Impact Acquire SDK .NET

Category for device information and control. More...

Public Member Functions

 DeviceControl (mv.impact.acquire.Device device)
 Constructs a new mv.impact.acquire.GenICam.DeviceControl object.
 DeviceControl (mv.impact.acquire.Device device, System.String settingName)
 Constructs a new mv.impact.acquire.GenICam.DeviceControl object.

Public Attributes

readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 deviceCharacterSet = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Character set used by the strings of the device.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF deviceClockFrequency = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF()
 A floating point property. Returns the frequency of the selected Clock.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 deviceClockSelector = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Selects the clock frequency to access from the device.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 deviceConnectionSelector = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Selects which Connection of the device to control.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 deviceConnectionSpeed = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Indicates the speed of transmission of the specified Connection.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 deviceConnectionStatus = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Indicates the status of the specified Connection.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 deviceEventChannelCount = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Indicates the number of event channels supported by the device.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS deviceFamilyName = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS()
 A string property. Identifier of the product family of the device.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.Method deviceFeaturePersistenceEnd = new mv.impact.acquire.Method()
 A method object. Indicate to the device the end of feature persistence.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.Method deviceFeaturePersistenceStart = new mv.impact.acquire.Method()
 A method object. Indicate to the device and GenICam XML to get ready for persisting of all streamable features.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS deviceFirmwareVersion = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS()
 A string property. Version of the firmware in the device.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 deviceGenCPVersionMajor = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Major version of the GenCP protocol supported by the device.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 deviceGenCPVersionMinor = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Minor version of the GenCP protocol supported by the device.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS deviceID = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS()
 A string property. This feature is deprecated (See DeviceSerialNumber).
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 deviceIndicatorMode = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Controls the behavior of the indicators (such as LEDs) showing the status of the Device.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF deviceLinkCommandTimeout = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF()
 A floating point property. Indicates the command timeout of the specified Link.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 deviceLinkConnectionCount = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Returns the number of physical connection of the device used by a particular Link.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 deviceLinkHeartbeatMode = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Activate or deactivate the Link's heartbeat.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF deviceLinkHeartbeatTimeout = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF()
 A floating point property. Controls the current heartbeat timeout of the specific Link.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 deviceLinkSelector = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Selects which Link of the device to control.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 deviceLinkSpeed = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Indicates the speed of transmission negotiated on the specified Link.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 deviceLinkThroughputLimit = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Limits the maximum bandwidth of the data that will be streamed out by the device on the selected Link.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 deviceLinkThroughputLimitMode = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Controls if the DeviceLinkThroughputLimit is active.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 deviceManifestEntrySelector = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Selects the manifest entry to reference.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS deviceManifestPrimaryURL = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS()
 A string property. Indicates the first URL to the GenICam XML device description file of the selected manifest entry.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 deviceManifestSchemaMajorVersion = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Indicates the major version number of the schema file of the selected manifest entry.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 deviceManifestSchemaMinorVersion = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Indicates the minor version number of the schema file of the selected manifest entry.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS deviceManifestSecondaryURL = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS()
 A string property. Indicates the second URL to the GenICam XML device description file of the selected manifest entry.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 deviceManifestXMLMajorVersion = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Indicates the major version number of the GenICam XML file of the selected manifest entry.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 deviceManifestXMLMinorVersion = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Indicates the minor version number of the GenICam XML file of the selected manifest entry.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 deviceManifestXMLSubMinorVersion = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Indicates the subminor version number of the GenICam XML file of the selected manifest entry.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS deviceManufacturerInfo = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS()
 A string property. Manufacturer information about the device.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 deviceMaxThroughput = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Maximum bandwidth of the data that can be streamed out of the device.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 deviceMessageChannelCount = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. This feature is deprecated (See DeviceEventChannelCount).
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS deviceModelName = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS()
 A string property. Model of the device.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.Method deviceRegistersCheck = new mv.impact.acquire.Method()
 A method object. Perform the validation of the current register set for consistency.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 deviceRegistersEndianness = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Endianness of the registers of the device.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.Method deviceRegistersStreamingEnd = new mv.impact.acquire.Method()
 A method object. Announce the end of registers streaming.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.Method deviceRegistersStreamingStart = new mv.impact.acquire.Method()
 A method object. Prepare the device for registers streaming without checking for consistency.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean deviceRegistersValid = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean()
 A boolean property. Returns if the current register set is valid and consistent.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.Method deviceReset = new mv.impact.acquire.Method()
 A method object. Resets the device to its power up state.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 deviceScanType = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Scan type of the sensor of the device.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS deviceSerialNumber = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS()
