Balluff - BVS CA-GX0 / BVS CA-GX2 Technical Documentation
Technical Data

Table of Contents

BVS CA-GX0-xxxxxx-xxx12x / -xxx13x / -xxx16x


Standard model

Figure 1: Connectors BVS CA-GX0-xxxxxx-xxx12x / -xxx13x / -xxx16x
BVS CA-GX0-xxxxxx-xxx12x / -xxx13x / -xxx16x
Size of body (w x h x l) 39.8 x 39.8 x X mm
C-Mount CS-Mount
X 50 45
Lens protrusion C-Mount CS-Mount
8 mm (9.5 mm with max. Ø 20 mm) 6 mm

Model without housing (on demand)

Figure 2: BVS CA-GX0 without housing

Tripod adapter

Figure 3: Dimensional drawing of tripod adapter


Circular connector male

Figure 4: 12-pin (male; top view), digital I/O, power; orientation BVS CA-GX0
Pin. Signal (-xxx12x / -xxx16x) Signal (-xxx13x option, not available for all products) Digital I/O color code of power supply MV-DC1201 BCSX IO; Rev. 2
1 GND (for PWR_IN) GND (for PWR_IN)1 gray-pink (not available with Rev. smaller than 2)
3 DigOut3 (ImpactControlCenter numbering: line3) Reserved (do not use) white
4 Opto DigIn0 (line4) Opto DigIn0 (line4) brown
5 DigOut2 (line2) N.C. green
6 DigOut0 (line0) Opto DigOut0 (line0) yellow
7 Opto DigIn_GND Opto DigIn_GND gray
8 RS232_RX RS232_RX pink
9 RS232_TX RS232_TX blue
10 DigOut_PWR_IN (12 to 24 V supply for the outputs) Opto DigOut_PWR_IN (12 to 24 V supply for the outputs) red (using MV-DC1201 BCSX IO: you have to add supply for the outputs)
11 Opto DigIn1 (line5) Opto DigIn1 (line5) black
12 DigOut1 (line1) Opto DigOut1 (line1) violet

1 Using POE and an external power supply at the same time, the external power supply will be treated prioritized.

Connector (camera side): SAMWOO SNH-10-12 (RPCB) or equivalent
Plug (matching cable plug): Hirose HR10A-10P-12S (01) or equivalent

Pinning of cable KS-BCX-HR12

Pin. CON 1 BVS CA-GX0 / BVS CA-GX2 | Signal CON 2 open ended cable | Color
1 GND (for PWR_IN) black
2 PWR_IN brown
3 DigOut3 12 V to 24 V (ImpactControlCenter numbering: line3) red
4 Opto DigIn0 3.3 V to 24 V (line4) orange
5 DigOut2 (line2) yellow
6 DigOut0 (line0) green
7 Opto DigIn_GND blue
8 RS232_RX violet
9 RS232_TX gray
10 DigOut_PWR_IN (12 to 24 V supply for the outputs) white
11 Opto DigIn1 3.3 V to 24 V (line5) white-black
12 Opto DigOut1 12 V to 24 V (line1) white-brown
Main connector shield main shield

Color assignment following international code for UL wiring.

Characteristics of the digital inputs


Figure 5: Input switching times
Characteristics Symbol Test conditions Typ. Unit
Minimum trigger pulse width 5 us
Turn-On time tON 24 V signal 10
Storage time tS 25
Turn-Off time tOFF 40
-xxx12x / -xxx13x / -xxx16x
High level +3 to +24 V
Low level 0 to +0.3 V
(Low --> High /
High --> Low)
2.5 V +- 0.5 V
Imax 5 mA
Figure 6: DigIn BVS CA-GX0-xxxxxx-xxx12x / -xxx13x
PLC option (inputs with PLC levels only)
Notes Not available in combination with -POE option.
Inputs with highest tolerance against interferences.
High level +11 to +24 V
Low level 0 to +8 V
(Low --> High /
High --> Low)
9.5 V +- 1.5 V
Imax 16 mA
Figure 7: DigIn BVS CA-GX0-xxxxxx-xxx16x ("PLC")

Characteristics of the digital outputs

BVS CA-GX0-xxxxxx-xxx12x / -xxx16x
Figure 8: Output switching times (BVS CA-GX0)
Symbol Typ. Unit
Turn-On time tON 20 us
Rise time tR 10
Fall time tF 8
Turn-Off time tOFF 30

