Balluff - BVS CA-UB Technical Documentation
Error code list
Numerical ValueString RepresentationBrief DescriptionDetailed Description
-2000PROPHANDLING_NOT_A_LISTThis component is not a list.This component is not a list. A list operation for this component has been called but this component does not reference a list.
-2001PROPHANDLING_NOT_A_PROPERTYThis component is not a property.This component is not a property. A property operation for this component has been called but this component does not reference a property.
-2002PROPHANDLING_NOT_A_METHODThis component is not a method.This component is not a method. A method operation for this component has been called but this component does not reference a method.
-2003PROPHANDLING_NO_READ_RIGHTSThe caller has no read rights for this component.The caller has no read rights for this component. It has been tried to read data from this component, but the caller has no read rights for this component.
-2004PROPHANDLING_NO_WRITE_RIGHTSThe caller has no write rights for this component.The caller has no write rights for this component. It has been tried to modify data of this component, but the caller has no write rights for this component.
-2005PROPHANDLING_NO_MODIFY_SIZE_RIGHTSThe caller can't modify the size of this component.The caller can't modify the size of this component. It has been tried to modify the size of this list or the number of values stored by a property, but the caller doesn't have the required right to do this.
This error will also be reported if the user tried to increase the number of values handled by a property above the maximum number of values it can handle. Therefore before resizing a property check if the new size might exceeds this maximum value by calling the appropriate function.
-2006PROPHANDLING_INCOMPATIBLE_COMPONENTSThe two involved components are not compatible.The two involved components are not compatible. An operation requiring two compatible components has been called with two components, which are not compatible.
-2008PROPHANDLING_UNSUPPORTED_PARAMETEROne or more of the specified parameters are not supported by the function.One or more of the specified parameters are not supported by the function. This error might also be generated if a certain feature is not available on the current platform.
-2009PROPHANDLING_SIZE_MISMATCHDifferent sized value buffers have been passed.Different sized value buffers have been passed. While trying to read value pairs the caller passed two different sized value buffers to a function while one is too small to hold all the information.
-2010PROPHANDLING_IMPLEMENTATION_MISSINGA feature that is not implemented so far has been requested.A feature that is not implemented so far has been requested. The caller requested a feature, that hasn't been implemented so far. This error code is only provided for compatibility and will be set in very rare cases only.
-2011PROPHANDLING_ACCESSTOKEN_CREATION_FAILEDAn access token object couldn't be created.An access token object couldn't be created. This can either happen, because the caller has not the rights required to create an access token or because the system runs very low on memory.

Deprecated: This error code currently is not used anywhere within this framework. It might be removed in a future version.
-2012PROPHANDLING_INVALID_PROP_VALUEIt has been tried to assign an invalid value to a property.It has been tried to assign an invalid value to a property. This can either happen if the value lies above or below the min. or max. value for a property or when it has been tried to write a value to a property, which is not in the properties translation dictionary (if it defines one).

To find out, which values are allowed for the property in question the user should

• Check if the property defines a translation dictionary.
• Check the allowed values within a translation dictionary if one is defined.
• Check the min and max value for properties, that define limits.
-2013PROPHANDLING_PROP_TRANSLATION_TABLE_CORRUPTEDThe properties translation table has been corrupted.The properties translation table has been corrupted. The properties translation table has been corrupted for an unknown reason and can't be used anymore.
-2014PROPHANDLING_PROP_VAL_ID_OUT_OF_BOUNDSInvalid value index.Invalid value index. The caller tried to read a value from an invalid index from a property. Most properties store one value only, thus the only valid positive value index will be 0 (some negative index values are reserved for special values like e.g. the min/max value of a property). However some properties might store more than one value, thus the max. allowed index might be higher. The highest index allowed will always be the value count of a property minus one for properties with the mvIMPACT::acquire::cfFixedSize flag set. Other properties will automatically adjust the size once the user writes to an index out of bounds.
-2015PROPHANDLING_PROP_TRANSLATION_TABLE_NOT_DEFINEDThis property doesn't define a translation table.This property doesn't define a translation table. The caller tried to modify a translation table, that hasn't been defined for this property.
-2016PROPHANDLING_INVALID_PROP_VALUE_TYPEAn invalid value has been passed to the property.An invalid value has been passed to the property. Although properties are quite tolerant regarding the allowed assignment for them some value types can't be used to write all properties. As an example assigning a float value to an integer property would result in this error.