 A string property. Device's serial number.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 deviceSerialPortBaudRate = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. This feature controls the baud rate used by the selected serial port.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 deviceSerialPortSelector = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Selects which serial port of the device to control.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 deviceSFNCVersionMajor = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Major version of the Standard Features Naming Convention that was used to create the device's GenICam XML.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 deviceSFNCVersionMinor = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Minor version of the Standard Features Naming Convention that was used to create the device's GenICam XML.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 deviceSFNCVersionSubMinor = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Sub minor version of Standard Features Naming Convention that was used to create the device's GenICam XML.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 deviceStreamChannelCount = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Indicates the number of streaming channels supported by the device.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 deviceStreamChannelEndianness = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Endianness of multi-byte pixel data for this stream.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 deviceStreamChannelLink = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Index of device's Link to use for streaming the specified stream channel.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 deviceStreamChannelPacketSize = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Specifies the stream packet size, in bytes, to send on the selected channel for a Transmitter or specifies the maximum packet size supported by a receiver.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 deviceStreamChannelSelector = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Selects the stream channel to control.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 deviceStreamChannelType = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Reports the type of the stream channel.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF deviceTemperature = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF()
 A floating point property. Device temperature in degrees Celsius (C).
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 deviceTemperatureSelector = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Selects the location within the device, where the temperature will be measured.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 deviceTLType = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Transport Layer type of the device.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 deviceTLVersionMajor = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Major version of the Transport Layer of the device.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 deviceTLVersionMinor = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Minor version of the Transport Layer of the device.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 deviceTLVersionSubMinor = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Sub minor version of the Transport Layer of the device.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 deviceType = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Returns the device type.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS deviceUserID = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS()
 A string property. User-programmable device identifier.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS deviceVendorName = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS()
 A string property. Name of the manufacturer of the device.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS deviceVersion = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS()
 A string property. Version of the device.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.Method mvCalculateHashCode = new mv.impact.acquire.Method()
 A method object. Do a new calculation of the hash code. This might serve as a means to check whether the firmware has been changed in flash.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvDeviceClockFrequency = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Clock frequency of the image sensor of the camera.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS mvDeviceFirmwareBuildDate = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS()
 A string property. The build time and date of the firmware.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvDeviceFirmwareHashAlgorithm = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. The algorithm used for the hash calculation.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS mvDeviceFirmwareHashCode = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS()
 A string property. Shows the hash code of the firmware.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvDeviceFirmwareSource = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Shows the location from where the firmware was loaded.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS mvDeviceFPGAVersion = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS()
 A string property. Shows version number of the FPGA.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvDeviceLaserCurrent = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Laser current consumption value (mA).
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvDevicePowerMode = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Selects the device power mode.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvDeviceProcessingUnit = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. The processing unit to activate for the selected processing unit.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvDeviceProcessingUnitSelector = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Selects the device processing unit.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvDeviceRegistersStatus = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Will give a hint where to find the invalid register settings if any.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvDeviceSensorColorMode = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Shows color mode of the sensor.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvDeviceStandbyTimeout = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Defines the time in seconds after which the device automatically switches to standby if no register is read.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean mvDeviceStandbyTimeoutEnable = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean()
 A boolean property. If enabled, the device switch to standby after a configurable time if no register is read.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean mvDeviceStatusLEDEnable = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean()
 A boolean property. This feature is deprecated (See DeviceIndicatorMode). If enabled, the color of the LED changes depending on the state of the camera. Otherwise the LED is Off.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvDeviceTemperatureLimitHysteresis = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Hysteresis in degrees Celsius(C) for temperature limits.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF mvDeviceTemperatureLowerLimit = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF()
 A floating point property. Lower limit in degrees Celsius(C) for the TemperatureOutOfRange signal.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvDeviceTemperatureRaw = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Device temperature in degrees Celsius (C).
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF mvDeviceTemperatureUpperLimit = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF()
 A floating point property. Upper limit in degrees Celsius(C) for the TemperatureOutOfRange signal.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvDeviceTimeSync = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. you can specify the way the camera timestamps are synchronized to the PC / your application.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvDeviceTimeSyncPushValue = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. when you write to this register in 'mvPushSynchronization'-mode you can actively synchronize the timestamps with accurate time values.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvTemperatureState = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Indicates the current temperature state of the camera.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvTemperatureStateCriticalThreshold = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. If the temperature of the camera exceeds this value mvTemperatureState switches from normal to critical.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvTimestampPPSPulsesMissed = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Shows the number of missed pulses since the last status latch.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvTimestampPPSStatus = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Shows the current status of the pulse per second controller.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvTimestampPPSSync = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Will synchronize the internal clock to an external GPS(PPS) signal.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvTimestampPPSTriggerEdge = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Selects the trigger edge on which the controller will be pulsed.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvTimestampResetValue = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Defines the initial value after the cameras timestamp timer has been reset.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean rcSystemReady = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean()
 A boolean property. Returns if the system is ready (fully booted).
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 timestamp = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Reports the current value of the device timestamp counter.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.Method timestampLatch = new mv.impact.acquire.Method()
 A method object. Latches the current timestamp counter into TimestampLatchValue.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 timestampLatchValue = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Returns the latched value of the timestamp counter.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.Method timestampReset = new mv.impact.acquire.Method()
 A method object. Resets the current value of the device timestamp counter.

