Impact Acquire SDK Python
FunctionInterface Class Reference

The function interface to devices supported by this interface. More...

Inheritance diagram for FunctionInterface:

Public Member Functions

 __init__ (self, *args)
 Constructs a new function interface for the device pointed to by pDev.
 acquisitionStart (self)
 Manually starts the acquisition engine of this device driver instance.
 acquisitionStop (self)
 Manually stops the acquisition engine of this device driver instance.
 createImageRequestControl (self, *args)
 Creates a new mvIMPACT.acquire.ImageRequestControl object.
 createSetting (self, *args)
 Creates a new setting.
 deleteSetting (self, *args)
 Deletes a setting from the specified location.
 deleteSettingFromStack (self)
 Deletes the last setting from the setting stack.
 getAvailableImageRequestControls (self)
 Returns the names of the image request controls available for this mvIMPACT.acquire.Device.
 getAvailableSettings (self)
 Returns the names of the settings available for this mvIMPACT.acquire.Device.
 getCurrentCaptureBufferLayout (self, imageRequestControl)
 Returns information about the current capture buffer requirements.
 getRequest (self, nr)
 Returns a pointer to the desired mvIMPACT.acquire.Request.
 getSetting (self, name)
 Returns a mvIMPACT.acquire.ComponentList object to a setting with a specified name.
 imageRequestConfigure (self, pRequest)
 Sets a request into configuration mode.
 imageRequestReset (self, requestCtrlNr, mode)
 Deletes all requests currently queued for the specified mvIMPACT.acquire.ImageRequestControl.
 imageRequestResultQueueElementCount (self, queueNr=0)
 Returns the number of mvIMPACT.acquire.Request objects in the result queue .
 imageRequestSingle (self, *args)
 Sends an image request to the mvIMPACT.acquire.Device driver.
 imageRequestUnlock (self, nr)
 Unlocks the request for the driver again.
 imageRequestWaitFor (self, timeout_ms, queueNr=0)
 Waits for a request object to become ready.
 isRequestNrValid (self, nr)
 Check if nr specifies a valid mvIMPACT.acquire.Request.
 isSettingAvailable (self, *args)
 Checks if a certain setting is available under the specified location.
 loadAndDeleteSettingFromStack (self)
 loads the last setting from the setting stack and then removes this setting from the stack.
 loadSetting (self, *args)
 Loads a previously stored setting.
 loadSettingFromDefault (self, *args)
 Loads the default settings.
 loadSettingFromStack (self)
 loads the last setting from the setting stack.
 requestCount (self)
 Returns the number of available request objects.
 saveCurrentSettingOnStack (self, *args)
 Saves the current setting on the setting stack.
 saveSetting (self, *args)
 Stores the current settings.
 saveSettingToDefault (self, *args)
 Stores the current settings under a default location.
 updateRequests (self)
 Updates the internal cache for request objects.


 availableImageRequestControls = property (getAvailableImageRequestControls, None, None, None)
 A list property (read-only) which returns the names of the image request controls available for this mvIMPACT.acquire.Device.
 availableSettings = property (getAvailableSettings, None, None, None)
 A list property (read-only) which returns the names of the settings available for this mvIMPACT.acquire.Device.
 thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag")

Detailed Description

The function interface to devices supported by this interface.

This class contains all the basic functions needed when working with a device. There are not too many functions as most data will be represented by 'properties' in other classes of this module, keeping the set of functions to remember rather small. To construct a new function interface, a pointer to a mvIMPACT.acquire.Device object must be passed to the constructor of mvIMPACT.acquire.FunctionInterface. In order to work with the mvIMPACT.acquire.FunctionInterface object the device needs to be initialized, so if the mvIMPACT.acquire.Device object pointed to by pDev in the constructors parameter list hasn't been opened already the constructor will try to do that.

Please refer to one of the examples listed below to get an idea on how to use this class for data acquisition:

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __init__()

__init__ ( self,
* args )

Constructs a new function interface for the device pointed to by pDev.


In order to work with the mvIMPACT.acquire.FunctionInterface object the device needs to be initialized, so if the mvIMPACT.acquire.Device object pointed to by pDev in the constructors parameter list hasn't been opened already the constructor will try to do that. Thus internally a call to might be preformed with all consequences following from this call.