High level +12.0 V to +24 V
Low level max. +1 V
Iout 0.7 A static load
1.3 A dynamic load
Notes Each output has a short circuit protection between 1 A and 1.7 A (generally 1.3 A). So if you combine two outputs with one load, the short circuit protection can have an effect.
Figure 9: DigOut BVS CA-GX0
Features - undervoltage detection
- current limitation
- overtemperature protection
- short circuit protection
BVS CA-GX0-xxxxxx-xxx13x (POE)
Figure 10: Output switching times (BVS CA-GX0-xxxxxx-xxx13x (POE))
Characteristics Symbol Test conditions Typ. Unit
Turn-On time tON RL = 100 Ohm, VCC 10 V, IC = 2 mA 10 us
Storage time tS 3
Turn-Off time tOFF 3
Turn-On time tON RL = 1.9 kOhm, VCC 5 V, IC = 16 mA 2 us
Storage time tS 25
Turn-Off time tOFF 40

  Comment Min. Typ. Max. Unit
IC load current     15 mA
VCE(sat) @ IC = 7 mA   0.4   V
VOUT Output Voltage     30 V
Figure 11: DigOut BVS CA-GX0-xxxxxx-xxx13x (POE) with example circuit

Measurement conditions : VCC = 24 V; -25 °C < TJ < 125 °C, RL = 48 Ohm

Example circuit 1: High-side switch uses power supply of the camera

In this case you have to bridge pin 2 (external power supply) with pin 10 (the supply of the outputs):

Figure 12: Bridge circuit between pin 2 and pin 10

Example circuit 2: High-side switch uses separate power supply

Following figure shows, how to connect, for example, high power flash LEDs in series at the direct drive output at pin 3:

Figure 13: LEDs connected in series to pin 3 powered externally via pin 10

A 24V power supply is connected at pin 10. To protect the LEDs a series resistor is needed, which can be calculated in this way:


U_HS - (n * U_F) = U_D

Series resistor:

U_D R = -------- 0.7A


P = duty cycle * U_D * I

The duty cycle is a coefficient < 1, which defines the power of the resistor. It is the ratio of the time period while current flows compared to the total time. If the current always flows, "P = U * I" will be the determining factor. If the current only flows a hundredth of time (duty cycle 1%), a resistor with a hundredth of power will be enough.

For the connected LEDs and the ground of the external power supply, you have to use the ground of the camera at Pin 1.

The series resistor has to handle the power, which depends on the duty cycle and the frequency. Otherwise surge is the result and can damage the used LEDs.

→ Calculate the suitable size of the series resistor using the above mentioned formulas.

Example circuit 3: Control motorized lens with BVS CA-GX0

It is possible to control a motorized lens using the BVS CA-GX0. However, an external micro relay is necessary which changes the polarity of the lens slider when triggered by the camera's digital output. The following figure shows an example circuit:

Figure 14: External micro delay

RJ45 100/1000 MBit Ethernet

With the -POE option, the camera is a class 2 compliant PoE device.

Figure 15: RJ45 pin numbering (female)
Pin. Signal I/O Comment
1 BI_DA+ bi data positive
2 BI_DA- bi data negative
3 BI_DB+ bi data positive
4 BI_DC+ bi data positive
5 BI_DC- bi data negative
6 BI_DB- bi data negative
7 BI_DD+ bi data positive
8 BI_DD- bi data negative
The Ethernet signals are galvanically isolated from the camera electronics and camera housing.

RJ45 LED states

States LED1 LED2
1Gb transmission Green light on Yellow blink on
100Mb transmission Green light off1 Yellow blink on

1 Hardware Rev 5.xx - Green light on.

Signal LED

The BVS CA-GX0 features a RGB LED. There are following states:

Typical start sequence (LLA)

See also
State LED color
FPGA loaded White on
Self-test running Green on
Waiting for Ethernet connection White blink
LLA (auto IP) Green blink
LLA got Green on
Waiting for client Blue on

Typical start sequence (DHCP)

See also
State LED color
FPGA loaded White on
Self-test running Green on
Waiting for Ethernet connection White blink
DHCP request Blue blink
DHCP got Bright Blue
Waiting for client Blue on

Typical start sequence (Fixed IP)

See also
Fixed IP
State LED color
FPGA loaded White on
Self-test running Green on
Waiting for Ethernet connection White blink
Fixed IP Bright Green
Waiting for client Blue on

General behavior

State LED color
Starting ImpactControlCenter
Connected, streaming off Yellow on
Streaming on Green on
Red on

BVS CA-GX0-xxxxxx-xxx14x (POE-I) / -xxxC4x (POE-IP67C)


Power over Ethernet model (POE-I)

