Impact Acquire SDK C++
ImageFormatControl Class Reference

Category for Image Format Control features. More...

#include <mvIMPACT_acquire_GenICam.h>

Public Member Functions

 ImageFormatControl (mvIMPACT::acquire::Device *pDev, const std::string &settingName="Base")
 Constructs a new mvIMPACT::acquire::GenICam::ImageFormatControl object.

Public Attributes

PropertyI64 binningHorizontal
 An integer property. Number of horizontal photo-sensitive cells to combine together.
PropertyI64 binningHorizontalMode
 An enumerated integer property. Sets the mode to use to combine horizontal photo-sensitive cells together when BinningHorizontal is used.
PropertyI64 binningSelector
 An enumerated integer property. Selects which binning engine is controlled by the BinningHorizontal and BinningVertical features.
PropertyI64 binningVertical
 An integer property. Number of vertical photo-sensitive cells to combine together.
PropertyI64 binningVerticalMode
 An enumerated integer property. Sets the mode to use to combine vertical photo-sensitive cells together when BinningVertical is used.
PropertyIBoolean componentEnable
 A boolean property. Controls if the selected component streaming is active.
PropertyI64 componentIDValue
 An integer property. Returns a unique Identifier value that corresponds to type of the component selected by ComponentSelector.
PropertyI64 componentSelector
 An enumerated integer property. Selects a component to activate/deactivate its data streaming.
PropertyI64 decimationHorizontal
 An integer property. Horizontal sub-sampling of the image.
PropertyI64 decimationHorizontalMode
 An enumerated integer property. Sets the mode used to reduce the horizontal resolution when DecimationHorizontal is used.
PropertyI64 decimationVertical
 An integer property. Vertical sub-sampling of the image.
PropertyI64 decimationVerticalMode
 An enumerated integer property. Sets the mode used to reduce the Vertical resolution when DecimationVertical is used.
PropertyI64 deinterlacing
 An enumerated integer property. Controls how the device performs de-interlacing.
PropertyI64 groupIDValue
 An integer property. Returns a unique Identifier value corresponding to the selected Group of Components.
PropertyI64 groupSelector
 An enumerated integer property. Selects a Group of component to control or inquire.
PropertyI64 height
 An integer property. Height of the image provided by the device (in pixels).
PropertyI64 heightMax
 An integer property. Maximum height of the image (in pixels).
PropertyIBoolean imageComponentEnable
 A boolean property. This feature is deprecated (See ComponentEnable).
PropertyI64 imageComponentSelector
 An enumerated integer property. This feature is deprecated (See ComponentSelector).
PropertyF imageCompressionBitrate
 A floating point property. Control the rate of the produced compressed stream.
PropertyI64 imageCompressionJPEGFormatOption
 An enumerated integer property. When JPEG is selected as the compression format, a device might optionally offer better control over JPEG-specific options through this feature.
PropertyI64 imageCompressionMode
 An enumerated integer property. Enable a specific image compression mode as the base mode for image transfer.
PropertyI64 imageCompressionQuality
 An integer property. Control the quality of the produced compressed stream.
PropertyI64 imageCompressionRateOption
 An enumerated integer property. Two rate controlling options are offered: fixed bit rate or fixed quality.
PropertyI64 linePitch
 An integer property. Total number of bytes between the starts of 2 consecutive lines.
PropertyIBoolean linePitchEnable
 A boolean property. This feature controls whether the LinePitch feature is writable.
PropertyIBoolean mvAreaEnable
 A boolean property. This feature controls whether the selected area is active during streaming or not.
PropertyI64 mvAreaHeight
 An integer property. Height of this area's part of the image (in pixels).
PropertyI64 mvAreaOffsetX
 An integer property. Horizontal offset of this area within the image (in pixels).
PropertyI64 mvAreaOffsetY
 An integer property. Vertical offset of this area within the image (in pixels).
PropertyI64 mvAreaResultingOffsetX
 An integer property. Horizontal offset of this area within the resulting image (in pixels).
PropertyI64 mvAreaResultingOffsetY
 An integer property. Vertical offset of this area within the resulting image (in pixels).
PropertyI64 mvAreaSelector
 An enumerated integer property. Selects the area in multi area context.
PropertyI64 mvAreaWidth
 An integer property. Width of this area's part of the image (in pixels).
PropertyI64 mvBlockscanBlockCount
 An integer property. Blockscan mode only: Number of blocks combined to one frame.
PropertyI64 mvBlockscanLinesPerBlock
 An integer property. Blockscan mode only: Number of lines per block.
PropertyI64 mvDualAdcCompression
 An integer property. After the internal combination of both high and low gain pixels, the output data is compressed to fit 12-bits. This feature sets the compression characteristic of the Dual Adc (different kneepoints of the compression curve). 0 means compression is off.
PropertyIBoolean mvDualAdcMode
 A boolean property. Use this mode for a higher dynamic range. The maximum frame rate will be halved then. Using this mode only makes sense when used with pixel formats >= 14 bits. For Sony Gen 4 sensors, both high and low level gain pixels are combined internally in the sensor.
PropertyI64 mvMultiAreaMode
 An enumerated integer property. Selects the overall multi area mode.
PropertyI64 mvSensorDigitizationBitDepth
 An enumerated integer property. This feature manually selects the resolution of the device's ADC.
PropertyI64 offsetX
 An integer property. Horizontal offset from the origin to the region of interest (in pixels).
PropertyI64 offsetY
 An integer property. Vertical offset from the origin to the region of interest (in pixels).
PropertyI64 pixelCoding
 An enumerated integer property. This feature is deprecated.
PropertyI64 pixelColorFilter
 An enumerated integer property. Type of color filter that is applied to the image.
PropertyI64 pixelDynamicRangeMax
 An integer property. Maximum value that will be returned during the digitization process.
PropertyI64 pixelDynamicRangeMin
 An integer property. Minimum value that can be returned during the digitization process.
PropertyI64 pixelFormat
 An enumerated integer property. Format of the pixels provided by the device.
PropertyI64 pixelFormatInfoID
 An integer property. Returns the value used by the streaming channels to identify the selected pixel format.
PropertyI64 pixelFormatInfoSelector
 An enumerated integer property. Select the pixel format for which the information will be returned.
PropertyI64 pixelSize
 An enumerated integer property. Total size in bits of a pixel of the image.
PropertyI64 regionDestination
 An enumerated integer property. Control the destination of the selected region.
PropertyI64 regionIDValue
 An integer property. Returns a unique Identifier value that corresponds to the selected Region.
PropertyI64 regionMode
 An enumerated integer property. Controls if the selected Region of interest is active and streaming.
PropertyI64 regionSelector
 An enumerated integer property. Selects the Region of interest to control.
PropertyIBoolean reverseX
 A boolean property. Flip horizontally the image sent by the device.
PropertyIBoolean reverseY
 A boolean property. Flip vertically the image sent by the device.
PropertyI64 sensorDigitizationTaps
 An enumerated integer property. Number of digitized samples outputted simultaneously by the camera A/D conversion stage.
PropertyI64 sensorHeight
 An integer property. Effective height of the sensor in pixels.
PropertyS sensorName
 A string property. Product name of the imaging Sensor.
PropertyF sensorPixelHeight
 A floating point property. Physical size (pitch) in the y direction of a photo sensitive pixel unit.
PropertyF sensorPixelWidth
 A floating point property. Physical size (pitch) in the x direction of a photo sensitive pixel unit.
PropertyI64 sensorShutterMode
 An enumerated integer property. Specifies the shutter mode of the device.
PropertyI64 sensorTaps
 An enumerated integer property. Number of taps of the camera sensor.
PropertyI64 sensorWidth
 An integer property. Effective width of the sensor in pixels.
PropertyI64 testImageSelector
 An enumerated integer property. This feature is deprecated (See TestPattern).
PropertyI64 testPattern
 An enumerated integer property. Selects the type of test pattern that is generated by the device as image source.
PropertyI64 testPatternGeneratorSelector
 An enumerated integer property. Selects which test pattern generator is controlled by the TestPattern feature.
PropertyI64 width
 An integer property. Width of the image provided by the device (in pixels).
PropertyI64 widthMax
 An integer property. Maximum width of the image (in pixels).

