Impact Acquire SDK C++
Supported Balluff Device Families

Impact Acquire is designed to offer extensive support for current Balluff/MATRIX VISION imaging and image capture products to customers.

Since some operating systems and processor architectures or programming languages were not supported until a certain version of Impact Acquire was released, the OS support varies among SDK versions for camera families or frame grabber families.

The following lists show the versions of Impact Acquire that introduced a change with respect to the supported device families for this particular programming language as a reference.

These lists will vary across different programming languages as well! So in order to get accurate information make sure you look at these tables within the reference manual of the programming language you are actually working with!

Platforms Against Device Families (>= 3.0.0)

Camera Family
BVS CA-MLC, BVS CA-IGC, mvBlueFOX BVS CA-GX (mvBlueCOUGARc) (GigE Vision) BVS CA-SF (mvBlueFOX3) (USB3 Vision) mvBlueGEMINI BVS CA-BN (mvBlueNAOS) BVS CA-UB
3.3.0 Windows x86
Windows x86_64
Linux x86_64
Linux ARM64
Linux ARMhf
macOS ARM64
3.0.0 Windows x86
Windows x86_64
Linux x86_64
Linux ARM64
Linux ARMhf
macOS ARM64
  • c: Any of mvBlueCOUGAR-X, mvBlueCOUGAR-XD, BVS CA-GT (mvBlueCOUGAR-XT)
  • ✓: supported
  • -: support discontinued from this version on

Platforms Against Device Families (< 3.0.0)

Camera Family Frame Grabber Family
2.50.0 Windows x86
Windows x86_64
Linux x86_64
Linux ARM64
Linux ARMhf
macOS ARM64
2.48.0 Windows x86 - - -
Windows x86_64 - - -
Linux x86_64 -
Linux ARM64
Linux ARMhf
2.44.0 Windows x86
Windows x86_64
Linux x86_64
Linux ARM64
Linux ARMhf
2.37.1 Windows x86
Windows x86_64
Linux x86 - - - - -
Linux x86_64
Linux ARM64
Linux ARMhf
Linux ARMsf - - - -
2.34.0 Windows x86
Windows x86_64
Linux x86
Linux x86_64
Linux ARM64
Linux ARMhf -
Linux ARMsf
2.17.2 Windows x86
Windows x86_64
Linux x86
Linux x86_64
Linux ARM64
Linux ARMhf
Linux ARMsf
2.13.0 Windows x86
Windows x86_64
Linux x86
Linux x86_64
Linux ARMhf
Linux ARMsf
2.11.5 Windows x86
Windows x86_64
Linux x86
Linux x86_64
Linux ARMhf
Linux ARMsf
2.6.0 Windows x86
Windows x86_64
Linux x86
Linux x86_64
Linux ARMhf
Linux ARMsf
2.5.13 Windows x86
Windows x86_64
Linux x86
Linux x86_64
Linux ARMhf
2.5.12 Windows x86
Windows x86_64 (✓)*
Linux x86
Linux x86_64
Linux ARMhf
2.1.0 Windows x86
Windows x86_64 (✓)* (✓)*
Linux x86
Linux x86_64
Linux ARMhf
1.12.51 Windows x86
Windows x86_64 (✓)* (✓)*
Linux x86
Linux x86_64
Linux ARMhf
1.12.26 Windows x86
Windows x86_64 (✓)* (✓)*
Linux x86
Linux x86_64
Linux ARMhf
1.12.13 Windows x86
Windows x86_64 (✓)* (✓)*
Linux x86
Linux x86_64
1.12.0 Windows x86
Windows x86_64 (✓)*
Linux x86
Linux x86_64
1.10.96 Windows x86
Windows x86_64
Linux x86
Linux x86_64
1.10.49 Windows x86
Windows x86_64
Linux x86
Linux x86_64
1.10.20 Windows x86
Windows x86_64
Linux x86
Linux x86_64
1.9.9 Windows x86
Windows x86_64
Linux x86
Linux x86_64
1.9.3 Windows x86
Windows x86_64
Linux x86
1.6.0 Windows x86
Linux x86
1.5.0 Windows x86
Linux x86
1.1.1 Windows x86
  • c: Any of mvBlueCOUGAR-X, mvBlueCOUGAR-XD, BVS CA-GT (mvBlueCOUGAR-XT)
  • ✓: supported
  • (✓)*: support for 32-bit applications on 64-bit OS only
  • -: support discontinued from this version on