Hardware specification


The following hardware specifications are provided here as a general reference; differences with the product may exist.

Scope of delivery

Standard delivery for the 3D stereo camera includes

  • 3D stereo camera,
  • Quickstart guide.

The following accessories are required additionally

  • Calibration grid large (A3),
  • 2 x 10 m gigabit Ethernet network cables,
  • 10 m power cable with M12 connector and one open end.

The full manual is online available in digital form at https://www.balluff.com.


The following items are not included in the delivery unless otherwise specified:

  • Couplings, adapters, mounts,
  • Power supply unit and fuses.

Please refer to Accessories for suggested cables.

The following picture shows the important parts of the 3D stereo camera which are referenced later in the documentation.


Fig. 2 Parts description

Technical specification

The technical specification of the 3D stereo camera is shown in Table 1. The given depth image frame rate can be reached with the SGM®producer on a computer with an Nvidia RTX2070 GPU. Higher frame rates (up to 9 Hz) are possible with faster graphics cards.

Table 1 Technical specifications of the 3D stereo camera
  3D stereo camera
Image resolution 4112 x 3008 pixels monochrome
Framerate 9 Hz
Focal length 16 mm
Field of view Horizontal: 47.5°, Vertical: 35.7°
670 mm x 640 mm @ 1.0 m distance
1550 mm x 1280 mm @ 2.0 m distance
2430 mm x 1920 mm @ 3.0 m distance
3310 mm x 2560 mm @ 4.0 m distance
Depth image
4112 x 3008 pixel (Full) @ 2.8 Hz (Nvidia RTX2070)
2056 x 1504 pixel (High) @ 4.6 Hz (Nvidia RTX2070)
1028 x 752 pixel (Medium) @ 9 Hz (Nvidia RTX2070)
686 x 502 pixel (Low) @ 9 Hz (Nvidia RTX2070)
Cooling Passive
Baseline 210 mm
Size (W x H x L) 262 mm x 204 mm x 82 mm
Mass 1.64 kg

The depth image range of the 3D stereo camera depends on the depth image quality, the specified maximum depth range and the available GPU memory. Depth ranges at closer distance are much smaller than depth ranges at far distances. Table 2 shows examples of resulting depth ranges with 3.4 Gbytes of GPU memory. Larger depth ranges are possible by using the SGM®producer with a graphics card that offers more GPU memory.

Table 2 Examples of possible depth ranges of the 3D stereo camera with 3.4 Gbytes of GPU memory
  3D stereo camera
Full depth quality
0.89 m to 1.00 m
1.60 m to 2.00 m
2.18 m to 3.00 m
2.65 m to 4.00 m
High depth quality
0.52 m to 1.00 m
0.66 m to 2.00 m
0.75 m to 3.00 m
0.80 m to 4.00 m
1.00 m to infinity
Medium and low depth quality 0.52 m to infinity

The resolution and accuracy at different distances is given in Table 3 for the recommended high depth quality. In full depth quality, the resolution and accuracy will be better by a factor of 2. Similarly, in medium quality, the resolution and accuracy will be about 2 times worse than shown in the table.

Table 3 Resolution and accuracy of the 3D stereo camera in millimeters with high quality stereo matching and random dot projection on non-reflective and non-transparent objects.
  distance 3D stereo camera
Lateral resolution
1.0 m
2.0 m
3.0 m
4.0 m
0.4 mm
0.9 mm
1.3 mm
1.7 mm
Depth resolution
1.0 m
2.0 m
3.0 m
4.0 m
0.1 mm
0.5 mm
1.2 mm
2.0 mm
Average depth accuracy
1.0 m
2.0 m
3.0 m
4.0 m
0.5 mm
2.0 mm
4.6 mm
8.2 mm

Fig. 3 Overall dimensions of the 3D stereo camera in millimeters

CAD models of the 3D stereo camera can be downloaded from https://www.balluff.com on the corresponding product page. The CAD models are provided as-is, with no guarantee of correctness.

