Impact Acquire SDK C++
CounterAndTimerControl Class Reference

Category that contains the Counter and Timer control features. More...

#include <mvIMPACT_acquire_GenICam.h>

Public Member Functions

 CounterAndTimerControl (mvIMPACT::acquire::Device *pDev, const std::string &settingName="Base")
 Constructs a new mvIMPACT::acquire::GenICam::CounterAndTimerControl object.

Public Attributes

PropertyI64 counterDuration
 An integer property. Sets the duration (or number of events) before the CounterEnd event is generated.
PropertyI64 counterEventActivation
 An enumerated integer property. Selects the Activation mode Event Source signal.
PropertyI64 counterEventSource
 An enumerated integer property. Select the events that will be the source to increment the Counter.
Method counterReset
 A method object. Does a software reset of the selected Counter and starts it.
PropertyI64 counterResetActivation
 An enumerated integer property. Selects the Activation mode of the Counter Reset Source signal.
PropertyI64 counterResetSource
 An enumerated integer property. Selects the signals that will be the source to reset the Counter.
PropertyI64 counterSelector
 An enumerated integer property. Selects which Counter to configure.
PropertyI64 counterStatus
 An enumerated integer property. Returns the current status of the Counter.
PropertyI64 counterTriggerActivation
 An enumerated integer property. Selects the activation mode of the trigger to start the Counter.
PropertyI64 counterTriggerSource
 An enumerated integer property. Selects the source to start the Counter.
PropertyI64 counterValue
 An integer property. Reads or writes the current value of the selected Counter.
PropertyI64 counterValueAtReset
 An integer property. Reads the value of the selected Counter when it was reset by a trigger or by an explicit CounterReset command.
PropertyF timerDelay
 A floating point property. Sets the duration (in microseconds) of the delay to apply at the reception of a trigger before starting the Timer.
PropertyF timerDuration
 A floating point property. Sets the duration (in microseconds) of the Timer pulse.
Method timerReset
 A method object. Does a software reset of the selected timer and starts it.
PropertyI64 timerSelector
 An enumerated integer property. Selects which Timer to configure.
PropertyI64 timerStatus
 An enumerated integer property. Returns the current status of the Timer.
PropertyI64 timerTriggerActivation
 An enumerated integer property. Selects the activation mode of the trigger to start the Timer.
PropertyF timerTriggerArmDelay
 A floating point property. Sets the minimum period between two valid timer triggers.
PropertyI64 timerTriggerSource
 An enumerated integer property. Selects the source of the trigger to start the Timer.
PropertyF timerValue
 A floating point property. Reads or writes the current value (in microseconds) of the selected Timer.

Detailed Description

Category that contains the Counter and Timer control features.

A category that contains the Counter and Timer control features.

GenICamCommonSettingsUsage.cpp, GenICamCommonSettingsUsage.legacy.cpp, GenICamSequencerUsage.cpp, GenICamSequencerUsage.legacy.cpp, GigEVisionActionFeatures.cpp, and TimestampFeatures.cpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CounterAndTimerControl()

CounterAndTimerControl ( mvIMPACT::acquire::Device * pDev,
const std::string & settingName = "Base" )

Constructs a new mvIMPACT::acquire::GenICam::CounterAndTimerControl object.

[in]pDevA pointer to a mvIMPACT::acquire::Device object obtained from a mvIMPACT::acquire::DeviceManager object.
[in]settingNameThe name of the driver internal setting to access with this instance. A list of valid setting names can be obtained by a call to mvIMPACT::acquire::FunctionInterface::getAvailableSettings, new settings can be created with the function mvIMPACT::acquire::FunctionInterface::createSetting

Member Data Documentation

◆ counterDuration

PropertyI64 counterDuration

An integer property. Sets the duration (or number of events) before the CounterEnd event is generated.

Sets the duration (or number of events) before the CounterEnd event is generated.

◆ counterEventActivation

PropertyI64 counterEventActivation

An enumerated integer property. Selects the Activation mode Event Source signal.

Selects the Activation mode Event Source signal.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • RisingEdge (Display string: 'Rising Edge'): Counts on the Rising Edge of the signal.
  • FallingEdge (Display string: 'Falling Edge'): Counts on the Falling Edge of the signal.
  • AnyEdge (Display string: 'Any Edge'): Counts on the Falling or rising Edge of the selected signal.
  • LevelHigh (Display string: 'Level High')
  • LevelLow (Display string: 'Level Low')
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT::acquire::EnumPropertyI::getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ counterEventSource

PropertyI64 counterEventSource

An enumerated integer property. Select the events that will be the source to increment the Counter.