See also
pDev[in] A pointer to a mvIMPACT.acquire.Device object obtained from a mvIMPACT.acquire.DeviceManager object.
pRequestFactory[in] A pointer to a request factory. By supplying a custom request factory the user can control the type of request objects that will be created by the function interface.

OVERLOAD 2: Constructs a new mvIMPACT.acquire.FunctionInterface from an existing one.

src[in] A constant reference to the mvIMPACT.acquire.FunctionInterface object, this object shall be created from

Member Function Documentation

◆ acquisitionStart()

acquisitionStart ( self)

Manually starts the acquisition engine of this device driver instance.

Calling this function will manually start this device driver's acquisition engine. This will only have an effect on the overall behaviour if mvIMPACT.acquire.Device.acquisitionStartStopBehaviour is set to mvIMPACT.acquire.assbUser.

If supported by the device driver, starting and stopping the acquisition engine manually can sometimes help to overcome capture queue underruns or certain restrictions in the underlying device driver technology.

See also

◆ acquisitionStop()

acquisitionStop ( self)

Manually stops the acquisition engine of this device driver instance.

Calling this function will manually stop this device drivers acquisition engine. This will only have effect on the overall behaviour, if mvIMPACT.acquire.Device.acquisitionStartStopBehaviour is set to mvIMPACT.acquire.assbUser.

See also

◆ createImageRequestControl()

createImageRequestControl ( self,
* args )

Creates a new mvIMPACT.acquire.ImageRequestControl object.

This function creates a new mvIMPACT.acquire.ImageRequestControl based on an existing one. New mvIMPACT.acquire.ImageRequestControl instances can only be derived from mvIMPACT.acquire.ImageRequestControl instances that already exist. When the driver has been initialized there will be at least one base mvIMPACT.acquire.ImageRequestControl called 'Base', which acts as the base for all other request controls.

All mvIMPACT.acquire.ImageRequestControl constructed by the application must be derived either from this base or any of its children using this function.

When this function succeeds, the mvIMPACT.acquire.ImageRequestControl constructor can be called with the name parameter passed to this function to get access to this newly registered mvIMPACT.acquire.ImageRequestControl.

See all comments made under mvIMPACT.acquire.FunctionInterface.createSetting for understanding the relationship between base and derived mvIMPACT.acquire.ImageRequestControl objects.
name[in] The name of the new mvIMPACT.acquire.ImageRequestControl object.
parent[in] The name of the mvIMPACT.acquire.ImageRequestControl the new object shall be derived from.
pNewRequestControl[out] A pointer to a mvIMPACT.acquire.ComponentList object that will receive the ID of the newly created request control. This parameter can be 0 if the application is not interested in that parameter.

◆ createSetting()

createSetting ( self,
* args )

Creates a new setting.

This function creates a new setting base on an existing one. New settings can only be derived from settings that already exist. When the driver has been initialized there will be at least one base setting called 'Base', which acts as the base for all other settings.

When a new setting is created it derives all the properties from the parent setting. That means initially the new setting will contain the very same data as the parent setting. As long as a component hasn't been modified in the new setting it will depend on the parent settings data. That means if e.g. a property in the parent list is modified, the newly created setting will also benefit from the updated value.

To release a certain component from this dependency it must be assigned a new value. The function mvIMPACT.acquire.Component.isDefault will return false afterwards indicating that the component no longer depends on the parent.

To restore this parent <-> child dependency the user can call the function mvIMPACT.acquire.Component.restoreDefault. Afterwards settings applied to the parent component will also be visible in the child component again.

When a new setting has been created successfully the name used to create the setting can be passed to any of the constructors of the setting related classes (mvIMPACT.acquire.CameraSettingsBase, mvIMPACT.acquire.ImageProcessing, ...) to access the new components.

name[in] The name of the setting to be created.
parent[in] The name of the setting to derive the new setting from.
pNewSetting[out] A pointer to a mvIMPACT.acquire.ComponentList object that will receive the ID of the newly created setting. This parameter can be 0 if the application is not interested in that parameter.

◆ deleteSetting()

deleteSetting ( self,
* args )

Deletes a setting from the specified location.

This function deletes a setting from the specified location.

name[in] The name or the full path under where the setting is located.
storageLocation[in] The location of the setting.
scope[in] Specifies the scope of this operation.

◆ deleteSettingFromStack()

deleteSettingFromStack ( self)

Deletes the last setting from the setting stack.

This function deletes the last setting from the setting stack.

See mvIMPACT.acquire.FunctionInterface.saveCurrentSettingOnStack for an example how to use this feature.

See also

◆ getAvailableImageRequestControls()

getAvailableImageRequestControls ( self)

Returns the names of the image request controls available for this mvIMPACT.acquire.Device.

This function returns a const reference to a string array containing the names of all image request controls available for the current mvIMPACT.acquire.Device. These names are valid constructor parameters for objects of the type mvIMPACT.acquire.ImageRequestControl.

New image request controls can be created by calling mvIMPACT.acquire.FunctionInterface.createImageRequestControl.

A const reference to an array containing the names of all settings available.

◆ getAvailableSettings()

getAvailableSettings ( self)

Returns the names of the settings available for this mvIMPACT.acquire.Device.

This function returns a const reference to a string array containing the names of all settings available for the current mvIMPACT.acquire.Device. These names are valid constructor parameters for objects like mvIMPACT.acquire.CameraSettingsBase, mvIMPACT.acquire.ImageProcessing, mvIMPACT.acquire.ImageDestination or classes derived from these types.

New settings can be created by calling mvIMPACT.acquire.FunctionInterface.createSetting

A const reference to an array containing the names of all request controls available.

◆ getCurrentCaptureBufferLayout()

getCurrentCaptureBufferLayout ( self,
imageRequestControl )

Returns information about the current capture buffer requirements.

When an application wants to provide capture buffers, this function will be needed in order to get information on how the capture buffers must be constructed.

See also
imageRequestControl[in] A reference to the mvIMPACT.acquire.ImageRequestControl object containing the setting for which the current capture buffer layout shall be queried. The setting can be defined via the property mvIMPACT.acquire.ImageRequestControl.setting.
size[out] On a successful call this variable will receive the size needed for capturing into user supplied buffers that use the current settings.
alignment[out] On a successful call this variable will receive the alignment needed for capturing into user supplied buffers that use the current settings.

◆ getRequest()

getRequest ( self,
nr )

Returns a pointer to the desired mvIMPACT.acquire.Request.

This function returns a pointer to the mvIMPACT.acquire.Request stored at nr in the internal array of requests.

A pointer to a mvIMPACT.acquire.Request object.
nr[in] The number of the request to return

◆ getSetting()

getSetting ( self,
name )

Returns a mvIMPACT.acquire.ComponentList object to a setting with a specified name.

This function returns a mvIMPACT.acquire.ComponentList object to a setting with a specified name or will raise an exception if no such setting exists.

A mvIMPACT.acquire.ComponentList object to a setting with a specified name
name[in] The name of the setting to locate

◆ imageRequestConfigure()

imageRequestConfigure ( self,
pRequest )

Sets a request into configuration mode.

Another version of this function is available that might be nicer to use depending on personal preferences and use case: mvIMPACT.acquire.Request.configure.

In configuration mode certain properties like mvIMPACT.acquire.Request.imageData, mvIMPACT.acquire.Request.imageSize, mvIMPACT.acquire.Request.imageMemoryMode of a request object can be modified. This can be used to configure one or more requests to use a user supplied memory. To use only a subset of the mvIMPACT.acquire.Request objects available the mvIMPACT.acquire.ImageRequestControl.requestToUse feature can be used.

Only requests that are currently not used by the driver and are not locked because they contain image data that hasn't been processed can be set into configuration mode.

Instead of calling this function directly for most cases it is much more convenient to use the functions mvIMPACT.acquire.Request.attachUserBuffer and mvIMPACT.acquire.Request.detachUserBuffer instead.

User supplied buffers must follow the alignment and size requirements reported by versions of the function mvIMPACT.acquire.FunctionInterface.getCurrentCaptureBufferLayout. Calling a version of this function will return all the information required to allocate buffers that can be used to capture data for the specified settings.

