Balluff - BVS CA-BN Technical Documentation
In ImpactControlCenter, you can see them in "Setting → Base → Camera → GenICam":
As you can see, there are some controls with and without the prefix "mv".
All those features are "camera based / device based" features which can also be accessed using the camera with other GenICam compliant third-party software.
The "Device Control" contains the features like
Feature name (acc. to SFNC) | Property name (acc. to Impact Acquire) | Description |
DeviceType | deviceType | Returns the device type. |
DeviceScanType | deviceScanType | Scan type of the sensor of the device. |
DeviceVendorName | deviceVendorName | Name of the manufacturer of the device. |
DeviceModelName | deviceModelName | Name of the device model. |
DeviceManufacturerInfo | deviceManufacturerInfo | Manufacturer information about the device. |
DeviceVersion | deviceVersion | Version of the device. |
DeviceFirmwareVersion | deviceFirmwareVersion | Firmware version of the device. |
DeviceSerialNumber | deviceSerialNumber | Serial number of the device. |
DeviceUserID | deviceUserID | User-programmable device identifier. |
DeviceTLVersionMajor | deviceTLVersionMajor | Major version of the transport layer of the device. |
DeviceTLVersionMinor | deviceTLVersionMinor | Minor version of the transport layer of the device. |
DeviceLinkSpeed | deviceLinkSpeed | Indicates the speed of transmission negotiated on the specified Link. |
DeviceTemperature | deviceTemperature | Device temperature. |
etc. |
related to the device and its sensor.
This control provides a bandwidth control feature . You have to select DeviceLinkThroughputLimit. Here you can set the maximum bandwidth in KBps.
Balluff offers also some information properties about the
The "Image Format Control" contains features like
Feature name (acc. to SFNC) | Property name (acc. to Impact Acquire) | Description |
SensorWidth | sensorWidth | Effective width of the sensor in pixels. |
SensorHeight | sensorHeight | Effective height of the sensor in pixels. |
SensorName | sensorName | Name of the sensor. |
Width | width | Width of the image provided by the device (in pixels). |
Height | height | Height of the image provided by the device (in pixels). |
BinningHorizontal, BinningVertical | binningHorizontal, binningVertical | Number of horizontal/vertical photo-sensitive cells to combine together. |
DecimationHorizontal, DecimationVertical | decimationHorizontal, decimationVertical | Sub-sampling of the image. This reduces the resolution (width) of the image by the specified decimation factor. |
etc. |
related to the format of the transmitted image.
Additionally, Balluff offers numerous additional features like:
The "Acquisition Control" contains features like
Feature name (acc. to SFNC) | Property name (acc. to Impact Acquire) | Description |
AcquisitionMode | acquisitionMode | Sets the acquisition mode of the device. The different modes configures a device to send
and can be used for asynchronously grabbing and sending image(s). It works with internal and external hardware trigger where the edge is selectable. The external trigger uses ImageRequestTimeout (ms) to time out.
AcquisitionStart | acquisitionStart | Starts the acquisition of the device. |
AcquisitionStop | acquisitionStop | Stops the acquisition of the device at the end of the current Frame. |
AcquisitionAbort | acquisitionAbort | Aborts the acquisition immediately. |
AcquisitionFrameRate | acquisitionFrameRate | Controls the acquisition rate (in Hertz) at which the frames are captured. Some cameras support a special internal trigger mode that allows more exact frame rates. This feature keeps the frame rate constant to an accuracy of +/-0.005 fps at 200 fps. This is achieved using frames with a length difference of up to 1 us. Please check in the sensor summary if this feature exists for the requested sensor. |
TriggerSelector | triggerSelector | Selects the type of trigger to configure. A possible option is mvTimestampReset. The use case about mvTimestampReset is available. |
TriggerOverlap[TriggerSelector] | triggerOverlap | Specifies the type trigger overlap permitted with the previous frame. TriggerOverlap is only intended for external trigger (which is usually non-overlapped: i.e. exposure and readout are sequentially). This leads to minimal latency / jitter between trigger and exposure. Maximum frame rate in triggered mode = frame rate of continuous mode This however leads to higher latency / jitter between trigger and exposure. A trigger will be not latched if it occurs before this moment (trigger is accurate in time). |
ExposureMode | exposureMode | Sets the operation mode of the exposure (or shutter). |
ExposureTime | exposureTime | Sets the exposure time (in microseconds) when ExposureMode is Timed and ExposureAuto is Off. |
ExposureAuto | exposureAuto | Sets the automatic exposure mode when ExposureMode is Timed. |
etc. |
related to the image acquisition, including the triggering mode.