Select the events that will be the source to increment the Counter.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • AcquisitionEnd (Display string: 'Acquisition End'): Counts the number of Acquisition End.
  • AcquisitionStart (Display string: 'Acquisition Start'): Counts the number of Acquisition Start.
  • AcquisitionTrigger (Display string: 'Acquisition Trigger'): Counts the number of Acquisition Trigger.
  • AcquisitionTriggerMissed (Display string: 'Acquisition Trigger Missed'): Counts the number of missed Acquisition Start Trigger.
  • Action0 (Display string: 'Action 0'): Counts the number of assertions of the chosen action signal.
  • Action1 (Display string: 'Action 1'): Counts the number of assertions of the chosen action signal.
  • Action2 (Display string: 'Action 2'): Counts the number of assertions of the chosen action signal.
  • Action3 (Display string: 'Action 3'): Counts the number of assertions of the chosen action signal.
  • Action4 (Display string: 'Action 4'): Counts the number of assertions of the chosen action signal.
  • Action5 (Display string: 'Action 5'): Counts the number of assertions of the chosen action signal.
  • Action6 (Display string: 'Action 6'): Counts the number of assertions of the chosen action signal.
  • Action7 (Display string: 'Action 7'): Counts the number of assertions of the chosen action signal.
  • Action8 (Display string: 'Action 8'): Counts the number of assertions of the chosen action signal.
  • Action9 (Display string: 'Action 9'): Counts the number of assertions of the chosen action signal.
  • Action10 (Display string: 'Action 10'): Counts the number of assertions of the chosen action signal.
  • Action11 (Display string: 'Action 11'): Counts the number of assertions of the chosen action signal.
  • Action12 (Display string: 'Action 12'): Counts the number of assertions of the chosen action signal.
  • Action13 (Display string: 'Action 13'): Counts the number of assertions of the chosen action signal.
  • Action14 (Display string: 'Action 14'): Counts the number of assertions of the chosen action signal.
  • Action15 (Display string: 'Action 15'): Counts the number of assertions of the chosen action signal.
  • Counter0End (Display string: 'Counter 0 End'): Counts the number of Counter End.
  • Counter0Start (Display string: 'Counter 0 Start'): Counts the number of Counter Start.
  • Counter1End (Display string: 'Counter 1 End'): Counts the number of Counter End.
  • Counter1Start (Display string: 'Counter 1 Start'): Counts the number of Counter Start.
  • Counter2End (Display string: 'Counter 2 End'): Counts the number of Counter End.
  • Counter2Start (Display string: 'Counter 2 Start'): Counts the number of Counter Start.
  • Counter3End (Display string: 'Counter 3 End'): Counts the number of Counter End.
  • Counter4End (Display string: 'Counter 4 End'): Counts the number of Counter End.
  • Counter5End (Display string: 'Counter 5 End'): Counts the number of Counter End.
  • Counter6End (Display string: 'Counter 6 End'): Counts the number of Counter End.
  • Counter7End (Display string: 'Counter 7 End'): Counts the number of Counter End.
  • Counter8End (Display string: 'Counter 8 End'): Counts the number of Counter End.
  • Counter9End (Display string: 'Counter 9 End'): Counts the number of Counter End.
  • Counter10End (Display string: 'Counter 10 End'): Counts the number of Counter End.
  • Counter11End (Display string: 'Counter 11 End'): Counts the number of Counter End.
  • Counter12End (Display string: 'Counter 12 End'): Counts the number of Counter End.
  • Counter13End (Display string: 'Counter 13 End'): Counts the number of Counter End.
  • Counter14End (Display string: 'Counter 14 End'): Counts the number of Counter End.
  • Counter15End (Display string: 'Counter 15 End'): Counts the number of Counter End.
  • Encoder0 (Display string: 'Encoder 0'): Counts the number of Encoder output pulses.
  • Encoder1 (Display string: 'Encoder 1'): Counts the number of Encoder output pulses.
  • Encoder2 (Display string: 'Encoder 2'): Counts the number of Encoder output pulses.
  • ExposureEnd (Display string: 'Exposure End'): Counts the number of Exposure End.
  • ExposureStart (Display string: 'Exposure Start'): Counts the number of Exposure Start.
  • FrameBurstEnd (Display string: 'Frame Burst End'): Counts the number of Frame Burst End.
  • FrameBurstStart (Display string: 'Frame Burst Start'): Counts the number of Frame Burst Start.
  • FrameEnd (Display string: 'Frame End'): Counts the number of Frame End.
  • FrameStart (Display string: 'Frame Start'): Counts the number of Frame Start.
  • FrameTrigger (Display string: 'Frame Trigger'): Counts the number of Frame Start Trigger.
  • FrameTriggerMissed (Display string: 'Frame Trigger Missed'): Counts the number of missed Frame Start Trigger.
  • Line0 (Display string: 'Line 0'): Counts the number of transitions on the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line0RisingEdge (Display string: 'Line 0 Rising Edge')
  • Line1 (Display string: 'Line 1'): Counts the number of transitions on the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line1RisingEdge (Display string: 'Line 1 Rising Edge')
  • Line2 (Display string: 'Line 2'): Counts the number of transitions on the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line2RisingEdge (Display string: 'Line 2 Rising Edge')
  • Line3 (Display string: 'Line 3'): Counts the number of transitions on the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line3RisingEdge (Display string: 'Line 3 Rising Edge')
  • Line4 (Display string: 'Line 4'): Counts the number of transitions on the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line4RisingEdge (Display string: 'Line 4 Rising Edge')
  • Line5 (Display string: 'Line 5'): Counts the number of transitions on the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line5RisingEdge (Display string: 'Line 5 Rising Edge')
  • Line6 (Display string: 'Line 6'): Counts the number of transitions on the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line6RisingEdge (Display string: 'Line 6 Rising Edge')
  • Line7 (Display string: 'Line 7'): Counts the number of transitions on the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line7RisingEdge (Display string: 'Line 7 Rising Edge')
  • Line8 (Display string: 'Line 8'): Counts the number of transitions on the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line8RisingEdge (Display string: 'Line 8 Rising Edge')
  • Line9 (Display string: 'Line 9'): Counts the number of transitions on the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line9RisingEdge (Display string: 'Line 9 Rising Edge')
  • Line10 (Display string: 'Line 10'): Counts the number of transitions on the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line10RisingEdge (Display string: 'Line 10 Rising Edge')
  • Line11 (Display string: 'Line 11'): Counts the number of transitions on the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line11RisingEdge (Display string: 'Line 11 Rising Edge')
  • Line12 (Display string: 'Line 12'): Counts the number of transitions on the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line12RisingEdge (Display string: 'Line 12 Rising Edge')
  • Line13 (Display string: 'Line 13'): Counts the number of transitions on the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line13RisingEdge (Display string: 'Line 13 Rising Edge')
  • Line14 (Display string: 'Line 14'): Counts the number of transitions on the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line14RisingEdge (Display string: 'Line 14 Rising Edge')
  • Line15 (Display string: 'Line 15'): Counts the number of transitions on the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line15RisingEdge (Display string: 'Line 15 Rising Edge')
  • LineEnd (Display string: 'Line End'): Counts the number of Line End.
  • LineStart (Display string: 'Line Start'): Counts the number of Line Start.
  • LineTrigger (Display string: 'Line Trigger'): Counts the number of Line Start Trigger.
  • LineTriggerMissed (Display string: 'Line Trigger Missed'): Counts the number of missed Line Start Trigger.
  • LinkTrigger0 (Display string: 'Link Trigger 0'): Counts the number of Link Triggers.
  • LinkTrigger1 (Display string: 'Link Trigger 1'): Counts the number of Link Triggers.
  • LinkTrigger2 (Display string: 'Link Trigger 2'): Counts the number of Link Triggers.
  • LinkTriggerMissed0 (Display string: 'Link Trigger Missed 0'): Counts the number of Link Triggers missed.
  • LinkTriggerMissed1 (Display string: 'Link Trigger Missed 1'): Counts the number of Link Triggers missed.
  • LinkTriggerMissed2 (Display string: 'Link Trigger Missed 2'): Counts the number of Link Triggers missed.
  • LogicBlock0 (Display string: 'Logic Block 0'): Counts the number of Logic Block output pulses.
  • LogicBlock1 (Display string: 'Logic Block 1'): Counts the number of Logic Block output pulses.
  • LogicBlock2 (Display string: 'Logic Block 2'): Counts the number of Logic Block output pulses.
  • Off (Display string: 'Off'): Counter is stopped.
  • SoftwareSignal0 (Display string: 'Software Signal 0'): Counts the number of Software Signal.
  • SoftwareSignal1 (Display string: 'Software Signal 1'): Counts the number of Software Signal.
  • SoftwareSignal2 (Display string: 'Software Signal 2'): Counts the number of Software Signal.
  • Timer0End (Display string: 'Timer 0 End'): Counts the number of Timer End pulses generated.
  • Timer0Start (Display string: 'Timer 0 Start'): Counts the number of Timer Start pulses generated.
  • Timer1End (Display string: 'Timer 1 End'): Counts the number of Timer End pulses generated.
  • Timer1Start (Display string: 'Timer 1 Start'): Counts the number of Timer Start pulses generated.
  • Timer2End (Display string: 'Timer 2 End'): Counts the number of Timer End pulses generated.
  • Timer2Start (Display string: 'Timer 2 Start'): Counts the number of Timer Start pulses generated.
  • Timer3End (Display string: 'Timer 3 End'): Counts the number of Timer End pulses generated.
  • Timer4End (Display string: 'Timer 4 End'): Counts the number of Timer End pulses generated.
  • Timer5End (Display string: 'Timer 5 End'): Counts the number of Timer End pulses generated.
  • Timer6End (Display string: 'Timer 6 End'): Counts the number of Timer End pulses generated.
  • Timer7End (Display string: 'Timer 7 End'): Counts the number of Timer End pulses generated.
  • Timer8End (Display string: 'Timer 8 End'): Counts the number of Timer End pulses generated.
  • Timer9End (Display string: 'Timer 9 End'): Counts the number of Timer End pulses generated.
  • Timer10End (Display string: 'Timer 10 End'): Counts the number of Timer End pulses generated.
  • Timer11End (Display string: 'Timer 11 End'): Counts the number of Timer End pulses generated.
  • Timer12End (Display string: 'Timer 12 End'): Counts the number of Timer End pulses generated.
  • Timer13End (Display string: 'Timer 13 End'): Counts the number of Timer End pulses generated.
  • Timer14End (Display string: 'Timer 14 End'): Counts the number of Timer End pulses generated.
  • Timer15End (Display string: 'Timer 15 End'): Counts the number of Timer End pulses generated.
  • TimestampTick (Display string: 'Timestamp Tick'): Counts the number of clock ticks of the Timestamp clock. Can be used to create a programmable timer.
  • mvLogicGateOR1Output (Display string: 'mv Logic Gate OR 1 Output')
  • mvLogicGateOR2Output (Display string: 'mv Logic Gate OR 2 Output')
  • mvLogicGateOR3Output (Display string: 'mv Logic Gate OR 3 Output')
  • mvLogicGateOR4Output (Display string: 'mv Logic Gate OR 4 Output')
  • mvTemperatureOutOfRange (Display string: 'mv Temperature Out Of Range')
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT::acquire::EnumPropertyI::getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ counterReset

Method counterReset

A method object. Does a software reset of the selected Counter and starts it.

