Impact Acquire SDK Python
Deprecated List
Global AcquisitionControl.mvAcquisitionMemoryMaxFrameCount
Maximum number of frames that can be recorded in the current configuration(deprecated, use the maximum value of 'mvAcquisitionMemoryFrameCount' instead).
Class CameraDescriptionBase
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Class CameraDescriptionCameraLink
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Class CameraDescriptionDigital
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Class CameraDescriptionDigitalBase
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Class CameraDescriptionDigitalBase2
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Class CameraDescriptionManager
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Class CameraDescriptionNonStandard
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Class CameraDescriptionSDI
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Class CameraDescriptionStandard
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Class CameraDescriptionStandardBase
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Class CameraSettingsFrameGrabber
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global ChunkDataControl.chunkImageComponent
This feature is deprecated (See ChunkComponentID). It was representing the component of the payload image.
Global ChunkDataControl.chunkPartSelector
This feature is deprecated (See ChunkComponentSelector). It was selecting the individual parts of a multi-component/multi-part buffer to access.
Global DeviceControl.deviceID
This feature is deprecated (See DeviceSerialNumber). It was representing the Device unique identifier (serial number).
Global DeviceControl.deviceMessageChannelCount
This feature is deprecated (See DeviceEventChannelCount). It indicates the number of message/event channels supported by the device.
Global DeviceControl.mvDeviceStatusLEDEnable
This feature is deprecated (See DeviceIndicatorMode). If enabled, the color of the LED changes depending on the state of the camera. Otherwise the LED is Off.
Global DeviceModule.deviceID
This feature is deprecated (See DeviceSerialNumber). It was representing the Device unique identifier (serial number).
Global ImageFormatControl.imageComponentEnable
This feature is deprecated (See ComponentEnable). It was used to control if the selected component streaming is active.
Global ImageFormatControl.imageComponentSelector
This feature is deprecated (See ComponentSelector). It was used to select a component.
Global ImageFormatControl.pixelCoding
This feature is deprecated. It represents the coding of the pixels in the image. Raw gives the data in the native format of the sensor.
Global ImageFormatControl.testImageSelector
This feature is deprecated (See TestPattern). Selects the type of test image that is sent by the device.
Global InterfaceModule.deviceID
This feature is deprecated (See DeviceSerialNumber). It was representing the Device unique identifier (serial number).
Global InterfaceModule.mvDeviceCommandChannelRetryCount
Indicates the number of retransmissions allowed when command channel message timed out (no ACK was received from the device). This feature has been declared deprecated. Use 'LinkCommandRetryCount' of the DeviceModule instead.
Global InterfaceModule.mvDeviceCommandChannelTransmissionTimeout
Defines the maximum time in milli-seconds the host driver will wait for an ACK from the device to a previously sent command. This feature has been declared deprecated. Use 'LinkCommandTimeout' of the DeviceModule instead.
Class IOSubSystemFrameGrabber
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.afAny
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.afAuto
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.afEven
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.afOdd
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.amCentered
Up to version 2.36.0 the AOI had just a size of 50*50 pixels. The behavior was the following:
  • Assume a device that can deliver 640*480 pixels.
  • The user selects to capture an rectangular AOI starting at 100/100 with a width of 200*200 Now in the centered AOI mode a processing function will use a window smaller than the AOI in the middle of the user defined AOI. This e.g. could be a rectangle starting at 150/150 with a width of 100*100.
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.cdfBayer
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.cdfBayerPacked
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.cdfMono
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.cdfRGB
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.cdfUnknown
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.cdfYUV
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.cesoAuto
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.cesoBlue
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.cesoExtern
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.cesoGreen
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.cesoRed
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.citInterlaced
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.citInvertedInterlaced
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.citNone
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.cldvmActive
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.cldvmInactive
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.co2xComposite
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.co3GSDI
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.co3xComposite
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.co4xComposite
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.coAuto
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.coBase
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.coComposite
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.coDigital
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.coFull
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.coHDSDI
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.coMedium
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.coRGB
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.coSDSDI
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.coSVideo
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.coUndefined
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.cspbr115200
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.cspbr19200
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.cspbr230400
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.cspbr38400
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.cspbr460800
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.cspbr57600
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.cspbr921600
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.cspbr9600
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.dilDeviceSpecific
This interface layout has been declared deprecated for GenICamâ„¢ compliant devices(mvBlueCOUGAR-S, mvBlueCOUGAR-X and mvBlueCOUGAR-XD). For these products please use mvIMPACT.acquire.dilGenICam instead. Newer devices like the mvBlueFOX3 will not support this interface layout at all.