Additionally, Balluff offers numerous additional features like:
Common properties for AutoExposureControl, AutoGainControl , and AutoWhiteBalance are available via mv Auto Feature Control.
For "Exposure Auto Mode", in ImpactControlCenter just select in "Exposure Auto" "Continuous". Afterwards, you have the possibility to set lower and upper limit, average gray combined with AOI setting:
The "Counter And Timer Control" is a powerful feature which Balluff/MATRIX VISION customers already know under the name Hardware Real-Time Controller (HRTC). Balluff/MATRIX VISION cameras provide:
Counter and Timers can be used, for example,
This achieves complete HRTC functionality which supports following applications:
The "Counter And Timer Control" contains features like
Feature name (acc. to SFNC) | Property name (acc. to Impact Acquire) | Description |
CounterSelector | counterSelector | Selects which counter to configure. |
CounterEventSource[CounterSelector] | counterEventSource | Selects the events that will be the source to increment the counter. |
CounterEventActivation[CounterSelector] | counterEventActivation | Selects the activation mode event source signal. |
etc. | ||
TimerSelector | timerSelector | Selects which timer to configure. |
TimerDuration[TimerSelector] | timerDuration | Sets the duration (in microseconds) of the timer pulse. |
TimerDelay[TimerSelector] | timerDelay | Sets the duration (in microseconds) of the delay. |
etc. |
related to the usage of programmable counters and timers.
Because there are many ways to use this feature, the list of use cases is long and not finished yet:
The "Analog Control" contains features like
Feature name (acc. to SFNC) | Property name (acc. to Impact Acquire) | Description |
GainSelector | gainSelector | Selects which gain is controlled by the various gain features. |
Gain[GainSelector] | gain | Controls the selected gain as an absolute physical value [in dB]. |
GainAuto[GainSelector] | gainAuto | Sets the automatic gain control (AGC) mode. |
GainAutoBalance | gainAutoBalance | Sets the mode for automatic gain balancing between the sensor color channels or taps. |
BlackLevelSelector | blackLevelSelector | Selects which black level is controlled by the various BlackLevel features. |
BlackLevel[BlackLevelSelector] | blackLevel | Controls the selected BlackLevel as an absolute physical value. |
BalanceWhiteAuto | balanceWhiteAuto | Controls the mode for automatic white balancing between the color channels. |
Gamma | gamma | Controls the gamma correction of pixel intensity. |
etc. |
related to the video signal conditioning in the analog domain.
Additionally, Balluff offers:
In ImpactControlCenter just select in "Gain Auto" (AGC) "Continuous". Afterwards, you have the possibility to set minimum and maximum limit combined with AOI setting:
The "Color Transformation Control" contains features like
Feature name (acc. to SFNC) | Property name (acc. to Impact Acquire) | Description |
ColorTransformationSelector | colorTransformationEnable | Activates the selected color transformation module. |
ColorTransformationSelector | colorTransformationSelector | Selects which color transformation module is controlled by the various color transformation features. |
ColorTransformationValue | colorTransformationValue | Represents the value of the selected Gain factor or Offset inside the transformation matrix. |
ColorTransformationValueSelector | colorTransformationValueSelector | Selects the gain factor or Offset of the Transformation matrix to access in the selected color transformation module. |
related to the control of the color transformation.
This control offers an enhanced color processing for optimum color fidelity using a color correction matrix (CCM) and enables
to be entered for RGBIN → RGBOUT transformation. This can be used to optimize specific colors or specific color temperatures.
Coefficients will be made available for sensor models and special requirements on demand.