Another reason for this error might be when a user tried to access e.g. a float property with functions meant to be used for int properties.
-2017PROPHANDLING_PROP_VAL_TOO_LARGEA too large value has been passed.A too large value has been passed. One or more of the values the caller tried to write to the property are larger than the max. allowed value for this property.
-2018PROPHANDLING_PROP_VAL_TOO_SMALLA too small value has been passed.A too small value has been passed. One or more of the values the caller tried to write to the property are smaller than the min. allowed value for this property.
-2019PROPHANDLING_COMPONENT_NOT_FOUNDThe specified component could not be found.The specified component could not be found.
-2020PROPHANDLING_LIST_ID_INVALIDAn invalid list has been referenced.An invalid list has been referenced.
-2021PROPHANDLING_COMPONENT_ID_INVALIDAn invalid component within a list has been referenced.An invalid component within a list has been referenced.
-2022PROPHANDLING_LIST_ENTRY_OCCUPIEDThe specified list index is occupied.The specified list index is occupied. During the creation of a new component the caller tried the insert the newly created component into a list at a position already used to store another component.
-2023PROPHANDLING_COMPONENT_HAS_OWNER_ALREADYThe specified component already has an owner.The specified component already has an owner. The caller tried to assign an owner to a component that already has an owner. An owner once defined can't be modified anymore.
-2024PROPHANDLING_COMPONENT_ALREADY_REGISTEREDIt has been tried to register the same component at twice in the same list.It has been tried to register the same component at twice in the same list.
-2025PROPHANDLING_LIST_CANT_ACCESS_DATAThe desired data can't be accessed or found.The desired data can't be accessed or found. During loading or saving data this error can occur e.g. if it has been tried to import a setting from a location where the desired setting couldn't be found. Another reason for this error might be that the current user is not allowed to perform a certain operation on the desired data (e.g. a user tries to delete a setting that is stored with global scope but does not have elevated access rights).
-2026PROPHANDLING_METHOD_PTR_INVALIDThe function pointer of the referenced method object is invalid.The function pointer of the referenced method object is invalid.
-2027PROPHANDLING_METHOD_INVALID_PARAM_LISTA method object has an invalid parameter list.A method object has an invalid parameter list.
-2028PROPHANDLING_SWIG_ERRORThis indicates an internal error occurred within the SWIG generated wrapper code, when working under Python.This indicates an internal error occurred within the SWIG generated wrapper code, when working under Python.
-2029PROPHANDLING_INVALID_INPUT_PARAMETERA invalid input parameter has been passed to a function of this module.A invalid input parameter has been passed to a function of this module. In most cases this might be a unassigned pointer, where a valid pointer to a user defined storage location was expected.
-2030PROPHANDLING_COMPONENT_NO_CALLBACK_REGISTEREDThe user tried to modify a registered callback, but no callback has been registered for this component.The user tried to modify a registered callback, but no callback has been registered for this component.
-2031PROPHANDLING_INPUT_BUFFER_TOO_SMALLThe user tried to read data into a user supplied storage location, but the buffer was too small to accommodate the result.The user tried to read data into a user supplied storage location, but the buffer was too small to accommodate the result.
-2032PROPHANDLING_WRONG_PARAM_COUNTThe number of parameters is incorrect.The number of parameters is incorrect. This error might occur if the user called a function with a variable number of input or output parameters and the number of parameters passed to the function does not match the number of required parameters.
-2033PROPHANDLING_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATIONThe user tried to execute an operation, which is not supported by the component he is referring to.The user tried to execute an operation, which is not supported by the component he is referring to.
-2034PROPHANDLING_CANT_SERIALIZE_DATAThe user tried to save(serialize) a property list without having the right to do this.The user tried to save(serialize) a property list without having the right to do this.
-2035PROPHANDLING_INVALID_FILE_CONTENTThe user tried to use a file to update or create a component list, that does not contain valid data for this operation.The user tried to use a file to update or create a component list, that does not contain valid data for this operation. This e.g. might happen, if the file does not contain valid XML data or XML data that is not well formed.
