Impact Acquire SDK Python
IOSubSystem Class Reference

A base class to handle digital inputs and outputs(Device specific interface layout only). More...

Inheritance diagram for IOSubSystem:

Public Member Functions

 __init__ (self, *args, **kwargs)
 getInput (self, nr)
 Returns a const pointer to a mvIMPACT.acquire.DigitalInput object.
 getInputCount (self)
 Returns the number of mvIMPACT.acquire.DigitalInput s available for the mvIMPACT.acquire.Device associated with this object.
 getOutput (self, nr)
 Returns a pointer to a mvIMPACT.acquire.DigitalOutput object.
 getOutputCount (self)
 Returns the number of digital outputs available for the mvIMPACT.acquire.Device associated with this object.
 getPulseStartConfiguration (self, nr)
 Returns a pointer to a mvIMPACT.acquire.PulseStartConfiguration associated with this device.
 getPulseStartConfigurationCount (self)
 Returns the number of mvIMPACT.acquire.PulseStartConfiguration objects available for the mvIMPACT.acquire.Device associated with this object.
 getRTCtrProgram (self, nr)
 Returns a pointer to a mvIMPACT.acquire.RTCtrProgram associated with this device.
 getRTCtrProgramCount (self)
 Returns the number of mvIMPACT.acquire.RTCtrProgram s available for the mvIMPACT.acquire.Device associated with this object.
 readInputRegister (self)
 Returns the current state of the digital input register.
 readOutputRegister (self)
 Returns the current state of the digital output register.
 writeOutputRegister (self, *args)
 Alters the state of the digital output register.


 inputCount = property (getInputCount, None, None, None)
 An integer property (read-only) which holds the number of mvIMPACT.acquire.DigitalInput s available for the mvIMPACT.acquire.Device associated with this object.
 outputCount = property (getOutputCount, None, None, None)
 An integer property (read-only) which holds the number of digital outputs available for the mvIMPACT.acquire.Device associated with this object.
 pulseStartConfigurationCount = property (getPulseStartConfigurationCount, None, None, None)
 An integer property (read-only) which holds the number of mvIMPACT.acquire.PulseStartConfiguration objects available for the mvIMPACT.acquire.Device associated with this object.
 RTCtrProgramCount = property (getRTCtrProgramCount, None, None, None)
 An integer property (read-only) which holds the number of mvIMPACT.acquire.RTCtrProgram s available for the mvIMPACT.acquire.Device associated with this object.
 thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag")

Detailed Description

A base class to handle digital inputs and outputs(Device specific interface layout only).

This class can't be instantiated by the user, but acts as a base class for hardware specific classes. Please use a device specific class suitable for the device you are working with instead. The documentation of the device specific class will also contain some example code.

This class will only be available if mvIMPACT.acquire.Device.interfaceLayout is set to mvIMPACT.acquire.dilDeviceSpecific before the device is opened.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __init__()

__init__ ( self,
* args,
** kwargs )

Member Function Documentation

◆ getInput()

getInput ( self,
nr )

Returns a const pointer to a mvIMPACT.acquire.DigitalInput object.

The possibility to access the digital inputs of a device as single objects is just provided for convenience. The same thing can be achieved by calling the function mvIMPACT.acquire.IOSubSystem.readInputRegister.
nr[in] The number of the digital input.

◆ getInputCount()

getInputCount ( self)

Returns the number of mvIMPACT.acquire.DigitalInput s available for the mvIMPACT.acquire.Device associated with this object.

◆ getOutput()

getOutput ( self,
nr )

Returns a pointer to a mvIMPACT.acquire.DigitalOutput object.

The possibility to access the digital outputs of a device as single objects is just provided for convenience. The same thing can be achieved by calling the function mvIMPACT.acquire.IOSubSystem.writeOutputRegister with the corresponding bit mask.
nr[in] The number of the digital output.