Detailed Description

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ImageFormatControl()

ImageFormatControl ( mvIMPACT::acquire::Device * pDev,
const std::string & settingName = "Base" )

Constructs a new mvIMPACT::acquire::GenICam::ImageFormatControl object.

[in]pDevA pointer to a mvIMPACT::acquire::Device object obtained from a mvIMPACT::acquire::DeviceManager object.
[in]settingNameThe name of the driver internal setting to access with this instance. A list of valid setting names can be obtained by a call to mvIMPACT::acquire::FunctionInterface::getAvailableSettings, new settings can be created with the function mvIMPACT::acquire::FunctionInterface::createSetting

Member Data Documentation

◆ binningHorizontal

PropertyI64 binningHorizontal

An integer property. Number of horizontal photo-sensitive cells to combine together.

Number of horizontal photo-sensitive cells to combine together. This reduces the horizontal resolution (width) of the image.

◆ binningHorizontalMode

PropertyI64 binningHorizontalMode

An enumerated integer property. Sets the mode to use to combine horizontal photo-sensitive cells together when BinningHorizontal is used.

Sets the mode to use to combine horizontal photo-sensitive cells together when BinningHorizontal is used.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Sum (Display string: 'Sum'): The response from the combined cells will be added, resulting in increased sensitivity.
  • Average (Display string: 'Average'): The response from the combined cells will be averaged, resulting in increased signal/noise ratio.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT::acquire::EnumPropertyI::getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ binningSelector

PropertyI64 binningSelector

An enumerated integer property. Selects which binning engine is controlled by the BinningHorizontal and BinningVertical features.

Selects which binning engine is controlled by the BinningHorizontal and BinningVertical features.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Region0 (Display string: 'Region 0'): Selected feature will control the region 0 binning.
  • Region1 (Display string: 'Region 1'): Selected feature will control the region 1 binning.
  • Region2 (Display string: 'Region 2'): Selected feature will control the region 2 binning.
  • Sensor (Display string: 'Sensor'): Selected features will control the sensor binning.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT::acquire::EnumPropertyI::getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ binningVertical

PropertyI64 binningVertical

An integer property. Number of vertical photo-sensitive cells to combine together.

Number of vertical photo-sensitive cells to combine together. This reduces the vertical resolution (height) of the image.

◆ binningVerticalMode

PropertyI64 binningVerticalMode

An enumerated integer property. Sets the mode to use to combine vertical photo-sensitive cells together when BinningVertical is used.

Sets the mode to use to combine vertical photo-sensitive cells together when BinningVertical is used.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Sum (Display string: 'Sum'): The response from the combined cells will be added, resulting in increased sensitivity.
  • Average (Display string: 'Average'): The response from the combined cells will be averaged, resulting in increased signal/noise ratio.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT::acquire::EnumPropertyI::getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ componentEnable

PropertyIBoolean componentEnable

A boolean property. Controls if the selected component streaming is active.

Controls if the selected component streaming is active.

◆ componentIDValue

PropertyI64 componentIDValue

An integer property. Returns a unique Identifier value that corresponds to type of the component selected by ComponentSelector.

Returns a unique Identifier value that corresponds to type of the component selected by ComponentSelector.

◆ componentSelector

PropertyI64 componentSelector

An enumerated integer property. Selects a component to activate/deactivate its data streaming.

Selects a component to activate/deactivate its data streaming.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Intensity (Display string: 'Intensity'): The acquisition of intensity (monochrome or color) of the visible reflected light is controlled.
  • Infrared (Display string: 'Infrared'): The acquisition of non-visible infrared light is controlled.
  • Ultraviolet (Display string: 'Ultraviolet'): The acquisition of non-visible ultraviolet light is controlled.
  • Range (Display string: 'Range'): The acquisition of range (distance) data is controlled. The data produced may be only range (2.5D) or a point cloud giving the 3D coordinates depending on the Scan3dControl features.
  • Reflectance (Display string: 'Reflectance'): The reflected intensity acquired together with Range in a Linescan3D sensor acquiring a single linescan profile for each exposure of the sensor.
  • Confidence (Display string: 'Confidence'): The acquisition of confidence map of the acquired image is controlled. Confidence data may be binary (0 - invalid) or an integer where 0 is invalid and increasing value is increased confidence in the data in the corresponding pixel. If floating point representation is used the confidence image is normalized to the range [0,1], for integer representation the maximum possible integer represents maximum confidence.
  • Scatter (Display string: 'Scatter'): The acquisition of data measuring how much light is scattered around the reflected light. In processing this is used as an additional intensity image, often together with the standard intensity or reflectance.
  • Disparity (Display string: 'Disparity'): The acquisition of stereo camera disparity data is controlled. Disparity is a more specific range format approximately inversely proportional to distance. Disparity is typically given in pixel units.
  • Multispectral (Display string: 'Multispectral'): The acquisition of multiple spectral bands corresponding to various light wavelengths is controlled.
  • Device-specific (Display string: 'Device-specific')
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT::acquire::EnumPropertyI::getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ decimationHorizontal

PropertyI64 decimationHorizontal

An integer property. Horizontal sub-sampling of the image.

Horizontal sub-sampling of the image. This reduces the horizontal resolution (width) of the image by the specified horizontal decimation factor.