Does a software reset of the selected Counter and starts it. The counter starts counting events immediately after the reset unless a Counter trigger is active. CounterReset can be used to reset the Counter independently from the CounterResetSource. To disable the counter temporarily, set CounterEventSource to Off.

◆ counterResetActivation

PropertyI64 counterResetActivation

An enumerated integer property. Selects the Activation mode of the Counter Reset Source signal.

Selects the Activation mode of the Counter Reset Source signal.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • RisingEdge (Display string: 'Rising Edge'): Resets the counter on the Rising Edge of the signal.
  • FallingEdge (Display string: 'Falling Edge'): Resets the counter on the Falling Edge of the signal.
  • AnyEdge (Display string: 'Any Edge'): Resets the counter on the Falling or rising Edge of the selected signal.
  • LevelHigh (Display string: 'Level High'): Resets the counter as long as the selected signal level is High.
  • LevelLow (Display string: 'Level Low'): Resets the counter as long as the selected signal level is Low.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT::acquire::EnumPropertyI::getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ counterResetSource

PropertyI64 counterResetSource

An enumerated integer property. Selects the signals that will be the source to reset the Counter.

Selects the signals that will be the source to reset the Counter.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • AcquisitionEnd (Display string: 'Acquisition End'): Resets with the reception of the Acquisition End.
  • AcquisitionStart (Display string: 'Acquisition Start'): Resets with the reception of the Acquisition Start.
  • AcquisitionTrigger (Display string: 'Acquisition Trigger'): Resets with the reception of the Acquisition Trigger.
  • AcquisitionTriggerMissed (Display string: 'Acquisition Trigger Missed'): Resets with the reception of the missed Acquisition start trigger.
  • Action0 (Display string: 'Action 0'): Resets on assertions of the chosen action signal (Broadcasted signal on the transport layer).
  • Action1 (Display string: 'Action 1'): Resets on assertions of the chosen action signal (Broadcasted signal on the transport layer).
  • Action2 (Display string: 'Action 2'): Resets on assertions of the chosen action signal (Broadcasted signal on the transport layer).
  • Action3 (Display string: 'Action 3'): Resets on assertions of the chosen action signal (Broadcasted signal on the transport layer).
  • Action4 (Display string: 'Action 4'): Resets on assertions of the chosen action signal (Broadcasted signal on the transport layer).
  • Action5 (Display string: 'Action 5'): Resets on assertions of the chosen action signal (Broadcasted signal on the transport layer).
  • Action6 (Display string: 'Action 6'): Resets on assertions of the chosen action signal (Broadcasted signal on the transport layer).
  • Action7 (Display string: 'Action 7'): Resets on assertions of the chosen action signal (Broadcasted signal on the transport layer).
  • Action8 (Display string: 'Action 8'): Resets on assertions of the chosen action signal (Broadcasted signal on the transport layer).
  • Action9 (Display string: 'Action 9'): Resets on assertions of the chosen action signal (Broadcasted signal on the transport layer).
  • Action10 (Display string: 'Action 10'): Resets on assertions of the chosen action signal (Broadcasted signal on the transport layer).
  • Action11 (Display string: 'Action 11'): Resets on assertions of the chosen action signal (Broadcasted signal on the transport layer).
  • Action12 (Display string: 'Action 12'): Resets on assertions of the chosen action signal (Broadcasted signal on the transport layer).
  • Action13 (Display string: 'Action 13'): Resets on assertions of the chosen action signal (Broadcasted signal on the transport layer).
  • Action14 (Display string: 'Action 14'): Resets on assertions of the chosen action signal (Broadcasted signal on the transport layer).
  • Action15 (Display string: 'Action 15'): Resets on assertions of the chosen action signal (Broadcasted signal on the transport layer).
  • Counter0End (Display string: 'Counter 0 End'): Resets with the reception of the Counter End.
  • Counter0Start (Display string: 'Counter 0 Start'): Resets with the reception of the Counter Start.
  • Counter1End (Display string: 'Counter 1 End'): Resets with the reception of the Counter End.
  • Counter1Start (Display string: 'Counter 1 Start'): Resets with the reception of the Counter Start.
  • Counter2End (Display string: 'Counter 2 End'): Resets with the reception of the Counter End.
  • Counter2Start (Display string: 'Counter 2 Start'): Resets with the reception of the Counter Start.
  • Counter3End (Display string: 'Counter 3 End'): Resets with the reception of the Counter End.
  • Counter4End (Display string: 'Counter 4 End'): Resets with the reception of the Counter End.
  • Counter5End (Display string: 'Counter 5 End'): Resets with the reception of the Counter End.
  • Counter6End (Display string: 'Counter 6 End'): Resets with the reception of the Counter End.
  • Counter7End (Display string: 'Counter 7 End'): Resets with the reception of the Counter End.
  • Counter8End (Display string: 'Counter 8 End'): Resets with the reception of the Counter End.
  • Counter9End (Display string: 'Counter 9 End'): Resets with the reception of the Counter End.
  • Counter10End (Display string: 'Counter 10 End'): Resets with the reception of the Counter End.
  • Counter11End (Display string: 'Counter 11 End'): Resets with the reception of the Counter End.
  • Counter12End (Display string: 'Counter 12 End'): Resets with the reception of the Counter End.
  • Counter13End (Display string: 'Counter 13 End'): Resets with the reception of the Counter End.
  • Counter14End (Display string: 'Counter 14 End'): Resets with the reception of the Counter End.
  • Counter15End (Display string: 'Counter 15 End'): Resets with the reception of the Counter End.
  • CounterTrigger (Display string: 'Counter Trigger'): Resets with the reception of a trigger on the CounterTriggerSource.
  • Encoder0 (Display string: 'Encoder 0'): Resets with the reception of the Encoder output signal.
  • Encoder1 (Display string: 'Encoder 1'): Resets with the reception of the Encoder output signal.
  • Encoder2 (Display string: 'Encoder 2'): Resets with the reception of the Encoder output signal.
  • ExposureEnd (Display string: 'Exposure End'): Resets with the reception of the Exposure End.
  • ExposureStart (Display string: 'Exposure Start'): Resets with the reception of the Exposure Start.
  • FrameEnd (Display string: 'Frame End'): Resets with the reception of the Frame End.
  • FrameStart (Display string: 'Frame Start'): Resets with the reception of the Frame Start.
  • FrameTrigger (Display string: 'Frame Trigger'): Resets with the reception of the Frame Start Trigger.
  • FrameTriggerMissed (Display string: 'Frame Trigger Missed'): Resets with the reception of the missed Frame start trigger.