When allocating memory on the heap, the complete buffer size is needed which is calculated like this:

size + alignment

The address passed to the request object must be aligned already!
pDev = getDevicePointerFromSomewhere()
fi = acquire.FunctionInterface(pDev)
irc = acquire.ImageRequestControl(pDev)
# this function returns a list containing [result, size, alignment]
results = fi.getCurrentCaptureBufferLayout(irc)
if results[0] == int(acquire.DMR_NO_ERROR):
pRequest = fi.getRequest(0)
# the buffer assigned to the request object must be aligned accordingly
# the size of the user supplied buffer MUST NOT include the additional size
# caused by the alignment
if pRequest.attachUserBuffer(getAlignedMemoryPtr(results[1], results[2] ), results[2]) == int(acquire.DMR_NO_ERROR):
irc.requestToUse.write(0) # use the buffer just configured for the next image request
# now the next image will be captured into the user supplied memory
fi.imageRequestSingle(irc) # this will send request '0' to the driver
# wait for the buffer. Once it has been returned by the driver AND the user buffer shall no
# longer be used call
if pRequest.detachUserBuffer() != TDMR_ERROR.DMR_NO_ERROR:
# handle error
# now this request will use internal memory again.
# handle error
# handle error
A request that is in configuration mode can't be sent to the driver for acquisition until mvIMPACT.acquire.Request.unlock or mvIMPACT.acquire.FunctionInterface.imageRequestUnlock has been called again. By using mvIMPACT.acquire.Request.attachUserBuffer and mvIMPACT.acquire.Request.detachUserBuffer this locking and unlocking is done internally thus the application does not need to worry about this.
See also
pRequest[in] A const pointer to the request object to configure

◆ imageRequestReset()

imageRequestReset ( self,
mode )

Deletes all requests currently queued for the specified mvIMPACT.acquire.ImageRequestControl.

This function will terminate all running image acquisitions associated with the queue bound to the specified image request control and in addition to that will empty the queue of pending image requests for that queue. Also all requests that reside in the result queue and have not been picked up by the application will be unlocked and removed from the result queue. So after this function returns only the requests currently in possession of the application (so requests that have been picked up by successful calls to mvIMPACT.acquire.FunctionInterface.imageRequestWaitFor that have NOT been unlocked) need to be handled. All other requests are in a state where they can be queued for an acquisition again.

See also
requestCtrlNr[in] The mvIMPACT.acquire.ImageRequestControl for which all the requests shall be cancelled.
mode[in] Currently unsupported. MUST be set 0.

◆ imageRequestResultQueueElementCount()

imageRequestResultQueueElementCount ( self,
queueNr = 0 )

Returns the number of mvIMPACT.acquire.Request objects in the result queue .

This functions queries the number of mvIMPACT.acquire.Request objects currently in the result queue that are available for pickup. This number reflects the number of mvIMPACT.acquire.FunctionInterface.imageRequestWaitFor calls that could be executed afterwards the would return with a valid mvIMPACT.acquire.Request object immediately without waiting!

See also
queueNr[in] The result queue to be queried.

◆ imageRequestSingle()

imageRequestSingle ( self,
* args )

Sends an image request to the mvIMPACT.acquire.Device driver.


This functions sends a single image request to the capture device. To wait for the image to become ready call the function mvIMPACT.acquire.FunctionInterface.imageRequestWaitFor.

In order to make sure that no image data is lost, it is important to understand how the request mechanism works. The driver works with a fixed number of mvIMPACT.acquire.Request objects. The number of mvIMPACT.acquire.Request objects available to the driver can be set by modifying the property mvIMPACT.acquire.SystemSettings.requestCount. Each mvIMPACT.acquire.Request will consume a certain amount of memory. Once an image has been captured by the mvIMPACT.acquire.Request, this amount will be slightly more than the image itself needs in memory, so modify this parameter gently. On the other hand, it's necessary to have more than a single request in order to ensure a lossless acquisition. E.g. when working with free running cameras an image might be lost because while an image has been captured and is being processed, the next vertical sync. pulse is already missed before the mvIMPACT.acquire.Request is unlocked again.
When mvIMPACT.acquire.Device.acquisitionStartStopBehaviour is set to mvIMPACT.acquire.assbUser several calls to mvIMPACT.acquire.FunctionInterface.imageRequestSingle will NOT start the data acquisition! After requests have been sent down to the driver, mvIMPACT.acquire.FunctionInterface.acquisitionStart must be called. For performance reasons some device drivers will NOT allow to request data into buffers which have not been known to the driver when mvIMPACT.acquire.FunctionInterface.acquisitionStart was called, thus before starting the acquisition, mvIMPACT.acquire.FunctionInterface.imageRequestSingle should be called as many times as there are request objects.
See also

OVERLOAD 2: Sends an image request to the mvIMPACT.acquire.Device driver.

This functions sends a single image request to the capture device. To wait for the image to become ready call the function mvIMPACT.acquire.FunctionInterface.imageRequestWaitFor.

