▼NmvIMPACT | |
►Nacquire | |
CAcquisitionControl | Category for the acquisition and trigger control features |
CActionControl | Category that contains the Action control features |
CAnalogControl | Category that contains the Analog control features |
CAutoControlParameters | A class to control the automatic control parameters of a device(Device specific interface layout only) |
CBasicDeviceSettings | A base class for essential device related settings |
CBasicDeviceSettingsWithAOI | A base class for camera related settings(Device specific interface layout only) |
CBufferPart | Contains information about a specific part of a captured buffer |
CCameraDescriptionBase | A base class to describe a camera (Device specific interface layout only) connected to a frame grabber (deprecated |
CCameraDescriptionCameraLink | A class to describe a CameraLink® compliant camera(Device specific interface layout only) (deprecated |
CCameraDescriptionDigital | A class to describe a non-standard digital video signal(Device specific interface layout only) (deprecated |
CCameraDescriptionDigitalBase | A base class to describe an arbitrary digital camera signal(Device specific interface layout only) (deprecated |
CCameraDescriptionDigitalBase2 | A base class to describe an arbitrary digital camera signal(Device specific interface layout only) (deprecated |
CCameraDescriptionManager | Grants access to camera description objects(Device specific interface layout only) (deprecated |
CCameraDescriptionNonStandard | A class describing non-standard video cameras(Device specific interface layout only) (deprecated |
CCameraDescriptionSDI | A base class to describe an SDI(Serial Digital Interface) camera signal (Device specific interface layout only) (deprecated |
CCameraDescriptionStandard | A class describing analogue standard compliant video cameras(Device specific interface layout only) (deprecated |
CCameraDescriptionStandardBase | An internal base class to describe standard analogue video cameras(Device specific interface layout only) (deprecated |
CCameraSettingsBase | A base class for camera related settings(Device specific interface layout only) |
CCameraSettingsBlueCOUGAR | mvBlueCOUGAR related camera settings (Device specific interface layout only) |
CCameraSettingsBlueDevice | A base class for camera related settings belonging to the mvBlueXXX-series (Device specific interface layout only) |
CCameraSettingsBlueFOX | mvBlueFOX related camera settings(Device specific interface layout only) |
CCameraSettingsFrameGrabber | A class to access frame grabber related camera settings(Device specific interface layout only) (deprecated |
CCameraSettingsV4L2Device | mvV4L2 related camera settings(Device specific interface layout only) |
CCameraSettingsVirtualDevice | mvVirtualDevice related camera settings(Device specific interface layout only) |
CChannelData | A structure for image buffer channel specific data Channel specific data in an image is data, that in e.g |
CChunkDataControl | Category that contains the Chunk Data control features |
CColorTransformationControl | Category that contains the Color Transformation control features |
CComponent | A base class to implement access to internal driver components |
CComponentAccess | A base class to implement access to internal driver objects |
CComponentCallback | A simple helper class to wrap the creation of a callback object |
CComponentCollection | A base class for sets of properties that can be modified by the user |
CComponentList | A class to provide access to component lists |
CComponentLocator | A class to locate components within the driver |
CComponentLocatorBase | A base class to locate components within the driver |
CConnector | A class describing how a video signal source(e.g |
CCounterAndTimerControl | Category that contains the Counter and Timer control features |
CCustomCommandGenerator | Contains convenience functions to control features understood by a devices custom command interpreter |
CDataStreamModule | Category that contains items that belong to the data stream module of the transport layer |
CDepthControl | Adjustment and triggering of the depth image for 3D control |
CDevice | This class and its functions represent an actual device detected by this interface in the current system |
CDeviceComponentLocator | A class to locate components within the driver |
CDeviceControl | Classes and functions that will be available if the device is used with the GenICam interface layout |
CDeviceManager | Grants access to devices that can be operated by this software interface |
CDeviceModule | Category contains items that belong to the device module of the transport layer |
CDigitalInput | A class to represent a digital input pin(Device specific interface layout only) |
CDigitalIOControl | Category that contains the digital input and output control features |
CDigitalIOMeasurementControl | Properties for configuring settings belonging to the digital I/O measurement(Device specific interface layout only) |
CDigitalOutput | A class to represent a digital output pin(Device specific interface layout only) |
CECantAccessData | An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_LIST_CANT_ACCESS_DATA error |
CECantAllocateNewList | An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_CANT_ALLOCATE_LIST error |
CECantRegisterComponent | An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_CANT_REGISTER_COMPONENT error |
CECantSerializeData | An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_CANT_SERIALIZE_DATA error |
CEComponent | A base class for mvIMPACT.acquire.Component object related exceptions from the property module |
CEComponentIDInvalid | An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_COMPONENT_ID_INVALID error |
CEComponentNotFound | An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND error |
CEDeviceManager | A base class for device manager related exceptions |
CEImplementationMissing | An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_IMPLEMENTATION_MISSING error |
CEIncompatibleComponents | An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_INCOMPATIBLE_COMPONENTS error |
CEInputBufferTooSmall | An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_INPUT_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL error |
CEInvalidFileContent | An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_INVALID_FILE_CONTENT error |
CEInvalidInputParameter | An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_INVALID_INPUT_PARAMETER error |
CEInvalidListID | An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_LIST_ID_INVALID error |