-2036PROPHANDLING_CANT_ALLOCATE_LISTThis error will occur when the modules internal representation of the tree structure does not allow the allocation of a new list.This error will occur when the modules internal representation of the tree structure does not allow the allocation of a new list. In this case either new list can't be allocated. The only way to solve this problem is to delete another list.
-2037PROPHANDLING_CANT_REGISTER_COMPONENTThe referenced list has no space left to register this component at the desired position.The referenced list has no space left to register this component at the desired position. There might however be an empty space within the list where this element could be registered, but no more components can be registered at the end of this list.
-2038PROPHANDLING_PROP_VALIDATION_FAILEDThe user tried to assign a value to a property, that is invalid.The user tried to assign a value to a property, that is invalid. This will result in a detailed error message in the log-file. This error might arise e.g. when a string property doesn't allow the string to contain numbers. In this case trying to set the properties value to 'blabla7bla' would cause this error.
-2099PROPHANDLING_LAST_VALID_ERROR_CODEDefines the last valid error code value for the property module.Defines the last valid error code value for the property module.
-2100DMR_DEV_NOT_FOUNDThe specified device can't be found.The specified device can't be found. This error occurs either if an invalid device ID has been passed to the device manager or if the caller tried to close a device which currently isn't initialized.
-2101DMR_INIT_FAILEDThe device manager couldn't be initialized.The device manager couldn't be initialized. This is an internal error.
-2102DMR_DRV_ALREADY_IN_USEThe device is already in use.The device is already in use. This error e.g. will occur if this or another process has initialized this device already and an application tries to open the device once more or if a certain resource is available only once but shall be used twice.
-2103DMR_DEV_CANNOT_OPENThe specified device couldn't be initialized.The specified device couldn't be initialized.
-2104DMR_NOT_INITIALIZEDThe device manager or another module hasn't been initialized properly.The device manager or another module hasn't been initialized properly. This error occurs if the user tries e.g. to close the device manager without having initialized it before or if a library used internally or a module or device associated with that library has not been initialized properly or if
-2105DMR_DRV_CANNOT_OPENA device could not be initialized.A device could not be initialized. In this case the log-file will contain detailed information about the source of the problem.
-2106DMR_DEV_REQUEST_QUEUE_EMPTYThe devices request queue is empty.The devices request queue is empty. This error e.g. occurs if the user waits for an image request to become available at a result queue without having send an image request to the device before.

It might also arise when trying to trigger an image with a software trigger mechanism before the acquisition engine has been completely started. In this case a small delay and then again calling the software trigger function will succeed.
-2107DMR_DEV_REQUEST_CREATION_FAILEDA request object couldn't be created.A request object couldn't be created. The creation of a request object failed. This might e.g. happen, if the system runs extremely low on memory.
-2108DMR_INVALID_PARAMETERAn invalid parameter has been passed to a function.An invalid parameter has been passed to a function. This might e.g. happen if a function requiring a pointer to a structure has been passed an unassigned pointer or if a value has been passed, that is either too large or too small in that context.
-2109DMR_EXPORTED_SYMBOL_NOT_FOUNDOne or more symbols needed in a detected driver library couldn't be resolved.One or more symbols needed in a detected driver library couldn't be resolved. In most cases this is an error handled internally. So the user will not receive this error code as a result of a call to an API function. However when the user tries to get access to an IMPACT buffer type while the needed IMPACT Base libraries are not installed on the target system this error code also might be returned to the user.
-2110DEV_UNKNOWN_ERRORAn unknown error occurred while processing a user called driver function.An unknown error occurred while processing a user called driver function.
-2111DEV_HANDLE_INVALIDA driver function has been called with an invalid device handle.A driver function has been called with an invalid device handle.
-2112DEV_INPUT_PARAM_INVALIDA driver function has been called but one or more of the input parameters are invalid.A driver function has been called but one or more of the input parameters are invalid. There are several possible reasons for this error:
• an unassigned pointer has been passed to a function, that requires a valid pointer.
• one or more of the passed parameters are of an incorrect type.
• one or more parameters contain an invalid value (e.g. a filename that points to a file that can't be found, a value, that is larger or smaller than the allowed values.
• within the current setup one or more parameters impose restrictions on the requested operation that don't allow its execution.
-2113DEV_WRONG_INPUT_PARAM_COUNTA function has been called with an invalid number of input parameters.A function has been called with an invalid number of input parameters.
