Impact Acquire SDK GUI Applications
Command-line Interface

ImpactControlCenter supports various command-line parameters allowing to control the start-up behavior and the appearance of the application.

The following table lists the available command-line parameters:

Parameter Description
width or w Defines the startup width of ImpactControlCenter. Example: width=640
height or h Defines the startup height of ImpactControlCenter. Example: height=460
xpos or x Defines the startup x position of ImpactControlCenter.
ypos or y Defines the startup x position of ImpactControlCenter.
propgridwidth or pgw Defines the startup width of the property grid.
debuginfo or di Will display debug information in the property grid.
dic Will display invisible (currently shadowed) components in the property grid.
displayCountX or dcx Defines the number of images displayed in horizontal direction.
displayCountY or dcy Defines the number of images displayed in vertical direction.
fulltree or ft Will display the complete property tree (including the data not meant to be accessed by the user) in the property grid. Example (Tree will be shown): fulltree=1
fullscreen or fs Will directly switch to full-screen mode. Make sure to select a device as well and configure it for live acquisition. Example: ImpactControlCenter device=VD000001 live=1 fullscreen=1
device or d Will directly open a device with a particular serial number. '*' can be used as a wildcard, just * will take the first device. Example: d=GX000735
qsw Will forcefully hide or show the Quick Setup Wizard, regardless of the default settings. Example (Quick Setup Wizard will be shown): qsw=1
interfaceConfiguration Will directly launch the interface configuration and driver information dialog. Example: interfaceConfiguration=1
live Will directly start live acquisition from the device opened via device or d directly. Example (will start the live acquisition): live=1
allowFullDeviceFileAccess Grants full access to files which are hidden by default (such as the device firmware) through the file up- and download wizard. Be sure you know what you are doing when using this parameter. You might damage your device! Example: allowFullDeviceFileAccess=1

To open an image file from hard disk just pass the full path to the image as a command-line parameter.


ImpactControlCenter d=* fulltree=1 qsw=0

This will start the first available device, will hide the Quick Setup Wizard and will display the complete property tree.

Pressing F1 after the application is running will also display a detailed list of available command line options as well as keyboard shortcuts and some other helping text!