CEInvalidParameterList | An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_METHOD_INVALID_PARAM_LIST error |
CEInvalidValue | An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_INVALID_PROP_VALUE error |
CEInvalidValueType | An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_INVALID_PROP_VALUE_TYPE error |
CEListEntryOccupied | An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_LIST_ENTRY_OCCUPIED error |
CEMethod | A base class for mvIMPACT.acquire.Method object related exceptions from the property module |
CEMethodPtrInvalid | An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_METHOD_PTR_INVALID error |
CEncoderControl | Category that contains the quadrature Encoder Control features |
CENoModifySizeRights | An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_NO_MODIFY_SIZE_RIGHTS error |
CENoReadRights | An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_NO_READ_RIGHTS error |
CENotAList | An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_NOT_A_LIST error |
CENotAMethod | An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_NOT_A_METHOD error |
CENotAProperty | An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_NOT_A_PROPERTY error |
CENoWriteRights | An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_NO_WRITE_RIGHTS error |
CEProperty | A base class for mvIMPACT.acquire.Property related exceptions from the property module |
CEPropertyHandling | A base class for exceptions related to the property module |
CEPropertyList | A base class for component list related exceptions from the property module |
CESizeMismatch | An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_SIZE_MISMATCH error |
CETranslationTableCorrupted | An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_PROP_TRANSLATION_TABLE_CORRUPTED error |
CETranslationTableNotDefined | An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_PROP_TRANSLATION_TABLE_NOT_DEFINED error |
CEUnsupportedOperation | An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION error |
CEUnsupportedParameter | An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_UNSUPPORTED_PARAMETER error |
CEValidationFailed | An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_PROP_VALIDATION_FAILED error |
CEValIDOutOfBounds | An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_PROP_VAL_ID_OUT_OF_BOUNDS error |
CEValTooLarge | An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_PROP_VAL_TOO_LARGE error |
CEValTooSmall | An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_PROP_VAL_TOO_SMALL error |
CEventControl | Category that contains Event control features |
CEWrongParamCount | An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_WRONG_PARAM_COUNT error |
CExceptionFactory | A factory class to raise Impact Acquire related exceptions |
CFileAccessControl | Category that contains the File Access control features |
CFirmwareUpdater | A class to perform a firmware update of a specific device |
CFullSettingsBase | A base class that provides access to the most common settings for a device |
CFunctionInterface | The function interface to devices supported by this interface |
CGainOffsetKneeChannelParameters | Properties for configuring settings belonging to a certain channel of the GainOffsetKnee filter |
CGenTLDriverConfigurator | A class that contains items to configure the behaviour of the GenICam GenTL driver stack |
CGenTLProducerConfiguration | A class that contains items to configure the behaviour of the GenICam GenTL driver stack |
CHDRControl | A class to control the HDR (High Dynamic Range) parameters of a device (Device specific interface layout only) |
CHDRKneePoint | A class to configure a HDR (High Dynamic Range) knee point (Device specific interface layout only) |
CI2CControl | Properties for accessing features belonging to the I2C control(Device specific interface layout only) |
CImageBuffer | Fully describes a captured image |
CImageBufferDesc | A wrapper class to handle mvIMPACT.acquire.ImageBuffer structures |
CImageDestination | Properties to define the format of resulting images |
CImageDisplay | A class that can be used for displaying images within existing windows or GUI elements that can provide a window handle |
CImageDisplayWindow | A class that can be used to display images in a window |
CImageFormatControl | Category for Image Format Control features |
CImageMemoryManager | An interface class to access DMA memory related properties(Device specific interface layout only) |
CImageProcessing | Base class for image processing related properties |
CImageRequestControl | A helper class to control the way an image request will be processed |
CImpactAcquireException | A base class for exceptions generated by Impact Acquire |
CInfo | A base class to access various general information about the device and its driver |
CInfoBlueCOUGAR | A more specific class to query information about a mvBlueCOUGAR devices and its driver(Device specific interface layout only) |
CInfoBlueDevice | A more specific class to query information about a mvBlueDevice device and its driver(Device specific interface layout only) |
CInfoBlueFOX | A more specific class to query information about a mvBlueFOX device and its driver(Device specific interface layout only) |
CInterfaceModule | Category that contains items that belong to the interface module of the transport layer |
CIOSubSystem | A base class to handle digital inputs and outputs(Device specific interface layout only) |
CIOSubSystemBlueFOX | A class to handle the digital inputs and outputs for mvBlueFOX USB cameras(Device specific interface layout only) |
CIOSubSystemCommon | A base class to handle the digital inputs and outputs for devices (Device specific interface layout only) |
CIOSubSystemFrameGrabber | A class to handle the digital inputs and outputs for frame grabber devices(Device specific interface layout only) (deprecated |
CLightControl | Category containing the Lighting control features |
CLogicBlockControl | Category that contains the Logic Block control features |
CLUTControl | Category that includes the LUT control features |
CLUTParameters | Properties for configuring settings belonging to a certain LUT (Look Up Table) to be applied to a captured image |
CMethod | A class to call arbitrary driver functions |
CMirrorParameters | Properties for configuring settings belonging to the mirror filter that processes a certain channel of a captured image |
CMotorFocusControl | Properties for configuring settings belonging to the motor focus control (Device specific interface layout only) |
CmvAutoFeatureControl | Contains features to control the image controllers |