  • Line0 (Display string: 'Line 0'): Resets by the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line1 (Display string: 'Line 1'): Resets by the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line2 (Display string: 'Line 2'): Resets by the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line3 (Display string: 'Line 3'): Resets by the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line4 (Display string: 'Line 4'): Resets by the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line5 (Display string: 'Line 5'): Resets by the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line6 (Display string: 'Line 6'): Resets by the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line7 (Display string: 'Line 7'): Resets by the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line8 (Display string: 'Line 8'): Resets by the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line9 (Display string: 'Line 9'): Resets by the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line10 (Display string: 'Line 10'): Resets by the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line11 (Display string: 'Line 11'): Resets by the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line12 (Display string: 'Line 12'): Resets by the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line13 (Display string: 'Line 13'): Resets by the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line14 (Display string: 'Line 14'): Resets by the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line15 (Display string: 'Line 15'): Resets by the chosen I/O Line.
  • LineEnd (Display string: 'Line End'): Resets with the reception of the Line End.
  • LineStart (Display string: 'Line Start'): Resets with the reception of the Line Start.
  • LineTrigger (Display string: 'Line Trigger'): Resets with the reception of the Line Start Trigger.
  • LineTriggerMissed (Display string: 'Line Trigger Missed'): Resets with the reception of the missed Line start trigger.
  • LinkTrigger0 (Display string: 'Link Trigger 0'): Resets on the reception of the chosen Link Trigger (received from the transport layer).
  • LinkTrigger1 (Display string: 'Link Trigger 1'): Resets on the reception of the chosen Link Trigger (received from the transport layer).
  • LinkTrigger2 (Display string: 'Link Trigger 2'): Resets on the reception of the chosen Link Trigger (received from the transport layer).
  • LogicBlock0 (Display string: 'Logic Block 0'): Resets with the reception of the LogicBlock output signal.
  • LogicBlock1 (Display string: 'Logic Block 1'): Resets with the reception of the LogicBlock output signal.
  • LogicBlock2 (Display string: 'Logic Block 2'): Resets with the reception of the LogicBlock output signal.
  • Off (Display string: 'Off'): Disable the Counter Reset trigger.
  • SoftwareSignal0 (Display string: 'Software Signal 0'): Resets on the reception of the Software Signal.
  • SoftwareSignal1 (Display string: 'Software Signal 1'): Resets on the reception of the Software Signal.
  • SoftwareSignal2 (Display string: 'Software Signal 2'): Resets on the reception of the Software Signal.
  • Timer0End (Display string: 'Timer 0 End'): Resets with the reception of the Timer End.
  • Timer0Start (Display string: 'Timer 0 Start'): Resets with the reception of the Timer Start.
  • Timer1End (Display string: 'Timer 1 End'): Resets with the reception of the Timer End.
  • Timer1Start (Display string: 'Timer 1 Start'): Resets with the reception of the Timer Start.
  • Timer2End (Display string: 'Timer 2 End'): Resets with the reception of the Timer End.
  • Timer2Start (Display string: 'Timer 2 Start'): Resets with the reception of the Timer Start.
  • Timer3End (Display string: 'Timer 3 End'): Resets with the reception of the Timer End.
  • Timer4End (Display string: 'Timer 4 End'): Resets with the reception of the Timer End.
  • Timer5End (Display string: 'Timer 5 End'): Resets with the reception of the Timer End.
  • Timer6End (Display string: 'Timer 6 End'): Resets with the reception of the Timer End.
  • Timer7End (Display string: 'Timer 7 End'): Resets with the reception of the Timer End.
  • Timer8End (Display string: 'Timer 8 End'): Resets with the reception of the Timer End.
  • Timer9End (Display string: 'Timer 9 End'): Resets with the reception of the Timer End.
  • Timer10End (Display string: 'Timer 10 End'): Resets with the reception of the Timer End.
  • Timer11End (Display string: 'Timer 11 End'): Resets with the reception of the Timer End.
  • Timer12End (Display string: 'Timer 12 End'): Resets with the reception of the Timer End.
  • Timer13End (Display string: 'Timer 13 End'): Resets with the reception of the Timer End.
  • Timer14End (Display string: 'Timer 14 End'): Resets with the reception of the Timer End.
  • Timer15End (Display string: 'Timer 15 End'): Resets with the reception of the Timer End.
  • UserOutput0 (Display string: 'User Output 0'): Resets by the chosen User Output bit.
  • UserOutput1 (Display string: 'User Output 1'): Resets by the chosen User Output bit.
  • UserOutput2 (Display string: 'User Output 2'): Resets by the chosen User Output bit.
  • UserOutput3 (Display string: 'User Output 3'): Resets by the chosen User Output bit.
  • UserOutput4 (Display string: 'User Output 4'): Resets by the chosen User Output bit.
  • UserOutput5 (Display string: 'User Output 5'): Resets by the chosen User Output bit.
  • UserOutput6 (Display string: 'User Output 6'): Resets by the chosen User Output bit.
  • UserOutput7 (Display string: 'User Output 7'): Resets by the chosen User Output bit.
  • UserOutput8 (Display string: 'User Output 8'): Resets by the chosen User Output bit.
  • UserOutput9 (Display string: 'User Output 9'): Resets by the chosen User Output bit.
  • UserOutput10 (Display string: 'User Output 10'): Resets by the chosen User Output bit.
  • UserOutput11 (Display string: 'User Output 11'): Resets by the chosen User Output bit.
  • UserOutput12 (Display string: 'User Output 12'): Resets by the chosen User Output bit.
  • UserOutput13 (Display string: 'User Output 13'): Resets by the chosen User Output bit.
  • UserOutput14 (Display string: 'User Output 14'): Resets by the chosen User Output bit.
  • UserOutput15 (Display string: 'User Output 15'): Resets by the chosen User Output bit.
  • mvLogicGateOR1Output (Display string: 'mv Logic Gate OR 1 Output')
  • mvLogicGateOR2Output (Display string: 'mv Logic Gate OR 2 Output')
  • mvLogicGateOR3Output (Display string: 'mv Logic Gate OR 3 Output')
  • mvLogicGateOR4Output (Display string: 'mv Logic Gate OR 4 Output')
  • mvTemperatureOutOfRange (Display string: 'mv Temperature Out Of Range')
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT::acquire::EnumPropertyI::getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ counterSelector

PropertyI64 counterSelector

An enumerated integer property. Selects which Counter to configure.

Selects which Counter to configure.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Counter0 (Display string: 'Counter 0'): Selects the counter 0.
  • Counter1 (Display string: 'Counter 1'): Selects the counter 1.
  • Counter2 (Display string: 'Counter 2'): Selects the counter 2.
  • Counter3 (Display string: 'Counter 3'): Selects the counter 3.
  • Counter4 (Display string: 'Counter 4'): Selects the counter 4.
  • Counter5 (Display string: 'Counter 5'): Selects the counter 5.
  • Counter6 (Display string: 'Counter 6'): Selects the counter 6.
  • Counter7 (Display string: 'Counter 7'): Selects the counter 7.
  • Counter8 (Display string: 'Counter 8'): Selects the counter 8.
  • Counter9 (Display string: 'Counter 9'): Selects the counter 9.
  • Counter10 (Display string: 'Counter 10'): Selects the counter 10.
  • Counter11 (Display string: 'Counter 11'): Selects the counter 11.
  • Counter12 (Display string: 'Counter 12'): Selects the counter 12.
  • Counter13 (Display string: 'Counter 13'): Selects the counter 13.
  • Counter14 (Display string: 'Counter 14'): Selects the counter 14.
  • Counter15 (Display string: 'Counter 15'): Selects the counter 15.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT::acquire::EnumPropertyI::getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ counterStatus

PropertyI64 counterStatus

An enumerated integer property. Returns the current status of the Counter.