Detailed Description

Category for device information and control.

A category for device information and control.


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ DeviceControl() [1/2]

Constructs a new mv.impact.acquire.GenICam.DeviceControl object.

[in]deviceA pointer to a mv.impact.acquire.Device object obtained from a mv.impact.acquire.DeviceManager object.

◆ DeviceControl() [2/2]

DeviceControl ( mv::impact::acquire::Device device,
System::String settingName )

Constructs a new mv.impact.acquire.GenICam.DeviceControl object.

[in]deviceA pointer to a mv.impact.acquire.Device object obtained from a mv.impact.acquire.DeviceManager object.
[in]settingNameThe name of the driver internal setting to access with this instance. A list of valid setting names can be obtained by a call to mv.impact.acquire.FunctionInterface.availableSettings, new settings can be created with the function mv.impact.acquire.FunctionInterface.createSetting

Member Data Documentation

◆ deviceCharacterSet

An enumerated integer property. Character set used by the strings of the device.

Character set used by the strings of the device.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • UTF8 (Display string: 'UTF 8'): Device use UTF8 character set.
  • ASCII (Display string: 'ASCII'): Device use ASCII character set.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ deviceClockFrequency

A floating point property. Returns the frequency of the selected Clock.

Returns the frequency of the selected Clock.

◆ deviceClockSelector

An enumerated integer property. Selects the clock frequency to access from the device.

Selects the clock frequency to access from the device.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Sensor (Display string: 'Sensor'): Clock frequency of the image sensor of the camera.
  • SensorDigitization (Display string: 'Sensor Digitization'): Clock frequency of the camera A/D conversion stage.
  • CameraLink (Display string: 'Camera Link'): Frequency of the Camera Link clock.
  • DeviceSpecific (Display string: 'Device Specific')
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ deviceConnectionSelector

An integer property. Selects which Connection of the device to control.

Selects which Connection of the device to control.

◆ deviceConnectionSpeed

An integer property. Indicates the speed of transmission of the specified Connection.

Indicates the speed of transmission of the specified Connection

◆ deviceConnectionStatus

An enumerated integer property. Indicates the status of the specified Connection.

Indicates the status of the specified Connection.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Active (Display string: 'Active'): Connection is in use.
  • Inactive (Display string: 'Inactive'): Connection is not in use.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ deviceEventChannelCount

An integer property. Indicates the number of event channels supported by the device.

Indicates the number of event channels supported by the device.

◆ deviceFamilyName

A string property. Identifier of the product family of the device.

Identifier of the product family of the device.

◆ deviceFeaturePersistenceEnd

A method object. Indicate to the device the end of feature persistence.

Indicate to the device the end of feature persistence.

◆ deviceFeaturePersistenceStart

A method object. Indicate to the device and GenICam XML to get ready for persisting of all streamable features.

Indicate to the device and GenICam XML to get ready for persisting of all streamable features.

◆ deviceFirmwareVersion

A string property. Version of the firmware in the device.

Version of the firmware in the device.

◆ deviceGenCPVersionMajor

An integer property. Major version of the GenCP protocol supported by the device.

Major version of the GenCP protocol supported by the device.

◆ deviceGenCPVersionMinor

An integer property. Minor version of the GenCP protocol supported by the device.

Minor version of the GenCP protocol supported by the device.

◆ deviceID

A string property. This feature is deprecated (See DeviceSerialNumber).

This feature is deprecated (See DeviceSerialNumber). It was representing the Device unique identifier (serial number).

◆ deviceIndicatorMode

An enumerated integer property. Controls the behavior of the indicators (such as LEDs) showing the status of the Device.

Controls the behavior of the indicators (such as LEDs) showing the status of the Device.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Inactive (Display string: 'Inactive'): Device's indicators are inactive (Off).
  • Active (Display string: 'Active'): Device's indicators are active showing their respective status.
  • ErrorStatus (Display string: 'Error Status'): Device's indicators are inactive unless an error occurs.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ deviceLinkCommandTimeout

A floating point property. Indicates the command timeout of the specified Link.