CmvCurrentControl | Category that contains features to control the devices Current Control parameters |
CmvDefectivePixelCorrectionControl | Contains features to control the device's defective pixel correction parameters |
CmvFFCControl | Contains features to control the devices Flat Field Correction parameters |
CmvFrameAverageControl | Category that contains features to control the frame averaging engine |
CmvHDRControl | Category that contains features to control the devices High Dynamic Range parameters |
CmvI2cInterfaceControl | Contains features to control the I2C interface |
CmvLensControl | Contains features to control motorized lenses Contains features to control motorized lenses |
CmvLogicGateControl | Category that contains features to control the devices Logic Gate Control parameters |
CmvSerialInterfaceControl | Contains features to control the serial interface |
COpticControl | Category for optical control features |
COutputSignalGeneratorBlueDevice | A class to create complex digital output signals(Device specific interface layout only) |
COutputSignalGeneratorFrameGrabber | A class to create complex digital output signals(Device specific interface layout only) (deprecated |
CProperty | A base class for properties |
CPropertyF | A template class to represent float properties and enumerated float properties |
CPropertyI | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyI64 | A template class to represent 64 bit integer properties and enumerated 64 bit integer properties |
CPropertyI64BayerMosaicParity | A template class to represent 64 bit integer properties and enumerated 64 bit integer properties |
CPropertyI64BufferPartDataType | A template class to represent 64 bit integer properties and enumerated 64 bit integer properties |
CPropertyI64DeviceTriggerOverlap | A template class to represent 64 bit integer properties and enumerated 64 bit integer properties |
CPropertyIAcquisitionField | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIAcquisitionMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIAcquisitionStartStopBehaviour | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIAoiMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIAutoControlMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIAutoControlSpeed | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIAutoExposureControl | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIAutoGainControl | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIAutoOffsetCalibration | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIBayerConversionMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIBayerMosaicParity | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIBayerWhiteBalanceResult | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIBlueFOXDigitalInputThreshold | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIBlueFOXFooterMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIBlueFOXInfoSensorCapabilities | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIBlueFOXOffsetAutoBlackSpeed | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIBlueFOXSensorTiming | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIBlueFOXTransferSize | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIBoolean | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyICameraAoiMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyICameraBinningMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyICameraDataFormat | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyICameraExposeMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyICameraExternalSyncEdge | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyICameraExternalSyncOutput | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyICameraFlashMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyICameraFlashType | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyICameraHDRMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyICameraInterlacedType | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyICameraLinkDataValidMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyICameraOutput | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyICameraPixelClock | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyICameraScanMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyICameraSerialPortBaudRate | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyICameraShutterMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyICameraTapsXGeometry | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyICameraTapsYGeometry | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyICameraTestMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyICameraTriggerMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyICameraTriggerSource | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIChannelSplitMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIClampMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIColorProcessingMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIColorTwistInputCorrectionMatrixMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIColorTwistOutputCorrectionMatrixMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIDarkCurrentFilterMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIDefectivePixelsFilterMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIDeviceAccessMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIDeviceAdvancedOptions | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIDeviceCapability | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIDeviceClass | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIDeviceDigitalOutputMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIDeviceImageTrigger | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIDeviceInterfaceLayout | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIDeviceLoadSettings | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIDevicePowerMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIDeviceScanRateMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIDeviceSignalOutputStartEvent | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIDeviceState | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIDeviceSyncOutMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIDeviceTriggerInterface | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIDeviceTriggerMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIDigIOState | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIDigitalIOMeasurementMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIDigitalIOMeasurementSource | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIDigitalOutputControlMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIDigitalSignal | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIFieldGateMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIFlatFieldFilterCorrectionMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIFlatFieldFilterMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIHWUpdateResult | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyII2COperationMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyII2COperationStatus | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIImageBufferFormatReinterpreterMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIImageBufferPixelFormat | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIImageDestinationPixelFormat | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIImageProcessingFilter | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIImageProcessingMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIImageProcessingOptimization | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIImageProcessingResult | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIImageRequestControlMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIInfoSensorColorMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIInfoSensorType | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIInterfaceEnumerationBehaviour | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIInterlacedMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyILineCounter | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyILUTGammaMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyILUTImplementation | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyILUTInterpolationMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyILUTMapping | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyILUTMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIMemoryManagerMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIMemoryManagerPoolMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIMirrorMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIMirrorOperationMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIOnBoardMemoryMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIPayloadType | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIPolarizedDataExtractionInterpolationMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIPolarizedDataExtractionMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIPulseStartTrigger | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIRequestImageMemoryMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIRequestResult | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIRequestState | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIRTCtrlModes | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIRTProgOpCodes | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIScalerInterpolationMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIScalerMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIScanClock | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIScanStandard | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyITriggerMoment | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIUserDataAccessRight | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIUserDataReconnectBehaviour | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIVideoStandard | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIVirtualDeviceImageType | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIVirtualDeviceTestMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIWhiteBalanceCalibrationMode | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyIWhiteBalanceParameter | A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties |
CPropertyPtr | A class to represent pointer properties |
CPropertyS | A class to represent string properties |
CPulseStartConfiguration | A class to configure the creation of digital signals passed to one or more of the digital outputs of a device(Device specific interface layout only) |
CRequest | Contains information about a captured buffer |
CRequestFactory | A default request factory |
CRequestInfoConfiguration | Properties to configure which information shall be attached to the resulting images |
CRTCtrProgram | A class to represent real time control programs(Device specific interface layout only) |
CRTCtrProgramStep | A class to represent one step of a real time control(RTCtr) program (Device specific interface layout only) |
CScan3dControl | Category for control of 3D camera specific features |
CSequencerControl | Category for the Sequencer Control features |
CSettingsBlueFOX | This class provides access to general settings as well as to settings which are unique for the mvBlueFOX(Device specific interface layout only) |
CSoftwareSignalControl | Category that contains the Software Signal Control features |
CSourceControl | Category that contains the source control features |
CStatistics | Contains basic statistical information |
CSwigPyIterator | |
CSyncOutput | A class to represent a sync |
CSystemBlueFOX | A class containing mvBlueFOX specific settings to control the overall behaviour of the driver(Device specific interface layout only) |
CSystemModule | Category that contains items that belong to the system module of the transport layer |
CSystemSettings | A base class for accessing settings that control the overall behaviour of a device driver |
CSystemV4L2 | A class containing mvV4L2 specific settings to control the overall behaviour of the driver(Device specific interface layout only) |
CTestControl | Category for Test Control features |
CTransferControl | Category for the data Transfer Control features |
CTransportLayerControl | Category that contains the transport Layer control features |
CTriggerControl | A class to configure the behaviour of trigger signals |
CUserData | A helper class to work with the device specific non-volatile memory(if available) |
CUserDataEntry | A helper class that represents one entry in the devices non-volatile memory (if available) |
CUserSetControl | Category that contains the User Set control features |
CVideoStream | A class to create compressed video stream from images captured or loaded using the Impact Acquire API |
CVideoStreamPauseScope | A smaller helper class for pausing a video stream for a defined time |
CWhiteBalancer | Convenience class to provide an easy way for a more precise white balance calibration |
CWhiteBalanceSettings | Properties for adjusting the colors during a Bayer conversion |