Balluff - BVS CA-UB Technical Documentation
Creating double acquisitions (HRTC)
Please have a look at the Hardware Real-Time Controller (HRTC) chapter for basic information.

If you need a double acquisition, i.e. take two images in a very short time interval, you can achieve this by using the HRTC.

With the following HRTC code, you will

  • take an image using TriggerSet and after TriggerReset you have to
  • set the camera to ExposeSet immediately.
  • Now, you have to wait until the first image was read-out and then
  • set the second TriggerSet.

The ExposureTime was set to 200 us.

0    WaitDigin  DigitalInputs[0] - On
1    TriggerSet  1
2    WaitClocks 200
3    TriggerReset
4    WaitClocks 5
5    ExposeSet
6    WaitClocks 60000
7    TriggerSet 2
8    WaitClocks 100
9    TriggerReset
10   ExposeReset
11   WaitClocks 60000
12   Jump 0