Impact Acquire SDK GUI Applications

IPConfigure is meant to allow the configuration of the network behaviour of GigE Vision™ compliant devices. With IPConfigure it is possible

  • to assign a user defined name to a GigE Vision™ compliant device
  • to change its IP address behaviour
  • to find and fix incorrectly configured (e.g. wrong IP address) GigE Vision™ compliant devices
  • Windows: Given that during the start IPConfigure searches the network for GigE Vision™ devices, it could be possible that - depending on the Windows firewall settings - a Windows security alert appears. Please click on "Unblock" or "Allow Access" depending on the version of Windows you are working with so that the program works properly.
    Windows security alert
  • macOS: The app in "~/ImpactAcquire/bin" does not use the correct environment, so a double-click on the app will not find any GigE Vision™ devices. To start IPConfigure with the correct environment, start the shell script in "~/ImpactAcquire".

Pressing F1 will also display a detailed list of available Command-line Interface options as well as keyboard shortcuts and some other useful information!