◆ decimationHorizontalMode

PropertyI64 decimationHorizontalMode

An enumerated integer property. Sets the mode used to reduce the horizontal resolution when DecimationHorizontal is used.

Sets the mode used to reduce the horizontal resolution when DecimationHorizontal is used.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Discard (Display string: 'Discard'): The value of every Nth pixel is kept, others are discarded.
  • Average (Display string: 'Average'): The values of a group of N adjacent pixels are averaged.
  • Sum (Display string: 'Sum')
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT::acquire::EnumPropertyI::getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ decimationVertical

PropertyI64 decimationVertical

An integer property. Vertical sub-sampling of the image.

Vertical sub-sampling of the image. This reduces the vertical resolution (height) of the image by the specified vertical decimation factor.

◆ decimationVerticalMode

PropertyI64 decimationVerticalMode

An enumerated integer property. Sets the mode used to reduce the Vertical resolution when DecimationVertical is used.

Sets the mode used to reduce the Vertical resolution when DecimationVertical is used.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Discard (Display string: 'Discard'): The value of every Nth pixel is kept, others are discarded.
  • Average (Display string: 'Average'): The values of a group of N adjacent pixels are averaged.
  • Sum (Display string: 'Sum')
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT::acquire::EnumPropertyI::getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ deinterlacing

PropertyI64 deinterlacing

An enumerated integer property. Controls how the device performs de-interlacing.

Controls how the device performs de-interlacing.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Off (Display string: 'Off'): The device doesn't perform de-interlacing.
  • LineDuplication (Display string: 'Line Duplication'): The device performs de-interlacing by outputting each line of each field twice.
  • Weave (Display string: 'Weave'): The device performs de-interlacing by interleaving the lines of all fields.
  • Device-specific (Display string: 'Device-specific')
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT::acquire::EnumPropertyI::getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ groupIDValue

PropertyI64 groupIDValue

An integer property. Returns a unique Identifier value corresponding to the selected Group of Components.

Returns a unique Identifier value corresponding to the selected Group of Components. If no grouping is required, this value should be set to 0.

◆ groupSelector

PropertyI64 groupSelector

An enumerated integer property. Selects a Group of component to control or inquire.

Selects a Group of component to control or inquire. The GroupSelector determines which components Group will be used for the selected features.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Group0 (Display string: 'Group 0'): Group 0
  • Group1 (Display string: 'Group 1'): Group 1
  • Group2 (Display string: 'Group 2'): Group 2
  • Group3 (Display string: 'Group 3'): Group 3
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT::acquire::EnumPropertyI::getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ height

PropertyI64 height

An integer property. Height of the image provided by the device (in pixels).

Height of the image provided by the device (in pixels).

◆ heightMax

PropertyI64 heightMax

An integer property. Maximum height of the image (in pixels).

Maximum height of the image (in pixels). This dimension is calculated after vertical binning, decimation or any other function changing the vertical dimension of the image.

◆ imageComponentEnable

PropertyIBoolean imageComponentEnable

A boolean property. This feature is deprecated (See ComponentEnable).

This feature is deprecated (See ComponentEnable). It was used to control if the selected component streaming is active.

◆ imageComponentSelector

PropertyI64 imageComponentSelector

An enumerated integer property. This feature is deprecated (See ComponentSelector).

This feature is deprecated (See ComponentSelector). It was used to select a component.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Intensity (Display string: 'Intensity'): The acquisition of intensity (monochrome or color) of the visible reflected light is controlled.
  • Color (Display string: 'Color'): The acquisition of color of the reflected light is controlled
  • Infrared (Display string: 'Infrared'): The acquisition of non-visible infrared light is controlled.
  • Ultraviolet (Display string: 'Ultraviolet'): The acquisition of non-visible ultraviolet light is controlled.
  • Range (Display string: 'Range'): The acquisition of range (distance) data is controlled. The data produced may be only range (2.5D) or a point cloud 3D coordinates depending on the Scan3dControl features.
  • Confidence (Display string: 'Confidence'): The acquisition of confidence map of the acquired image is controlled. Confidence data may be binary (0 - invalid) or an integer where 0 is invalid and increasing value is increased confidence in the data in the corresponding pixel. If floating point representation is used the confidence image is normalized to the range [0,1], for integer representation the maximum possible integer represents maximum confidence.
  • Scatter (Display string: 'Scatter'): The acquisition of data measuring how much light is scattered around the reflected light. In processing this is used as an additional intensity image, often together with the standard intensity.
  • Disparity (Display string: 'Disparity'): The acquisition of stereo camera disparity data is controlled. Disparity is a more specific range format approximately inversely proportional to distance. Disparity is typically given in pixel units.
  • Reflectance (Display string: 'Reflectance')
  • Multispectral (Display string: 'Multispectral')
  • Device-specific (Display string: 'Device-specific')
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT::acquire::EnumPropertyI::getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ imageCompressionBitrate

PropertyF imageCompressionBitrate

A floating point property. Control the rate of the produced compressed stream.

Control the rate of the produced compressed stream.

◆ imageCompressionJPEGFormatOption

PropertyI64 imageCompressionJPEGFormatOption

An enumerated integer property. When JPEG is selected as the compression format, a device might optionally offer better control over JPEG-specific options through this feature.

When JPEG is selected as the compression format, a device might optionally offer better control over JPEG-specific options through this feature.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Lossless (Display string: 'Lossless'): Selects lossless JPEG compression based on a predictive coding model.
  • BaselineStandard (Display string: 'Baseline Standard'): Indicates this is a baseline sequential (single-scan) DCT-based JPEG.
  • BaselineOptimized (Display string: 'Baseline Optimized'): Provides optimized color and slightly better compression than baseline standard by using custom Huffman tables optimized after statistical analysis of the image content.
  • Progressive (Display string: 'Progressive'): Indicates this is a progressive (multi-scan) DCT-based JPEG.
  • Device-specific (Display string: 'Device-specific')
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT::acquire::EnumPropertyI::getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ imageCompressionMode

PropertyI64 imageCompressionMode

An enumerated integer property. Enable a specific image compression mode as the base mode for image transfer.

Enable a specific image compression mode as the base mode for image transfer.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Off (Display string: 'Off'): Default value. Image compression is disabled. Images are transmitted uncompressed.
  • JPEG (Display string: 'JPEG'): JPEG compression is selected.
  • JPEG2000 (Display string: 'JPEG 2000'): JPEG 2000 compression is selected.
  • H264 (Display string: 'H 264'): H.264 compression is selected.
  • Device-specific (Display string: 'Device-specific')
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT::acquire::EnumPropertyI::getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ imageCompressionQuality

PropertyI64 imageCompressionQuality

An integer property. Control the quality of the produced compressed stream.

Control the quality of the produced compressed stream.

◆ imageCompressionRateOption

PropertyI64 imageCompressionRateOption

An enumerated integer property. Two rate controlling options are offered: fixed bit rate or fixed quality.

Two rate controlling options are offered: fixed bit rate or fixed quality. The exact implementation to achieve one or the other is vendor-specific.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • FixBitrate (Display string: 'Fix Bitrate'): Output stream follows a constant bit rate. Allows easy bandwidth management on the link.
  • FixQuality (Display string: 'Fix Quality'): Output stream has a constant image quality. Can be used when image processing algorithms are sensitive to image degradation caused by excessive data compression.
  • Device-specific (Display string: 'Device-specific')
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT::acquire::EnumPropertyI::getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ linePitch

PropertyI64 linePitch

An integer property. Total number of bytes between the starts of 2 consecutive lines.

Total number of bytes between the starts of 2 consecutive lines. This feature is used to facilitate alignment of image data.

◆ linePitchEnable

PropertyIBoolean linePitchEnable

A boolean property. This feature controls whether the LinePitch feature is writable.

This feature controls whether the LinePitch feature is writable. Otherwise LinePitch is implicitly controlled by the combination of features like Width, PixelFormat, etc...

◆ mvAreaEnable

PropertyIBoolean mvAreaEnable

A boolean property. This feature controls whether the selected area is active during streaming or not.

This feature controls whether the selected area is active during streaming or not.

◆ mvAreaHeight

PropertyI64 mvAreaHeight

An integer property. Height of this area's part of the image (in pixels).

Height of this area's part of the image (in pixels).

◆ mvAreaOffsetX

PropertyI64 mvAreaOffsetX

An integer property. Horizontal offset of this area within the image (in pixels).

Horizontal offset of this area within the image (in pixels).

◆ mvAreaOffsetY

PropertyI64 mvAreaOffsetY

An integer property. Vertical offset of this area within the image (in pixels).

Vertical offset of this area within the image (in pixels).

◆ mvAreaResultingOffsetX

PropertyI64 mvAreaResultingOffsetX

An integer property. Horizontal offset of this area within the resulting image (in pixels).

Horizontal offset of this area within the resulting image (in pixels).

◆ mvAreaResultingOffsetY

PropertyI64 mvAreaResultingOffsetY

An integer property. Vertical offset of this area within the resulting image (in pixels).

Vertical offset of this area within the resulting image (in pixels).

◆ mvAreaSelector

PropertyI64 mvAreaSelector

An enumerated integer property. Selects the area in multi area context.

Selects the area in multi area context.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • mvArea0 (Display string: 'mv Area 0'): First area in multi area context.
  • mvArea1 (Display string: 'mv Area 1'): Second area in multi area context.
  • mvArea2 (Display string: 'mv Area 2'): Third area in multi area context.
  • mvArea3 (Display string: 'mv Area 3'): Fourth area in multi area context.
  • mvArea4 (Display string: 'mv Area 4'): Fifth area in multi area context.
  • mvArea5 (Display string: 'mv Area 5'): Sixth area in multi area context.
  • mvArea6 (Display string: 'mv Area 6'): Seventh area in multi area context.
  • mvArea7 (Display string: 'mv Area 7'): Eighth area in multi area context.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT::acquire::EnumPropertyI::getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ mvAreaWidth

PropertyI64 mvAreaWidth

An integer property. Width of this area's part of the image (in pixels).

Width of this area's part of the image (in pixels).

◆ mvBlockscanBlockCount

PropertyI64 mvBlockscanBlockCount

An integer property. Blockscan mode only: Number of blocks combined to one frame.

Blockscan mode only: Number of blocks combined to one frame


◆ mvBlockscanLinesPerBlock

PropertyI64 mvBlockscanLinesPerBlock

An integer property. Blockscan mode only: Number of lines per block.

Blockscan mode only: Number of lines per block.

◆ mvDualAdcCompression

PropertyI64 mvDualAdcCompression

An integer property. After the internal combination of both high and low gain pixels, the output data is compressed to fit 12-bits. This feature sets the compression characteristic of the Dual Adc (different kneepoints of the compression curve). 0 means compression is off.

After the internally combination of both high and low gain pixels, the output data is compressed to fit 12-bits. This feature sets the compression characteristic of the Dual Adc (different kneepoints of the compression curve). 0 means compression is off.

◆ mvDualAdcMode

PropertyIBoolean mvDualAdcMode

A boolean property. Use this mode for a higher dynamic range. The maximum frame rate will be halved then. Using this mode only makes sense when used with pixel formats >= 14 bits. For Sony Gen 4 sensors, both high and low level gain pixels are combined internally in the sensor.

Use this mode for a higher dynamic range. The maximum frame rate will be halved then. Using this mode only makes sense when used with pixel formats >= 14 bits. For Sony Gen 4 sensors, both high and low level gain pixels are combined internally in the sensor.

◆ mvMultiAreaMode

PropertyI64 mvMultiAreaMode

An enumerated integer property. Selects the overall multi area mode.

Selects the overall multi area mode.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • mvOff (Display string: 'mv Off'): Multi area mode is altogether switched off. Only one single AOI as defined in Width, Height, OffsetX and OffsetY properties is used and valid.
  • mvMultiAreasCombined (Display string: 'mv Multi Areas Combined'): Image is combined from multiple areas. The overlapping of areas is allowed. The camera decides which areas it needs to crop from the image and combines all areas into one image.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT::acquire::EnumPropertyI::getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ mvSensorDigitizationBitDepth

PropertyI64 mvSensorDigitizationBitDepth

An enumerated integer property. This feature manually selects the resolution of the device's ADC.

This feature manually selects the resolution of the device's ADC.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Auto (Display string: 'Auto'): When the selected pixel format has 12 bits or more the ADC will work with 12 bits. Otherwise the ADC will work with 10 bits.
  • Bpp8 (Display string: 'Bpp 8'): The ADC will always work with a resolution of 8 bits no matter which pixel format has been selected.
  • Bpp10 (Display string: 'Bpp 10'): The ADC will always work with a resolution of 10 bits no matter which pixel format has been selected.
  • Bpp12 (Display string: 'Bpp 12'): The ADC will always work with a resolution of 12 bits no matter which pixel format has been selected. This will allow to achieve higher precision and thus improved quality when internal processing is done (e.g. when applying digital gain to the image).
  • Fixed (Display string: 'Fixed')
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT::acquire::EnumPropertyI::getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ offsetX

PropertyI64 offsetX

An integer property. Horizontal offset from the origin to the region of interest (in pixels).

Horizontal offset from the origin to the region of interest (in pixels).

◆ offsetY

PropertyI64 offsetY

An integer property. Vertical offset from the origin to the region of interest (in pixels).

