Impact Acquire SDK Java
Supported Operating Systems

The tables within this section list all operating systems that are/were supported by Impact Acquire


Windows Version Release Date First compatible Impact Acquire release Last compatible Impact Acquire release
Windows 11 Oct 05 2021 2.18.0 (Dec 13 2016)
Windows 10
Aug 02 2016 (>= 1607) 2.18.0 (Dec 13 2016)
Jul 29 2015 (< 1607) 2.17.0 (Aug 4 2016)
Windows 8.1 Oct 17 2013 1.10.64*, a (Mar 2 2009) 3.4.0b (Nov 14 2024)
Windows 8 Oct 26 2012 1.10.64*, a (Mar 2 2009) 3.4.0b (Nov 14 2024)
Windows 7 Oct 22 2009 1.10.64*, a (Mar 2 2009 3.4.0b (Nov 14 2024)
Windows VistaJan 30 2007
64-bit 1.9.3* (May 23 2007) 3.4.0b (Nov 14 2024)
32-bit 1.8.6* (Mar 14 2007) 3.4.0b (Nov 14 2024)
Windows XPOct 25 2001
64-bit 1.9.3 (May 23 2007) 2.26.0 (Apr 12 2018)
32-bit 1.0.0 (Somewhere in 2005) 2.26.0 (Apr 12 2018)


In contrast to Windows on Linux the compiler while building the SDK is more important than the actual operating system the code is supposed to run on later. In addition to that the device driver code usually shipped as part of the installation needs to be compatible with the kernel running on the target system. Therefore the Building And Running Applications Using Impact Acquire (especially for the C/C++ API) as well as the table from the previous chapter are more relevant here.

The following table lists which version of Impact Acquire was built with which version of gcc.

Impact Acquire versiongcc version[glibc version] (Linux x86_64)gcc version[glibc version] (Linux ARMhf)gcc version[glibc version] (Linux ARM64)
x86 and ARMsf were only supported up to and including Impact Acquire 2.37.0 and so used gcc 4.8.5 for x86 and gcc 4.9.4 for ARMsf.

Using compilers older than that or Linux systems with a glibc smaller than that mentioned in the table above or a libstdc++/libgcc older than bundled with the gcc versions mentioned above will most certainly not work and these systems will not be supported anymore. So in case you are bound to an older Linux system you might want to stick with an appropriate Impact Acquire version as indicated in the table above.

Apart from that the amount of Linux Distributions out there make it literally impossible to test all these systems and assemble a complete list out of these results. Therefore this section will only present a condensed version of the supported target platforms.

Target Platform First compatible Impact Acquire release Last compatible Impact Acquire release
ARM64 2.17.2 (Sep 21 2016)
ARMhf 2.11.5 (Nov 24 2014)
ARMsf 2.11.5 (Nov 24 2014) 2.37.0 (Mar 03 2020)
x86_64 1.9.9 (Sep 04 2007)
x86 1.0.0 (Somewhere in 2005) 2.37.0 (Mar 03 2020)