated integer property, which represents the current mode the AGC (A utomatic G ain C ontrol) is operated in.

The values used to capture the image, which are directly influenced by an activated AGC or AEC (e.g. the gain or the exposure time) will be returned as part of the result of the image request.

Valid values for this property may be: mvIMPACT.acquire.agcOff, mvIMPACT.acquire.agcOn.

This property is not supported by every device. Therefore always call the function mvIMPACT.acquire.Component.isValid to check if this property is available or not.

◆ binningMode

binningMode = property(lib_mvIMPACT_acquire.CameraSettingsBlueDevice_binningMode_get, doc=)

◆ expose_us

expose_us = property(lib_mvIMPACT_acquire.CameraSettingsBlueDevice_expose_us_get, doc=)

An integer property which defines the exposure time for an image in us.

◆ exposeMode

exposeMode = property(lib_mvIMPACT_acquire.CameraSettingsBlueDevice_exposeMode_get, doc=)

An enumerated integer property defining the exposure mode the camera sensor is operated in.

Valid values for this property may be: mvIMPACT.acquire.cemStandard, mvIMPACT.acquire.cemOverlapped, mvIMPACT.acquire.cemNoShutter.

Not every device will offer the same options. Check for valid modes by reading the properties translation dictionary with the functions mvIMPACT.acquire.PropertyICameraExposeMode.getTranslationDictString and mvIMPACT.acquire.PropertyICameraExposeMode.getTranslationDictValue.

◆ frameDelay_us

frameDelay_us = property(lib_mvIMPACT_acquire.CameraSettingsBlueDevice_frameDelay_us_get, doc=)

An integer property defining the delay in us between an external trigger event an the begin of the sensor exposure.

This property is not supported by every device. Therefore always call the function mvIMPACT.acquire.Component.isValid to check if this property is available or not.

◆ gain_dB

gain_dB = property(lib_mvIMPACT_acquire.CameraSettingsBlueDevice_gain_dB_get, doc=)

A float property defining the gain in dB.

The formula for given gain_dB is

gain_x= 10 ^ (gain_dB/20)


gain_x = 10 ^ (6/20) = 1.995

I.e. increasing the gain setting by 6dB corresponds to factor of 2.

The formula for given gain_x is

gain_dB = 20*log(gain_x) dB

gain_dB: Balluff gain value (logarithmic)
gain_x: multiplicative gain
^: power function

◆ offset_pc

offset_pc = property(lib_mvIMPACT_acquire.CameraSettingsBlueDevice_offset_pc_get, doc=)

A float property defining the analogue sensor offset in percent of the allowed range (sensor specific).

This property influences the average grey level when no light reaches the sensor.

mvBlueFOX specific: Changing its value will have no effect if mvIMPACT.acquire.CameraSettingsBlueFOX.offsetAutoCalibration is set to mvIMPACT.acquire.aocOn.

By default this value will be around 10 (if mvIMPACT.acquire.CameraSettingsBlueFOX.offsetAutoCalibration if set to mvIMPACT.acquire.aocOn). This means the average grey value for an image taken in a completely dark environment will be around 10. When setting mvIMPACT.acquire.CameraSettingsBlueFOX.offsetAutoCalibration to mvIMPACT.acquire.aocOff mvIMPACT.acquire.CameraSettingsBlueFOX.offset_pc can be used to modify this value.

The valid range for this property lies between -100% and +100%, whereas negative values will shifts the black level towards 0 and positive values to 255.

This property might not be supported by every device. Therefore always call the function mvIMPACT.acquire.Component.isValid to check if this property is available or not.

◆ pixelClock_KHz

pixelClock_KHz = property(lib_mvIMPACT_acquire.CameraSettingsBlueDevice_pixelClock_KHz_get, doc=)

An enumerated integer property defining the pixel clock of the camera sensor in KHz.

Valid values for this property may be: mvIMPACT.acquire.cpcStandard, mvIMPACT.acquire.cpcHighSpeed, mvIMPACT.acquire.cpc6000KHz, mvIMPACT.acquire.cpc8000KHz, mvIMPACT.acquire.cpc10000KHz, mvIMPACT.acquire.cpc12000KHz, mvIMPACT.acquire.cpc13500KHz, mvIMPACT.acquire.cpc20000KHz, mvIMPACT.acquire.cpc24000KHz, mvIMPACT.acquire.cpc24540KHz, mvIMPACT.acquire.cpc27000KHz, mvIMPACT.acquire.cpc32000KHz, mvIMPACT.acquire.cpc37600KHz, mvIMPACT.acquire.cpc40000KHz, mvIMPACT.acquire.cpc50000KHz, mvIMPACT.acquire.cpc57600KHz.

Changing the pixel clock at runtime will have major impact on the overall behaviour of the camera. The pixel clock should therefore not be modified constantly during the execution of the application code. Whenever this property is changed, the next images captured should be skipped if a device works with an active auto offset calibration controller circuit as then the control circuits on the camera might need one to three images until all control loops are locked again.

Every device or even different models belonging to the same device family may support different pixel clocks, thus it's crucial to query the valid clock modes for each sensor by reading the properties translation dictionary.

◆ testMode

testMode = property(lib_mvIMPACT_acquire.CameraSettingsBlueDevice_testMode_get, doc=)

An enumerated integer property defining the image transmission mode of the camera.

If this property is set to mvIMPACT.acquire.ctmOff the 'normal' image captured by the cameras sensor will be transmitted. This is the default. To ensure correct operation the camera might define several test modes where some kind of well defined pattern will be transmitted.

Valid values for this property may be: mvIMPACT.acquire.ctmOff, mvIMPACT.acquire.ctmGreyRamp, mvIMPACT.acquire.ctmMovingColor, mvIMPACT.acquire.ctmWBTest. No every test mode will be supported by every device.

◆ thisown

thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag")

◆ triggerMode

triggerMode = property(lib_mvIMPACT_acquire.CameraSettingsBlueDevice_triggerMode_get, doc=)

An enumerated integer property which defines what kind of trigger mode shall be used for an image acquisition.

Valid values for this property may be: mvIMPACT.acquire.ctmContinuous, mvIMPACT.acquire.ctmOnDemand, mvIMPACT.acquire.ctmOnLowLevel, mvIMPACT.acquire.ctmOnHighLevel, mvIMPACT.acquire.ctmOnFallingEdge, mvIMPACT.acquire.ctmOnRisingEdge, mvIMPACT.acquire.ctmOnHighExpose, mvIMPACT.acquire.ctmOnLowExpose, mvIMPACT.acquire.ctmOnAnyEdge, mvIMPACT.acquire.ctmFramerateControlled.

Not every device will support every trigger mode. To find out which trigger modes are supported by a specific device at runtime the properties translation dictionary should be queried.
Also the sensor specific part of this manual will contain a list of trigger modes that are available for this specific image sensor.