
This product may be modified without notice, when necessary, due to product improvements, modifications, or changes in specifications. If such modification is made, the manual will also be revised; see revision information.

Documentation Revision Rev 1.1, Oct 16, 2023

Balluff GmbH
Schurwaldstrasse 9
D-73765 Neuhausen a.d.F.

Phone: +49 7158 173-0


This manual and the product it describes are protected by copyright. Unless permitted by German intellectual property and related rights legislation, any use and circulation of this content requires the prior consent of the individual owner of the rights. This manual and the product it describes, therefore, may not be reproduced in whole or in part, whether for sale or not, without prior written consent.

Information provided in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed.

Differences may exist between the manual and the product if the product has been modified after the manual’s edition date. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.


Indications in the manual

To prevent damage to the equipment and ensure the user’s safety, this manual indicates each precaution related to safety with Warning. Supplementary information is provided as a Note.


Warnings in this manual indicate procedures and actions that must be observed to avoid danger of injury to the operator/user, or damage to the equipment. Software-related warnings indicate procedures that must be observed to avoid malfunctions or unexpected behavior of the software.


Notes are used in this manual to indicate supplementary relevant information.