In order to make sure that no image data is lost, it is important to understand how the request mechanism works. The driver works with a fixed number of mvIMPACT.acquire.Request objects. The number of mvIMPACT.acquire.Request objects available to the driver can be set by modifying the property mvIMPACT.acquire.SystemSettings.requestCount. Each mvIMPACT.acquire.Request will consume a certain amount of memory. Once an image has been captured by the mvIMPACT.acquire.Request, this amount will be slightly more than the image itself needs in memory, so modify this parameter gently. On the other hand, it's necessary to have more than a single request in order to ensure a lossless acquisition. E.g. when working with free running cameras an image might be lost because while an image has been captured and is being processed, the next vertical sync. pulse is already missed before the mvIMPACT.acquire.Request is unlocked again.
When mvIMPACT.acquire.Device.acquisitionStartStopBehaviour is set to mvIMPACT.acquire.assbUser several calls to mvIMPACT.acquire.FunctionInterface.imageRequestSingle will NOT start the data acquisition! After requests have been sent down to the driver, mvIMPACT.acquire.FunctionInterface.acquisitionStart must be called. For performance reasons some device drivers will NOT allow to request data into buffers which have not been known to the driver when mvIMPACT.acquire.FunctionInterface.acquisitionStart was called, thus before starting the acquisition, mvIMPACT.acquire.FunctionInterface.imageRequestSingle should be called as many times as there are request objects.
See also
imageRequestControl[in] The mvIMPACT.acquire.ImageRequestControl object to be used for this request. mvIMPACT.acquire.ImageRequestControl objects define (among other things), which setting will be used for this image acquisition (via the property mvIMPACT.acquire.ImageRequestControl.setting).

◆ imageRequestUnlock()

imageRequestUnlock ( self,
nr )

Unlocks the request for the driver again.

Another version of this function is available that might be nicer to use depending on personal preferences and use case: mvIMPACT.acquire.Request.unlock. Unlocking a certain request might be nicer by using this function, e.g. unlocking ALL requests in a loop is probably easier done by writing
pDev = getDevicePointerFromSomewhere()
fi = acquire.FunctionInterface(pDev)
rc = fi.requestCount()
for i in range(rc):

To ensure that no image data is overwritten by another image request while the user still deals with the image from a previous acquisition each image buffer will be locked by the driver when it is returned to the user by a call to mvIMPACT.acquire.FunctionInterface.imageRequestWaitFor. No new image will be captured into the same buffer until the user unlocks the buffer again by calling mvIMPACT.acquire.FunctionInterface.imageRequestUnlock.

After unlocking a request it is no longer guaranteed that the memory once referenced by the request and the image buffer belonging to it stays valid, so do NEVER try to access memory belonging to an unlocked request object. If you need to copy the image buffer or modify it in any other way, do everything you have to do BEFORE calling this function!
See also
nr[in] The number of the request to unlock. This is typically a value returned from a call to mvIMPACT.acquire.FunctionInterface.imageRequestWaitFor.

◆ imageRequestWaitFor()

imageRequestWaitFor ( self,
queueNr = 0 )

Waits for a request object to become ready.

This function waits for a request object previously sent to the capture device by calling mvIMPACT.acquire.FunctionInterface.imageRequestSingle. When a new request became ready during the period of time specified by the timeout_ms parameter this request is extracted from the result queue and is returned to the user so the same request can not be returned twice until it has been processed and unlocked by the application.

Whenever a mvIMPACT.acquire.Request is returned to the user the image data described by the mvIMPACT.acquire.Request remains valid until the user unlocks the image buffer again or the driver is closed.
See also
If the return value is greater than or equal to zero, the return value is the request number of the image request in the interface's internal array of image requests. In this case the user can call mvIMPACT.acquire.FunctionInterface.getRequest to get access to the results.