-2114DEV_CREATE_SETTING_FAILEDThe creation of a setting failed.The creation of a setting failed. This can either happen, when a setting with the same name as the one the user tried to create already exists or if the system can't allocate memory for the new setting.
-2115DEV_REQUEST_CANT_BE_UNLOCKEDThe unlock for a mvIMPACT::acquire::Request object failed.The unlock for a mvIMPACT::acquire::Request object failed. This might happen, if the mvIMPACT::acquire::Request is not locked at the time of calling the unlock function. It either has been unlocked by the user already or this request has never been locked as the request so far has not been used to capture image data into its buffer. Another reason for this error might be that the user tries to unlock a request that is currently processed by the device driver.
-2116DEV_INVALID_REQUEST_NUMBERThe number for the mvIMPACT::acquire::Request object is invalid.The number for the mvIMPACT::acquire::Request object is invalid. The max. number for a mvIMPACT::acquire::Request object is the value of the property RequestCount in the mvIMPACT::acquire::SystemSettings list - 1.
-2117DEV_LOCKED_REQUEST_IN_QUEUEA Request that hasn't been unlocked has been passed back to the driver.A Request that hasn't been unlocked has been passed back to the driver. This error might occur if the user requested an image from the driver but hasn't unlocked the mvIMPACT::acquire::Request that will be used for this new image.
-2118DEV_NO_FREE_REQUEST_AVAILABLEThe user requested a new image, but no free mvIMPACT::acquire::Request object is available to process this request.The user requested a new image, but no free mvIMPACT::acquire::Request object is available to process this request.
-2119DEV_WAIT_FOR_REQUEST_FAILEDThe wait for a request failed.The wait for a request failed. This might have several reasons:

• The user waited for an image, but no image has been requested before.
• The user waited for a requested image, but the image is still not ready(e.g. because of a short timeout and a long exposure time).
• A triggered image has been requested but no trigger signal has been detected within the wait period.
• A plug and play device(e.g. an USB device) has been unplugged and therefore can't deliver images anymore. In this case the 'state' property should be checked to find out if the device is still present or not.
-2120DEV_UNSUPPORTED_PARAMETERThe user tried to get/set a parameter, which is not supported by this device.The user tried to get/set a parameter, which is not supported by this device.
-2121DEV_INVALID_RTC_NUMBERThe requested real time controller is not available for this device.The requested real time controller is not available for this device.
-2122DMR_INTERNAL_ERRORSome kind of internal error occurred.Some kind of internal error occurred. More information can be found in the *.log-file or the debug output.
-2123DMR_INPUT_BUFFER_TOO_SMALLThe user allocated input buffer is too small to accommodate the result.The user allocated input buffer is too small to accommodate the result.
-2124DEV_INTERNAL_ERRORSome kind of internal error occurred in the device driver.Some kind of internal error occurred in the device driver. More information can be found in the *.log-file or the debug output.
-2125DMR_LIBRARY_NOT_FOUNDOne or more needed libraries are not installed on the system.One or more needed libraries are not installed on the system.
-2126DMR_FUNCTION_NOT_IMPLEMENTEDA called function or accessed feature is not available for this device.A called function or accessed feature is not available for this device.
-2127DMR_FEATURE_NOT_AVAILABLEThe feature in question is (currently) not available for this device or driver.The feature in question is (currently) not available for this device or driver. This might be because another feature currently blocks the one in question from being accessible. More information can be found in the *.log-file or the debug output.
-2128DMR_EXECUTION_PROHIBITEDThe user is not permitted to perform the requested operation.The user is not permitted to perform the requested operation. This e.g. might happen if the user tried to delete user data without specifying the required password.
-2129DMR_FILE_NOT_FOUNDThe specified file can't be found.The specified file can't be found. This might e.g. happen if the current working directory doesn't contain the file specified.
-2130DMR_INVALID_LICENCEThe licence doesn't match the device it has been assigned to.The licence doesn't match the device it has been assigned to. When e.g. upgrading a device feature each licence file is bound to a certain device. If the device this file has been assigned to has a different serial number then the one used to create the licence this error will occur.
-2131DEV_SENSOR_TYPE_ERRORThere is no sensor found or the found sensor type is wrong or not supported.There is no sensor found or the found sensor type is wrong or not supported.