Vertical offset from the origin to the region of interest (in pixels).

◆ pixelCoding

PropertyI64 pixelCoding

An enumerated integer property. This feature is deprecated.

This feature is deprecated. It represents the coding of the pixels in the image. Raw gives the data in the native format of the sensor.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Mono (Display string: 'Mono'): Mono.
  • MonoSigned (Display string: 'MonoSigned'): Mono signed.
  • MonoPacked (Display string: 'MonoPacked'): Mono packed.
  • RGBPacked (Display string: 'RGBPacked'): RGB packed.
  • BGRPacked (Display string: 'BGRPacked'): BGR packed.
  • RGBAPacked (Display string: 'RGBAPacked'): RGBA packed.
  • BGRAPacked (Display string: 'BGRAPacked'): BGRA packed.
  • RGBPlanar (Display string: 'RGBPlanar'): RGB planar.
  • YUV411Packed (Display string: 'YUV411Packed'): YUV 411 packed.
  • YUV422Packed (Display string: 'YUV422Packed'): YUV 422 packed.
  • YUV444Packed (Display string: 'YUV444Packed'): YUV 444 packed.
  • YUYVPacked (Display string: 'YUYVPacked'): YUYV packed.
  • Raw (Display string: 'Raw'): Raw.
  • RawPacked (Display string: 'RawPacked'): Raw packed.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT::acquire::EnumPropertyI::getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ pixelColorFilter

PropertyI64 pixelColorFilter

An enumerated integer property. Type of color filter that is applied to the image.

Type of color filter that is applied to the image.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • None (Display string: 'None'): No color filter.
  • BayerRG (Display string: 'BayerRG'): Bayer Red Green filter.
  • BayerGB (Display string: 'BayerGB'): Bayer Green Blue filter.
  • BayerGR (Display string: 'BayerGR'): Bayer Green Red filter.
  • BayerBG (Display string: 'BayerBG'): Bayer Blue Green filter.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT::acquire::EnumPropertyI::getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ pixelDynamicRangeMax

PropertyI64 pixelDynamicRangeMax

An integer property. Maximum value that will be returned during the digitization process.

Maximum value that will be returned during the digitization process. This corresponds to the brightest value of the camera. For color camera, this returns the biggest value that each color component can take.

◆ pixelDynamicRangeMin

PropertyI64 pixelDynamicRangeMin

An integer property. Minimum value that can be returned during the digitization process.

Minimum value that can be returned during the digitization process. This corresponds to the darkest value of the camera. For color camera, this returns the smallest value that each color component can take.

◆ pixelFormat

PropertyI64 pixelFormat

An enumerated integer property. Format of the pixels provided by the device.