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.ditAfterDigOutSignals
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.ditImmediately
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.docmRTC
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.docmSoftware
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.dsNone
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.dsSignal1
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.dsSignal10
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.dsSignal11
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.dsSignal12
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.dsSignal13
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.dsSignal14
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.dsSignal15
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.dsSignal16
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.dsSignal2
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.dsSignal3
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.dsSignal4
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.dsSignal5
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.dsSignal6
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.dsSignal7
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.dsSignal8
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.dsSignal9
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.ecmAuto
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.ecmUser
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.efmAuto
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.efmUser
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.imOff
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.imOn
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.lcOff
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.lcOn
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.obmmDefault
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.obmmUser
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.scAnalogue
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.scAuto
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.scDigital
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.ssITU601
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.ssSquare
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global mvIMPACT.acquire.ssUser
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Class OutputSignalGeneratorFrameGrabber
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global TransportLayerControl.gevDeviceClass
This feature is deprecated (See DeviceType). It was representing the class of the device.
Global TransportLayerControl.gevDeviceModeCharacterSet
This feature is deprecated (See DeviceCharacterSet). It was representing the character set used by all the strings of the device.
Global TransportLayerControl.gevDeviceModeIsBigEndian
This feature is deprecated (See DeviceRegistersEndianness). It was representing the Endianness of the device registers.
Global TransportLayerControl.gevGVCPHeartbeatDisable
This feature is deprecated (See DeviceLinkHeartbeatMode). It was used to disable the GVCP heartbeat.
Global TransportLayerControl.gevGVCPPendingTimeout
This feature is deprecated (See DeviceLinkCommandTimeout). It was used to indicate the longest GVCP command execution time before a device returns a PENDING_ACK.
Global TransportLayerControl.gevHeartbeatTimeout
This feature is deprecated (See DeviceLinkHeartbeatTimeout). It was controlling the current heartbeat timeout in milliseconds.
Global TransportLayerControl.gevIEEE1588
This feature is deprecated (See PtpEnable). It was used to enable the IEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol to control the timestamp register.
Global TransportLayerControl.gevIEEE1588ClockAccuracy
This feature is deprecated (See PtpClockAccurarcy). It was used to indicate the expected accuracy of the device clock when it is the grandmaster, or in the event it becomes the grandmaster.
Global TransportLayerControl.gevIEEE1588Status
This feature is deprecated (See PtpStatus). It was used to Provide the status of the IEEE 1588 clock.
Global TransportLayerControl.gevLinkSpeed
This feature is deprecated (See DeviceLinkSpeed). It was representing the speed of transmission negotiated by the given logical link.
Global TransportLayerControl.gevMessageChannelCount
This feature is deprecated (See DeviceEventChannelCount). It was representing the number of message channels supported by this device.
Global TransportLayerControl.gevNumberOfInterfaces
This feature is deprecated (See DeviceLinkSelector). It was representing the number of logical links supported by this device.
Global TransportLayerControl.gevSCPDirection
This feature is deprecated (See DeviceStreamChannelType). It was used to report the direction of the stream channel.
Global TransportLayerControl.gevSCPSBigEndian
This feature is deprecated (See DeviceStreamChannelEndianness). It was used to control the endianness of multi-byte pixel data for this stream.
Global TransportLayerControl.gevStreamChannelCount
This feature is deprecated (See DeviceStreamChannelCount). It was representing the number of stream channels supported by this device.
Global TransportLayerControl.gevTimestampControlLatch
This feature is deprecated (See TimestampLatch). It was used to latche the current timestamp counter into GevTimestampValue.
Global TransportLayerControl.gevTimestampControlReset
This feature is deprecated (See TimestampReset). It was used to reset the timestamp counter to 0. This feature is not available or as no effect when PTP is used.
Global TransportLayerControl.gevTimestampTickFrequency
This feature is deprecated (See the increment of the TimestampLatchValue feature). It was used to indicate the number of timestamp ticks in 1 second (frequency in Hz). If PTP is used, this feature must return 1,000,000,000 (1 GHz).
Global TransportLayerControl.gevTimestampValue
This feature is deprecated (See TimestampLatchValue). It was used to return the latched 64-bit value of the timestamp counter.
Global TransportLayerControl.gevVersionMajor
This feature is deprecated (See DeviceTLVersionMajor). It was representing the major version of the specification.
Global TransportLayerControl.gevVersionMinor
This feature is deprecated (See DeviceTLVersionMinor). It was representing the minor version of the specification.
Global UserSetControl.userSetDefaultSelector
This feature is deprecated (See UserSetDefault). Selects the feature User Set to load and make active when the device is reset.