Indicates the command timeout of the specified Link. This corresponds to the maximum response time of the device for a command sent on that link.

◆ deviceLinkConnectionCount

An integer property. Returns the number of physical connection of the device used by a particular Link.

Returns the number of physical connection of the device used by a particular Link.

◆ deviceLinkHeartbeatMode

An enumerated integer property. Activate or deactivate the Link's heartbeat.

Activate or deactivate the Link's heartbeat.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • On (Display string: 'On'): Enables the Link heartbeat.
  • Off (Display string: 'Off'): Disables the Link heartbeat.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ deviceLinkHeartbeatTimeout

A floating point property. Controls the current heartbeat timeout of the specific Link.

Controls the current heartbeat timeout of the specific Link.

◆ deviceLinkSelector

An integer property. Selects which Link of the device to control.

Selects which Link of the device to control.

◆ deviceLinkSpeed

An integer property. Indicates the speed of transmission negotiated on the specified Link.

Indicates the speed of transmission negotiated on the specified Link.

◆ deviceLinkThroughputLimit

An integer property. Limits the maximum bandwidth of the data that will be streamed out by the device on the selected Link.

Limits the maximum bandwidth of the data that will be streamed out by the device on the selected Link. If necessary, delays will be uniformly inserted between transport layer packets in order to control the peak bandwidth.

◆ deviceLinkThroughputLimitMode

An enumerated integer property. Controls if the DeviceLinkThroughputLimit is active.

Controls if the DeviceLinkThroughputLimit is active. When disabled, lower level TL specific features are expected to control the throughput. When enabled, DeviceLinkThroughputLimit controls the overall throughput.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • On (Display string: 'On'): Enables the DeviceLinkThroughputLimit feature.
  • Off (Display string: 'Off'): Disables the DeviceLinkThroughputLimit feature.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ deviceManifestEntrySelector

An integer property. Selects the manifest entry to reference.

Selects the manifest entry to reference.

◆ deviceManifestPrimaryURL

A string property. Indicates the first URL to the GenICam XML device description file of the selected manifest entry.

Indicates the first URL to the GenICam XML device description file of the selected manifest entry.

◆ deviceManifestSchemaMajorVersion

An integer property. Indicates the major version number of the schema file of the selected manifest entry.

Indicates the major version number of the schema file of the selected manifest entry.

◆ deviceManifestSchemaMinorVersion

An integer property. Indicates the minor version number of the schema file of the selected manifest entry.

Indicates the minor version number of the schema file of the selected manifest entry.

◆ deviceManifestSecondaryURL

A string property. Indicates the second URL to the GenICam XML device description file of the selected manifest entry.

Indicates the second URL to the GenICam XML device description file of the selected manifest entry.

◆ deviceManifestXMLMajorVersion

An integer property. Indicates the major version number of the GenICam XML file of the selected manifest entry.

Indicates the major version number of the GenICam XML file of the selected manifest entry.

◆ deviceManifestXMLMinorVersion

An integer property. Indicates the minor version number of the GenICam XML file of the selected manifest entry.

Indicates the minor version number of the GenICam XML file of the selected manifest entry.

◆ deviceManifestXMLSubMinorVersion

An integer property. Indicates the subminor version number of the GenICam XML file of the selected manifest entry.

Indicates the subminor version number of the GenICam XML file of the selected manifest entry.

◆ deviceManufacturerInfo

A string property. Manufacturer information about the device.

Manufacturer information about the device.

◆ deviceMaxThroughput

An integer property. Maximum bandwidth of the data that can be streamed out of the device.

Maximum bandwidth of the data that can be streamed out of the device. This can be used to estimate if the physical connection(s) can sustain transfer of free-running images from the camera at its maximum speed.

◆ deviceMessageChannelCount

An integer property. This feature is deprecated (See DeviceEventChannelCount).

This feature is deprecated (See DeviceEventChannelCount). It indicates the number of message/event channels supported by the device.

◆ deviceModelName

A string property. Model of the device.

Model of the device.


◆ deviceRegistersCheck

A method object. Perform the validation of the current register set for consistency.

Perform the validation of the current register set for consistency. This will update the DeviceRegistersValid flag.

◆ deviceRegistersEndianness

An enumerated integer property. Endianness of the registers of the device.

Endianness of the registers of the device.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Big (Display string: 'Big'): Device's registers are big Endian.
  • Little (Display string: 'Little'): Device's registers are little Endian.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ deviceRegistersStreamingEnd

A method object. Announce the end of registers streaming.

Announce the end of registers streaming. This will do a register set validation for consistency and activate it. This will also update the DeviceRegistersValid flag.

◆ deviceRegistersStreamingStart

A method object. Prepare the device for registers streaming without checking for consistency.