Format of the pixels provided by the device. It represents all the information provided by PixelSize, PixelColorFilter combined in a single feature.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Mono1p (Display string: 'Mono1p'): Mono 1 bit packed.
  • Mono2p (Display string: 'Mono2p'): Mono 2 bit packed.
  • Mono4p (Display string: 'Mono4p'): Mono 4 bit packed.
  • Mono8 (Display string: 'Mono8'): Mono 8 bit packed.
  • Mono8s (Display string: 'Mono8s'): Mono 1 bit signed.
  • Mono10 (Display string: 'Mono10'): Mono 10 bit.
  • Mono10p (Display string: 'Mono10p'): Mono 10 bit packed.
  • Mono12 (Display string: 'Mono12'): Mono 12 bit.
  • Mono12p (Display string: 'Mono12p'): Mono 12 bit packed.
  • Mono14 (Display string: 'Mono14'): Mono 14 bit.
  • Mono16 (Display string: 'Mono16'): Mono 16 bit.
  • R8 (Display string: 'R8'): Red 8 bit.
  • G8 (Display string: 'G8'): Green 8 bit.
  • B8 (Display string: 'B8'): Blue 8 bit.
  • RGB8 (Display string: 'RGB8'): Red, Green, Blue 8 bit
  • RGB8_Planar (Display string: 'RGB8_Planar'): Red, Green, Blue 8 bit planar.
  • RGBa8 (Display string: 'RGBa8'): Red, Green, Blue 8 bit aligned on 8 bit
  • RGB10 (Display string: 'RGB10'): Red, Green, Blue 10 bit.
  • RGB10_Planar (Display string: 'RGB10_Planar'): Red, Green, Blue 10 bit planar.
  • RGB10p32 (Display string: 'RGB10p32'): Red, Green, Blue 10 bit packed in 32 bit pixel.
  • RGB12 (Display string: 'RGB12'): Red, Green, Blue 12 bit.
  • RGB12_Planar (Display string: 'RGB12_Planar'): Red, Green, Blue 12 bit planar.
  • RGB16 (Display string: 'RGB16'): Red, Green, Blue 16 bit.
  • RGB16_Planar (Display string: 'RGB16_Planar'): Red, Green, Blue 16 bit planar.
  • RGB565p (Display string: 'RGB565p'): Red, Green, Blue 16 bit packet in 5, 6, 5 bits.
  • BGR10 (Display string: 'BGR10'): Blue, Green, Red, 10 bit.
  • BGR12 (Display string: 'BGR12'): Blue, Green, Red, 12 bit.
  • BGR16 (Display string: 'BGR16'): Blue, Green, Red, 16 bit.
  • BGR565p (Display string: 'BGR565p'): Blue, Green, Red, 16 bit packet in 5, 6, 5 bits.
  • BGR8 (Display string: 'BGR8'): Blue, Green, Red, 8 bit.
  • BGRa8 (Display string: 'BGRa8'): Blue, Green, Red, Alpha 8 bit.
  • YUV422_8 (Display string: 'YUV422_8'): YUV 422 8 bit.
  • YCbCr411_8 (Display string: 'YCbCr411_8'): YCrCb 411 8 bit.
  • YCbCr422_8 (Display string: 'YCbCr422_8'): YCrCb 422 8 bit.
  • YCbCr601_422_8 (Display string: 'YCbCr601_422_8'): YCrCb 601 422 8 bit.
  • YCbCr709_422_8 (Display string: 'YCbCr709_422_8'): YCrCb 709 422 8 bit.
  • YCbCr8 (Display string: 'YCbCr8'): YCbCr 8 bit.
  • BayerBG8 (Display string: 'BayerBG8'): Bayer Blue Green 8 bit.
  • BayerGB8 (Display string: 'BayerGB8'): Bayer Green Blue 8 bit.
  • BayerGR8 (Display string: 'BayerGR8'): Bayer Green Red 8 bit.
  • BayerRG8 (Display string: 'BayerRG8'): Bayer Red Green 8 bit.
  • BayerBG10 (Display string: 'BayerBG10'): Bayer Blue Green 10 bit.
  • BayerGB10 (Display string: 'BayerGB10'): Bayer Green Blue 10 bit.
  • BayerGR10 (Display string: 'BayerGR10'): Bayer Green Red 10 bit.
  • BayerRG10 (Display string: 'BayerRG10'): Bayer Red Green 10 bit.
  • BayerBG12 (Display string: 'BayerBG12'): Bayer Blue Green 12 bit
  • BayerGB12 (Display string: 'BayerGB12'): Bayer Green Blue 12 bit
  • BayerGR12 (Display string: 'BayerGR12'): Bayer Green Red 12 bit.
  • BayerRG12 (Display string: 'BayerRG12'): Bayer Red Green 12 bit.
  • BayerBG16 (Display string: 'BayerBG16'): Bayer Blue Green 16 bit.
  • BayerGB16 (Display string: 'BayerGB16'): Bayer Green Blue 16 bit.
  • BayerGR16 (Display string: 'BayerGR16'): Bayer Green Red 16 bit.
  • BayerRG16 (Display string: 'BayerRG16'): Bayer Red Green 16 bit.
  • Coord3D_A8 (Display string: 'Coord3D_A8'): 3D coordinate, first component 8 bit.
  • Coord3D_B8 (Display string: 'Coord3D_B8'): 3D coordinate, second component 8 bit.
  • Coord3D_C8 (Display string: 'Coord3D_C8'): 3D coordinate, third component 8 bit.
  • Coord3D_ABC8 (Display string: 'Coord3D_ABC8'): 3D coordinates, 3 components 8 bit.
  • Coord3D_ABC8_Planar (Display string: 'Coord3D_ABC8_Planar'): 3D coordinates, 3 components 8 bit planar.
  • Coord3D_A16 (Display string: 'Coord3D_A16'): 3D coordinate, first component 16 bit.
  • Coord3D_B16 (Display string: 'Coord3D_B16'): 3D coordinate, second component 16 bit.
  • Coord3D_C16 (Display string: 'Coord3D_C16'): 3D coordinate, third component 16 bit.
  • Coord3D_ABC16 (Display string: 'Coord3D_ABC16'): 3D coordinates, 3 components 16 bit.
  • Coord3D_ABC16_Planar (Display string: 'Coord3D_ABC16_Planar'): 3D coordinates, 3 components 16 bit planar.
  • Coord3D_A32f (Display string: 'Coord3D_A32f'): 3D coordinate, first component 32 bit float.
  • Coord3D_B32f (Display string: 'Coord3D_B32f'): 3D coordinate, second component 32 bit float.
  • Coord3D_C32f (Display string: 'Coord3D_C32f'): 3D coordinate, third component 32 bit float.
  • Coord3D_ABC32f (Display string: 'Coord3D_ABC32f'): 3D coordinates, 3 components 32 bit float.
  • Coord3D_ABC32f_Planar (Display string: 'Coord3D_ABC32f_Planar'): 3D coordinates, 3 components 32 bit float planar.
  • Confidence1 (Display string: 'Confidence1'): Confidence data 1 bit.
  • Confidence1p (Display string: 'Confidence1p'): Confidence data 1 bit packed.
  • Confidence8 (Display string: 'Confidence8'): Confidence data 8 bit.
  • Confidence16 (Display string: 'Confidence16'): Confidence data 16 bit.
  • Confidence32f (Display string: 'Confidence32f'): Confidence data 32 bit float.
  • Data8 (Display string: 'Data8'): Generic non-pixel data 8 bit.
  • Data8s (Display string: 'Data8s'): Generic non-pixel data 8 bit signed.
  • Data16 (Display string: 'Data16'): Generic non-pixel data 16 bit.
  • Data16s (Display string: 'Data16s'): Generic non-pixel data 16 bit signed.
  • Data32 (Display string: 'Data32'): Generic non-pixel data 32 bit.
  • Data32s (Display string: 'Data32s'): Generic non-pixel data 32 bit signed.
  • Data32f (Display string: 'Data32f'): Generic non-pixel data 32 bit floating point.
  • Data64 (Display string: 'Data64'): Generic non-pixel data 64 bit.
  • Data64s (Display string: 'Data64s'): Generic non-pixel data 64 bit signed.
  • Data64f (Display string: 'Data64f'): Generic non-pixel data 64 bit floating point.
  • Raw8 (Display string: 'Raw8'): Raw 8 bit.
  • Raw16 (Display string: 'Raw16'): Raw 16 bit.
  • Mono12Packed (Display string: 'Mono12Packed'): Mono 12 bit packed (GigE Vision Specific).
  • BayerGR10Packed (Display string: 'BayerGR10Packed'): Bayer GR 10 bit packed (GigE Vision Specific).
  • BayerRG10Packed (Display string: 'BayerRG10Packed'): Bayer RG 10 bit packed (GigE Vision Specific).
  • BayerGB10Packed (Display string: 'BayerGB10Packed'): Bayer GB 10 bit packed (GigE Vision Specific).
  • BayerBG10Packed (Display string: 'BayerBG10Packed'): Bayer BG 10 bit packed (GigE Vision Specific).
  • BayerGR12Packed (Display string: 'BayerGR12Packed'): Bayer GR 12 bit packed (GigE Vision Specific).
  • BayerRG12Packed (Display string: 'BayerRG12Packed'): Bayer RG 12 bit packed (GigE Vision Specific).
  • BayerGB12Packed (Display string: 'BayerGB12Packed'): Bayer GB 12 bit packed (GigE Vision Specific).
  • BayerBG12Packed (Display string: 'BayerBG12Packed'): Bayer BG 12 bit packed (GigE Vision Specific).
  • RGB10V1Packed (Display string: 'RGB10V1Packed'): RGB 10 bit packed (GigE Vision Specific).
  • RGB12V1Packed (Display string: 'RGB12V1Packed'): RGB 12 bit packed (GigE Vision Specific).
  • Mono8Signed (Display string: 'Mono 8 Signed')
  • Mono10Packed (Display string: 'Mono 10 Packed')
  • RGB8Packed (Display string: 'RGB 8 Packed')
  • BGR8Packed (Display string: 'BGR 8 Packed')
  • RGBA8Packed (Display string: 'RGBA 8 Packed')
  • BGRA8Packed (Display string: 'BGRA 8 Packed')
  • RGB10Packed (Display string: 'RGB 10 Packed')
  • BGR10Packed (Display string: 'BGR 10 Packed')
  • RGB12Packed (Display string: 'RGB 12 Packed')
  • BGR12Packed (Display string: 'BGR 12 Packed')
  • RGB16Packed (Display string: 'RGB 16 Packed')
  • RGB10V2Packed (Display string: 'RGB 10 V 2 Packed')
  • RGB565Packed (Display string: 'RGB 565 Packed')
  • BGR565Packed (Display string: 'BGR 565 Packed')
  • YUV411Packed (Display string: 'YUV 411 Packed')
  • YUV422Packed (Display string: 'YUV 422 Packed')
  • YUV444Packed (Display string: 'YUV 444 Packed')
  • YUYVPacked (Display string: 'YUYV Packed')
  • RGB8Planar (Display string: 'RGB 8 Planar')
  • RGB10Planar (Display string: 'RGB 10 Planar')
  • RGB12Planar (Display string: 'RGB 12 Planar')
  • RGB16Planar (Display string: 'RGB 16 Planar')
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT::acquire::EnumPropertyI::getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ pixelFormatInfoID

PropertyI64 pixelFormatInfoID

An integer property. Returns the value used by the streaming channels to identify the selected pixel format.

Returns the value used by the streaming channels to identify the selected pixel format.

◆ pixelFormatInfoSelector

PropertyI64 pixelFormatInfoSelector

An enumerated integer property. Select the pixel format for which the information will be returned.

Select the pixel format for which the information will be returned.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Mono1p (Display string: 'Mono1p'): Mono 1 bit packed.
  • Mono2p (Display string: 'Mono2p'): Mono 2 bit packed.
  • Mono4p (Display string: 'Mono4p'): Mono 4 bit packed.
  • Mono8 (Display string: 'Mono8'): Mono 8 bit packed.
  • Mono10 (Display string: 'Mono10'): Mono 10 bit.
  • Mono10p (Display string: 'Mono10p'): Mono 10 bit packed.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT::acquire::EnumPropertyI::getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ pixelSize

PropertyI64 pixelSize

An enumerated integer property. Total size in bits of a pixel of the image.

Total size in bits of a pixel of the image.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Bpp1 (Display string: 'Bpp1'): 1 bit per pixel.
  • Bpp2 (Display string: 'Bpp2'): 2 bits per pixel.
  • Bpp4 (Display string: 'Bpp4'): 4 bits per pixel.
  • Bpp8 (Display string: 'Bpp8'): 8 bits per pixel.
  • Bpp10 (Display string: 'Bpp10'): 10 bits per pixel.
  • Bpp12 (Display string: 'Bpp12'): 12 bits per pixel.
  • Bpp14 (Display string: 'Bpp14'): 14 bits per pixel.
  • Bpp16 (Display string: 'Bpp16'): 16 bits per pixel.
  • Bpp20 (Display string: 'Bpp20'): 20 bits per pixel.
  • Bpp24 (Display string: 'Bpp24'): 24 bits per pixel.
  • Bpp30 (Display string: 'Bpp30'): 30 bits per pixel.
  • Bpp32 (Display string: 'Bpp32'): 32 bits per pixel.
  • Bpp36 (Display string: 'Bpp36'): 36 bits per pixel.
  • Bpp48 (Display string: 'Bpp48'): 48 bits per pixel.
  • Bpp64 (Display string: 'Bpp64'): 64 bits per pixel.
  • Bpp96 (Display string: 'Bpp96'): 96 bits per pixel.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT::acquire::EnumPropertyI::getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ regionDestination

PropertyI64 regionDestination

An enumerated integer property. Control the destination of the selected region.

Control the destination of the selected region.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Stream0 (Display string: 'Stream 0'): The destination of the region is the data stream 0.
  • Stream1 (Display string: 'Stream 1'): The destination of the region is the data stream 1.
  • Stream2 (Display string: 'Stream 2'): The destination of the region is the data stream 2.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT::acquire::EnumPropertyI::getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ regionIDValue

PropertyI64 regionIDValue

An integer property. Returns a unique Identifier value that corresponds to the selected Region.

Returns a unique Identifier value that corresponds to the selected Region.

◆ regionMode

PropertyI64 regionMode

An enumerated integer property. Controls if the selected Region of interest is active and streaming.

Controls if the selected Region of interest is active and streaming.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Off (Display string: 'Off'): Disable the usage of the Region.
  • On (Display string: 'On'): Enable the usage of the Region.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT::acquire::EnumPropertyI::getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ regionSelector

PropertyI64 regionSelector

An enumerated integer property. Selects the Region of interest to control.

Selects the Region of interest to control. The RegionSelector feature allows devices that are able to extract multiple regions out of an image, to configure the features of those individual regions independently.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • All (Display string: 'All'): Selected features will control all the regions at the same time.
  • Region0 (Display string: 'Region 0'): Selected feature will control the region 0.
  • Region1 (Display string: 'Region 1'): Selected feature will control the region 1.
  • Region2 (Display string: 'Region 2'): Selected feature will control the region 2.
  • Scan3dExtraction0 (Display string: 'Scan 3d Extraction 0'): Selected feature will control the Scan3dExtraction0 output Region.
  • Scan3dExtraction1 (Display string: 'Scan 3d Extraction 1'): Selected feature will control the Scan3dExtraction1 output Region.
  • Scan3dExtraction2 (Display string: 'Scan 3d Extraction 2'): Selected feature will control the Scan3dExtraction2 output Region.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT::acquire::EnumPropertyI::getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ reverseX

PropertyIBoolean reverseX

A boolean property. Flip horizontally the image sent by the device.

Flip horizontally the image sent by the device. The Region of interest is applied after the flipping.

◆ reverseY

PropertyIBoolean reverseY

A boolean property. Flip vertically the image sent by the device.

Flip vertically the image sent by the device. The Region of interest is applied after the flipping.

◆ sensorDigitizationTaps

PropertyI64 sensorDigitizationTaps

An enumerated integer property. Number of digitized samples outputted simultaneously by the camera A/D conversion stage.

Number of digitized samples outputted simultaneously by the camera A/D conversion stage.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • One (Display string: 'One'): 1 tap.
  • Two (Display string: 'Two'): 2 taps.
  • Three (Display string: 'Three'): 3 taps.
  • Four (Display string: 'Four'): 4 taps.
  • Eight (Display string: 'Eight'): 8 taps.
  • Ten (Display string: 'Ten'): 10 taps.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT::acquire::EnumPropertyI::getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ sensorHeight

PropertyI64 sensorHeight

An integer property. Effective height of the sensor in pixels.

Effective height of the sensor in pixels.

◆ sensorName

PropertyS sensorName

A string property. Product name of the imaging Sensor.

Product name of the imaging Sensor.

◆ sensorPixelHeight

PropertyF sensorPixelHeight

A floating point property. Physical size (pitch) in the y direction of a photo sensitive pixel unit.

Physical size (pitch) in the y direction of a photo sensitive pixel unit.

◆ sensorPixelWidth

PropertyF sensorPixelWidth

A floating point property. Physical size (pitch) in the x direction of a photo sensitive pixel unit.

Physical size (pitch) in the x direction of a photo sensitive pixel unit.