Returns the current status of the Counter.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • CounterIdle (Display string: 'Counter Idle'): The counter is idle.
  • CounterTriggerWait (Display string: 'Counter Trigger Wait'): The counter is waiting for a start trigger.
  • CounterActive (Display string: 'Counter Active'): The counter is counting for the specified duration.
  • CounterCompleted (Display string: 'Counter Completed'): The counter reached the CounterDuration count.
  • CounterOverflow (Display string: 'Counter Overflow'): The counter reached its maximum possible count.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT::acquire::EnumPropertyI::getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ counterTriggerActivation

PropertyI64 counterTriggerActivation

An enumerated integer property. Selects the activation mode of the trigger to start the Counter.

Selects the activation mode of the trigger to start the Counter.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • RisingEdge (Display string: 'Rising Edge'): Starts counting on the Rising Edge of the selected trigger signal.
  • FallingEdge (Display string: 'Falling Edge'): Starts counting on the Falling Edge of the selected trigger signal.
  • AnyEdge (Display string: 'Any Edge'): Starts counting on the Falling or rising Edge of the selected trigger signal.
  • LevelHigh (Display string: 'Level High'): Counts as long as the selected trigger signal level is High.
  • LevelLow (Display string: 'Level Low'): Counts as long as the selected trigger signal level is Low.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT::acquire::EnumPropertyI::getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ counterTriggerSource

PropertyI64 counterTriggerSource

An enumerated integer property. Selects the source to start the Counter.