The "Event Control" contains features like
Feature name (acc. to SFNC) | Property name (acc. to Impact Acquire) | Description |
EventSelector | eventSelector | Selects which Event to signal to the host application. |
EventNotification[EventSelector] | eventNotification | Activate or deactivate the notification to the host application of the occurrence of the selected Event. |
EventFrameTriggerData | eventFrameTriggerData | Category that contains all the data features related to the FrameTrigger event. |
EventFrameTrigger | eventFrameTrigger | Returns the unique identifier of the FrameTrigger type of event. |
EventFrameTriggerTimestamp | eventFrameTriggerTimestamp | Returns the timestamp of the AcquisitionTrigger event. |
EventFrameTriggerFrameID | eventFrameTriggerFrameID | Returns the unique identifier of the frame (or image) that generated the FrameTrigger event. |
EventExposureEndData | eventExposureEndData | Category that contains all the data features related to the ExposureEnd event. |
EventExposureEnd | eventExposureEnd | Returns the unique identifier of the ExposureEnd type of event. |
EventExposureEndTimestamp | eventExposureEndTimestamp | Returns the timestamp of the ExposureEnd Event. |
EventExposureEndFrameID | eventExposureEndFrameID | Returns the unique identifier of the frame (or image) that generated the ExposureEnd event. |
EventErrorData | eventErrorData | Category that contains all the data features related to the error event. |
EventError | eventError | Returns the unique identifier of the error type of event. |
EventErrorTimestamp | eventErrorTimestamp | Returns the timestamp of the error event. |
EventErrorFrameID | eventErrorFrameID | If applicable, returns the unique identifier of the frame (or image) that generated the error event. |
EventErrorCode | eventErrorCode | Returns an error code for the error(s) that happened. |
etc. |
related to the generation of Event notifications by the device.
The use case Working with Event Control shows how this control can be used.
The "Chunk Data Control" contains features like
Feature name (acc. to SFNC) | Property name (acc. to Impact Acquire) | Description |
ChunkModeActive | chunkModeActive | Activates the inclusion of chunk data in the payload of the image. |
ChunkSelector | chunkSelector | Selects which chunk to enable or control. |
ChunkEnable[ChunkSelector] | chunkEnable | Enables the inclusion of the selected chunk data in the payload of the image. |
ChunkImage | chunkImage | Returns the entire image data included in the payload. |
ChunkOffsetX | ChunkOffsetX | Returns the offset x of the image included in the payload. |
ChunkOffsetY | chunkOffsetY | Returns the offset y of the image included in the payload. |
ChunkWidth | chunkWidth | Returns the width of the image included in the payload. |
ChunkHeight | chunkHeight | Returns the height of the image included in the payload. |
ChunkPixelFormat | chunkPixelFormat | Returns the pixel format of the image included in the payload. |
ChunkTimestamp | chunkTimestamp | Returns the timestamp of the image included in the payload at the time of the FrameStart internal event. |
etc. |
related to the Chunk Data Control.
A description can be found in the image acquisition section of the Impact Acquire API manuals.
The "File Access Control" contains features like
Feature name (acc. to SFNC) | Property name (acc. to Impact Acquire) | Description |
FileSelector | fileSelector | Selects the target file in the device. |
FileOperationSelector[FileSelector] | fileOperationSelector | Selects the target operation for the selected file in the device. |
FileOperationExecute[FileSelector][FileOperationSelector] | fileOperationExecute | Executes the operation selected by FileOperationSelector on the selected file. |
FileOpenMode[FileSelector] | fileOpenMode | Selects the access mode in which a file is opened in the device. |
FileAccessBuffer | fileAccessBuffer | Defines the intermediate access buffer that allows the exchange. |
etc. |
related to the File Access Control that provides all the services necessary for generic file access of a device.
The use case Working with the UserFile section (Flash memory) shows how this control can be used.
The "Digital I/O Control" contains features like
Feature name (acc. to SFNC) | Property name (acc. to Impact Acquire) | Description |
LineSelector | lineSelector | Selects the physical line (or pin) of the external device connector to configure. |
LineMode[LineSelector] | lineMode | Controls if the physical Line is used to Input or Output a signal. |
UserOutputSelector | userOutputSelector | Selects which bit of the user output register will be set by UserOutputValue. |
UserOutputValue[UserOutputSelector] | userOutputValue | Sets the value of the bit selected by UserOutputSelector. |
etc. |
related to the control of the general input and output pins of the device.
Additionally, Balluff offers:
A description of these functions can be found in the use case Creating a debouncing filter at the inputs.
How you can test the digital inputs and outputs is described in "Testing The Digital Inputs" in the "Impact Acquire SDK GUI Applications" manual. The use case Creating synchronized acquisitions is a further example which shows you how to work with digital inputs and outputs.
The "Transport Layer Control" contains features like
Feature name (acc. to SFNC) | Property name (acc. to Impact Acquire) | Description |
PayloadSize | payloadSize | Provides the number of bytes transferred for each image or chunk on the stream channel. |
etc. |
related to the Transport Layer Control.
The "User Set Control" contains features like
Feature name (acc. to SFNC) | Property name (acc. to Impact Acquire) | Description |
UserSetSelector | userSetSelector | Selects the feature user set to load, save or configure. |
UserSetLoad[UserSetSelector] | userSetLoad | Loads the user set specified by UserSetSelector to the device and makes it active. |
UserSetSave[UserSetSelector] | userSetSave | Endianess of the device registers. |
UserSetDefault | userSetDefault | Selects the feature user set to load and make active when the device is reset. |
related to the User Set Control to save and load the user device settings.
The camera allows the storage of up to four configuration sets in the camera. This feature is similar to storing settings in the registry but this way in the camera. It is possible to store
permanently. You can select, which user set comes up after hard reset.
Use case related to the "User Set Control" is:
Another way to create user data is described here: Creating user data entries
The "mv Logic Gate Control" contains features like
Feature name (acc. to SFNC) | Property name (acc. to Impact Acquire) | Description |
mvLogicGateANDSelector | Selects the AND gate to configure. | |
mvLogicGateANDSource1 | Selects the first input signal of the AND gate selected by mvLogicGateANDSelector. | |
mvLogicGateANDSource2 | Selects the second input signal of the AND gate selected by mvLogicGateANDSelector. | |
mvLogicGateORSelector | Selects the OR gate to configure. | |
mvLogicGateORSource1 | Selects the first input signal of the OR gate selected by mvLogicGateORSelector. | |
mvLogicGateORSource2 | Selects the second input signal of the OR gate selected by mvLogicGateORSelector. | |
mvLogicGateORSource3 | Selects the third input signal of the OR gate selected by mvLogicGateORSelector. | |
mvLogicGateORSource4 | Selects the fourth input signal of the OR gate selected by mvLogicGateORSelector. |
related to control the devices Logic Gate Control parameters. It performs a logical operation on one or more logic inputs and produces a single logic output.
The use case Creating different exposure times for consecutive images shows how you can create different exposure times with timers, counters and the logic gate functionality.
The "mv Serial Interface Control" contains features like
Feature name (acc. to SFNC) | Property name (acc. to Impact Acquire) | Description |
mvSerialInterfaceMode | States the interface mode of the serial interface. | |
mvSerialInterfaceEnable | Controls whether the serial interface is enabled or not. | |
mvSerialInterfaceBaudRate | Serial interface clock frequency. | |
mvSerialInterfaceASCIIBuffer | Buffer for exchanging ASCII data over serial interface. | |
mvSerialInterfaceWrite | Command to write data from the serial interface. | |
mvSerialInterfaceRead | Command to read data from the serial interface. | |
etc. |
related to control the devices Serial Interface Control parameters. It enables the camera to be controlled via serial interface.
The use case Working With The Serial Interface (mv Serial Interface Control) shows how you can work with the serial interface control.
The "mv Auto Feature Control" contains features like
Feature name (acc. to SFNC) | Property name (acc. to Impact Acquire) | Description |
mvAutoFeatureAOIMode | Common AutoControl AOI used for Auto Gain Control(AGC), Auto Exposure Control(AEC) and Auto White Balancing. | |
mvAutoFeatureSensitivity | The controllers sensitivity of brightness deviations. This parameter influences the gain as well as the exposure controller. | |
mvAutoFeatureCharacteristic | Selects the prioritization between Auto Exposure Control(AEC) and Auto Gain Control(AGC) controller. | |
mvAutoFeatureBrightnessTolerance | The error input hysteresis width of the controller. If the brightness error exceeds the half of the value in positive or negative direction, the controller restarts to control the brightness. |
related to the automatic control of exposure, gain, and white balance.
With this control you can influence the characteristic of the controller depending on certain light situations. AEC/AGC can be controlled with the new additional properties mvAutoFeatureSensitivity, mvAutoFeatureCharacteristic and mvAutoFeatureBrightnessTolerance.