-2132DMR_CAMERA_DESCRIPTION_INVALIDA function call was associated with a camera description, that is invalid.A function call was associated with a camera description, that is invalid. One possible reason might be, that the camera description has been deleted(driver closed?).
-2133DMR_NEWER_LIBRARY_REQUIREDA suitable driver library to work with the device manager has been detected, but it is too old to work with this version of the mvDeviceManager library.A suitable driver library to work with the device manager has been detected, but it is too old to work with this version of the mvDeviceManager library. This might happen if two different drivers have been installed on the target system and one introduces a newer version of the device manager that is not compatible with the older driver installed on the system. In this case this error message will be written into the log-file together with the name of the library that is considered to be too old.

The latest drivers will always be available online under There will always be an updated version of the library considered to be too old for download from here.
-2134DMR_TIMEOUTA general timeout occurred.A general timeout occurred. This is the typical result of functions that wait for some condition to be met with a timeout among their parameters.
More information can be found in the *.log-file or the debug output.
-2135DMR_WAIT_ABANDONEDA wait operation has been aborted.A wait operation has been aborted. This e.g. might occur if the user waited for some message to be returned by the driver and the device driver has been closed within another thread. In order to inform the user that this waiting operation terminated in an unusual wait, mvIMPACT::acquire::DMR_WAIT_ABANDONED will be returned then.
-2136DMR_EXECUTION_FAILEDThe execution of a method object or reading/writing to a feature failed.The execution of a method object or reading/writing to a feature failed. More information can be found in the log-file.
-2137DEV_REQUEST_ALREADY_IN_USEThis request is currently used by the driverThis request is currently used by the driver This error may occur if the user tries to send a certain request object to the driver by a call to the corresponding image request function.
-2138DEV_REQUEST_BUFFER_INVALIDA request has been configured to use a user supplied buffer, but the buffer pointer associated with the request is invalid.A request has been configured to use a user supplied buffer, but the buffer pointer associated with the request is invalid.
-2139DEV_REQUEST_BUFFER_MISALIGNEDA request has been configured to use a user supplied buffer, but the buffer pointer associated with the request has an incorrect alignment.A request has been configured to use a user supplied buffer, but the buffer pointer associated with the request has an incorrect alignment. Certain devices need aligned memory to perform efficiently thus when a user supplied buffer shall be used to capture data into this buffer must follow these alignment constraints
-2140DEV_ACCESS_DENIEDThe requested access to a device could not be granted.The requested access to a device could not be granted.There are multiple reasons for this error code. Detailed information can be found in the *.log-file.
• an application tries to access a device exclusively that is already open in another process
• a network device has already been opened with control access from another system and the current system also tries to establish control access to the device
• an application tried to execute a function that is currently not available
• an application tries to write to a read-only location.
-2141DMR_PRELOAD_CHECK_FAILEDA pre-load condition for loading a device driver failed.A pre-load condition for loading a device driver failed. Certain device drivers may depend on certain changes applied to the system in order to operate correctly. E.g. a device driver might need a certain environment variable to exist. When the device manager tries to load a device driver it performs some basic checks to detect problems like this. When one of these checks fails the device manager will not try to load the device driver and an error message will be written to the selected log outputs.
-2142DMR_CAMERA_DESCRIPTION_INVALID_PARAMETEROne or more of the camera descriptions parameters are invalid for the grabber it is used with.One or more of the camera descriptions parameters are invalid for the grabber it is used with. There are multiple reasons for this error code. Detailed information can be found in the *.log-file.


• The TapsXGeometry or TapsYGeometry parameter of the selected camera description cannot be used with a user defined AOI.
• A scan standard has been selected, that is not supported by this device.
• An invalid scan rate has been selected.
• ...
This error code will be returned by frame grabbers only.
-2143DMR_FILE_ACCESS_ERRORA general error returned whenever there has been a problem with accessing a file.A general error returned whenever there has been a problem with accessing a file. There can be multiple reasons for this error and a detailed error message will be sent to the log-output whenever this error code is returned.


• The driver tried to modify a file, for which it has no write access.
• The driver tried to read from a file, for which it has no read access.
• ...
-2144DMR_INVALID_QUEUE_SELECTIONAn error returned when the user application attempts to operate on an invalid queue.An error returned when the user application attempts to operate on an invalid queue.