If the result is negative, the return value is an error code. The error code that is returned in most cases will be mvIMPACT.acquire.DEV_WAIT_FOR_REQUEST_FAILED. To find out possible reasons for this error, look at the corresponding explanation.
timeout_ms[in] The maximum wait time in milliseconds (ms) for this request to become ready. If timeout_ms is '-1', the function's timeout interval never elapses. If the result queue specified by the queueNr parameter already contains a request when calling this function the function will return immediately. Please note that each request has its own timeout that is independent from this wait timeout, thus this function will return with a valid request after the timeout for this request has elapsed even if e.g. a trigger has not been detected. For detailed information on the interaction of the timeout of this function and the timeout of a request please refer to the chapter Acquiring Data in the C++ section.
queueNr[in] The queue where to wait for the request. The number of request queues available depends on the number of video channels offered by the device. The queue a processed request ends up in can be defined by setting the property mvIMPACT.acquire.ImageRequestControl.resultQueue BEFORE calling mvIMPACT.acquire.FunctionInterface.imageRequestSingle.

◆ isRequestNrValid()

isRequestNrValid ( self,
nr )

Check if nr specifies a valid mvIMPACT.acquire.Request.

  • true if nr specifies a valid request.
  • false otherwise

◆ isSettingAvailable()

isSettingAvailable ( self,
* args )

Checks if a certain setting is available under the specified location.

This function checks if a certain setting is available under the specified location.

name[in] The name or the full path under where the setting is located.
storageLocation[in] The location of the setting.
scope[in] Specifies the scope of this operation.

◆ loadAndDeleteSettingFromStack()

loadAndDeleteSettingFromStack ( self)

loads the last setting from the setting stack and then removes this setting from the stack.

This function loads the last setting from the setting stack and then removes this setting from the stack.

See mvIMPACT.acquire.FunctionInterface.saveCurrentSettingOnStack for an example how to use this feature.

See also mvIMPACT.acquire.FunctionInterface.loadSetting to find out which features of a GenICam device are stored in a setting and which are not!

See also

◆ loadSetting()

loadSetting ( self,
* args )

Loads a previously stored setting.

This function can be used to restore a previously stored setting again.

To load a setting from a file the mvIMPACT.acquire.sfFile should be specified as part of storageFlags. To load a setting from a platform specific location such as the Registry under Windows© mvIMPACT.acquire.sfNative should be specified. It's not allowed to combine mvIMPACT.acquire.sfFile and mvIMPACT.acquire.sfNative for this operation.

Since Impact Acquire 2.9.0 GenICam devices will be able to save their properties in an XML File, only if the properties have the streamable attribute set (for more information refer to the GenICam standard specification). Properties with no streamable attribute set, will be silently ignored when saving, which means they will not be saved in the XML file. For Balluff GenICam devices, starting with firmware version 1.6.414 the streamable attribute is set for all the necessary properties.

Since Impact Acquire 2.9.0 and again in version 2.11.0 storing and loading of camera settings in an XML file for the mvIMPACT.acquire.dilGenICam interface layout has been updated. As a result XML files created with newer versions of Impact Acquire might not be readable on systems with older version of Impact Acquire installed. XML files created on systems with earlier versions of Impact Acquire will always be readable this or newer versions. See the following table for details.
Impact Acquire VersionLoading an XML settings file created with Impact Acquire version < 2.9.0Loading an XML settings file created with Impact Acquire version 2.9.0 - 2.10.1Loading an XML settings file created with Impact Acquire version 2.11.0 or later
< 2.9.0 YES NO NO
2.9.0 - 2.10.1 YES YES NO
>= 2.11.0 YES YES YES
Since Impact Acquire 2.28.0 it is possible for devices operated in the .dilGenICam interface layout to store settings including sequencer sets and user sets (see SFNC for details) data by specifying the .sfProcessGenICamSequencerData and/or .sfProcessGenICamUserSetData during the storage operation. Settings stored like this cannot be loaded by previous Impact Acquire versions.
For devices operated in the mvIMPACT.acquire.dilGenICam interface layout further restriction apply: Settings created with a certain product type can only be used with other devices belonging to the exact same type as defined by the property mvIMPACT.acquire.Device.product inside the device list (the one device specific property list that is accessible without initialising the device before). Even if a setting can be used with various firmware versions it is recommended to use one setting for multiple devices all updated to the very same firmware version to avoid compatibility problems.
See also
name[in] The name or the full path under where the setting is located.
storageFlags[in] The flags which define which information shall be read from the location and how this information shall be interpreted.
scope[in] Specifies where the information is located.

◆ loadSettingFromDefault()

loadSettingFromDefault ( self,
* args )

Loads the default settings.

This function will try to load the settings from a default location. This function can only succeed if a setting has been stored previously by a call to mvIMPACT.acquire.FunctionInterface.saveSettingToDefault.

