| motorFocusAbsolutePositionCurrent = property(lib_mvIMPACT_acquire.MotorFocusControl_motorFocusAbsolutePositionCurrent_get, doc=) |
| An integer property (read-only) storing the current absolute position(in encoder counts).
| motorFocusAbsolutePositionDesired = property(lib_mvIMPACT_acquire.MotorFocusControl_motorFocusAbsolutePositionDesired_get, doc=) |
| An integer property storing an absolute position(in encoder counts) that will be used by subsequent calls to the mvIMPACT.acquire.MotorFocusControl.motorFocusMoveToAbsolutePositionDesired command.
| motorFocusFar = property(lib_mvIMPACT_acquire.MotorFocusControl_motorFocusFar_get, doc=) |
| Calling this function will cause the motor focus to move backward by mvIMPACT.acquire.MotorFocusControl.motorFocusIncrement encoder units.
| motorFocusIncrement = property(lib_mvIMPACT_acquire.MotorFocusControl_motorFocusIncrement_get, doc=) |
| An integer property storing an increment(in encoder counts) that will be used by subsequent calls to mvIMPACT.acquire.MotorFocusControl.motorFocusNear and mvIMPACT.acquire.MotorFocusControl.motorFocusFar commands.
| motorFocusMoveToAbsolutePositionDesired = property(lib_mvIMPACT_acquire.MotorFocusControl_motorFocusMoveToAbsolutePositionDesired_get, doc=) |
| Calling this function will cause the motor focus to move to the position defined by the value of mvIMPACT.acquire.MotorFocusControl.motorFocusAbsolutePositionDesired.
| motorFocusNear = property(lib_mvIMPACT_acquire.MotorFocusControl_motorFocusNear_get, doc=) |
| Calling this function will cause the motor focus to move forward by mvIMPACT.acquire.MotorFocusControl.motorFocusIncrement encoder units.
| motorFocusReceiveBuffer = property(lib_mvIMPACT_acquire.MotorFocusControl_motorFocusReceiveBuffer_get, doc=) |
| A string property (read-only) that will contain answers sent by the motor focus controller.
| motorFocusSend = property(lib_mvIMPACT_acquire.MotorFocusControl_motorFocusSend_get, doc=) |
| Calling this function will send the value of mvIMPACT.acquire.MotorFocusControl.motorFocusSendBuffer to the hardware.
| motorFocusSendBuffer = property(lib_mvIMPACT_acquire.MotorFocusControl_motorFocusSendBuffer_get, doc=) |
| A string property storing a command to be sent to the motor focus.
| thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") |
Properties for configuring settings belonging to the motor focus control (Device specific interface layout only).
Properties in this class will only be available if a device is fitted with a focus motor.
- Note
- This class will only be available if mvIMPACT.acquire.Device.interfaceLayout is set to mvIMPACT.acquire.dilDeviceSpecific before the device is opened.