Selects the source to start the Counter.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • AcquisitionEnd (Display string: 'Acquisition End'): Starts with the reception of the Acquisition End.
  • AcquisitionStart (Display string: 'Acquisition Start'): Starts with the reception of the Acquisition Start.
  • AcquisitionTrigger (Display string: 'Acquisition Trigger'): Starts with the reception of the Acquisition Trigger.
  • AcquisitionTriggerMissed (Display string: 'Acquisition Trigger Missed'): Device has missed an Acquisition start trigger.
  • Action0 (Display string: 'Action 0'): Starts with the assertion of the chosen action signal.
  • Action1 (Display string: 'Action 1'): Starts with the assertion of the chosen action signal.
  • Action2 (Display string: 'Action 2'): Starts with the assertion of the chosen action signal.
  • Action3 (Display string: 'Action 3'): Starts with the assertion of the chosen action signal.
  • Action4 (Display string: 'Action 4'): Starts with the assertion of the chosen action signal.
  • Action5 (Display string: 'Action 5'): Starts with the assertion of the chosen action signal.
  • Action6 (Display string: 'Action 6'): Starts with the assertion of the chosen action signal.
  • Action7 (Display string: 'Action 7'): Starts with the assertion of the chosen action signal.
  • Action8 (Display string: 'Action 8'): Starts with the assertion of the chosen action signal.
  • Action9 (Display string: 'Action 9'): Starts with the assertion of the chosen action signal.
  • Action10 (Display string: 'Action 10'): Starts with the assertion of the chosen action signal.
  • Action11 (Display string: 'Action 11'): Starts with the assertion of the chosen action signal.
  • Action12 (Display string: 'Action 12'): Starts with the assertion of the chosen action signal.
  • Action13 (Display string: 'Action 13'): Starts with the assertion of the chosen action signal.
  • Action14 (Display string: 'Action 14'): Starts with the assertion of the chosen action signal.
  • Action15 (Display string: 'Action 15'): Starts with the assertion of the chosen action signal.
  • Counter0End (Display string: 'Counter 0 End'): Starts with the reception of the Counter End.
  • Counter0Start (Display string: 'Counter 0 Start'): Starts with the reception of the Counter Start.
  • Counter1End (Display string: 'Counter 1 End'): Starts with the reception of the Counter End.
  • Counter1Start (Display string: 'Counter 1 Start'): Starts with the reception of the Counter Start.
  • Counter2End (Display string: 'Counter 2 End'): Starts with the reception of the Counter End.
  • Counter2Start (Display string: 'Counter 2 Start'): Starts with the reception of the Counter Start.
  • Counter3End (Display string: 'Counter 3 End'): Starts with the reception of the Counter End.
  • Counter4End (Display string: 'Counter 4 End'): Starts with the reception of the Counter End.
  • Counter5End (Display string: 'Counter 5 End'): Starts with the reception of the Counter End.
  • Counter6End (Display string: 'Counter 6 End'): Starts with the reception of the Counter End.
  • Counter7End (Display string: 'Counter 7 End'): Starts with the reception of the Counter End.
  • Counter8End (Display string: 'Counter 8 End'): Starts with the reception of the Counter End.
  • Counter9End (Display string: 'Counter 9 End'): Starts with the reception of the Counter End.
  • Counter10End (Display string: 'Counter 10 End'): Starts with the reception of the Counter End.
  • Counter11End (Display string: 'Counter 11 End'): Starts with the reception of the Counter End.
  • Counter12End (Display string: 'Counter 12 End'): Starts with the reception of the Counter End.
  • Counter13End (Display string: 'Counter 13 End'): Starts with the reception of the Counter End.
  • Counter14End (Display string: 'Counter 14 End'): Starts with the reception of the Counter End.
  • Counter15End (Display string: 'Counter 15 End'): Starts with the reception of the Counter End.
  • Encoder0 (Display string: 'Encoder 0'): Starts with the reception of the Encoder output signal.
  • Encoder1 (Display string: 'Encoder 1'): Starts with the reception of the Encoder output signal.
  • Encoder2 (Display string: 'Encoder 2'): Starts with the reception of the Encoder output signal.
  • ExposureEnd (Display string: 'Exposure End'): Starts with the reception of the Exposure End.
  • ExposureStart (Display string: 'Exposure Start'): Starts with the reception of the Exposure Start.
  • FrameBurstEnd (Display string: 'Frame Burst End'): Starts with the reception of the Frame Burst End.
  • FrameBurstStart (Display string: 'Frame Burst Start'): Starts with the reception of the Frame Burst Start.
  • FrameEnd (Display string: 'Frame End'): Starts with the reception of the Frame End.
  • FrameStart (Display string: 'Frame Start'): Starts with the reception of the Frame Start.
  • FrameTrigger (Display string: 'Frame Trigger'): Starts with the reception of the Frame Start Trigger.
  • FrameTriggerMissed (Display string: 'Frame Trigger Missed'): Device has missed a Frame start trigger.
  • Line0 (Display string: 'Line 0'): Starts when the specified CounterTriggerActivation condition is met on the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line1 (Display string: 'Line 1'): Starts when the specified CounterTriggerActivation condition is met on the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line2 (Display string: 'Line 2'): Starts when the specified CounterTriggerActivation condition is met on the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line3 (Display string: 'Line 3'): Starts when the specified CounterTriggerActivation condition is met on the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line4 (Display string: 'Line 4'): Starts when the specified CounterTriggerActivation condition is met on the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line5 (Display string: 'Line 5'): Starts when the specified CounterTriggerActivation condition is met on the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line6 (Display string: 'Line 6'): Starts when the specified CounterTriggerActivation condition is met on the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line7 (Display string: 'Line 7'): Starts when the specified CounterTriggerActivation condition is met on the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line8 (Display string: 'Line 8'): Starts when the specified CounterTriggerActivation condition is met on the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line9 (Display string: 'Line 9'): Starts when the specified CounterTriggerActivation condition is met on the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line10 (Display string: 'Line 10'): Starts when the specified CounterTriggerActivation condition is met on the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line11 (Display string: 'Line 11'): Starts when the specified CounterTriggerActivation condition is met on the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line12 (Display string: 'Line 12'): Starts when the specified CounterTriggerActivation condition is met on the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line13 (Display string: 'Line 13'): Starts when the specified CounterTriggerActivation condition is met on the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line14 (Display string: 'Line 14'): Starts when the specified CounterTriggerActivation condition is met on the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line15 (Display string: 'Line 15'): Starts when the specified CounterTriggerActivation condition is met on the chosen I/O Line.
  • LineEnd (Display string: 'Line End'): Starts with the reception of the Line End.
  • LineStart (Display string: 'Line Start'): Starts with the reception of the Line Start.
  • LineTrigger (Display string: 'Line Trigger'): Starts with the reception of the Line Start Trigger.
  • LineTriggerMissed (Display string: 'Line Trigger Missed'): Device has missed a Line start trigger.
  • LinkTrigger0 (Display string: 'Link Trigger 0'): Starts with the reception of the chosen Link Trigger signal.
  • LinkTrigger1 (Display string: 'Link Trigger 1'): Starts with the reception of the chosen Link Trigger signal.
  • LinkTrigger2 (Display string: 'Link Trigger 2'): Starts with the reception of the chosen Link Trigger signal.
  • LogicBlock0 (Display string: 'Logic Block 0'): Starts with the reception of the Logic Block output signal.
  • LogicBlock1 (Display string: 'Logic Block 1'): Starts with the reception of the Logic Block output signal.
  • LogicBlock2 (Display string: 'Logic Block 2'): Starts with the reception of the Logic Block output signal.
  • Off (Display string: 'Off'): Disables the Counter trigger.
  • SoftwareSignal0 (Display string: 'Software Signal 0'): Starts on the reception of the Software Signal.
  • SoftwareSignal1 (Display string: 'Software Signal 1'): Starts on the reception of the Software Signal.
  • SoftwareSignal2 (Display string: 'Software Signal 2'): Starts on the reception of the Software Signal.
  • Timer0End (Display string: 'Timer 0 End'): Starts with the reception of the Timer End.
  • Timer0Start (Display string: 'Timer 0 Start'): Starts with the reception of the Timer Start.
  • Timer1End (Display string: 'Timer 1 End'): Starts with the reception of the Timer End.
  • Timer1Start (Display string: 'Timer 1 Start'): Starts with the reception of the Timer Start.
  • Timer2End (Display string: 'Timer 2 End'): Starts with the reception of the Timer End.
  • Timer2Start (Display string: 'Timer 2 Start'): Starts with the reception of the Timer Start.
  • Timer3End (Display string: 'Timer 3 End'): Starts with the reception of the Timer End.
  • Timer4End (Display string: 'Timer 4 End'): Starts with the reception of the Timer End.
  • Timer5End (Display string: 'Timer 5 End'): Starts with the reception of the Timer End.
  • Timer6End (Display string: 'Timer 6 End'): Starts with the reception of the Timer End.
  • Timer7End (Display string: 'Timer 7 End'): Starts with the reception of the Timer End.
  • Timer8End (Display string: 'Timer 8 End'): Starts with the reception of the Timer End.
  • Timer9End (Display string: 'Timer 9 End'): Starts with the reception of the Timer End.
  • Timer10End (Display string: 'Timer 10 End'): Starts with the reception of the Timer End.
  • Timer11End (Display string: 'Timer 11 End'): Starts with the reception of the Timer End.
  • Timer12End (Display string: 'Timer 12 End'): Starts with the reception of the Timer End.
  • Timer13End (Display string: 'Timer 13 End'): Starts with the reception of the Timer End.
  • Timer14End (Display string: 'Timer 14 End'): Starts with the reception of the Timer End.
  • Timer15End (Display string: 'Timer 15 End'): Starts with the reception of the Timer End.
  • UserOutput0 (Display string: 'User Output 0'): Specifies which User Output bit signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • UserOutput1 (Display string: 'User Output 1'): Specifies which User Output bit signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • UserOutput2 (Display string: 'User Output 2'): Specifies which User Output bit signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • UserOutput3 (Display string: 'User Output 3'): Specifies which User Output bit signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • UserOutput4 (Display string: 'User Output 4'): Specifies which User Output bit signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • UserOutput5 (Display string: 'User Output 5'): Specifies which User Output bit signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • UserOutput6 (Display string: 'User Output 6'): Specifies which User Output bit signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • UserOutput7 (Display string: 'User Output 7'): Specifies which User Output bit signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • UserOutput8 (Display string: 'User Output 8'): Specifies which User Output bit signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • UserOutput9 (Display string: 'User Output 9'): Specifies which User Output bit signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • UserOutput10 (Display string: 'User Output 10'): Specifies which User Output bit signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • UserOutput11 (Display string: 'User Output 11'): Specifies which User Output bit signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • UserOutput12 (Display string: 'User Output 12'): Specifies which User Output bit signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • UserOutput13 (Display string: 'User Output 13'): Specifies which User Output bit signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • UserOutput14 (Display string: 'User Output 14'): Specifies which User Output bit signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • UserOutput15 (Display string: 'User Output 15'): Specifies which User Output bit signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • mvLogicGateOR1Output (Display string: 'mv Logic Gate OR 1 Output')
  • mvLogicGateOR2Output (Display string: 'mv Logic Gate OR 2 Output')
  • mvLogicGateOR3Output (Display string: 'mv Logic Gate OR 3 Output')
  • mvLogicGateOR4Output (Display string: 'mv Logic Gate OR 4 Output')
  • mvReadOutActive (Display string: 'mv Read Out Active')
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT::acquire::EnumPropertyI::getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ counterValue

PropertyI64 counterValue

An integer property. Reads or writes the current value of the selected Counter.

Reads or writes the current value of the selected Counter.

◆ counterValueAtReset

PropertyI64 counterValueAtReset

An integer property. Reads the value of the selected Counter when it was reset by a trigger or by an explicit CounterReset command.

Reads the value of the selected Counter when it was reset by a trigger or by an explicit CounterReset command.

◆ timerDelay

PropertyF timerDelay

A floating point property. Sets the duration (in microseconds) of the delay to apply at the reception of a trigger before starting the Timer.

Sets the duration (in microseconds) of the delay to apply at the reception of a trigger before starting the Timer.

◆ timerDuration

PropertyF timerDuration

A floating point property. Sets the duration (in microseconds) of the Timer pulse.

Sets the duration (in microseconds) of the Timer pulse.

◆ timerReset

Method timerReset

A method object. Does a software reset of the selected timer and starts it.

Does a software reset of the selected timer and starts it. The timer starts immediately after the reset unless a timer trigger is active.

◆ timerSelector

PropertyI64 timerSelector

An enumerated integer property. Selects which Timer to configure.

