Impact Acquire SDK Python
ComponentAccess Class Reference

A base class to implement access to internal driver objects. More...

Inheritance diagram for ComponentAccess:

Public Member Functions

 __init__ (self, src)
 Constructs a new mvIMPACT.acquire.ComponentAccess from an existing one.
 changedCounter (self)
 Returns the current changed counter for the component referenced by this object.
 changedCounterAttr (self)
 Returns the current attribute changed counter for the component referenced by this object.
 displayName (self)
 Returns the display name of the component referenced by this object.
 hObj (self)
 Returns a unique identifier for the component referenced by this object.
 name (self)
 Returns the name of the component referenced by this object.


 thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag")

Detailed Description

A base class to implement access to internal driver objects.

Instances of this class can't be constructed directly.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __init__()

__init__ ( self,
src )

Constructs a new mvIMPACT.acquire.ComponentAccess from an existing one.

src[in] A constant reference to the mvIMPACT.acquire.ComponentAccess object, this object shall be created from

Reimplemented in Component, ComponentLocatorBase, ComponentLocator, ComponentList, Method, Property, PropertyPtr, PropertyS, DeviceComponentLocator, PropertyI, PropertyIAcquisitionField, PropertyIAcquisitionMode, PropertyIAcquisitionStartStopBehaviour, PropertyIAoiMode, PropertyIAutoControlSpeed, PropertyIAutoControlMode, PropertyIAutoExposureControl, PropertyIAutoGainControl, PropertyIAutoOffsetCalibration, PropertyIBayerConversionMode, PropertyIBayerMosaicParity, PropertyIBayerWhiteBalanceResult, PropertyIBlueFOXDigitalInputThreshold, PropertyIBlueFOXFooterMode, PropertyIBlueFOXInfoSensorCapabilities, PropertyIBlueFOXOffsetAutoBlackSpeed, PropertyIBlueFOXSensorTiming, PropertyIBlueFOXTransferSize, PropertyIBoolean, PropertyICameraAoiMode, PropertyICameraBinningMode, PropertyICameraDataFormat, PropertyICameraExposeMode, PropertyICameraExternalSyncEdge, PropertyICameraExternalSyncOutput, PropertyICameraFlashMode, PropertyICameraFlashType, PropertyICameraHDRMode, PropertyICameraInterlacedType, PropertyICameraLinkDataValidMode, PropertyICameraOutput, PropertyICameraPixelClock, PropertyICameraScanMode, PropertyICameraSerialPortBaudRate, PropertyICameraShutterMode, PropertyICameraTapsXGeometry, PropertyICameraTapsYGeometry, PropertyICameraTestMode, PropertyICameraTriggerMode, PropertyICameraTriggerSource, PropertyIChannelSplitMode, PropertyIClampMode, PropertyIColorTwistInputCorrectionMatrixMode, PropertyIColorTwistOutputCorrectionMatrixMode, PropertyIColorProcessingMode, PropertyIDarkCurrentFilterMode, PropertyIDefectivePixelsFilterMode, PropertyIDeviceAccessMode, PropertyIDeviceAdvancedOptions, PropertyIDeviceCapability, PropertyIDeviceClass, PropertyIDeviceDigitalOutputMode, PropertyIDeviceImageTrigger, PropertyIDeviceInterfaceLayout, PropertyIDeviceLoadSettings, PropertyIDevicePowerMode, PropertyIDeviceScanRateMode, PropertyIDeviceSignalOutputStartEvent, PropertyIDeviceState, PropertyIDeviceSyncOutMode, PropertyIDeviceTriggerInterface, PropertyIDeviceTriggerMode, PropertyIDigIOState, PropertyIDigitalIOMeasurementMode, PropertyIDigitalIOMeasurementSource, PropertyIDigitalOutputControlMode, PropertyIDigitalSignal, PropertyIFieldGateMode, PropertyIFlatFieldFilterCorrectionMode, PropertyIFlatFieldFilterMode, PropertyIHWUpdateResult, PropertyII2COperationMode, PropertyII2COperationStatus, PropertyIImageBufferPixelFormat, PropertyIImageBufferFormatReinterpreterMode, PropertyIImageDestinationPixelFormat, PropertyIImageProcessingFilter, PropertyIImageProcessingMode, PropertyIImageProcessingOptimization, PropertyIImageProcessingResult, PropertyIRequestImageMemoryMode, PropertyIImageRequestControlMode, PropertyIInfoSensorColorMode, PropertyIInfoSensorType, PropertyIInterfaceEnumerationBehaviour, PropertyIInterlacedMode, PropertyILineCounter, PropertyILUTGammaMode, PropertyILUTImplementation, PropertyILUTInterpolationMode, PropertyILUTMapping, PropertyILUTMode, PropertyIMemoryManagerMode, PropertyIMemoryManagerPoolMode, PropertyIMirrorMode, PropertyIMirrorOperationMode, PropertyIOnBoardMemoryMode, PropertyIPayloadType, PropertyIPolarizedDataExtractionMode, PropertyIPolarizedDataExtractionInterpolationMode, PropertyIPulseStartTrigger, PropertyIRequestResult, PropertyIRequestState, PropertyIRTCtrlModes, PropertyIRTProgOpCodes, PropertyIScalerMode, PropertyIScalerInterpolationMode, PropertyIScanClock, PropertyIScanStandard, PropertyITriggerMoment, PropertyIUserDataAccessRight, PropertyIUserDataReconnectBehaviour, PropertyIVideoStandard, PropertyIVirtualDeviceImageType, PropertyIVirtualDeviceTestMode, PropertyIWhiteBalanceCalibrationMode, PropertyIWhiteBalanceParameter, PropertyI64, PropertyI64BufferPartDataType, PropertyI64BayerMosaicParity, PropertyI64DeviceTriggerOverlap, and PropertyF.