Figure 16: BVS CA-GX0-xxxxxx-xxx14x

Compact IP67 version (POE-IP67C)

Figure 17: BVS CA-GX0-xxxxxx-xxxC4x


Circular connector male (POE-I Rev. 2.00)

Figure 18: M12 12-pin (male; top view), digital I/O, power;
The power pinning is different to the circular connector male pinning due to the different cable color scheme.
Pin. Signal Description
1 PWR_IN 1
2 GND (for PWR_IN) 1
3 DigOut3 ImpactControlCenter numbering: line3, high side solid state relays
4 Opto DigIn0 line4, opto-coupler
5 DigOut2 line2, high side solid state relays
6 DigOut0 line0, high side solid state relays
7 Opto DigIn_GND Ground for opto-coupler (In)
8 Opto DigIn2 line6, opto-coupler
9 Opto DigIn3 line7, opto-coupler
10 DigOut_PWR_IN 10 to 28 V supply for the high side outputs, ground via pin 2 "PWR_IN-/GND"
11 Opto DigIn1 line5, opto-coupler
12 DigOut1 line1, high side solid state relays

1 Using POE and an external power supply at the same time, the external power supply will be treated prioritized.

Camera connector (male): Binder M12/12pol 09-3491-90-12 or equivalent

Matching cable and connector (female):

  • Binder 79-3490-32-12 | M 12 | A-coded series 763, length 2m open end
  • Binder 79-3490-35-12 | M 12 | A-coded series 763, length 5m open end
- All inputs (DigIn1..DigIn4 and GND Opto-coupler) are galvanically isolated from the camera electronics.
  • The digital inputs have the same characteristics as the inputs of mvBlueCOUGAR-X with PLC option.
  • The digital outputs have the same characteristics as the outputs of the standard mvBlueCOUGAR-X.

Characteristics of the digital inputs


Figure 19: Input switching times
Characteristics Symbol Test conditions Typ. Unit
Minimum trigger pulse width 5 us
Turn-On time tON 24 V signal 2
Storage time tS 44
Turn-Off time tOFF 95
Notes Inputs with highest tolerance against interferences.
High level +11 to +24 V
Low level 0 to +8 V
(Low --> High /
High --> Low)
9.5 V +- 1.5 V
Imax 16 mA
Figure 20: DigIn BVS CA-GX0-xxxxxx-xxx14x (POE-I) / -xxxC4x (POE-IP67C)

Characteristics of the digital outputs

Figure 21: Output switching times (standard)
Symbol Typ. Unit
Turn-On time tON 20 us
Rise time tR 10
Fall time tF 8
Turn-Off time tOFF 30

High level +12.0 V to +24 V
Low level max. +1 V
Iout 0.7 A static load
1.3 A dynamic load
Notes Each output has a short circuit protection between 1 A and 1.7 A (generally 1.3 A). So if you combine two outputs with one load, the short circuit protection can have an effect.
Figure 22: DigOut BVS CA-GX0-xxxxxx-xxx14x (POE-I) / -xxxC4x (POE-IP67C)
Features - undervoltage detection
- current limitation
- overtemperature protection
- short circuit protection

Measurement conditions : VCC = 24 V; -25 °C < TJ < 125 °C, RL = 48 Ohm

M12 X-coded 100/1000 MBit Ethernet (option POE-I Rev. 2.00)

Figure 23: M12 x-coded 8-pin Ethernet connector pin numbering (female)
Pin. Signal
1 BI_DA+
2 BI_DA-
3 BI_DB+
4 BI_DB-
5 BI_DD+
6 BI_DD-
7 BI_DC-
8 BI_DC+
The Ethernet signals are galvanically isolated from the camera electronics.



Standard model with lens holder type 1 (-x2xxxx)

Figure 24: Connectors BVS CA-GX2
Size of body (w x h x l) 50 x 50 x 56.8 mm

Standard model with lens holder type 2 (-x1xxxx / -x5xxxx)

Figure 25: Connectors BVS CA-GX2
Size of body (w x h x l) 50 x 50 x 56.8 mm

Hi-res model with M42 mount (-xNxxxx)

Figure 26: Connectors BVS CA-GX2-0315Z with M42 mount
BVS CA-GX2-0315Z
Size of body (w x h x l) 50 x 50 x 55.5 mm

Available M42 adapter:

Part code Description
BAM AD-VS-020-M42/FM-1 Adapter from M42 at F-mount
BAM AD-VS-020-M42/M35X0,75-1 Adapter from M42 to M35 distance 5.5mm for TFL lenses


Circular connector male

Figure 27: 12-pin (male; top view), digital I/O, power; orientation BVS CA-GX2
Pin. Signal Digital I/O color code of power supply MV-DC1201 BCSX IO; Rev. smaller than 2 Digital I/O color code of power supply MV-DC1201 BCSX IO; Rev. 2
1 GND (for PWR_IN) GND -
3 DigOut3 (ImpactControlCenter numbering: line3) white white
4 Opto DigIn0 (line4) brown brown
5 DigOut2 (line2) green green
6 DigOut0 (line0) yellow yellow
7 Opto DigIn_GND gray gray
8 RS232_RX pink pink
9 RS232_TX blue blue
10 DigOut_PWR_IN (12 to 24 V supply for the outputs) red red
11 Opto DigIn1 (line5) black black
12 DigOut1 (line1) violet violet

Connector (camera side): SAMWOO SNH-10-12 (RPCB) or equivalent
Plug (matching cable plug): Hirose HR10A-10P-12S (01) or equivalent

We recommend to use the connection cable KS-BCX-HR12 .

Circular connector female

Figure 28: 12-pin (female; top view), digital I/O
Pin. Signal Description Color of open end of cable KS-BCXD-HR12
1 Opto DigIn2 (line6) Additional input with the same characteristics as the inputs of the male connector blue
2 Opto DigIn_GND Ground of DigIn2 and DigIn3 red
3 Opto DigIn3 (line7) Additional inputs with the same characteristics as the inputs of the male connector pink
4 Focus+ Focus control for motorized lenses (12V PWM) gray
5 Focus- yellow
6 Zoom+ Zoom control for motorized lenses green
7 Zoom- brown
8 Iris+ Lens aperture control for lenses with three motors white
9 Iris- black
10 Channel4+ Optional fourth channel light blue
11 Channel4- orange
12 GND Ground violet

Connector (camera side): SAMWOO SN-10-12 (RPCB) or equivalent
Plug (matching cable plug): Hirose HR10A-10P-12P (01) or equivalent

Characteristics of the digital inputs


Figure 29: Input switching times
Characteristics Symbol Test conditions Typ. Unit
Minimum trigger pulse width 5 us
Turn-On time tON 24 V signal 10
Storage time tS 25
Turn-Off time tOFF 40
High level +3 to +24 V
Low level 0 to +0.3 V
(Low --> High /
High --> Low)
2.5 V +- 0.5 V
Imax 5 mA
Figure 30: DigIn BVS CA-GX2

Characteristics of the digital outputs

Figure 31: Output switching times (standard)
Symbol Typ. Unit
Turn-On time tON 20 us
Rise time tR 10
Fall time tF 8
Turn-Off time tOFF 30

High level +12.0 V to +24 V
Low level max. +1 V
Iout 0.7 A static load
1.3 A dynamic load
Notes Each output has a short circuit protection between 1 A and 1.7 A (generally 1.3 A). So if you combine two outputs with one load, the short circuit protection can have an effect.
Figure 32: DigOut BVS CA-GX2 (same as BVS CA-GX0)
Features - undervoltage detection
- current limitation
- overtemperature protection
- short circuit protection

Measurement conditions : VCC = 24 V; -25 °C < TJ < 125 °C, RL = 48 Ohm

Example circuit 1: High-side switch uses power supply of the camera

In this case you have to bridge pin 2 (external power supply) with pin 10 (the supply of the outputs):

Figure 33: Bridge circuit between Pin 2 and Pin 10

Example circuit 2: High-side switch uses external (higher) power supply

Following figure shows, how to connect, for example, high power flash LEDs in series at the direct drive output at Pin 3:

Figure 34: LEDs connected in series to Pin 3 powered externally via Pin 10

A 24V power supply is connected at Pin 10. To protect the LEDs a series resistor is needed, which can be calculated in this way:


U_HS - (n * U_F) = U_D

Series resistor:

U_D R = -------- 0.7A


P = dutycycle * U_D * I

The duty cycle is a coefficient < 1, which defines the power of the resistor. It is the ratio of the time period while current flows compared to the total time. If the current always flows, "P = U * I" will be the determining factor. If the current only flows a hundredth of time (duty cycle 1%), a resistor with a hundredth of power will be enough.

For the connected LEDs and the ground of the external power supply, you have to use the ground of the camera at Pin 1.
The series resistor has to handle the power, which depends on the duty cycle and the frequency.

RJ45 100/1000 MBit Ethernet

Figure 35: RJ45 pin numbering (female)
Pin. Signal I/O Comment
1 BI_DA+ bi data positive
2 BI_DA- bi data negative
3 BI_DB+ bi data positive
4 BI_DC+ bi data positive
5 BI_DC- bi data negative
6 BI_DB- bi data negative
7 BI_DD+ bi data positive
8 BI_DD- bi data negative
The Ethernet signals are galvanically isolated from the camera electronics and camera housing.

RJ45 LED states

States LED1 LED2
1Gb transmission Green light on Yellow blink on
100Mb transmission Green light off1 Yellow blink on

1 Hardware Rev 5.xx - Green light on.

Video iris

Figure 36: Video iris pin numbering

This pin configuration is compliant to the JEITA standard:

Pin Signal
1 IRIS_PWR_IN (12 V)
2 NC
4 Ground
"Wrong polarity"

Please check the wiring of your video iris lenses, because there are brands which uses the standard 4-pin connector with non-standard wiring. Otherwise you can damage the lens.

Signal LED

The BVS CA-GX2 features a RGB LED. There are following states:

Typical start sequence (LLA)

See also
State LED color
FPGA loaded White on
Self-test running Green on
Waiting for Ethernet connection White blink
LLA (auto IP) Green blink
LLA got Green on
Waiting for client Blue on

Typical start sequence (DHCP)

See also
State LED color
FPGA loaded White on
Self-test running Green on
Waiting for Ethernet connection White blink
DHCP request Blue blink
DHCP got Bright Blue on
Waiting for client Blue on

Typical start sequence (Fixed IP)

See also
Fixed IP
State LED color
FPGA loaded White on
Self-test running Green on
Waiting for Ethernet connection White blink
Fixed IP Bright Green on
Waiting for client Blue on

General behavior

State LED color
Starting ImpactControlCenter
Connected, streaming off Yellow on
Streaming on Green on
Red on

Summary of components

Features BVS CA-GX0 G/C BVS CA-GX2 G/C
Standard version "-PLC" option
(inputs with PLC levels only)
Power over Ethernet Power over Ethernet Industrial
IP40 IP67
Image Memory 64 MByte (128 MB option available: mvBlueCOUGAR-X2xx) 256 MByte
Proc. Memory 64 MByte
ADC resolution CMOS: ADC on chip
Inputs 2 2 (PLC levels only) 2 4 4
Type opto-isolated with current limiters
Outputs 4 2 4 4
Type high-side solid state relay opto-isolated high-side solid state relay high-side solid state relay
Ethernet 100/1000 Mbit RJ45 M12 X-coded 2x RJ45
Lens Mount (Focal Distance) C-mount (17.526 mm in air), CS-mount (12.5 mm in air), optional S-mount
Lens Protrusion 6 .. 8 mm
Ambient Temperature
Operation 0..45 deg C / 30 to 80% RH 0..45 deg C / 0 to 100% RH 0..45 deg C / 30 to 80% RH
Storage -20..60 deg C / 20 to 90% RH -20..60 deg C / 0 to 100% RH -20..60 deg C / 20 to 90% RH
  Protection class 1 IP40 IP67 IP30
Additional features temperature sensor temperature sensor
video iris
lens control (zoom, focus, iris)
Weight without lens approx. 110 g approx. 127 g approx. 170 g, mvBlueCOUGAR-XD1031: approx. 215 g
Power supply (PWR_IN)
DC 10 to 28 V
Pmax 6.5 W 9 W
Peak current draw 1.0 A
Reverse polarity protection up to 28 V

1 not evaluated by UL

Summary of available digital I/O's

Summary of advanced features

The following table shows an excerpt of the advanced features.

For the complete list, please use the "Product Comparison" in Appendix B. Product Comparison .

Advanced features BVS CA-GX0 G/C BVS CA-GX2 G/C
MultiFrame, etc. X X
Trigger Overlap X X
Temperature upper limit (<= 255 deg C)
lower limit (>= 0 deg C)
User Sets 5 config sets storable X X
User Data 512 byte of EEPROM data X X
FPGA LUT on the fly on the camera X X
Timestamp microsecond precise camera individual 64 bit counter X X
FFC full AOI, 14 bit to 14 bit (12 bit coeff.), pixel to pixel X -
Counter / timer timers can be used for pulse width modulation 4 counters, 2 timers 8 counters, 2 timers
White balance X X
Auto white balance X X
RGB-to-YUV conversion X X
Timestamp for inter-camera synchronization X X
Pretrigger X X
Linescan mode -102e
Logic gates X X
Chunk Data X X
Multicast X X
Application switchover X X
Frame average - -