◆ sensorShutterMode

PropertyI64 sensorShutterMode

An enumerated integer property. Specifies the shutter mode of the device.

Specifies the shutter mode of the device.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Global (Display string: 'Global'): The shutter opens and closes at the same time for all pixels. All the pixels are exposed for the same length of time at the same time.
  • Rolling (Display string: 'Rolling'): The shutter opens and closes sequentially for groups (typically lines) of pixels. All the pixels are exposed for the same length of time but not at the same time.
  • GlobalReset (Display string: 'Global Reset'): The shutter opens at the same time for all pixels but ends in a sequential manner. The pixels are exposed for different lengths of time.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT::acquire::EnumPropertyI::getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ sensorTaps

PropertyI64 sensorTaps

An enumerated integer property. Number of taps of the camera sensor.

Number of taps of the camera sensor.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • One (Display string: 'One'): 1 tap.
  • Two (Display string: 'Two'): 2 taps.
  • Three (Display string: 'Three'): 3 taps.
  • Four (Display string: 'Four'): 4 taps.
  • Eight (Display string: 'Eight'): 8 taps.
  • Ten (Display string: 'Ten'): 10 taps.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT::acquire::EnumPropertyI::getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ sensorWidth

PropertyI64 sensorWidth

An integer property. Effective width of the sensor in pixels.

Effective width of the sensor in pixels.

◆ testImageSelector

PropertyI64 testImageSelector

An enumerated integer property. This feature is deprecated (See TestPattern).

This feature is deprecated (See TestPattern). Selects the type of test image that is sent by the device.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Off (Display string: 'Off'): Image is coming from the sensor.
  • Black (Display string: 'Black'): Image is filled with the darkest possible image.
  • White (Display string: 'White'): Image is filled with the brightest possible image.
  • GreyHorizontalRamp (Display string: 'Grey Horizontal Ramp'): Image is filled horizontally with an image that goes from the darkest possible value to the brightest.
  • GreyVerticalRamp (Display string: 'Grey Vertical Ramp'): Image is filled vertically with an image that goes from the darkest possible value to the brightest.
  • GreyHorizontalRampMoving (Display string: 'Grey Horizontal Ramp Moving'): Image is filled horizontally with an image that goes from the darkest possible value to the brightest and that moves horizontally from left to right at each frame.
  • GreyVerticalRampMoving (Display string: 'Grey Vertical Ramp Moving'): Image is filled vertically with an image that goes from the darkest possible value to the brightest and that moves vertically from top to bottom at each frame.
  • HorizontalLineMoving (Display string: 'Horizontal Line Moving'): A moving horizontal line is superimposed on the live image.
  • VerticalLineMoving (Display string: 'Vertical Line Moving'): A moving vertical line is superimposed on the live image.
  • ColorBar (Display string: 'Color Bar'): Image is filled with stripes of color including White, Black, Red, Green, Blue, Cyan, Magenta and Yellow.
  • FrameCounter (Display string: 'Frame Counter'): A frame counter is superimposed on the live image.
  • HorzontalLineMoving (Display string: 'Horzontal Line Moving')
  • mvBayerRaw (Display string: 'mv Bayer Raw')
  • mvGreyDiagonalRamp (Display string: 'mv Grey Diagonal Ramp')
  • mvFadeToGreyColorBar (Display string: 'mv Fade To Grey Color Bar')
  • mvFFCImage (Display string: 'mv FFC Image')
  • mvMovingGreyDiagonalRamp (Display string: 'mv Moving Grey Diagonal Ramp')
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT::acquire::EnumPropertyI::getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ testPattern

PropertyI64 testPattern

An enumerated integer property. Selects the type of test pattern that is generated by the device as image source.

Selects the type of test pattern that is generated by the device as image source.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Off (Display string: 'Off'): Image is coming from the sensor.
  • Black (Display string: 'Black'): Image is filled with the darkest possible image.
  • White (Display string: 'White'): Image is filled with the brightest possible image.
  • GreyHorizontalRamp (Display string: 'Grey Horizontal Ramp'): Image is filled horizontally with an image that goes from the darkest possible value to the brightest.
  • GreyVerticalRamp (Display string: 'Grey Vertical Ramp'): Image is filled vertically with an image that goes from the darkest possible value to the brightest.
  • GreyHorizontalRampMoving (Display string: 'Grey Horizontal Ramp Moving'): Image is filled horizontally with an image that goes from the darkest possible value to the brightest and that moves horizontally from left to right at each frame.
  • GreyVerticalRampMoving (Display string: 'Grey Vertical Ramp Moving'): Image is filled vertically with an image that goes from the darkest possible value to the brightest and that moves vertically from top to bottom at each frame.
  • HorizontalLineMoving (Display string: 'Horizontal Line Moving'): A moving horizontal line is superimposed on the live image.
  • VerticalLineMoving (Display string: 'Vertical Line Moving'): A moving vertical line is superimposed on the live image.
  • ColorBar (Display string: 'Color Bar'): Image is filled with stripes of color including White, Black, Red, Green, Blue, Cyan, Magenta and Yellow.
  • FrameCounter (Display string: 'Frame Counter'): A frame counter is superimposed on the live image.
  • HorzontalLineMoving (Display string: 'Horzontal Line Moving')
  • mvBayerRaw (Display string: 'mv Bayer Raw')
  • mvGreyDiagonalRamp (Display string: 'mv Grey Diagonal Ramp')
  • mvFadeToGreyColorBar (Display string: 'mv Fade To Grey Color Bar')
  • mvFFCImage (Display string: 'mv FFC Image')
  • mvMovingGreyDiagonalRamp (Display string: 'mv Moving Grey Diagonal Ramp')
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT::acquire::EnumPropertyI::getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ testPatternGeneratorSelector

PropertyI64 testPatternGeneratorSelector

An enumerated integer property. Selects which test pattern generator is controlled by the TestPattern feature.

Selects which test pattern generator is controlled by the TestPattern feature.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Region0 (Display string: 'Region 0'): TestPattern feature will control the region 0 test pattern generator.
  • Region1 (Display string: 'Region 1'): TestPattern feature will control the region 1 test pattern generator.
  • Region2 (Display string: 'Region 2'): TestPattern feature will control the region 2 test pattern generator.
  • Sensor (Display string: 'Sensor'): TestPattern feature will control the sensor's test pattern generator.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT::acquire::EnumPropertyI::getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ width

PropertyI64 width

An integer property. Width of the image provided by the device (in pixels).

Width of the image provided by the device (in pixels).

◆ widthMax

PropertyI64 widthMax

An integer property. Maximum width of the image (in pixels).

Maximum width of the image (in pixels). The dimension is calculated after horizontal binning, decimation or any other function changing the horizontal dimension of the image.