Impact Acquire SDK GUI Applications

GigEConfigure is meant to assist with the installation, removal or configuration of the GigE Vision™ capture filter driver on Windows systems.

This driver will improve the performance of the Impact Acquire driver stack on Windows systems by adding a protocol driver to each NIC (networks interface card) in the system.

The Windows 2000 version of this driver does not support the "Resend" mechanism of the GigE Vision™ protocol.
Installing and configuring drivers on Windows requires elevated user privileges! You therefore either have to be legitimated as an administrator or your user must have special access right!
In general the installation and the removal of the filter driver is done when installing the Impact Acquire GenTL driver package thus usually manual installation/removal is not required. Therefore the installation process also needs elevated privileges. However if for any reason manual configuration should become necessary this tool will help doing this. There is also a Command-line Interface allowing a non-interactive and even non-visual invocation of this tool. This might come in handy when doing custom installations.
Windows: Given that during the start GigEConfigure searches the network for GigE Vision™ devices, it could be possible that - depending on the Windows firewall settings - a Windows security alert appears. Please click on "Unblock" or "Allow Access" depending on the version of Windows you are working with so that the program works properly.
Windows security alert

Install The GigE Vision™ Capture Filter Driver

To install the GigE Vision™ capture filter driver, please follow these instructions:

  1. Start GigEConfigure by clicking the program in the start menu.
  2. When started click on the "Install driver" button.
    The tool will then automatically install the driver on ALL NICs currently available in the system.

After the installation of the capture filter driver, you will see you network devices and the connected devices:

GigEConfigure - Displaying connected devices after driver installation

When a GigE Vision™ compliant device will be initialised, ImpactControlCenter will display the used driver technology in The Property Grid .

ImpactControlCenter - Device Properties

Once a device has been initialized successfully the property "mvStreamDriverTechnology" will display

  • "FilterDriver" when the high performance kernel mode driver is used
  • "SocketAPI" when the driver is not installed or available

The property is located under "System Settings → GenTL" in interface layout "DeviceSpecific" or under "Image Settings → Camera → GenTL" in interface layout "GenICam". For more information about different interface layouts please refer to Changing The Interface Layout To GenICam™ Or DeviceSpecific.

Afterwards you might want to Disable the filter driver on certain NIC or virtual adapters manually.

Remove The GigE Vision™ Capture Filter Driver

To remove the GigE Vision™ capture filter driver, please follow these instructions:

  1. Start the GigEConfigure by clicking the program in the start menu.
  2. When started click on the "Remove driver" button.
    The tool will then automatically remove the driver from ALL NICs it is currently installed on.
Afterwards the list of NICs will be empty, since only those where the filter driver is installed on (either enabled or disabled) will be listed.

Enable/Disable The GigE Vision™ Capture Filter Driver

After an initial installation the filter driver will be installed on every NIC in the system. Sometimes this is not desired (e.g. when running Wireshark on an adapter with the filter driver installed the image data can not be monitored), so this tool also allows to enable or disable the filter driver for each NIC individually. This can be done by right-clicking on the desired network adapter as shown in the following image:

GigEConfigure - Enable/Disable the filter driver
The usage of the filter driver on Windows systems is highly recommended since its usage results in less CPU load!


  • Pressing F5 or selecting "Action → Update Device List" from the menu will refresh the list of devices connected to the individual network adapters
  • Pressing F8 or selecting "Help → Display NIC Setup Hints" from the menu will display various suggestions on how to improve the NICs performance when dealing with GigE Vision™ traffic.

Command-line Interface

GigEConfigure supports various command-line parameters to allow driver installation without the need of user interaction.

The following table lists the available command-line parameters:

Parameter Description
disable='index' or all Will disable the driver for interface index or every interface.
enable='index', all or allWithAtLeastOneDevice Will enable the driver for interface index, all interfaces or all interfaces that have at least on GigE Vision™ device connected to it.
hidden Will start the application without showing the splash screen or the application window. This might be useful when doing a silent configuration in combination with the 'quit' parameter
install Will install the driver if it can be located under
  • "%MVIMPACT_ACQUIRE_DIR%\KernelDrivers\mvGigECaptureDriver(x86)" for 32-bit versions of Windows Vista, 7, 8 and 8.1
  • "%MVIMPACT_ACQUIRE_DIR%\KernelDrivers\mvGigECaptureDriver(x86)(SHA256.EV)" for 32-bit versions of Windows 10
  • "%MVIMPACT_ACQUIRE_DIR%\KernelDrivers\mvGigECaptureDriver(x64)" for 64-bit versions of Windows Vista, 7, 8 and 8.1
  • "%MVIMPACT_ACQUIRE_DIR%\KernelDrivers\mvGigECaptureDriver(x64)(SHA256.EV)" for 64-bit versions of Windows 10 and 11
install_retry_count Defines the number of retry attempts for the driver installation. This can sometimes be useful when a network component is currently in use/shutting down. 45 seconds will be spent between 2 consecutive attempts. Currently this value will only have an effect, if specified BEFORE the 'install' parameter!
log_file='file_name' or lf='file_name' Will write the content of the output window of the application into a file. Passing 'STDLOGDIR' as the initial path (e.g. STDLOGDIR/file_name.log) will write the file into MVIMPACT_ACQUIRE_DATA_DIR/logs thus the file containing the regular Impact Acquire log-files as well.
postInstallMessage Will display a message to the user AFTER the filter driver has been installed on the system.
quit Will automatically terminate the application once all the other command-line parameters have been processed.
remove Will remove the driver.
welcome Will display a welcome message to the user explaining what is about to happen.


So e.g. to automatically install the filter driver and terminate the application afterwards without any additional messages displayed to the user the following command line is needed:

GigEConfigure install quit

If no GUI shall be displayed this command-line parameters can be used:

GigEConfigure install hidden quit

This will install the filter driver, but will disable it on all the adapters and then will terminate automatically:

GigEConfigure install disable=all quit

This will enable the filter driver on adapters 1 and 3 when it is already installed:

GigEConfigure enable=1 enable=3

This will be used during standard installation:

GigEConfigure welcome install postinstallmessage
Pressing F1 after the application is running will also display a detailed list of available command line options as well as keyboard shortcuts and some other helping text!