-2145DMR_ACQUISITION_ENGINE_BUSYAn error returned when the user application attempts to start the acquisition engine at aAn error returned when the user application attempts to start the acquisition engine at a
-2146DMR_BUSYAn error returned when the user application attempts to perform any operation that currently for any reason cannot be started because something else already running.An error returned when the user application attempts to perform any operation that currently for any reason cannot be started because something else already running. The log-output will provide additional information.
-2147DMR_OUT_OF_MEMORYAn error returned when for any reason internal resources (memory, handles, ...) cannot be allocated.An error returned when for any reason internal resources (memory, handles, ...) cannot be allocated. The log-output will provide additional information.
-2199DMR_LAST_VALID_ERROR_CODEDefines the last valid error code value for device and device manager related errors.Defines the last valid error code value for device and device manager related errors.
-2200GVS_ERR_ERRORAn error usually indicating that something went wrong unexpectedly.An error usually indicating that something went wrong unexpectedly.This error code will be returned if something went wrong internally that cannot beexpressed more precisely by any of the other error codes defined in this list andtherefore shouldn't be seen frequently. If it is returned the log-files will provide additionalinformation about what actually went wrong and also reading the last errormessage should help to pinpoint the root cause of the issue.
-2202GVS_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZEDAn error indicating that a module or variable is not initialized properly.An error indicating that a module or variable is not initialized properly.This e.g. can happen when trying to detach a callback that has not been attached before.
-2203GVS_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTEDAn error indicating that the feature or function just accessed is not implemented.An error indicating that the feature or function just accessed is not implemented.This error is returned when something that has been called or accessed is not implemented in thecurrent context. E.g. when trying to transfer a buffer in a rare pixel format that is notsupported by the server implementation.
-2204GVS_ERR_RESOURCE_IN_USEAn error indicating that a resource that is already in use shall be accessed another time.An error indicating that a resource that is already in use shall be accessed another time.This error is returned when a resource that has a limited number of simultaneous accesses hasreached this limit and someone tries to access this resource again. An example might be tryingregister a callback that has already been registered before.
-2206GVS_ERR_INVALID_HANDLEAn error indicating that an invalid handle has been passed to a function.An error indicating that an invalid handle has been passed to a function.This error is returned when a function call receives a handle it cannot operate on so e.g. whena function requiring a valid handle to a server instance gets a handle to a callback and vice versa.
-2209GVS_ERR_INVALID_INPUT_PARAMETERAn error indicating that at least one parameter passed to a function is invalid in the current configuration (e.g. a NULL-pointer).An error indicating that at least one parameter passed to a function is invalid in the current configuration (e.g. a NULL-pointer).
-2210GVS_ERR_IOAn error indicating that an I/O operation has failed.An error indicating that an I/O operation has failed.This error is returned e.g. when a path to a file has been fed into a function call and this path is invalid or thefile could not be accessed for any other reason.
-2216GVS_ERR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALLAn error indicating that a buffer is too small to accommodate the requested data.An error indicating that a buffer is too small to accommodate the requested data.
-2219GVS_ERR_INVALID_VALUEAn error indicating that at least one parameter passed to a function contains an invalid value in the current configuration (e.g. smaller than a certain limit).An error indicating that at least one parameter passed to a function contains an invalid value in the current configuration (e.g. smaller than a certain limit).This error is returned when e.g. an application tries to pass a negative value to a signed parameter. In contrast to the mvIMPACT::acquire::GigEVision::GVS_ERR_INVALID_INPUT_PARAMETERreturn code this error is meant to state that the parameter is valid in general BUT e.g. is out of bounds.
-2250GVS_ERR_NO_WRITE_ACCESSAn error indicating that an application tried to write to a feature it currently has no write access to.An error indicating that an application tried to write to a feature it currently has no write access to.
-2251GVS_ERR_OLDEST_BUFFER_DROPPEDAn error indicating that an application tried to queue a buffer for transmission while the send queue did already contain the maximum number of entries.An error indicating that an application tried to queue a buffer for transmission while the send queue did already contain the maximum number of entries.The maximum length of the transmission queue can be configured on a per stream channel basis by the application.
-2299GVS_ERR_LAST_VALID_ERROR_CODEDefines the last valid error code value for this module.Defines the last valid error code value for this module.