Selects which Timer to configure.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Timer0 (Display string: 'Timer 0'): Selects the Timer 0.
  • Timer1 (Display string: 'Timer 1'): Selects the Timer 1.
  • Timer2 (Display string: 'Timer 2'): Selects the Timer 2.
  • Timer3 (Display string: 'Timer 3'): Selects the Timer 3.
  • Timer4 (Display string: 'Timer 4'): Selects the Timer 4.
  • Timer5 (Display string: 'Timer 5'): Selects the Timer 5.
  • Timer6 (Display string: 'Timer 6'): Selects the Timer 6.
  • Timer7 (Display string: 'Timer 7'): Selects the Timer 7.
  • Timer8 (Display string: 'Timer 8'): Selects the Timer 8.
  • Timer9 (Display string: 'Timer 9'): Selects the Timer 9.
  • Timer10 (Display string: 'Timer 10'): Selects the Timer 10.
  • Timer11 (Display string: 'Timer 11'): Selects the Timer 11.
  • Timer12 (Display string: 'Timer 12'): Selects the Timer 12.
  • Timer13 (Display string: 'Timer 13'): Selects the Timer 13.
  • Timer14 (Display string: 'Timer 14'): Selects the Timer 14.
  • Timer15 (Display string: 'Timer 15'): Selects the Timer 15.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT::acquire::EnumPropertyI::getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ timerStatus

PropertyI64 timerStatus

An enumerated integer property. Returns the current status of the Timer.

Returns the current status of the Timer.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • TimerIdle (Display string: 'Timer Idle'): The Timer is idle.
  • TimerTriggerWait (Display string: 'Timer Trigger Wait'): The Timer is waiting for a start trigger.
  • TimerActive (Display string: 'Timer Active'): The Timer is counting for the specified duration.
  • TimerCompleted (Display string: 'Timer Completed'): The Timer reached the TimerDuration count.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT::acquire::EnumPropertyI::getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ timerTriggerActivation

PropertyI64 timerTriggerActivation

An enumerated integer property. Selects the activation mode of the trigger to start the Timer.

Selects the activation mode of the trigger to start the Timer.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • RisingEdge (Display string: 'Rising Edge'): Starts counting on the Rising Edge of the selected trigger signal.
  • FallingEdge (Display string: 'Falling Edge'): Starts counting on the Falling Edge of the selected trigger signal.
  • AnyEdge (Display string: 'Any Edge'): Starts counting on the Falling or Rising Edge of the selected trigger signal.
  • LevelHigh (Display string: 'Level High'): Counts as long as the selected trigger signal level is High.
  • LevelLow (Display string: 'Level Low'): Counts as long as the selected trigger signal level is Low.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT::acquire::EnumPropertyI::getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ timerTriggerArmDelay

PropertyF timerTriggerArmDelay

A floating point property. Sets the minimum period between two valid timer triggers.

Sets the minimum period between two valid timer triggers.

◆ timerTriggerSource

PropertyI64 timerTriggerSource

An enumerated integer property. Selects the source of the trigger to start the Timer.

Selects the source of the trigger to start the Timer.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • AcquisitionEnd (Display string: 'Acquisition End'): Starts with the reception of the Acquisition End.
  • AcquisitionStart (Display string: 'Acquisition Start'): Starts with the reception of the Acquisition Start.
  • AcquisitionTrigger (Display string: 'Acquisition Trigger'): Starts with the reception of the Acquisition Trigger.
  • AcquisitionTriggerMissed (Display string: 'Acquisition Trigger Missed'): Starts with the reception of a missed Acquisition Trigger.
  • Action0 (Display string: 'Action 0'): Starts with the assertion of the chosen action signal.
  • Action1 (Display string: 'Action 1'): Starts with the assertion of the chosen action signal.
  • Action2 (Display string: 'Action 2'): Starts with the assertion of the chosen action signal.
  • Action3 (Display string: 'Action 3'): Starts with the assertion of the chosen action signal.
  • Action4 (Display string: 'Action 4'): Starts with the assertion of the chosen action signal.
  • Action5 (Display string: 'Action 5'): Starts with the assertion of the chosen action signal.
  • Action6 (Display string: 'Action 6'): Starts with the assertion of the chosen action signal.
  • Action7 (Display string: 'Action 7'): Starts with the assertion of the chosen action signal.
  • Action8 (Display string: 'Action 8'): Starts with the assertion of the chosen action signal.
  • Action9 (Display string: 'Action 9'): Starts with the assertion of the chosen action signal.
  • Action10 (Display string: 'Action 10'): Starts with the assertion of the chosen action signal.
  • Action11 (Display string: 'Action 11'): Starts with the assertion of the chosen action signal.
  • Action12 (Display string: 'Action 12'): Starts with the assertion of the chosen action signal.
  • Action13 (Display string: 'Action 13'): Starts with the assertion of the chosen action signal.
  • Action14 (Display string: 'Action 14'): Starts with the assertion of the chosen action signal.
  • Action15 (Display string: 'Action 15'): Starts with the assertion of the chosen action signal.
  • Counter0End (Display string: 'Counter 0 End'): Starts with the reception of the Counter End.
  • Counter0Start (Display string: 'Counter 0 Start'): Starts with the reception of the Counter Start.
  • Counter1End (Display string: 'Counter 1 End'): Starts with the reception of the Counter End.
  • Counter1Start (Display string: 'Counter 1 Start'): Starts with the reception of the Counter Start.
  • Counter2End (Display string: 'Counter 2 End'): Starts with the reception of the Counter End.
  • Counter2Start (Display string: 'Counter 2 Start'): Starts with the reception of the Counter Start.
  • Counter3End (Display string: 'Counter 3 End'): Starts with the reception of the Counter End.
  • Counter4End (Display string: 'Counter 4 End'): Starts with the reception of the Counter End.
  • Counter5End (Display string: 'Counter 5 End'): Starts with the reception of the Counter End.
  • Counter6End (Display string: 'Counter 6 End'): Starts with the reception of the Counter End.
  • Counter7End (Display string: 'Counter 7 End'): Starts with the reception of the Counter End.
  • Counter8End (Display string: 'Counter 8 End'): Starts with the reception of the Counter End.
  • Counter9End (Display string: 'Counter 9 End'): Starts with the reception of the Counter End.
  • Counter10End (Display string: 'Counter 10 End'): Starts with the reception of the Counter End.
  • Counter11End (Display string: 'Counter 11 End'): Starts with the reception of the Counter End.
  • Counter12End (Display string: 'Counter 12 End'): Starts with the reception of the Counter End.
  • Counter13End (Display string: 'Counter 13 End'): Starts with the reception of the Counter End.
  • Counter14End (Display string: 'Counter 14 End'): Starts with the reception of the Counter End.
  • Counter15End (Display string: 'Counter 15 End'): Starts with the reception of the Counter End.
  • Encoder0 (Display string: 'Encoder 0'): Starts with the reception of the Encoder output signal.
  • Encoder1 (Display string: 'Encoder 1'): Starts with the reception of the Encoder output signal.
  • Encoder2 (Display string: 'Encoder 2'): Starts with the reception of the Encoder output signal.
  • ExposureEnd (Display string: 'Exposure End'): Starts with the reception of the Exposure End.
  • ExposureStart (Display string: 'Exposure Start'): Starts with the reception of the Exposure Start.
  • FrameBurstEnd (Display string: 'Frame Burst End'): Starts with the reception of the Frame Burst End.
  • FrameBurstStart (Display string: 'Frame Burst Start'): Starts with the reception of the Frame Burst Start.
  • FrameEnd (Display string: 'Frame End'): Starts with the reception of the Frame End.
  • FrameStart (Display string: 'Frame Start'): Starts with the reception of the Frame Start.
  • FrameTrigger (Display string: 'Frame Trigger'): Starts with the reception of the Frame Start Trigger.
  • FrameTriggerMissed (Display string: 'Frame Trigger Missed'): Starts with the reception of a missed Frame Trigger.
  • Line0 (Display string: 'Line 0'): Starts when the specified TimerTriggerActivation condition is met on the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line1 (Display string: 'Line 1'): Starts when the specified TimerTriggerActivation condition is met on the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line2 (Display string: 'Line 2'): Starts when the specified TimerTriggerActivation condition is met on the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line3 (Display string: 'Line 3'): Starts when the specified TimerTriggerActivation condition is met on the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line4 (Display string: 'Line 4'): Starts when the specified TimerTriggerActivation condition is met on the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line5 (Display string: 'Line 5'): Starts when the specified TimerTriggerActivation condition is met on the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line6 (Display string: 'Line 6'): Starts when the specified TimerTriggerActivation condition is met on the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line7 (Display string: 'Line 7'): Starts when the specified TimerTriggerActivation condition is met on the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line8 (Display string: 'Line 8'): Starts when the specified TimerTriggerActivation condition is met on the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line9 (Display string: 'Line 9'): Starts when the specified TimerTriggerActivation condition is met on the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line10 (Display string: 'Line 10'): Starts when the specified TimerTriggerActivation condition is met on the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line11 (Display string: 'Line 11'): Starts when the specified TimerTriggerActivation condition is met on the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line12 (Display string: 'Line 12'): Starts when the specified TimerTriggerActivation condition is met on the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line13 (Display string: 'Line 13'): Starts when the specified TimerTriggerActivation condition is met on the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line14 (Display string: 'Line 14'): Starts when the specified TimerTriggerActivation condition is met on the chosen I/O Line.
  • Line15 (Display string: 'Line 15'): Starts when the specified TimerTriggerActivation condition is met on the chosen I/O Line.
  • LineEnd (Display string: 'Line End'): Starts with the reception of the Line End.
  • LineStart (Display string: 'Line Start'): Starts with the reception of the Line Start.
  • LineTrigger (Display string: 'Line Trigger'): Starts with the reception of the Line Start Trigger.
  • LineTriggerMissed (Display string: 'Line Trigger Missed'): Starts with the reception of a missed Line Trigger.
  • LinkTrigger0 (Display string: 'Link Trigger 0'): Starts with the reception of the chosen Link Trigger.
  • LinkTrigger1 (Display string: 'Link Trigger 1'): Starts with the reception of the chosen Link Trigger.
  • LinkTrigger2 (Display string: 'Link Trigger 2'): Starts with the reception of the chosen Link Trigger.
  • LogicBlock0 (Display string: 'Logic Block 0'): Starts with the reception of the Logic Block output signal.
  • LogicBlock1 (Display string: 'Logic Block 1'): Starts with the reception of the Logic Block output signal.
  • LogicBlock2 (Display string: 'Logic Block 2'): Starts with the reception of the Logic Block output signal.
  • Off (Display string: 'Off'): Disables the Timer trigger.
  • SoftwareSignal0 (Display string: 'Software Signal 0'): Starts on the reception of the Software Signal.
  • SoftwareSignal1 (Display string: 'Software Signal 1'): Starts on the reception of the Software Signal.
  • SoftwareSignal2 (Display string: 'Software Signal 2'): Starts on the reception of the Software Signal.
  • Timer0End (Display string: 'Timer 0 End'): Starts with the reception of the Timer End. Note that a timer can retrigger itself to achieve a free running Timer.
  • Timer0Start (Display string: 'Timer 0 Start'): Starts with the reception of the Timer Start.
  • Timer1End (Display string: 'Timer 1 End'): Starts with the reception of the Timer End. Note that a timer can retrigger itself to achieve a free running Timer.
  • Timer1Start (Display string: 'Timer 1 Start'): Starts with the reception of the Timer Start.
  • Timer2End (Display string: 'Timer 2 End'): Starts with the reception of the Timer End. Note that a timer can retrigger itself to achieve a free running Timer.
  • Timer2Start (Display string: 'Timer 2 Start'): Starts with the reception of the Timer Start.
  • Timer3End (Display string: 'Timer 3 End'): Starts with the reception of the Timer End. Note that a timer can retrigger itself to achieve a free running Timer.
  • Timer4End (Display string: 'Timer 4 End'): Starts with the reception of the Timer End. Note that a timer can retrigger itself to achieve a free running Timer.
  • Timer5End (Display string: 'Timer 5 End'): Starts with the reception of the Timer End. Note that a timer can retrigger itself to achieve a free running Timer.
  • Timer6End (Display string: 'Timer 6 End'): Starts with the reception of the Timer End. Note that a timer can retrigger itself to achieve a free running Timer.
  • Timer7End (Display string: 'Timer 7 End'): Starts with the reception of the Timer End. Note that a timer can retrigger itself to achieve a free running Timer.
  • Timer8End (Display string: 'Timer 8 End'): Starts with the reception of the Timer End. Note that a timer can retrigger itself to achieve a free running Timer.
  • Timer9End (Display string: 'Timer 9 End'): Starts with the reception of the Timer End. Note that a timer can retrigger itself to achieve a free running Timer.
  • Timer10End (Display string: 'Timer 10 End'): Starts with the reception of the Timer End. Note that a timer can retrigger itself to achieve a free running Timer.
  • Timer11End (Display string: 'Timer 11 End'): Starts with the reception of the Timer End. Note that a timer can retrigger itself to achieve a free running Timer.
  • Timer12End (Display string: 'Timer 12 End'): Starts with the reception of the Timer End. Note that a timer can retrigger itself to achieve a free running Timer.
  • Timer13End (Display string: 'Timer 13 End'): Starts with the reception of the Timer End. Note that a timer can retrigger itself to achieve a free running Timer.
  • Timer14End (Display string: 'Timer 14 End'): Starts with the reception of the Timer End. Note that a timer can retrigger itself to achieve a free running Timer.
  • Timer15End (Display string: 'Timer 15 End'): Starts with the reception of the Timer End. Note that a timer can retrigger itself to achieve a free running Timer.
  • UserOutput0 (Display string: 'User Output 0'): Specifies which User Output bit signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • UserOutput1 (Display string: 'User Output 1'): Specifies which User Output bit signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • UserOutput2 (Display string: 'User Output 2'): Specifies which User Output bit signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • UserOutput3 (Display string: 'User Output 3'): Specifies which User Output bit signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • UserOutput4 (Display string: 'User Output 4'): Specifies which User Output bit signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • UserOutput5 (Display string: 'User Output 5'): Specifies which User Output bit signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • UserOutput6 (Display string: 'User Output 6'): Specifies which User Output bit signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • UserOutput7 (Display string: 'User Output 7'): Specifies which User Output bit signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • mvLogicGateOR1Output (Display string: 'mv Logic Gate OR 1 Output')
  • mvLogicGateOR2Output (Display string: 'mv Logic Gate OR 2 Output')
  • mvLogicGateOR3Output (Display string: 'mv Logic Gate OR 3 Output')
  • mvLogicGateOR4Output (Display string: 'mv Logic Gate OR 4 Output')
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT::acquire::EnumPropertyI::getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ timerValue

PropertyF timerValue

A floating point property. Reads or writes the current value (in microseconds) of the selected Timer.

Reads or writes the current value (in microseconds) of the selected Timer.