◆ getOutputCount()

getOutputCount ( self)

Returns the number of digital outputs available for the mvIMPACT.acquire.Device associated with this object.

◆ getPulseStartConfiguration()

getPulseStartConfiguration ( self,
nr )

Returns a pointer to a mvIMPACT.acquire.PulseStartConfiguration associated with this device.

nr[in] The number of the pulse start configuration to return

◆ getPulseStartConfigurationCount()

getPulseStartConfigurationCount ( self)

Returns the number of mvIMPACT.acquire.PulseStartConfiguration objects available for the mvIMPACT.acquire.Device associated with this object.

◆ getRTCtrProgram()

getRTCtrProgram ( self,
nr )

Returns a pointer to a mvIMPACT.acquire.RTCtrProgram associated with this device.

nr[in] The number of the real time controller program to return

◆ getRTCtrProgramCount()

getRTCtrProgramCount ( self)

Returns the number of mvIMPACT.acquire.RTCtrProgram s available for the mvIMPACT.acquire.Device associated with this object.

◆ readInputRegister()

readInputRegister ( self)

Returns the current state of the digital input register.

This function can be used to read all digital inputs as a single value. Each bit represents the status of one digital output pin.


A value of '3' returned by this function means that digital inputs 0 and 1 are currently have a voltage considered as logical '1' applied to them.

◆ readOutputRegister()

readOutputRegister ( self)

Returns the current state of the digital output register.

This function can be used to read all digital outputs as a single value. Each bit represents the status of one digital output pin.


A value of '3' returned by this function means that digital output 0 and 1 are currently set to high.

◆ writeOutputRegister()

writeOutputRegister ( self,
* args )

Alters the state of the digital output register.

This function can be used to alter the state of certain (or all) digital outputs with a single function call. By working with the parameter mask certain bits can remain unaffected.


If the previous state of a digital output register was '5', which means that outputs 0 and 2 are set to high a call to mvIMPACT.acquire.IOSubSystem.writeOutputRegister with value set to 2 and mask set to 3 would result in '6' as the new value for the output register. Pin 2 will remain unaffected, as mask states just to modify pin 0 and 1 ( 3 = 00000011 binary ).

currentValue = 5, mask = 3, value = 2
( currentValue & ~mask ) | value -> new Value
( 00000101b(current value) & 11111100(~mask) ) | 00000010(value) -> 0000110(new value of the register)
value[in] The value to be applied to the output register
mask[in] The mask to specify which pins to modify. A bit set to '1' in this parameter means that the state of this output has to adopt its style according to the value in value.

Reimplemented in IOSubSystemBlueFOX, and IOSubSystemCommon.

Property Documentation

◆ inputCount

inputCount = property (getInputCount, None, None, None)

An integer property (read-only) which holds the number of mvIMPACT.acquire.DigitalInput s available for the mvIMPACT.acquire.Device associated with this object.

See mvIMPACT.acquire.IOSubSystem.getInputCount()

◆ outputCount

outputCount = property (getOutputCount, None, None, None)

An integer property (read-only) which holds the number of digital outputs available for the mvIMPACT.acquire.Device associated with this object.

See mvIMPACT.acquire.IOSubSystem.getOutputCount()

◆ pulseStartConfigurationCount

pulseStartConfigurationCount = property (getPulseStartConfigurationCount, None, None, None)

An integer property (read-only) which holds the number of mvIMPACT.acquire.PulseStartConfiguration objects available for the mvIMPACT.acquire.Device associated with this object.

See mvIMPACT.acquire.IOSubSystem.getPulseStartConfigurationCount()

◆ RTCtrProgramCount

RTCtrProgramCount = property (getRTCtrProgramCount, None, None, None)

An integer property (read-only) which holds the number of mvIMPACT.acquire.RTCtrProgram s available for the mvIMPACT.acquire.Device associated with this object.

See mvIMPACT.acquire.IOSubSystem.getRTCtrProgramCount()

◆ thisown

thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag")