Impact Acquire SDK Python

Classes and functions that are available for all interface layouts. More...

Data Structures

class  BasicDeviceSettings
 A base class for essential device related settings. More...
class  BufferPart
 Contains information about a specific part of a captured buffer. More...
class  ChannelData
 A structure for image buffer channel specific data Channel specific data in an image is data, that in e.g. More...
class  Component
 A base class to implement access to internal driver components. More...
class  ComponentAccess
 A base class to implement access to internal driver objects. More...
class  ComponentCallback
 A simple helper class to wrap the creation of a callback object. More...
class  ComponentCollection
 A base class for sets of properties that can be modified by the user. More...
class  ComponentList
 A class to provide access to component lists. More...
class  ComponentLocator
 A class to locate components within the driver. More...
class  ComponentLocatorBase
 A base class to locate components within the driver. More...
class  Device
 This class and its functions represent an actual device detected by this interface in the current system. More...
class  DeviceComponentLocator
 A class to locate components within the driver. More...
class  DeviceManager
 Grants access to devices that can be operated by this software interface. More...
class  ECantAccessData
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_LIST_CANT_ACCESS_DATA error. More...
class  ECantAllocateNewList
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_CANT_ALLOCATE_LIST error. More...
class  ECantRegisterComponent
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_CANT_REGISTER_COMPONENT error. More...
class  ECantSerializeData
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_CANT_SERIALIZE_DATA error. More...
class  EComponent
 A base class for mvIMPACT.acquire.Component object related exceptions from the property module. More...
class  EComponentIDInvalid
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_COMPONENT_ID_INVALID error. More...
class  EComponentNotFound
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND error. More...
class  EDeviceManager
 A base class for device manager related exceptions. More...
class  EImplementationMissing
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_IMPLEMENTATION_MISSING error. More...
class  EIncompatibleComponents
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_INCOMPATIBLE_COMPONENTS error. More...
class  EInputBufferTooSmall
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_INPUT_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL error. More...
class  EInvalidFileContent
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_INVALID_FILE_CONTENT error. More...
class  EInvalidInputParameter
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_INVALID_INPUT_PARAMETER error. More...
class  EInvalidListID
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_LIST_ID_INVALID error. More...
class  EInvalidParameterList
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_METHOD_INVALID_PARAM_LIST error. More...
class  EInvalidValue
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_INVALID_PROP_VALUE error. More...
class  EInvalidValueType
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_INVALID_PROP_VALUE_TYPE error. More...
class  EListEntryOccupied
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_LIST_ENTRY_OCCUPIED error. More...
class  EMethod
 A base class for mvIMPACT.acquire.Method object related exceptions from the property module. More...
class  EMethodPtrInvalid
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_METHOD_PTR_INVALID error. More...
class  ENoModifySizeRights
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_NO_MODIFY_SIZE_RIGHTS error. More...
class  ENoReadRights
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_NO_READ_RIGHTS error. More...
class  ENotAList
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_NOT_A_LIST error. More...
class  ENotAMethod
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_NOT_A_METHOD error. More...
class  ENotAProperty
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_NOT_A_PROPERTY error. More...
class  ENoWriteRights
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_NO_WRITE_RIGHTS error. More...
class  EProperty
 A base class for mvIMPACT.acquire.Property related exceptions from the property module. More...
class  EPropertyHandling
 A base class for exceptions related to the property module. More...
class  EPropertyList
 A base class for component list related exceptions from the property module. More...
class  ESizeMismatch
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_SIZE_MISMATCH error. More...
class  ETranslationTableCorrupted
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_PROP_TRANSLATION_TABLE_CORRUPTED error. More...
class  ETranslationTableNotDefined
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_PROP_TRANSLATION_TABLE_NOT_DEFINED error. More...
class  EUnsupportedOperation
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION error. More...
class  EUnsupportedParameter
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_UNSUPPORTED_PARAMETER error. More...
class  EValidationFailed
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_PROP_VALIDATION_FAILED error. More...
class  EValIDOutOfBounds
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_PROP_VAL_ID_OUT_OF_BOUNDS error. More...
class  EValTooLarge
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_PROP_VAL_TOO_LARGE error. More...
class  EValTooSmall
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_PROP_VAL_TOO_SMALL error. More...
class  EWrongParamCount
 An exception thrown in case of a mvIMPACT.acquire.PROPHANDLING_WRONG_PARAM_COUNT error. More...
class  ExceptionFactory
 A factory class to raise Impact Acquire related exceptions. More...
class  FirmwareUpdater
 A class to perform a firmware update of a specific device. More...
class  FullSettingsBase
 A base class that provides access to the most common settings for a device. More...
class  FunctionInterface
 The function interface to devices supported by this interface. More...
class  GainOffsetKneeChannelParameters
 Properties for configuring settings belonging to a certain channel of the GainOffsetKnee filter. More...
class  ImageBuffer
 Fully describes a captured image. More...
class  ImageBufferDesc
 A wrapper class to handle mvIMPACT.acquire.ImageBuffer structures. More...
class  ImageDestination
 Properties to define the format of resulting images. More...
class  ImageRequestControl
 A helper class to control the way an image request will be processed. More...
class  ImpactAcquireException
 A base class for exceptions generated by Impact Acquire. More...
class  Info
 A base class to access various general information about the device and its driver. More...
class  LUTParameters
 Properties for configuring settings belonging to a certain LUT (Look Up Table) to be applied to a captured image. More...
class  Method
 A class to call arbitrary driver functions. More...
class  MirrorParameters
 Properties for configuring settings belonging to the mirror filter that processes a certain channel of a captured image. More...
class  Property
 A base class for properties. More...
class  PropertyF
 A template class to represent float properties and enumerated float properties. More...
class  PropertyI
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyI64
 A template class to represent 64 bit integer properties and enumerated 64 bit integer properties. More...
class  PropertyI64BayerMosaicParity
 A template class to represent 64 bit integer properties and enumerated 64 bit integer properties. More...
class  PropertyI64BufferPartDataType
 A template class to represent 64 bit integer properties and enumerated 64 bit integer properties. More...
class  PropertyI64DeviceTriggerOverlap
 A template class to represent 64 bit integer properties and enumerated 64 bit integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIAcquisitionField
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIAcquisitionMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIAcquisitionStartStopBehaviour
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIAoiMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIAutoControlMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIAutoControlSpeed
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIAutoExposureControl
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIAutoGainControl
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIAutoOffsetCalibration
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIBayerConversionMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIBayerMosaicParity
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIBayerWhiteBalanceResult
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIBlueFOXDigitalInputThreshold
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIBlueFOXFooterMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIBlueFOXInfoSensorCapabilities
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIBlueFOXOffsetAutoBlackSpeed
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIBlueFOXSensorTiming
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIBlueFOXTransferSize
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIBoolean
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyICameraAoiMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyICameraBinningMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyICameraDataFormat
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyICameraExposeMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyICameraExternalSyncEdge
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyICameraExternalSyncOutput
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyICameraFlashMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyICameraFlashType
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyICameraHDRMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyICameraInterlacedType
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyICameraLinkDataValidMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyICameraOutput
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyICameraPixelClock
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyICameraScanMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyICameraSerialPortBaudRate
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyICameraShutterMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyICameraTapsXGeometry
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyICameraTapsYGeometry
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyICameraTestMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyICameraTriggerMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyICameraTriggerSource
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIChannelSplitMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIClampMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIColorProcessingMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIColorTwistInputCorrectionMatrixMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIColorTwistOutputCorrectionMatrixMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIDarkCurrentFilterMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIDefectivePixelsFilterMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIDeviceAccessMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIDeviceAdvancedOptions
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIDeviceCapability
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIDeviceClass
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIDeviceDigitalOutputMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIDeviceImageTrigger
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIDeviceInterfaceLayout
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIDeviceLoadSettings
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIDevicePowerMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIDeviceScanRateMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIDeviceSignalOutputStartEvent
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIDeviceState
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIDeviceSyncOutMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIDeviceTriggerInterface
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIDeviceTriggerMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIDigIOState
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIDigitalIOMeasurementMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIDigitalIOMeasurementSource
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIDigitalOutputControlMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIDigitalSignal
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIFieldGateMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIFlatFieldFilterCorrectionMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIFlatFieldFilterMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIHWUpdateResult
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyII2COperationMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyII2COperationStatus
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIImageBufferFormatReinterpreterMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIImageBufferPixelFormat
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIImageDestinationPixelFormat
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIImageProcessingFilter
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIImageProcessingMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIImageProcessingOptimization
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIImageProcessingResult
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIImageRequestControlMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIInfoSensorColorMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIInfoSensorType
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIInterfaceEnumerationBehaviour
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIInterlacedMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyILineCounter
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyILUTGammaMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyILUTImplementation
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyILUTInterpolationMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyILUTMapping
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyILUTMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIMemoryManagerMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIMemoryManagerPoolMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIMirrorMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIMirrorOperationMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIOnBoardMemoryMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIPayloadType
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIPolarizedDataExtractionInterpolationMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIPolarizedDataExtractionMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIPulseStartTrigger
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIRequestImageMemoryMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIRequestResult
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIRequestState
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIRTCtrlModes
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIRTProgOpCodes
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIScalerInterpolationMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIScalerMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIScanClock
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIScanStandard
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyITriggerMoment
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIUserDataAccessRight
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIUserDataReconnectBehaviour
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIVideoStandard
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIVirtualDeviceImageType
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIVirtualDeviceTestMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIWhiteBalanceCalibrationMode
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyIWhiteBalanceParameter
 A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties. More...
class  PropertyPtr
 A class to represent pointer properties. More...
class  Request
 Contains information about a captured buffer. More...
class  RequestFactory
 A default request factory. More...
class  RequestInfoConfiguration
 Properties to configure which information shall be attached to the resulting images. More...
class  Statistics
 Contains basic statistical information. More...
class  SystemSettings
 A base class for accessing settings that control the overall behaviour of a device driver. More...
class  TriggerControl
 A class to configure the behaviour of trigger signals. More...
class  UserData
 A helper class to work with the device specific non-volatile memory(if available). More...
class  UserDataEntry
 A helper class that represents one entry in the devices non-volatile memory (if available). More...
class  VideoStream
 A class to create compressed video stream from images captured or loaded using the Impact Acquire API. More...
class  VideoStreamPauseScope
 A smaller helper class for pausing a video stream for a defined time. More...
class  WhiteBalancer
 Convenience class to provide an easy way for a more precise white balance calibration. More...
class  WhiteBalanceSettings
 Properties for adjusting the colors during a Bayer conversion. More...


 Returns the build version number of the current Impact Acquire release.
 Returns the major version number of the current Impact Acquire release.
 Returns the minor version number of the current Impact Acquire release.
 Returns the release version number of the current Impact Acquire release.
 Returns the full version number of the current Impact Acquire release as a string ("").

Detailed Description

Classes and functions that are available for all interface layouts.

This group contains classes and functions that are available for all interface layouts.

Variable Documentation



Returns the build version number of the current Impact Acquire release.

The build version number of Impact Acquire



Returns the major version number of the current Impact Acquire release.

The major version number of Impact Acquire



Returns the minor version number of the current Impact Acquire release.

The minor version number of Impact Acquire



Returns the release version number of the current Impact Acquire release.

The release version number of Impact Acquire



Returns the full version number of the current Impact Acquire release as a string ("").

The full version string of Impact Acquire