There has been an incompatible change when loading settings in version 2.9.0 and 2.11.0 of Impact Acquire as well as in version 2.28.0. See mvIMPACT.acquire.FunctionInterface.loadSetting for details.
scope[in] Specifies where the information is located.

◆ loadSettingFromStack()

loadSettingFromStack ( self)

loads the last setting from the setting stack.

This function loads the last setting from the setting stack.

See mvIMPACT.acquire.FunctionInterface.saveCurrentSettingOnStack for an example how to use this feature.

See also mvIMPACT.acquire.FunctionInterface.loadSetting to find out which features of a GenICam device are stored in a setting and which are not!

See also

◆ requestCount()

requestCount ( self)

Returns the number of available request objects.

See also
mvIMPACT.acquire.SystemSettings.requestCount to change the number of request objects
Returns the number of available request objects.

◆ saveCurrentSettingOnStack()

saveCurrentSettingOnStack ( self,
* args )

Saves the current setting on the setting stack.

This function saves the current setting on the setting stack. Together which the functions mentioned below this implements a stack for capture settings. This can become handy when entering a section of code that might modify the current capture settings in various ways and depending on the result these modifications shall either be kept or discarded at the end of the operation.

DISCARD_SETTING = 1 APPLY_SETTING = 2 fi = getFunctionInterfaceFromSomewhere() fi.saveCurrentSettingOnStack() option = enterSectionThatModifiesDeviceSettings() if option == DISCARD_SETTING: # discard fi.loadAndDeleteSettingFromStack() # revert all changes just applied without worrying about what these changes actually are elif option == APPLY_SETTING: # apply fi.deleteSettingFromStack() # remove the setting from the stack, but keep changes

The stack makes use of Impact Acquires ability to store capture settings in the memory of the current process. Once the last instance of this mvIMPACT.acquire.FunctionInterface object is deleted all settings pushed on this stack will be deleted automatically.

See also
storageFlags[in] The flags which define which information shall be stored and how this information shall be stored.

◆ saveSetting()

saveSetting ( self,
* args )

Stores the current settings.

This function can be used to store the current settings either in an XML-file or (under Windows©) into the Registry. A setting contains all the values set for properties that control the overall way an image is acquired( e.g. the exposure time, etc.).

To store a setting in a file the mvIMPACT.acquire.sfFile should be specified as part of storageFlags. To store a setting in a platform specific location such as the Registry under Windows© mvIMPACT.acquire.sfNative should be specified. Both flags can be combined. In that case the same setting will be stored in a file AND in a platform specific location if these location differ (platform dependent!).

There has been an incompatible change when loading settings in version 2.9.0 and 2.11.0 of Impact Acquire as well as in version 2.28.0. See mvIMPACT.acquire.FunctionInterface.loadSetting for details.
name[in] The name or the full path under which this setting shall be stored
storageFlags[in] The flags which define which information shall be stored and how this information shall be stored.
scope[in] Specifies where the information shall be stored.

◆ saveSettingToDefault()

saveSettingToDefault ( self,
* args )

Stores the current settings under a default location.

Under Windows© this will be in the Registry. A setting contains all the values set for properties that control the overall way an image is acquired( e.g. the exposure time, etc.).

There has been an incompatible change when loading settings in version 2.9.0 and 2.11.0 of Impact Acquire as well as in version 2.28.0. See mvIMPACT.acquire.FunctionInterface.loadSetting for details.
scope[in] Specifies where the information shall be stored.

◆ updateRequests()

updateRequests ( self)

Updates the internal cache for request objects.

Calling this function isn't strictly necessary but doing so can speed up the initial execution of other functions after the request count has been modified using the mvIMPACT.acquire.SystemSettings.requestCount property. Not doing so will execute the work performed by this function when calling any of the following functions for the first time after modifying the request count:

See also

Property Documentation

◆ availableImageRequestControls

availableImageRequestControls = property (getAvailableImageRequestControls, None, None, None)

A list property (read-only) which returns the names of the image request controls available for this mvIMPACT.acquire.Device.

See mvIMPACT.acquire.FunctionInterface.getAvailableImageRequestControls()

◆ availableSettings

availableSettings = property (getAvailableSettings, None, None, None)

A list property (read-only) which returns the names of the settings available for this mvIMPACT.acquire.Device.

See mvIMPACT.acquire.FunctionInterface.getAvailableSettings()

◆ thisown

thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag")