Impact Acquire SDK .NET
Category that contains items that belong to the interface module of the transport layer. More...
Public Member Functions | |
IEnumerable< T > | getEnumerable< T > () |
Returns an enumerator of a certain type that iterates through the collection. | |
IEnumerator< int > | GetEnumerator () |
Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. | |
InterfaceModule (mv.impact.acquire.Device device, System.Int64 index) | |
Constructs a new mv.impact.acquire.GenICam.InterfaceModule object. | |
InterfaceModule (mv.impact.acquire.GenICam.SystemModule parent, System.Int64 index) | |
Constructs a new mv.impact.acquire.GenICam.InterfaceModule object. | |
InterfaceModule (System.Int64 index) | |
Constructs a new mv.impact.acquire.GenICam.InterfaceModule object. | |
void | restoreDefault () |
Restores the default for every component of this collection. | |
Public Attributes | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.Method | actionCommand = new mv.impact.acquire.Method() |
A method object. Sends the action command. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | actionDeviceKey = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. The device key for the action command. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | actionGroupKey = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. The group key for the action command. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | actionGroupMask = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. The group mask for the action command. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | actionScheduledTime = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Sets the time in which the action command will be executed. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean | actionScheduledTimeEnable = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean() |
A boolean property. Enables or disables action command scheduling. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | deviceAccessStatus = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An enumerated integer property. Indicates the current access status for the device. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS | deviceID = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS() |
A string property. This feature is deprecated (See DeviceSerialNumber). | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | deviceLinkSpeed = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Indicates the speed of transmission negotiated on the specified Link. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS | deviceModelName = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS() |
A string property. Model of the device. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | deviceSelector = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Selector for the different devices on this interface. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS | deviceSerialNumber = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS() |
A string property. Device's serial number. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | deviceTLVersionMajor = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Major version of the Transport Layer of the device. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | deviceTLVersionMinor = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Minor version of the Transport Layer of the device. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | deviceType = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An enumerated integer property. Returns the device type. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.Method | deviceUpdateList = new mv.impact.acquire.Method() |
A method object. Updates the internal device list of this interface. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | deviceUpdateTimeout = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Specifies timeout for the DeviceUpdateList Command. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS | deviceUserID = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS() |
A string property. User-programmable device identifier. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS | deviceVendorName = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS() |
A string property. Name of the manufacturer of the device. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | eventNotification = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An enumerated integer property. Activate or deactivate the notification to the host application of the occurrence of the selected Event. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | eventSelector = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An enumerated integer property. Selects which Event to signal to the host application. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | genCPVersionMajor = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Indicates the major version number of the GenCP specification this device complies with. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | genCPVersionMinor = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Indicates the minor version number of the GenCP specification this device complies with. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | gevActionDestinationIPAddress = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. The IP address of the action command recipient. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | gevApplicationSwitchoverKey = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Controls the key to use to authenticate primary application switchover requests. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | gevCurrentControlMode = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An enumerated integer property. The current control mode of the device. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | gevDeviceForceGateway = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Static gateway IP address to set for the GVCP interface of the selected remote device. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.Method | gevDeviceForceIP = new mv.impact.acquire.Method() |
A method object. Apply the force IP settings (GevDeviceForceIPAddress, GevDeviceForceSubnetMask and GevDeviceForceGateway) in the Device using ForceIP command. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | gevDeviceForceIPAddress = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Static IP address to set for the GVCP interface of the selected remote device. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | gevDeviceForceSubnetMask = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Static subnet mask to set for the GVCP interface of the selected remote device. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | gevDeviceGateway = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Indicates the current gateway of the GVCP interface of the selected remote device. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | gevDeviceIPAddress = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Indicates the current IP address of the GVCP interface of the selected remote device. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | gevDeviceIPConfigurationStatus = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An enumerated integer property. Identifies the IP configuration of the GVCP interface of the selected remote device. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | gevDeviceMACAddress = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Indicates the 48-bit MAC address of the GVCP interface of the selected remote device. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | gevDeviceSubnetMask = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Indicates the current subnet mask of the GVCP interface of the selected remote device. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | gevInterfaceGateway = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Indicates the IP address of the selected gateway entry of this interface. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | gevInterfaceGatewaySelector = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Selector for the different gateway entries for this interface. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | gevInterfaceMACAddress = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Indicates the 48-bit MAC address of the selected interface. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | gevInterfaceSubnetIPAddress = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Indicates the IP address of the selected subnet entry of this interface. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | gevInterfaceSubnetMask = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Indicates the subnet mask of the selected subnet entry of this interface. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | gevInterfaceSubnetSelector = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Selector for the different subnet entries for this interface. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | gevVersionMajor = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Indicates the major version number of the GigE Vision specification this device complies with. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | gevVersionMinor = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Indicates the minor version number of the GigE Vision specification this device complies with. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS | interfaceDisplayName = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS() |
A string property. A user-friendly name of the Interface. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS | interfaceID = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS() |
A string property. GenTL producer wide unique identifier of the selected interface. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | interfaceTLVersionMajor = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Indicates the major version number of the transport layer specification the GenTL Producer complies with. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | interfaceTLVersionMinor = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Indicates the minor version number of the transport layer specification the GenTL Producer complies with. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | interfaceType = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An enumerated integer property. Identifies the interfaces technology of the GenTL Producer implementation. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean | mvActionAcknowledgeEnable = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean() |
A boolean property. Enables or disables the ACK response for the action command. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | mvActionAcknowledgesExpected = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Number of devices to send an acknowledge to the action command generated in the current setup. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | mvActionAcknowledgesFailed = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Number of devices that sent an acknowledge with an error code to the recent action command. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | mvActionAcknowledgesReceived = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Number of devices that sent an acknowledge to the recent action command. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | mvActionAcknowledgeTimeout = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Maximum wait time for the acknowledge o an action command(ms) | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | mvActionDestinationPort = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. The GVCP port of the action command recipient (usually 3956). | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | mvDeviceCommandChannelRetryCount = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Indicates the number of retransmissions allowed when command channel message timed out (no ACK was received from the device)(deprecated). | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | mvDeviceCommandChannelTransmissionTimeout = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Defines the maximum time in milli-seconds the host driver will wait for an ACK from the device to a previously sent command(deprecated). | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS | mvDeviceLicenseDetails = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS() |
A string property. Details about the granted license. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean | mvDeviceLicenseValid = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean() |
A boolean property. True if the current device has a valid license. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | mvDeviceNetworkInterfaceCount = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. The number of physical network interfaces supported by this device. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean | mvDevicePrimaryApplicationSwitchoverEnable = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean() |
A boolean property. Enables or disables primary application switchover. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean | mvDevicePrimaryApplicationSwitchoverSupported = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean() |
A boolean property. Reports the availability of the primary application switchover feature. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.Method | mvDeviceUpdateFirmware = new mv.impact.acquire.Method() |
A method object. Updates the device's firmware. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean | mvGevAdvancedDeviceDiscoveryEnable = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean() |
A boolean property. Enables or disables the advanced device discovery. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | mvGevDeviceCCSP = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. The port of the control channel the device is using (usually 3956). | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | mvGevInterfaceLinkSpeed = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Indicates the link speed of this interface. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | mvGevInterfaceMTU = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Indicates the MTU of this interface. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS | mvInterfaceLicenseFile = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS() |
A string property. Indicates the path of the license file. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS | mvU3VDeviceGUID = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS() |
A string property. Indicates the USB3 Vision GUID of the device. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | mvUnicastDeviceDiscoveryCommandCount = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Specifies the number of discovery commands which will be sent to destinations defined by 'mvUnicastDeviceDiscoveryCommandSelector', 'mvUnicastDeviceDiscoveryDestinationIPAddress' and 'mvUnicastDeviceDiscoveryDestinationPort'. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | mvUnicastDeviceDiscoveryCommandSelector = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Selects unicast discovery command to configure. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | mvUnicastDeviceDiscoveryDestinationIPAddress = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Controls the destination IP address of the selected unicast device discovery command. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | mvUnicastDeviceDiscoveryDestinationPort = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Controls the destination port of the selected unicast device discovery command (usually 3956). | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | u3vVersionMajor = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Indicates the major version number of the USB3 Vision specification this device complies with. | |
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 | u3vVersionMinor = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Indicates the minor version number of the USB3 Vision specification this device complies with. | |
Properties | |
IEnumerable< Component > | componentEnumerable [get] |
Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. | |
IEnumerable< ComponentList > | componentListEnumerable [get] |
Returns an enumerator that iterates through all the mv.impact.acquire.ComponentList elements in the collection. | |
int | hObj [get] |
Returns a unique identifier for the component collection referenced by this object. | |
Category that contains items that belong to the interface module of the transport layer.
The Interface category contains items that belong to the interface module of the transport layer.
inline |
Constructs a new mv.impact.acquire.GenICam.InterfaceModule object.
[in] | parent | The mv.impact.acquire.GenICam.SystemModule instance providing access to the interface module to be created. |
[in] | index | The index of the instance this object shall be created for. Passing an invalid index will raise an exception. |
inline |
Constructs a new mv.impact.acquire.GenICam.InterfaceModule object.
[in] | device | A pointer to a mv.impact.acquire.Device object obtained from a mv.impact.acquire.DeviceManager object. |
[in] | index | The index of the instance this object shall be created for. Passing an invalid index will raise an exception. |
inline |
Constructs a new mv.impact.acquire.GenICam.InterfaceModule object.
[in] | index | The index of the instance this object shall be created for. Passing an invalid index will raise an exception. |
inlineinherited |
Returns an enumerator of a certain type that iterates through the collection.
This interface will allow to e.g. write code like this:
See the framework's documentation about the System.Collections.IEnumerable interface for more information.
inlineinherited |
Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
See the framework's documentation about the System.Collections.IEnumerable interface for more information.
inlineinherited |
Restores the default for every component of this collection.
Calling this function will restore the default value for every component belonging to this collection.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.Method actionCommand = new mv.impact.acquire.Method() |
A method object. Sends the action command.
It either sends an action command unicast packet to the IP address specified by the 'mvActionDestinationIPAddress' property, or broadcasts an action command broadcast packet on the broadcast domain specified by the 'mvActionDestinationIPAddress' property
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 actionDeviceKey = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. The device key for the action command.
The device key is one of the three main components that constitute an action command packet. It partly defines which device(s) will positively assert the action command packet.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 actionGroupKey = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. The group key for the action command.
The group key is one of the three main components that constitute an action command packet. It partly defines which device(s) will positively assert the action command packet.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 actionGroupMask = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. The group mask for the action command.
The group mask is one of the three main components that constitute an action command packet. It partly defines which device(s) will positively assert the action command packet.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 actionScheduledTime = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Sets the time in which the action command will be executed.
Sets the time in which the action command will be executed
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean actionScheduledTimeEnable = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean() |
A boolean property. Enables or disables action command scheduling.
Action commands can be scheduled to execute at a particular moment in time, defined by the 'mvActionScheduledTime' property. If this is disabled the action command takes place immediately after it is received and asserted by each device.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 deviceAccessStatus = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An enumerated integer property. Indicates the current access status for the device.
This is a read only feature. This enumeration gives the device's access status at the moment of the last execution of the DeviceUpdateList command. This value only changes on execution of the DeviceUpdateList command.
The following string values might be valid for this feature:
A string property. This feature is deprecated (See DeviceSerialNumber).
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 deviceLinkSpeed = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Indicates the speed of transmission negotiated on the specified Link.
Indicates the speed of transmission negotiated on the specified Link.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS deviceModelName = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS() |
A string property. Model of the device.
Model of the device.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 deviceSelector = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Selector for the different devices on this interface.
Selector for the different devices on this interface. The limits of this feature might change upon execution of DeviceUpdateList.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS deviceSerialNumber = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS() |
A string property. Device's serial number.
Device's serial number. This string is a unique identifier of the device.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 deviceTLVersionMajor = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Major version of the Transport Layer of the device.
Major version of the Transport Layer of the device.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 deviceTLVersionMinor = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Minor version of the Transport Layer of the device.
Minor version of the Transport Layer of the device.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 deviceType = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An enumerated integer property. Returns the device type.
Returns the device type.
The following string values might be valid for this feature:
readonly mv.impact.acquire.Method deviceUpdateList = new mv.impact.acquire.Method() |
A method object. Updates the internal device list of this interface.
This command updates the internal device list of this interface.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 deviceUpdateTimeout = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Specifies timeout for the DeviceUpdateList Command.
Specifies timeout for the DeviceUpdateList Command.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS deviceUserID = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS() |
A string property. User-programmable device identifier.
User-programmable device identifier.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS deviceVendorName = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS() |
A string property. Name of the manufacturer of the device.
Name of the manufacturer of the device.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 eventNotification = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An enumerated integer property. Activate or deactivate the notification to the host application of the occurrence of the selected Event.
Activate or deactivate the notification to the host application of the occurrence of the selected Event.
The following string values might be valid for this feature:
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 eventSelector = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An enumerated integer property. Selects which Event to signal to the host application.
Selects which Event to signal to the host application.
The following string values might be valid for this feature:
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 genCPVersionMajor = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Indicates the major version number of the GenCP specification this device complies with.
This is a read only element. It indicates the major version number of the GenCP specification this device complies with.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 genCPVersionMinor = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Indicates the minor version number of the GenCP specification this device complies with.
This is a read only element. It indicates the minor version number of the GenCP specification this device complies with.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 gevActionDestinationIPAddress = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. The IP address of the action command recipient.
A valid IP address if the action command shall be unicast. A broadcast subnet if the action command shall be broadcast.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 gevApplicationSwitchoverKey = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Controls the key to use to authenticate primary application switchover requests.
Controls the key to use to authenticate primary application switchover requests. If the device to take over has 'mvDevicePrimaryApplicationSwitchoverEnable' set to true and this key matches the devices internal key control access will be granted.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 gevCurrentControlMode = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An enumerated integer property. The current control mode of the device.
This enumeration provides a value that indicates the current control mode of the device.
The following string values might be valid for this feature:
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 gevDeviceForceGateway = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Static gateway IP address to set for the GVCP interface of the selected remote device.
Static gateway IP address to set for the GVCP interface of the selected remote device.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.Method gevDeviceForceIP = new mv.impact.acquire.Method() |
A method object. Apply the force IP settings (GevDeviceForceIPAddress, GevDeviceForceSubnetMask and GevDeviceForceGateway) in the Device using ForceIP command.
Apply the force IP settings (GevDeviceForceIPAddress, GevDeviceForceSubnetMask and GevDeviceForceGateway) in the Device using ForceIP command.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 gevDeviceForceIPAddress = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Static IP address to set for the GVCP interface of the selected remote device.
Static IP address to set for the GVCP interface of the selected remote device.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 gevDeviceForceSubnetMask = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Static subnet mask to set for the GVCP interface of the selected remote device.
Static subnet mask to set for the GVCP interface of the selected remote device.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 gevDeviceGateway = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Indicates the current gateway of the GVCP interface of the selected remote device.
This is a read only element. It indicates the current gateway of the GVCP interface of the selected remote device.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 gevDeviceIPAddress = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Indicates the current IP address of the GVCP interface of the selected remote device.
This is a read only element. It indicates the current IP address of the GVCP interface of the selected remote device.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 gevDeviceIPConfigurationStatus = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An enumerated integer property. Identifies the IP configuration of the GVCP interface of the selected remote device.
This is a read only feature. This enumeration provides a value that indicates the Device IP configuration of the GVCP interface of the selected remote device. This value only changes on execution of the DeviceUpdateList command.
The following string values might be valid for this feature:
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 gevDeviceMACAddress = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Indicates the 48-bit MAC address of the GVCP interface of the selected remote device.
This is a read only element. It indicates the 48-bit MAC address of the GVCP interface of the selected remote device.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 gevDeviceSubnetMask = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Indicates the current subnet mask of the GVCP interface of the selected remote device.
This is a read only element. It indicates the current subnet mask of the GVCP interface of the selected remote device.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 gevInterfaceGateway = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Indicates the IP address of the selected gateway entry of this interface.
This is a read only element. It indicates the IP address of the selected gateway entry of this interface.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 gevInterfaceGatewaySelector = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Selector for the different gateway entries for this interface.
Selector for the different gateway entries for this interface. The selector is 0-based in order to match the index of the C interface.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 gevInterfaceMACAddress = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Indicates the 48-bit MAC address of the selected interface.
This is a read only element. It indicates the 48-bit MAC address of the selected interface.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 gevInterfaceSubnetIPAddress = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Indicates the IP address of the selected subnet entry of this interface.
This is a read only element. It indicates the IP address of the selected subnet entry of this interface.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 gevInterfaceSubnetMask = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Indicates the subnet mask of the selected subnet entry of this interface.
This is a read only element. It indicates the subnet mask of the selected subnet entry of this interface.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 gevInterfaceSubnetSelector = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Selector for the different subnet entries for this interface.
Selector for the different subnet entries for this interface. The selector is 0-based in order to match the index of the C interface.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 gevVersionMajor = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Indicates the major version number of the GigE Vision specification this device complies with.
This is a read only element. It indicates the major version number of the GigE Vision specification this device complies with.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 gevVersionMinor = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Indicates the minor version number of the GigE Vision specification this device complies with.
This is a read only element. It indicates the minor version number of the GigE Vision specification this device complies with.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS interfaceDisplayName = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS() |
A string property. A user-friendly name of the Interface.
This is a read only element. It is a string that indicates a user-friendly name of the Interface.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS interfaceID = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS() |
A string property. GenTL producer wide unique identifier of the selected interface.
This is a read only element. It is a string that indicates a GenTL producer wide unique identifier of the selected interface.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 interfaceTLVersionMajor = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Indicates the major version number of the transport layer specification the GenTL Producer complies with.
This is a read only element. It indicates the major version number of the transport layer specification the GenTL Producer complies with.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 interfaceTLVersionMinor = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Indicates the minor version number of the transport layer specification the GenTL Producer complies with.
This is a read only element. It indicates the minor version number of the transport layer specification the GenTL Producer complies with.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 interfaceType = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An enumerated integer property. Identifies the interfaces technology of the GenTL Producer implementation.
This is a read only feature. This enumeration provides a value that indicates interfaces technology of the GenTL Producer implementation.
The following string values might be valid for this feature:
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean mvActionAcknowledgeEnable = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean() |
A boolean property. Enables or disables the ACK response for the action command.
Enables or disables the ACK response packet for an action command by setting the corresponding flag in the command. Typically, invokers of an action command don't wait for an acknowledge which is why this flag is usually not set in the command.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvActionAcknowledgesExpected = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Number of devices to send an acknowledge to the action command generated in the current setup.
An unsigned integer containing the number of devices that are expected to send an acknowledge to the action command generated in the current setup.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvActionAcknowledgesFailed = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Number of devices that sent an acknowledge with an error code to the recent action command.
Number of devices that sent an acknowledge with an error code as a response to the recent action command generated in the current setup.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvActionAcknowledgesReceived = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Number of devices that sent an acknowledge to the recent action command.
Number of devices that sent an acknowledge as a response to the recent action command generated in the current setup.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvActionAcknowledgeTimeout = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Maximum wait time for the acknowledge o an action command(ms)
Maximum wait time for the acknowledge to the action command generated in the current setup(ms).
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvActionDestinationPort = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. The GVCP port of the action command recipient (usually 3956).
The GVCP port of the action command recipient (usually 3956).
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvDeviceCommandChannelRetryCount = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Indicates the number of retransmissions allowed when command channel message timed out (no ACK was received from the device)(deprecated).
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvDeviceCommandChannelTransmissionTimeout = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Defines the maximum time in milli-seconds the host driver will wait for an ACK from the device to a previously sent command(deprecated).
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS mvDeviceLicenseDetails = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS() |
A string property. Details about the granted license.
This is a read only element. It indicates details whether or not this device can be operated without limitations using this driver stack.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean mvDeviceLicenseValid = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean() |
A boolean property. True if the current device has a valid license.
True if the current device has a valid license. This is the case for all Balluff/MATRIX VISION devices and devices for which a license file has been provided.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvDeviceNetworkInterfaceCount = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. The number of physical network interfaces supported by this device.
This is an integer feature. It contains the number of physical network interfaces supported by this device.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean mvDevicePrimaryApplicationSwitchoverEnable = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean() |
A boolean property. Enables or disables primary application switchover.
Enables or disables primary application switchover.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean mvDevicePrimaryApplicationSwitchoverSupported = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean() |
A boolean property. Reports the availability of the primary application switchover feature.
Reports the availability of the primary application switchover feature.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.Method mvDeviceUpdateFirmware = new mv.impact.acquire.Method() |
A method object. Updates the device's firmware.
Updates the device using the firmware images embedded into this producer library.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean mvGevAdvancedDeviceDiscoveryEnable = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean() |
A boolean property. Enables or disables the advanced device discovery.
Enables or disables the advanced device discovery. When enabled also devices, which currently use an incorrect IP configuration for the network they are connected to might be detectable. However depending on the operating system this may result in devices showing up on interfaces to which they are not physically connected.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvGevDeviceCCSP = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. The port of the control channel the device is using (usually 3956).
The port of the control channel the device is using (usually 3956).
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvGevInterfaceLinkSpeed = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Indicates the link speed of this interface.
This is a read only element. It indicates the link speed(in Mbits per second) of this interface.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvGevInterfaceMTU = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Indicates the MTU of this interface.
This is a read only element. It indicates the MTU(Maximum Transmission Unit) of this interface.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS mvInterfaceLicenseFile = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS() |
A string property. Indicates the path of the license file.
This string register indicates the path of the file that will be used for extracting licenses for devices on this interface.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS mvU3VDeviceGUID = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS() |
A string property. Indicates the USB3 Vision GUID of the device.
This is a read only element. It indicates the USB3 Vision GUID of the device.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvUnicastDeviceDiscoveryCommandCount = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Specifies the number of discovery commands which will be sent to destinations defined by 'mvUnicastDeviceDiscoveryCommandSelector', 'mvUnicastDeviceDiscoveryDestinationIPAddress' and 'mvUnicastDeviceDiscoveryDestinationPort'.
Specifies the number of discovery commands which will be sent to destinations defined by 'mvUnicastDeviceDiscoveryCommandSelector', 'mvUnicastDeviceDiscoveryDestinationIPAddress' and 'mvUnicastDeviceDiscoveryDestinationPort'. No unicast device discovery will be performed once set to '0'. The mvUnicastDeviceDiscoveryCommandCount specifies the maximum value of the mvUnicastDeviceDiscoveryCommandSelector property.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvUnicastDeviceDiscoveryCommandSelector = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Selects unicast discovery command to configure.
Selects unicast discovery command to configure.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvUnicastDeviceDiscoveryDestinationIPAddress = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Controls the destination IP address of the selected unicast device discovery command.
Controls the destination IP address of the selected unicast device discovery command.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvUnicastDeviceDiscoveryDestinationPort = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Controls the destination port of the selected unicast device discovery command (usually 3956).
Controls the destination port of the selected unicast device discovery command (usually 3956).
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 u3vVersionMajor = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Indicates the major version number of the USB3 Vision specification this device complies with.
This is a read only element. It indicates the major version number of the USB3 Vision specification this device complies with.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 u3vVersionMinor = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64() |
An integer property. Indicates the minor version number of the USB3 Vision specification this device complies with.
This is a read only element. It indicates the minor version number of the USB3 Vision specification this device complies with.
getinherited |
Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
This interface will allow to e.g. write code like this:
See the framework's documentation about the System.Collections.IEnumerable interface for more information.
getinherited |
Returns an enumerator that iterates through all the mv.impact.acquire.ComponentList elements in the collection.
This interface will allow to e.g. write code like this:
See the framework's documentation about the System.Collections.IEnumerable interface for more information.
getinherited |
Returns a unique identifier for the component collection referenced by this object.
This handle will always reference an object of type mv.impact.acquire.ComponentList.