Environmental and operating conditions

The 3D stereo camera is designed for industrial applications. Always respect the storage, transport, and operating environmental conditions outlined in Table 4.

Table 4 Environmental conditions
  3D stereo camera
Storage/Transport temperature -20 °C to 60 °C
Operating temperature 0 °C to 45 °C (passive cooling)
Relative humidity (non condensing) 20 % to 80 %
Protection class IP54
  • Free from corrosive liquids or gases
  • Free from explosive liquids or gases
  • Free from powerful electromagnetic interference

The 3D stereo camera is designed for an operating temperature (surrounding environment) of 0 °C to 45 °C and relies on convective (passive) cooling. Unobstructed airflow, especially around the cooling fins, needs to be ensured during use. The 3D stereo camera should only be mounted using the provided mechanical mounting interface, and all parts of the housing must remain uncovered. A free space of at least 10 cm extending in all directions from the housing, and sufficient air exchange with the environment is required to ensure adequate cooling. Cooling fins must be free of dirt and other contamination.

Power-supply specifications

The 3D stereo camera needs to be supplied by a DC voltage source. The camera’s standard package does not include a DC power supply. Each 3D stereo camera must be connected to a separate power supply. Connection to domestic grid power is only allowed through a power supply certified as EN55011 Class B.

Table 5 Absolute maximum ratings for power supply
  Min Nominal Max
Supply voltage 22.0 V 24 V 26.0 V
Max power consumption     48 W
Overcurrent protection Supply must be fuse-protected to a maximum of 2 A
EMC compliance see Electronical and safety standards


Exceeding maximum power rating values may lead to damage of the 3D stereo camera, power supply, and connected equipment.


A separate power supply must power each 3D stereo camera.


Connection to domestic grid power is allowed through a power supply certified as EN55011 Class B only.


The 3D stereo camera is delivered with a sync cable already connected between projector and cameras. It is the customer’s responsibility to connect the two provided M12 X-coded network cables to the left and right camera, as well as the power cable with an angled M12 connector to the projector (see Fig. 4). The network cables must be clipped into the cable guide for strain relief. All cables must be secured to the mounting bracket.


Fig. 4 Locations of the electrical connections for the 3D stereo camera


Due to the voltage drop, the maximum power cable length is limited to 15 m. The supply voltage should be set to the specified 24 V and must not be set above 26 V due to the highly variable current draw of the 3D stereo camera.


Proper cable management is mandatory. Cabling must always be secured to the 3D stereo camera mount with a strain-relief clamp so that no forces due to cable movements are exerted on the 3D stereo camera’s M12 connectors. Enough slack needs to be provided to allow for full range of movement of the camera without straining the cable. The cable’s minimum bend radius (i.e. R_{min} = 15 d) needs to be observed.

Pin assignments for the power connector are given in Table 6.

Table 6 Pin assignments for the power connector
Pin Cable Color Designation Details
1 White nc  
2 Brown Power +24 V 2 A @ 24 V
3 Green GPIO In 1 12-24 V, 15 mA max.
4 Yellow GPIO GND  
5 Grey GPIO Vcc 5-24 V, 50 mA max.
6 Pink GPIO Out 1 Projector exposure signal
7 Blue Power GND  
8 Red GPIO Out 2  


Please note that in hardware revisions prior to 1.1 the pins number 3 and 4 were not connected.

GPIOs are decoupled by photocouplers. GPIO Out 1 by default provides an exposure sync signal with a logic high level for the duration of the image exposure. Pins of unused GPIOs should be left floating. GPIO circuitry and specifications are shown in Fig. 5.


Fig. 5 GPIO circuitry and specifications

Coordinate frames

The 3D stereo camera’s coordinate-frame origin is defined as the exit pupil of the left camera lens. This frame is called camera coordinate frame. It is shown in Fig. 6.


Fig. 6 Camera coordinate frame location and orientation