Prepare the device for registers streaming without checking for consistency.

◆ deviceRegistersValid

A boolean property. Returns if the current register set is valid and consistent.

Returns if the current register set is valid and consistent.

◆ deviceReset

A method object. Resets the device to its power up state.

Resets the device to its power up state. After reset, the device must be rediscovered.

◆ deviceScanType

An enumerated integer property. Scan type of the sensor of the device.

Scan type of the sensor of the device.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Areascan (Display string: 'Areascan'): 2D sensor outputting an image created from a unique sensor acquisition.
  • Linescan (Display string: 'Linescan'): 1D sensor outputting an image acquired line by line.
  • Areascan3D (Display string: 'Areascan 3D'): 3D sensor outputting a range (or disparity) image created from a unique sensor acquisition.
  • Linescan3D (Display string: 'Linescan 3D'): 3D sensor outputting a range (or disparity) image acquired line by line.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ deviceSerialNumber

A string property. Device's serial number.

Device's serial number. This string is a unique identifier of the device.

◆ deviceSerialPortBaudRate

An enumerated integer property. This feature controls the baud rate used by the selected serial port.

This feature controls the baud rate used by the selected serial port.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Baud9600 (Display string: 'Baud 9600'): Serial port speed of 9600 baud.
  • Baud19200 (Display string: 'Baud 19200'): Serial port speed of 19200 baud.
  • Baud38400 (Display string: 'Baud 38400'): Serial port speed of 38400 baud.
  • Baud57600 (Display string: 'Baud 57600'): Serial port speed of 57600 baud.
  • Baud115200 (Display string: 'Baud 115200'): Serial port speed of 115200 baud.
  • Baud230400 (Display string: 'Baud 230400'): Serial port speed of 230400 baud.
  • Baud460800 (Display string: 'Baud 460800'): Serial port speed of 460800 baud.
  • Baud921600 (Display string: 'Baud 921600'): Serial port speed of 921600 baud.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ deviceSerialPortSelector

An enumerated integer property. Selects which serial port of the device to control.

Selects which serial port of the device to control.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • CameraLink (Display string: 'Camera Link'): Serial port associated to the Camera link connection.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ deviceSFNCVersionMajor

An integer property. Major version of the Standard Features Naming Convention that was used to create the device's GenICam XML.

Major version of the Standard Features Naming Convention that was used to create the device's GenICam XML.

◆ deviceSFNCVersionMinor

An integer property. Minor version of the Standard Features Naming Convention that was used to create the device's GenICam XML.

Minor version of the Standard Features Naming Convention that was used to create the device's GenICam XML.

◆ deviceSFNCVersionSubMinor

An integer property. Sub minor version of Standard Features Naming Convention that was used to create the device's GenICam XML.

Sub minor version of Standard Features Naming Convention that was used to create the device's GenICam XML.

◆ deviceStreamChannelCount

An integer property. Indicates the number of streaming channels supported by the device.

Indicates the number of streaming channels supported by the device.

◆ deviceStreamChannelEndianness

An enumerated integer property. Endianness of multi-byte pixel data for this stream.

Endianness of multi-byte pixel data for this stream.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Big (Display string: 'Big'): Stream channel data is big Endian.
  • Little (Display string: 'Little'): Stream channel data is little Endian.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ deviceStreamChannelLink

An integer property. Index of device's Link to use for streaming the specified stream channel.

Index of device's Link to use for streaming the specified stream channel.

◆ deviceStreamChannelPacketSize

An integer property. Specifies the stream packet size, in bytes, to send on the selected channel for a Transmitter or specifies the maximum packet size supported by a receiver.

Specifies the stream packet size, in bytes, to send on the selected channel for a Transmitter or specifies the maximum packet size supported by a receiver.

◆ deviceStreamChannelSelector

An integer property. Selects the stream channel to control.

Selects the stream channel to control.

◆ deviceStreamChannelType

An enumerated integer property. Reports the type of the stream channel.

Reports the type of the stream channel.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Transmitter (Display string: 'Transmitter'): Data stream transmitter channel.
  • Receiver (Display string: 'Receiver'): Data stream receiver channel.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ deviceTemperature

A floating point property. Device temperature in degrees Celsius (C).

Device temperature in degrees Celsius (C). It is measured at the location selected by DeviceTemperatureSelector.

◆ deviceTemperatureSelector

An enumerated integer property. Selects the location within the device, where the temperature will be measured.

Selects the location within the device, where the temperature will be measured.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Sensor (Display string: 'Sensor'): Temperature of the image sensor of the camera.
  • Mainboard (Display string: 'Mainboard'): Temperature of the device's mainboard.
  • XLamp (Display string: 'X Lamp')
  • SensorCMVx000 (Display string: 'Sensor CM Vx 000')
  • SensorInternal (Display string: 'Sensor Internal')
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ deviceTLType

An enumerated integer property. Transport Layer type of the device.

Transport Layer type of the device.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • GigEVision (Display string: 'GigE Vision'): GigE Vision.
  • CameraLink (Display string: 'Camera Link'): Camera Link.
  • CameraLinkHS (Display string: 'Camera Link HS'): Camera Link High Speed.
  • CoaXPress (Display string: 'CoaXPress'): CoaXPress.
  • USB3Vision (Display string: 'USB3 Vision'): USB3 Vision.
  • Custom (Display string: 'Custom'): Custom Transport Layer.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ deviceTLVersionMajor

An integer property. Major version of the Transport Layer of the device.

Major version of the Transport Layer of the device.

◆ deviceTLVersionMinor

An integer property. Minor version of the Transport Layer of the device.

Minor version of the Transport Layer of the device.

◆ deviceTLVersionSubMinor

An integer property. Sub minor version of the Transport Layer of the device.

Sub minor version of the Transport Layer of the device.

◆ deviceType

An enumerated integer property. Returns the device type.

Returns the device type.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Transmitter (Display string: 'Transmitter'): Data stream transmitter device.
  • Receiver (Display string: 'Receiver'): Data stream receiver device.
  • Transceiver (Display string: 'Transceiver'): Data stream receiver and transmitter device.
  • Peripheral (Display string: 'Peripheral'): Controllable device (with no data stream handling).
  • Mixed (Display string: 'Mixed'): This enumeration value indicates that this is a device for a mixed protocol.
  • Custom (Display string: 'Custom'): This enumeration value indicates that this is a device for a custom protocol.
  • GEV (Display string: 'GigE Vision'): This enumeration value indicates that this is a device for the GigE Vision protocol.
  • CameraLink (Display string: 'CameraLink'): This enumeration value indicates that this is a device for the CameraLink protocol.
  • CoaXPress (Display string: 'CoaXPress'): This enumeration value indicates that this is a device for the CoaXPress protocol.
  • CameraLinkHS (Display string: 'CameraLink HS'): This enumeration value indicates that this is a device for the CameraLink HS protocol.
  • U3V (Display string: 'USB3 Vision'): This enumeration value indicates that this is a device for the USB3 Vision protocol.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ deviceUserID

A string property. User-programmable device identifier.

User-programmable device identifier.

◆ deviceVendorName

A string property. Name of the manufacturer of the device.

Name of the manufacturer of the device.


◆ deviceVersion

A string property. Version of the device.

Version of the device.

◆ mvCalculateHashCode

A method object. Do a new calculation of the hash code. This might serve as a means to check whether the firmware has been changed in flash.

Do a new calculation of the hash code. This might serve as a means to check whether the firmware has been changed in flash. Caution: This needs approximately 15-20 seconds.

◆ mvDeviceClockFrequency

An enumerated integer property. Clock frequency of the image sensor of the camera.

Clock frequency of the image sensor of the camera.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • kHz_08000 (Display string: '8000 kHz')
  • kHz_10000 (Display string: '10000 kHz')
  • kHz_11000 (Display string: '11000 kHz')
  • kHz_12000 (Display string: '12000 kHz')
  • kHz_20000 (Display string: '20000 kHz')
  • kHz_22000 (Display string: '22000 kHz')
  • kHz_23000 (Display string: '23000 kHz')
  • kHz_24000 (Display string: '24000 kHz')
  • kHz_24540 (Display string: '24540 kHz')
  • kHz_25000 (Display string: '25000 kHz')
  • kHz_26000 (Display string: '26000 kHz')
  • kHz_27000 (Display string: '27000 kHz')
  • kHz_28000 (Display string: '28000 kHz')
  • kHz_29000 (Display string: '29000 kHz')
  • kHz_29500 (Display string: '29500 kHz')
  • kHz_30000 (Display string: '30000 kHz')
  • kHz_32000 (Display string: '32000 kHz')
  • kHz_36000 (Display string: '36000 kHz')
  • kHz_37120 (Display string: '37120 kHz')
  • kHz_40000 (Display string: '40000 kHz')
  • kHz_45000 (Display string: '45000 kHz')
  • kHz_48000 (Display string: '48000 kHz')
  • kHz_50000 (Display string: '50000 kHz')
  • kHz_56000 (Display string: '56000 kHz')
  • kHz_60000 (Display string: '60000 kHz')
  • kHz_65000 (Display string: '65000 kHz')
  • kHz_66000 (Display string: '66000 kHz')
  • kHz_74250 (Display string: '74250 kHz')
  • kHz_80000 (Display string: '80000 kHz')
  • kHz_85000 (Display string: '85000 kHz')
  • kHz_96000 (Display string: '96000 kHz')
  • kHz_98000 (Display string: '98000 kHz')
  • kHz_120000 (Display string: '120000 kHz')
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ mvDeviceFirmwareBuildDate

A string property. The build time and date of the firmware.

The build time and date of the firmware

◆ mvDeviceFirmwareHashAlgorithm

An enumerated integer property. The algorithm used for the hash calculation.

The algorithm used for the hash calculation.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • mvCRC32b (Display string: 'mv CRC 32b'): CRC32b will be used.
  • mvSHA1 (Display string: 'mv SHA 1'): SHA1 will be used.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ mvDeviceFirmwareHashCode

A string property. Shows the hash code of the firmware.

Shows the hash code of the firmware.

◆ mvDeviceFirmwareSource

An enumerated integer property. Shows the location from where the firmware was loaded.

Shows the location from where the firmware was loaded.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • BootSection (Display string: 'Boot Section')
  • ProgramSection (Display string: 'Program Section')
  • Upload (Display string: 'Upload')
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ mvDeviceFPGAVersion

A string property. Shows version number of the FPGA.

Shows version number of the FPGA.

◆ mvDeviceLaserCurrent

An integer property. Laser current consumption value (mA).

Laser current consumption value (mA).

◆ mvDevicePowerMode

An enumerated integer property. Selects the device power mode.

Selects the device power mode.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • mvActive (Display string: 'mv Active'): Puts the device to power-active mode. Going back to 'mvActive' will take about 10 seconds.
  • mvStandby (Display string: 'mv Standby'): Puts the device in power-saving mode. In this mode the device will only consume up to 20 percent of its normal power consumption. Going back to 'mvActive' will take about 10 seconds.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ mvDeviceProcessingUnit

An enumerated integer property. The processing unit to activate for the selected processing unit.

The processing unit to activate for the selected processing unit.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • mvFFC (Display string: 'mv FFC'): Selects the Flat-field correction engine for this processing unit.
  • mvFrameAverage (Display string: 'mv Frame Average'): Selects the frame average engine for this processing unit.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ mvDeviceProcessingUnitSelector

An integer property. Selects the device processing unit.

Selects the device processing unit.

◆ mvDeviceRegistersStatus

An enumerated integer property. Will give a hint where to find the invalid register settings if any.

Will give a hint where to find the invalid register settings if any.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Valid (Display string: 'Valid'): The current register settings are in a consistent state.
  • Invalid (Display string: 'Invalid'): The current register settings are in an invalid and/or inconsistent state.
  • BinningHorizontalValueInvalid (Display string: 'Binning Horizontal Value Invalid'): The current BinningHorizontal value is not supported.
  • BinningVerticalValueInvalid (Display string: 'Binning Vertical Value Invalid'): The current BinningVertical value is not supported.
  • DecimationHorizontalValueInvalid (Display string: 'Decimation Horizontal Value Invalid'): The current DecimationHorizontal value is not supported.
  • DecimationVerticalValueInvalid (Display string: 'Decimation Vertical Value Invalid'): The current DecimationVertical value is not supported.
  • BinningDecimationCombinationInvalid (Display string: 'Binning Decimation Combination Invalid'): The current combination of binning and decimation is not valid.
  • BinningDecimationImageTooWide (Display string: 'Binning Decimation Image Too Wide'): The current Width is too wide for the BinningVertical and/or DecimationVertical settings. Please reduce the Width or add BinningHorizontal orDecimationHorizontal.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ mvDeviceSensorColorMode

An enumerated integer property. Shows color mode of the sensor.

Shows color mode of the sensor.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Unknown (Display string: 'Unknown')
  • Grey (Display string: 'Grey')
  • BayerMosaic (Display string: 'Bayer Mosaic')
  • NearInfraRed (Display string: 'Near Infra Red')
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ mvDeviceStandbyTimeout

An integer property. Defines the time in seconds after which the device automatically switches to standby if no register is read.

Defines the time in seconds after which the device automatically switches to standby if no register is read.

◆ mvDeviceStandbyTimeoutEnable

A boolean property. If enabled, the device switch to standby after a configurable time if no register is read.

If enabled, the device switch to standby after a configurable time if no register is read.

◆ mvDeviceStatusLEDEnable

A boolean property. This feature is deprecated (See DeviceIndicatorMode). If enabled, the color of the LED changes depending on the state of the camera. Otherwise the LED is Off.

This feature is deprecated (See DeviceIndicatorMode). If enabled, the color of the LED changes depending on the state of the camera. Otherwise the LED is Off.

◆ mvDeviceTemperatureLimitHysteresis

An enumerated integer property. Hysteresis in degrees Celsius(C) for temperature limits.

Hysteresis in degrees Celsius(C) for temperature limits.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • deg_0p0 (Display string: 'deg 0p 0')
  • deg_1p5 (Display string: 'deg 1p 5')
  • deg_3p0 (Display string: 'deg 3p 0')
  • deg_6p0 (Display string: 'deg 6p 0')
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ mvDeviceTemperatureLowerLimit

A floating point property. Lower limit in degrees Celsius(C) for the TemperatureOutOfRange signal.

Lower limit in degrees Celsius(C) for the TemperatureOutOfRange signal.

◆ mvDeviceTemperatureRaw

An integer property. Device temperature in degrees Celsius (C).

Device temperature in degrees Celsius (C). It is measured at the location selected by DeviceTemperatureSelector.

◆ mvDeviceTemperatureUpperLimit

A floating point property. Upper limit in degrees Celsius(C) for the TemperatureOutOfRange signal.

Upper limit in degrees Celsius(C) for the TemperatureOutOfRange signal.

◆ mvDeviceTimeSync

An enumerated integer property. you can specify the way the camera timestamps are synchronized to the PC / your application.

you can specify the way the camera timestamps are synchronized to the PC / your application

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • mvSystemTime (Display string: 'mv System Time')
  • mvNoSynchronization (Display string: 'mv No Synchronization')
  • mvPushSynchronization (Display string: 'mv Push Synchronization')
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ mvDeviceTimeSyncPushValue

An integer property. when you write to this register in 'mvPushSynchronization'-mode you can actively synchronize the timestamps with accurate time values.

when you write to this register in 'mvPushSynchronization'-mode you can actively synchironize the timestamps with accurate time values

◆ mvTemperatureState

An enumerated integer property. Indicates the current temperature state of the camera.

Indicates the current temperature state of the camera

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Normal (Display string: 'Normal')
  • Critical (Display string: 'Critical')
  • OverTemperature (Display string: 'Over Temperature')
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ mvTemperatureStateCriticalThreshold

An integer property. If the temperature of the camera exceeds this value mvTemperatureState switches from normal to critical.

If the temperature of the camera exceeds this value mvTemperatureState switches from normal to critical

◆ mvTimestampPPSPulsesMissed

An integer property. Shows the number of missed pulses since the last status latch.

Shows the number of missed pulses since the last status latch.

◆ mvTimestampPPSStatus

An enumerated integer property. Shows the current status of the pulse per second controller.

Shows the current status of the pulse per second controller.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Disabled (Display string: 'Disabled'): Controller is disabled.
  • NoPulses (Display string: 'No Pulses'): Controller is enabled but pps pulses are missing.
  • Unstable (Display string: 'Unstable'): Controller has not reached the steady state so far.
  • Stable (Display string: 'Stable'): Controller has reached the range of steady state.
  • Error (Display string: 'Error'): Controller is in faulty state and must be reenabled manually.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ mvTimestampPPSSync

An enumerated integer property. Will synchronize the internal clock to an external GPS(PPS) signal.

Will synchronize the internal clock to an external GPS(PPS) signal.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Off (Display string: 'Off')
  • Line4 (Display string: 'Line 4')
  • Line5 (Display string: 'Line 5')
  • Line6 (Display string: 'Line 6')
  • Line7 (Display string: 'Line 7')
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ mvTimestampPPSTriggerEdge

An enumerated integer property. Selects the trigger edge on which the controller will be pulsed.

Selects the trigger edge on which the controller will be pulsed.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • mvRisingEdge (Display string: 'mv Rising Edge'): Controller is pulsed on rising edges.
  • mvFallingEdge (Display string: 'mv Falling Edge'): Controller is pulsed on falling edges.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ mvTimestampResetValue

An integer property. Defines the initial value after the cameras timestamp timer has been reset.

Defines the initial value after the cameras timestamp timer has been reset.

◆ rcSystemReady

A boolean property. Returns if the system is ready (fully booted).

Returns if the system is ready (fully booted).

◆ timestamp

An integer property. Reports the current value of the device timestamp counter.

Reports the current value of the device timestamp counter.

◆ timestampLatch

A method object. Latches the current timestamp counter into TimestampLatchValue.

Latches the current timestamp counter into TimestampLatchValue.

◆ timestampLatchValue

An integer property. Returns the latched value of the timestamp counter.

Returns the latched value of the timestamp counter.

◆ timestampReset

A method object. Resets the current value of the device timestamp counter.

Resets the current value of the device timestamp counter.