Member Function Documentation

◆ changedCounter()

changedCounter ( self)

Returns the current changed counter for the component referenced by this object.

This changed counter is incremented internally each time the component is modified. To check if this component has been modified since the last time, this check has been performed, keep track of the last return value of this function and compare it with the new value. This can be helpful e.g. to keep a GUI up to date. The value returned by this function will always be larger than or equal to the value returned by mvIMPACT.acquire.ComponentAccess.changedCounterAttr (except in case of a wrap around) when called at the same time for the same object as it's always incremented when the component has been modified in any way while the latter one will only be incremented if the attributes (e.g. the flags) but NOT if e.g. the value(s) of a property has been modified.

class ComponentRef
def __init__(self, c):
self.c_ = c
self.lastChangedCount_ = 0
def fn(cr):
if cr.c_.isValid:
currentChangedCount = cr.c_.changedCounter()
if currentChangedCount != cr.lastChangedCount_:
# something has happened since the last check!
# and remember the current changed counter
cr.lastChangedCount_ = currentChangedCount
The current changed counter of this object.

◆ changedCounterAttr()

changedCounterAttr ( self)

Returns the current attribute changed counter for the component referenced by this object.

This changed counter is incremented internally each time the components attributes have been modified. To check if this components attributes have been modified since the last time, this check has been performed, keep track of the last return value of this function and compare it with the new value. This can be helpful e.g. to keep a GUI up to date.

Attributes changes are e.g. a modification to a property's translation dictionary, but NOT a property's value. Because of this the value returned by this function will always be less or equal than the value returned by the function mvIMPACT.acquire.ComponentAccess.changedCounter (except in case of a wrap around) when called at the same time for the same object.
See also
The current attributes changed counter of this object.

◆ displayName()

displayName ( self)

Returns the display name of the component referenced by this object.

The display name of the component referenced by this object. This might be an empty string if no display name has been specified.

◆ hObj()

hObj ( self)

Returns a unique identifier for the component referenced by this object.

A unique identifier for the component referenced by this object.

◆ name()

name ( self)

Returns the name of the component referenced by this object.

The name of the component referenced by this object.

Property Documentation

◆ thisown

thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag")