Impact Acquire SDK .NET
AcquisitionControl Class Reference

Category for the acquisition and trigger control features. More...

Public Member Functions

 AcquisitionControl (mv.impact.acquire.Device device)
 Constructs a new mv.impact.acquire.GenICam.AcquisitionControl object.
 AcquisitionControl (mv.impact.acquire.Device device, System.String settingName)
 Constructs a new mv.impact.acquire.GenICam.AcquisitionControl object.

Public Attributes

readonly mv.impact.acquire.Method acquisitionAbort = new mv.impact.acquire.Method()
 A method object. Aborts the Acquisition immediately.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 acquisitionAlternateFilter = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Filter images if LineSource is ExposureAlternateActive.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.Method acquisitionArm = new mv.impact.acquire.Method()
 A method object. Arms the device before an AcquisitionStart command.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 acquisitionBurstFrameCount = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Number of frames to acquire for each FrameBurstStart trigger.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 acquisitionFrameCount = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Number of frames to acquire in MultiFrame Acquisition mode.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF acquisitionFrameRate = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF()
 A floating point property. Controls the acquisition rate (in Hertz) at which the frames are captured.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean acquisitionFrameRateEnable = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean()
 A boolean property. Controls if the AcquisitionFrameRate feature is writable and used to control the acquisition rate.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF acquisitionLineRate = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF()
 A floating point property. Controls the rate (in Hertz) at which the Lines in a Frame are captured.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean acquisitionLineRateEnable = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean()
 A boolean property. Controls if the AcquisitionLineRate feature is writable and used to control the acquisition rate.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 acquisitionMode = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Sets the acquisition mode of the device.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 acquisitionMultiPartMode = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Control which components are sent in a MultiPart buffer.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.Method acquisitionStart = new mv.impact.acquire.Method()
 A method object. Starts the Acquisition of the device.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean acquisitionStatus = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean()
 A boolean property. Reads the state of the internal acquisition signal selected using AcquisitionStatusSelector.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 acquisitionStatusSelector = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Selects the internal acquisition signal to read using AcquisitionStatus.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.Method acquisitionStop = new mv.impact.acquire.Method()
 A method object. Stops the Acquisition of the device at the end of the current Frame.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 acquisitionStopMode = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Controls how the AcquisitionStop command and the acquisition stopped using a trigger (e.g.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 exposureAuto = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Sets the automatic exposure mode when ExposureMode is Timed.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 exposureMode = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Sets the operation mode of the Exposure.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 exposureRegionHeight = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Height defining a rectangular region in the left rectified image for limiting the area used by auto exposure (in pixels).
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 exposureRegionOffsetX = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Offset X defining a rectangular region in the left rectified image for limiting the area used by auto exposure (in pixels).
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 exposureRegionOffsetY = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Offset Y defining a rectangular region in the left rectified image for limiting the area used by auto exposure (in pixels).
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 exposureRegionWidth = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Width defining a rectangular region in the left rectified image for limiting the area used by auto exposure (in pixels).
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF exposureTime = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF()
 A floating point property. Sets the Exposure time when ExposureMode is Timed and ExposureAuto is Off.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF exposureTimeAutoMax = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF()
 A floating point property. Sets the max exposure time in auto mode.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 exposureTimeMode = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Sets the configuration mode of the ExposureTime feature.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 exposureTimeSelector = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Selects which exposure time is controlled by the ExposureTime feature.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF multiSlopeExposureGradient = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF()
 A floating point property. The gradient of the additional slope that is defined by this knee-point.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF multiSlopeExposureLimit = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF()
 A floating point property. Percent of the ExposureTime at a certain knee-point of multi-slope exposure.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF multiSlopeIntensityLimit = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF()
 A floating point property. The relative intensity which divides intensities influenced by different exposure slopes.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 multiSlopeKneePointCount = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. The number of knee-points as well as the number of additional exposure slopes used for multi-slope exposure.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 multiSlopeKneePointSelector = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Selects the parameters for controlling an additional slope in multi-slope exposure.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 multiSlopeMode = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Controls multi-slope exposure state.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF multiSlopeSaturationThreshold = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF()
 A floating point property. The percentage of the full saturation that is applied at a certain knee-point of a multi-slope exposure.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvAcquisitionFrameRateEnable = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Enables the use of the 'AcquisitionFrameRate' feature.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvAcquisitionFrameRateLimitMode = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Controls the calculation of the maximum frame rate.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvAcquisitionMemoryAOIParameterChanged = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. AOI and/or binning parameter changed after last Acquisition.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvAcquisitionMemoryFrameCount = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. The number of frames currently stored in the frame buffer.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvAcquisitionMemoryMaxFrameCount = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Maximum number of frames that can be recorded in the current configuration(deprecated, use the maximum value of 'mvAcquisitionMemoryFrameCount' instead).
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvAcquisitionMemoryMode = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. mvRecord is used to store frames in memory. mvPlayback transfers stored frames. mvPretrigger stores frames in memory to be transferred after trigger.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvCompressionKneepoint = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Knee point of 10 to 8 bit compression.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvExposureActiveShift = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Sets the delay between the ExposureActive signal at the output and the exposure start at the sensor in us. Negative values mean ExposureActive is set to high before the exposure. Positive values mean ExposureActive is set to high after the exposure.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean mvExposureActiveShiftEnable = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean()
 A boolean property. Enables the property to set the value of the shift between sensor exposure and the signal ExposureActive at the camera output.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvExposureAutoAOIMode = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Common AutoControl AOI used for Auto Gain Control(AGC), Auto Exposure Control(AEC) and Auto White Balance(AWB).
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvExposureAutoAverageGrey = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Common desired average grey value (in percent) used for Auto Gain Control(AGC) and Auto Exposure Control(AEC).
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvExposureAutoDelayImages = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. The number of frames that the AEC must skip before updating the exposure register.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvExposureAutoHeight = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Common AOI Height used for auto gain control(AGC), Auto Exposure Control(AEC) and Auto White Balance(AWB).
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvExposureAutoHighlightAOI = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Highlight auto control AOI to check AOI settings. Switch off for normal operation.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF mvExposureAutoLowerLimit = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF()
 A floating point property. The lower limit of the exposure time in auto exposure mode.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvExposureAutoMode = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Selects the common auto mode for gain and exposure.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvExposureAutoOffsetX = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Common AOI XOffset used for auto gain control(AGC), Auto Exposure Control(AEC) and Auto White Balance(AWB).
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvExposureAutoOffsetY = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Common AOI YOffset used for auto gain control(AGC), Auto Exposure Control(AEC) and Auto White Balance(AWB).
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvExposureAutoSpeed = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Determines the increment or decrement size of exposure value from frame to frame.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF mvExposureAutoUpperLimit = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF()
 A floating point property. The upper limit of the exposure time in auto exposure mode.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvExposureAutoWidth = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Common AOI Width used for auto gain control(AGC), Auto Exposure Control(AEC) and Auto White Balance(AWB).
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF mvExposureHorizontalZoneDivider = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF()
 A floating point property. Defines the position(in percent of the total number of lines) within the image to switch from one exposure time to the next.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvFeatureMode = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Enables feature mode.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean mvLensCalibrationEnable = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean()
 A boolean property. Enables or disables lens calibration.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvMultiExposureCount = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. The number of exposures per frame.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvPretriggerFrameCount = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Number of frames to acquire before the occurrence of an AcquisitionStart or AcquisitionActive trigger.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF mvResultingFrameRate = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF()
 A floating point property. Shows the resulting frame rate.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvSensorRegister = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Number of sensor register to access.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvSensorRegisterValue = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Value of sensor register.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvShutterMode = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Selects the shutter mode of the sensor.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean mvSmartFrameRecallEnable = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean()
 A boolean property. When active in addition to the processed image data also the unprocessed image is stored inside the devices RAM.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvSmartFrameRecallFrameSkipRatio = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. When set to a value different from zero, the smaller frames get thinned out. AOI requests can still be done for all frames.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvSmartFrameRecallTimestampLookupAccuracy = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. This value defines the strictness of the timestamp-check for the recalled image (given in us).
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvSmearReduction = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Smear reduction in triggered and non-overlapped mode.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF rcExposureAutoAverageMax = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF()
 A floating point property. Sets the maximum mean intensity in auto mode.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF rcExposureAutoAverageMin = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF()
 A floating point property. Sets the minimum mean intensity in auto mode.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 triggerActivation = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Specifies the activation mode of the trigger.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF triggerDelay = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF()
 A floating point property. Specifies the delay in microseconds (us) to apply after the trigger reception before activating it.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 triggerDivider = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Specifies a division factor for the incoming trigger pulses.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 triggerMode = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Controls if the selected trigger is active.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 triggerMultiplier = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Specifies a multiplication factor for the incoming trigger pulses.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 triggerOverlap = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Specifies the type trigger overlap permitted with the previous frame or line.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 triggerSelector = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Selects the type of trigger to configure.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.Method triggerSoftware = new mv.impact.acquire.Method()
 A method object. Generates an internal trigger.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 triggerSource = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Specifies the internal signal or physical input Line to use as the trigger source.

Detailed Description

Category for the acquisition and trigger control features.

A category for the acquisition and trigger control features.

GenICamCommonSettingsUsage.cs, and GenICamInterfaceLayout.cs.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ AcquisitionControl() [1/2]

Constructs a new mv.impact.acquire.GenICam.AcquisitionControl object.

[in]deviceA pointer to a mv.impact.acquire.Device object obtained from a mv.impact.acquire.DeviceManager object.

◆ AcquisitionControl() [2/2]

AcquisitionControl ( mv::impact::acquire::Device device,
System::String settingName )

Constructs a new mv.impact.acquire.GenICam.AcquisitionControl object.

[in]deviceA pointer to a mv.impact.acquire.Device object obtained from a mv.impact.acquire.DeviceManager object.
[in]settingNameThe name of the driver internal setting to access with this instance. A list of valid setting names can be obtained by a call to mv.impact.acquire.FunctionInterface.availableSettings, new settings can be created with the function mv.impact.acquire.FunctionInterface.createSetting

Member Data Documentation

◆ acquisitionAbort

A method object. Aborts the Acquisition immediately.

Aborts the Acquisition immediately. This will end the capture without completing the current Frame or waiting on a trigger. If no Acquisition is in progress, the command is ignored.

◆ acquisitionAlternateFilter

An enumerated integer property. Filter images if LineSource is ExposureAlternateActive.

Skip sending of some images depending on GPIO output value. This filter is considered if LineSource of Out1 or Out2 is ExposureAlternateActive.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Off (Display string: 'Off'): The filter is turned off, i.e. all images are sent irrespective of the LineSource of Out1 and Out2.
  • OnlyHigh (Display string: 'Only High'): Only send images if LineSource of Out1 or Out2 is ExposureAlternateActive and output currently high.
  • OnlyLow (Display string: 'Only Low'): Only send images if LineSource of Out1 or Out2 is ExposureAlternateActive and output currently low.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ acquisitionArm

A method object. Arms the device before an AcquisitionStart command.

Arms the device before an AcquisitionStart command. This optional command validates all the current features for consistency and prepares the device for a fast start of the Acquisition.

◆ acquisitionBurstFrameCount

An integer property. Number of frames to acquire for each FrameBurstStart trigger.

Number of frames to acquire for each FrameBurstStart trigger.

◆ acquisitionFrameCount

An integer property. Number of frames to acquire in MultiFrame Acquisition mode.

Number of frames to acquire in MultiFrame Acquisition mode.

◆ acquisitionFrameRate

A floating point property. Controls the acquisition rate (in Hertz) at which the frames are captured.

Controls the acquisition rate (in Hertz) at which the frames are captured.

◆ acquisitionFrameRateEnable

A boolean property. Controls if the AcquisitionFrameRate feature is writable and used to control the acquisition rate.

Controls if the AcquisitionFrameRate feature is writable and used to control the acquisition rate. Otherwise, the acquisition rate is implicitly controlled by the combination of other features like ExposureTime, etc...

◆ acquisitionLineRate

A floating point property. Controls the rate (in Hertz) at which the Lines in a Frame are captured.

Controls the rate (in Hertz) at which the Lines in a Frame are captured.

◆ acquisitionLineRateEnable

A boolean property. Controls if the AcquisitionLineRate feature is writable and used to control the acquisition rate.

Controls if the AcquisitionLineRate feature is writable and used to control the acquisition rate. Otherwise, the acquisition rate is implicitly controlled by the combination of other features like ExposureTime, etc...

◆ acquisitionMode

An enumerated integer property. Sets the acquisition mode of the device.

Sets the acquisition mode of the device. It defines mainly the number of frames to capture during an acquisition and the way the acquisition stops.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • SingleFrame (Display string: 'Single Frame'): One frame is captured.
  • MultiFrame (Display string: 'Multi Frame'): The number of frames specified by AcquisitionFrameCount is captured.
  • Continuous (Display string: 'Continuous'): Frames are captured continuously until stopped with the AcquisitionStop command.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ acquisitionMultiPartMode

An enumerated integer property. Control which components are sent in a MultiPart buffer.

Immediately send one single component per frame/buffer when it becomes available.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • SingleComponent (Display string: 'Single Component'): Immediately send one single component per frame/buffer when it becomes available.
  • SynchronizedComponents (Display string: 'Synchronized Components'): Only send a frame/buffer if all enabled components are available for that time.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ acquisitionStart

A method object. Starts the Acquisition of the device.

Starts the Acquisition of the device. The number of frames captured is specified by AcquisitionMode.

◆ acquisitionStatus

A boolean property. Reads the state of the internal acquisition signal selected using AcquisitionStatusSelector.

Reads the state of the internal acquisition signal selected using AcquisitionStatusSelector.

◆ acquisitionStatusSelector

An enumerated integer property. Selects the internal acquisition signal to read using AcquisitionStatus.

Selects the internal acquisition signal to read using AcquisitionStatus.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • AcquisitionTriggerWait (Display string: 'Acquisition Trigger Wait'): Device is currently waiting for a trigger for the capture of one or many frames.
  • AcquisitionActive (Display string: 'Acquisition Active'): Device is currently doing an acquisition of one or many frames.
  • AcquisitionTransfer (Display string: 'Acquisition Transfer'): Device is currently transferring an acquisition of one or many frames.
  • FrameTriggerWait (Display string: 'Frame Trigger Wait'): Device is currently waiting for a frame start trigger.
  • FrameActive (Display string: 'Frame Active'): Device is currently doing the capture of a frame.
  • ExposureActive (Display string: 'Exposure Active'): Device is doing the exposure of a frame.
  • FrameTransfer (Display string: 'Frame Transfer'): See TransferStatus.
  • FrameTransfer (Display string: 'Frame Transfer'): See TransferStatus.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ acquisitionStop

A method object. Stops the Acquisition of the device at the end of the current Frame.

Stops the Acquisition of the device at the end of the current Frame. It is mainly used when AcquisitionMode is Continuous but can be used in any acquisition mode.

◆ acquisitionStopMode

An enumerated integer property. Controls how the AcquisitionStop command and the acquisition stopped using a trigger (e.g.

Controls how the AcquisitionStop command and the acquisition stopped using a trigger (e.g. AcquisitionActive, FrameBurstActive, FrameActive or FrameEnd trigger), ends an ongoing frame. This feature is mainly used in Linescan devices where each line in a frame is acquired sequentially.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Complete (Display string: 'Complete'): When stopped during a frame, the device will continue acquisition of lines until the specified Height is reached to deliver a complete default size frame. Note that if each line is triggered from an external source and this line trigger stops no frame is delivered, and an AcquisitionAbort is needed.
  • Immediate (Display string: 'Immediate'): Acquisition stops immediately even during a frame and only the lines acquired at the time are delivered.
  • ImmediateWithPadding (Display string: 'Immediate With Padding'): Acquisition stops immediately even during a frame but the remaining of the frame will be padded with data to deliver a complete default Height frame.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ exposureAuto

An enumerated integer property. Sets the automatic exposure mode when ExposureMode is Timed.

Sets the automatic exposure mode when ExposureMode is Timed. The exact algorithm used to implement this control is device-specific.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Off (Display string: 'Off'): Exposure duration is user controlled using ExposureTime.
  • Once (Display string: 'Once'): Exposure duration is adapted once by the device. Once it has converged, it returns to the Off state.
  • Continuous (Display string: 'Continuous'): Exposure duration is constantly adapted by the device to maximize the dynamic range.
  • mvSequenced (Display string: 'mv Sequenced')
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ exposureMode

An enumerated integer property. Sets the operation mode of the Exposure.

Sets the operation mode of the Exposure.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Off (Display string: 'Off'): Disables the Exposure and let the shutter open.
  • Timed (Display string: 'Timed'): Timed exposure. The exposure duration time is set using the ExposureTime or ExposureAuto features and the exposure starts with the FrameStart or LineStart.
  • TriggerWidth (Display string: 'Trigger Width'): Uses the width of the current Frame or Line trigger signal(s) pulse to control the exposure duration. Note that if the Frame or Line TriggerActivation is RisingEdge or LevelHigh, the exposure duration will be the time the trigger stays High. If TriggerActivation is FallingEdge or LevelLow, the exposure time will last as long as the trigger stays Low.
  • TriggerControlled (Display string: 'Trigger Controlled'): Uses one or more trigger signal(s) to control the exposure duration independently from the current Frame or Line triggers. See ExposureStart, ExposureEnd and ExposureActive of the TriggerSelector feature.
  • mvMultiZone (Display string: 'mv Multi Zone'): The exposure duration time can be configured individually for different zones within the image by setting the 'ExposureTimeSelector' to one of the 'mvHorizontalZone' values. This mode will only have effect on the image when operating the device in a 'mvMultiAreaMode' different from 'mvOff'.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ exposureRegionHeight

An integer property. Height defining a rectangular region in the left rectified image for limiting the area used by auto exposure (in pixels).

Height defining a rectangular region in the left rectified image for limiting the area used by auto exposure (in pixels).

◆ exposureRegionOffsetX

An integer property. Offset X defining a rectangular region in the left rectified image for limiting the area used by auto exposure (in pixels).

Offset X defining a rectangular region in the left rectified image for limiting the area used by auto exposure (in pixels).

◆ exposureRegionOffsetY

An integer property. Offset Y defining a rectangular region in the left rectified image for limiting the area used by auto exposure (in pixels).

Offset Y defining a rectangular region in the left rectified image for limiting the area used by auto exposure (in pixels).

◆ exposureRegionWidth

An integer property. Width defining a rectangular region in the left rectified image for limiting the area used by auto exposure (in pixels).

Width defining a rectangular region in the left rectified image for limiting the area used by auto exposure (in pixels).

◆ exposureTime

A floating point property. Sets the Exposure time when ExposureMode is Timed and ExposureAuto is Off.

Sets the Exposure time when ExposureMode is Timed and ExposureAuto is Off. This controls the duration where the photosensitive cells are exposed to light.

GenICamCommonSettingsUsage.cs, and GenICamInterfaceLayout.cs.

◆ exposureTimeAutoMax

A floating point property. Sets the max exposure time in auto mode.

This value sets the max exposure time in us when ExposureAuto is Continuous.

◆ exposureTimeMode

An enumerated integer property. Sets the configuration mode of the ExposureTime feature.

Sets the configuration mode of the ExposureTime feature.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Common (Display string: 'Common'): The exposure time is common to all the color components. The common ExposureTime value to use can be set selecting it with ExposureTimeSelector[Common].
  • Individual (Display string: 'Individual'): The exposure time is individual for each color component. Each individual ExposureTime values to use can be set by selecting them with ExposureTimeSelector.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ exposureTimeSelector

An enumerated integer property. Selects which exposure time is controlled by the ExposureTime feature.

Selects which exposure time is controlled by the ExposureTime feature. This allows for independent control over the exposure components.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Blue (Display string: 'Blue'): Selects the blue ExposureTime.
  • Common (Display string: 'Common'): Selects the common ExposureTime.
  • Cyan (Display string: 'Cyan'): Selects the cyan common ExposureTime.
  • Green (Display string: 'Green'): Selects the green ExposureTime.
  • Infrared (Display string: 'Infrared'): Selects the infrared ExposureTime.
  • Magenta (Display string: 'Magenta'): Selects the magenta ExposureTime.
  • Red (Display string: 'Red'): Selects the red common ExposureTime.
  • Stage1 (Display string: 'Stage 1'): Selects the first stage ExposureTime.
  • Stage2 (Display string: 'Stage 2'): Selects the second stage ExposureTime.
  • Ultraviolet (Display string: 'Ultraviolet'): Selects the ultraviolet ExposureTime.
  • Yellow (Display string: 'Yellow'): Selects the yellow ExposureTime.
  • mvHorizontalZone0 (Display string: 'mv Horizontal Zone 0'): Selects the first horizontal exposure zone used when 'ExposureMode' is set to 'mvMultiZone' and when operating the device in a 'mvMultiAreaMode' different from 'mvOff'.
  • mvHorizontalZone1 (Display string: 'mv Horizontal Zone 1'): Selects the second horizontal exposure zone used when 'ExposureMode' is set to 'mvMultiZone' and when operating the device in a 'mvMultiAreaMode' different from 'mvOff'.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ multiSlopeExposureGradient

A floating point property. The gradient of the additional slope that is defined by this knee-point.

The gradient of the additional slope that is defined by this knee-point.

◆ multiSlopeExposureLimit

A floating point property. Percent of the ExposureTime at a certain knee-point of multi-slope exposure.

Percent of the ExposureTime at a certain knee-point of multi-slope exposure.

◆ multiSlopeIntensityLimit

A floating point property. The relative intensity which divides intensities influenced by different exposure slopes.

The relative intensity which divides intensities influenced by different exposure slopes.

◆ multiSlopeKneePointCount

An integer property. The number of knee-points as well as the number of additional exposure slopes used for multi-slope exposure.

The number of knee-points as well as the number of additional exposure slopes used for multi-slope exposure.

◆ multiSlopeKneePointSelector

An integer property. Selects the parameters for controlling an additional slope in multi-slope exposure.

Selects the parameters for controlling an additional slope in multi-slope exposure.

◆ multiSlopeMode

An enumerated integer property. Controls multi-slope exposure state.

Controls multi-slope exposure state.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Off (Display string: 'Off'): Off
  • Manual (Display string: 'Manual'): Manual
  • PresetSoft (Display string: 'Preset Soft'): Preset Soft
  • PresetMedium (Display string: 'Preset Medium'): Preset Medium
  • PresetAggressive (Display string: 'Preset Aggressive'): Preset Aggressive
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ multiSlopeSaturationThreshold

A floating point property. The percentage of the full saturation that is applied at a certain knee-point of a multi-slope exposure.

The percentage of the full saturation that is applied at a certain knee-point of a multi-slope exposure.

◆ mvAcquisitionFrameRateEnable

An enumerated integer property. Enables the use of the 'AcquisitionFrameRate' feature.

Enables the use of the 'AcquisitionFrameRate' feature.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Off (Display string: 'Off'): The acquisition frame rate is set automatically to the limit, calculated according to 'mvAcquisitionFrameRateLimitMode' feature.
  • On (Display string: 'On'): The acquisition frame rate is set by the 'AcquisitionFrameRate' feature.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ mvAcquisitionFrameRateLimitMode

An enumerated integer property. Controls the calculation of the maximum frame rate.

Controls the calculation of the maximum frame rate.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • mvDeviceLinkThroughput (Display string: 'mv Device Link Throughput'): Uses the highest possible frame rate depending on bandwidth and sensor settings.
  • mvDeviceMaxSensorThroughput (Display string: 'mv Device Max Sensor Throughput'): Maximum frame rate the sensor can provide depending on AOI and pixel clock. Note: Images might be buffered in the cameras memory. This can result in delayed images.
  • mvLegacy (Display string: 'mv Legacy'): Compatibility mode, not recommended.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ mvAcquisitionMemoryAOIParameterChanged

readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvAcquisitionMemoryAOIParameterChanged = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()

An integer property. AOI and/or binning parameter changed after last Acquisition.

AOI and/or binning parameter changed after last Acquisition.

◆ mvAcquisitionMemoryFrameCount

An integer property. The number of frames currently stored in the frame buffer.

The number of frames currently stored in the frame buffer. If this value keeps increasing this can indicate a bandwidth/transmission problem.

◆ mvAcquisitionMemoryMaxFrameCount

An integer property. Maximum number of frames that can be recorded in the current configuration(deprecated, use the maximum value of 'mvAcquisitionMemoryFrameCount' instead).

Maximum number of frames that can be recorded in the current configuration(deprecated, use the maximum value of 'mvAcquisitionMemoryFrameCount' instead).

◆ mvAcquisitionMemoryMode

An enumerated integer property. mvRecord is used to store frames in memory. mvPlayback transfers stored frames. mvPretrigger stores frames in memory to be transferred after trigger.

mvRecord is used to store frames in memory. mvPlayback transfers stored frames. mvPretrigger stores frames in memory to be transferred after trigger.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Default (Display string: 'Default'): Default memory mode.
  • mvRecord (Display string: 'mv Record'): Stores frames in memory.
  • mvPlayback (Display string: 'mv Playback'): Transfers stored frames.
  • mvPretrigger (Display string: 'mv Pretrigger'): Stores frames in memory to be transferred after trigger.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ mvCompressionKneepoint

An integer property. Knee point of 10 to 8 bit compression.

Knee point of 10 to 8 bit compression.

◆ mvExposureActiveShift

An integer property. Sets the delay between the ExposureActive signal at the output and the exposure start at the sensor in us. Negative values mean ExposureActive is set to high before the exposure. Positive values mean ExposureActive is set to high after the exposure.

Sets the delay between the ExposureActive signal at the output and the exposure start at the sensor in us. Negative values mean ExposureActive is set to high before the exposure. Positive values mean ExposureActive is set to high after the exposure.

◆ mvExposureActiveShiftEnable

A boolean property. Enables the property to set the value of the shift between sensor exposure and the signal ExposureActive at the camera output.

Enables the property to set the value of the shift between sensor exposure and the signal ExposureActive at the camera output.

◆ mvExposureAutoAOIMode

An enumerated integer property. Common AutoControl AOI used for Auto Gain Control(AGC), Auto Exposure Control(AEC) and Auto White Balance(AWB).

Common AutoControl AOI used for Auto Gain Control(AGC), Auto Exposure Control(AEC) and Auto White Balance(AWB).

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • mvFull (Display string: 'mv Full')
  • mvCenter (Display string: 'mv Center')
  • mvUser (Display string: 'mv User')
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ mvExposureAutoAverageGrey

An integer property. Common desired average grey value (in percent) used for Auto Gain Control(AGC) and Auto Exposure Control(AEC).

Common desired average grey value (in percent) used for auto gain control(AGC) and auto exposure control (AEC).

◆ mvExposureAutoDelayImages

An integer property. The number of frames that the AEC must skip before updating the exposure register.

The number of frames that the AEC must skip before updating the exposure register.

◆ mvExposureAutoHeight

An integer property. Common AOI Height used for auto gain control(AGC), Auto Exposure Control(AEC) and Auto White Balance(AWB).

Common AOI Height used for auto gain control(AGC), Auto Exposure Control(AEC) and Auto White Balance(AWB).

◆ mvExposureAutoHighlightAOI

An enumerated integer property. Highlight auto control AOI to check AOI settings. Switch off for normal operation.

Highlight auto control AOI to check AOI settings. Switch off for normal operation.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Off (Display string: 'Off')
  • On (Display string: 'On')
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ mvExposureAutoLowerLimit

A floating point property. The lower limit of the exposure time in auto exposure mode.

The lower limit of the exposure time in auto exposure mode.

◆ mvExposureAutoMode

An enumerated integer property. Selects the common auto mode for gain and exposure.

Selects the common auto mode for gain and exposure.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • mvSensor (Display string: 'mv Sensor'): The sensor itself will do the auto control.
  • mvDevice (Display string: 'mv Device'): The device(firmware) will do the auto control.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ mvExposureAutoOffsetX

An integer property. Common AOI XOffset used for auto gain control(AGC), Auto Exposure Control(AEC) and Auto White Balance(AWB).

Common AOI XOffset used for auto gain control(AGC), Auto Exposure Control(AEC) and Auto White Balance(AWB).

◆ mvExposureAutoOffsetY

An integer property. Common AOI YOffset used for auto gain control(AGC), Auto Exposure Control(AEC) and Auto White Balance(AWB).

Common AOI YOffset used for auto gain control(AGC), Auto Exposure Control(AEC) and Auto White Balance(AWB).

◆ mvExposureAutoSpeed

An enumerated integer property. Determines the increment or decrement size of exposure value from frame to frame.

Determines the increment or decrement size of exposure value from frame to frame.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Slow (Display string: 'Slow')
  • Medium (Display string: 'Medium')
  • Fast (Display string: 'Fast')
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ mvExposureAutoUpperLimit

A floating point property. The upper limit of the exposure time in auto exposure mode.

The upper limit of the exposure time in auto exposure mode.

◆ mvExposureAutoWidth

An integer property. Common AOI Width used for auto gain control(AGC), Auto Exposure Control(AEC) and Auto White Balance(AWB).

Common AOI Width used for auto gain control(AGC), Auto Exposure Control(AEC) and Auto White Balance(AWB).

◆ mvExposureHorizontalZoneDivider

A floating point property. Defines the position(in percent of the total number of lines) within the image to switch from one exposure time to the next.

Defines the position(in percent of the total number of lines) within the image to switch from one exposure time to the next. 100% means that only one zone exists. 25% means that the upper 25% of the image are defined by the exposure time of 'mvHorizontalZone0' and the lower 75% are defined by the exposure time of 'mvHorizontalZone1'.

◆ mvFeatureMode

An enumerated integer property. Enables feature mode.

Enables feature mode.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Off (Display string: 'Off'): No smart feature mode is selected
  • mvJPEGWithRaw (Display string: 'mv JPEG With Raw'): When active a binned raw image is sent together with a full resolution JPEG.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ mvLensCalibrationEnable

A boolean property. Enables or disables lens calibration.

When active lens calibration will be applied to the image. The calibration data must have been correctly calculated for the scene and loaded into device memory using, for example, the file interface with filename 'mvLensCalibrationBlocks' and 'mvLensCalibrationPixels'. This will effectively reduce the number of images that can be stored inside the frame buffer.

◆ mvMultiExposureCount

An integer property. The number of exposures per frame.

The number of exposures per frame.

◆ mvPretriggerFrameCount

An integer property. Number of frames to acquire before the occurrence of an AcquisitionStart or AcquisitionActive trigger.

Number of frames to acquire before the occurrence of an AcquisitionStart or AcquisitionActive trigger.

◆ mvResultingFrameRate

A floating point property. Shows the resulting frame rate.

Shows the resulting frame rate.


◆ mvSensorRegister

An integer property. Number of sensor register to access.

Number of sensor register to access.

◆ mvSensorRegisterValue

An integer property. Value of sensor register.

Value of sensor register.

◆ mvShutterMode

An enumerated integer property. Selects the shutter mode of the sensor.

Selects the shutter mode of the sensor.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • mvRollingShutter (Display string: 'mv Rolling Shutter')
  • mvGlobalReset (Display string: 'mv Global Reset')
  • mvGlobalShutter (Display string: 'mv Global Shutter')
  • mvGlobalShutterWithoutReset (Display string: 'mv Global Shutter Without Reset')
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ mvSmartFrameRecallEnable

A boolean property. When active in addition to the processed image data also the unprocessed image is stored inside the devices RAM.

When active in addition to the processed image data (e.g. after binning, decimation, de-Bayering, LUT etc. applied inside the device) also the unprocessed image is stored inside the devices RAM allowing to request the transmission of these images by an application as well. This will effectively reduce the number of images that can be stored inside the frame buffer.

◆ mvSmartFrameRecallFrameSkipRatio

An integer property. When set to a value different from zero, the smaller frames get thinned out. AOI requests can still be done for all frames.

The number of processed images to drop, i.e. skip. This can be used to reduce the frame rate even further. AOIs for unsent images can still be requested - the timestamps for these dropped images must be interpolated.

◆ mvSmartFrameRecallTimestampLookupAccuracy

readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 mvSmartFrameRecallTimestampLookupAccuracy = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()

An integer property. This value defines the strictness of the timestamp-check for the recalled image (given in us).

This value defines the strictness of the timestamp-check for the recalled image (given in us).

◆ mvSmearReduction

An enumerated integer property. Smear reduction in triggered and non-overlapped mode.

Smear reduction in triggered and non-overlapped mode.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • mvStandard (Display string: 'mv Standard'): Standard smear reduction.
  • mvMedium (Display string: 'mv Medium'): Medium smear reduction.
  • mvHighest (Display string: 'mv Highest'): Highest smear but more power consumption.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ rcExposureAutoAverageMax

A floating point property. Sets the maximum mean intensity in auto mode.

This value sets the maximum mean intensity in auto mode as fraction between 0 and 1.

◆ rcExposureAutoAverageMin

A floating point property. Sets the minimum mean intensity in auto mode.

This value sets the minimum mean intensity in auto mode as fraction between 0 and 1.

◆ triggerActivation

An enumerated integer property. Specifies the activation mode of the trigger.

Specifies the activation mode of the trigger.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • RisingEdge (Display string: 'Rising Edge'): Specifies that the trigger is considered valid on the rising edge of the source signal.
  • FallingEdge (Display string: 'Falling Edge'): Specifies that the trigger is considered valid on the falling edge of the source signal.
  • AnyEdge (Display string: 'Any Edge'): Specifies that the trigger is considered valid on the falling or rising edge of the source signal.
  • LevelHigh (Display string: 'Level High'): Specifies that the trigger is considered valid as long as the level of the source signal is high.
  • LevelLow (Display string: 'Level Low'): Specifies that the trigger is considered valid as long as the level of the source signal is low.
  • mvNone (Display string: 'mv None')
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ triggerDelay

A floating point property. Specifies the delay in microseconds (us) to apply after the trigger reception before activating it.

Specifies the delay in microseconds (us) to apply after the trigger reception before activating it.

◆ triggerDivider

An integer property. Specifies a division factor for the incoming trigger pulses.

Specifies a division factor for the incoming trigger pulses.

◆ triggerMode

An enumerated integer property. Controls if the selected trigger is active.

Controls if the selected trigger is active.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Off (Display string: 'Off'): Disables the selected trigger.
  • On (Display string: 'On'): Enable the selected trigger.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ triggerMultiplier

An integer property. Specifies a multiplication factor for the incoming trigger pulses.

Specifies a multiplication factor for the incoming trigger pulses. It is generally used in conjunction with TriggerDivider to control the ratio of triggers that are accepted.

◆ triggerOverlap

An enumerated integer property. Specifies the type trigger overlap permitted with the previous frame or line.

Specifies the type trigger overlap permitted with the previous frame or line. This defines when a valid trigger will be accepted (or latched) for a new frame or a new line.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Off (Display string: 'Off'): No trigger overlap is permitted.
  • ReadOut (Display string: 'Read Out'): Trigger is accepted immediately after the exposure period.
  • PreviousFrame (Display string: 'Previous Frame'): Trigger is accepted (latched) at any time during the capture of the previous frame.
  • PreviousLine (Display string: 'Previous Line'): Trigger is accepted (latched) at any time during the capture of the previous line.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ triggerSelector

An enumerated integer property. Selects the type of trigger to configure.

Selects the type of trigger to configure.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • AcquisitionStart (Display string: 'Acquisition Start'): Selects a trigger that starts the Acquisition of one or many frames according to AcquisitionMode.
  • AcquisitionEnd (Display string: 'Acquisition End'): Selects a trigger that ends the Acquisition of one or many frames according to AcquisitionMode.
  • AcquisitionActive (Display string: 'Acquisition Active'): Selects a trigger that controls the duration of the Acquisition of one or many frames. The Acquisition is activated when the trigger signal becomes active and terminated when it goes back to the inactive state.
  • FrameStart (Display string: 'Frame Start'): Selects a trigger starting the capture of one frame.
  • FrameEnd (Display string: 'Frame End'): Selects a trigger ending the capture of one frame (mainly used in linescan mode).
  • FrameActive (Display string: 'Frame Active'): Selects a trigger controlling the duration of one frame (mainly used in linescan mode).
  • FrameBurstStart (Display string: 'Frame Burst Start'): Selects a trigger starting the capture of the bursts of frames in an acquisition. AcquisitionBurstFrameCount controls the length of each burst unless a FrameBurstEnd trigger is active. The total number of frames captured is also conditioned by AcquisitionFrameCount if AcquisitionMode is MultiFrame.
  • FrameBurstEnd (Display string: 'Frame Burst End'): Selects a trigger ending the capture of the bursts of frames in an acquisition.
  • FrameBurstActive (Display string: 'Frame Burst Active'): Selects a trigger controlling the duration of the capture of the bursts of frames in an acquisition.
  • LineStart (Display string: 'Line Start'): Selects a trigger starting the capture of one Line of a Frame (mainly used in linescan mode).
  • ExposureStart (Display string: 'Exposure Start'): Selects a trigger controlling the start of the exposure of one Frame (or Line).
  • ExposureEnd (Display string: 'Exposure End'): Selects a trigger controlling the end of the exposure of one Frame (or Line).
  • ExposureActive (Display string: 'Exposure Active'): Selects a trigger controlling the duration of the exposure of one frame (or Line).
  • MultiSlopeExposureLimit1 (Display string: 'Multi Slope Exposure Limit 1'): Selects a trigger controlling the first duration of a multi-slope exposure. Exposure is continued according to the pre-defined multi-slope settings.
  • mvTimestampReset (Display string: 'mv Timestamp Reset')
  • mvLoopRecordEnd (Display string: 'mv Loop Record End')
  • mvFrameStartSensor2 (Display string: 'mv Frame Start Sensor 2')
  • mvInvalidTriggerSelector (Display string: 'mv Invalid Trigger Selector')
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ triggerSoftware

A method object. Generates an internal trigger.

Generates an internal trigger. TriggerSource must be set to Software.

◆ triggerSource

An enumerated integer property. Specifies the internal signal or physical input Line to use as the trigger source.

Specifies the internal signal or physical input Line to use as the trigger source. The selected trigger must have its TriggerMode set to On.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Action0 (Display string: 'Action 0'): Specifies which Action command to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Action1 (Display string: 'Action 1'): Specifies which Action command to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Action2 (Display string: 'Action 2'): Specifies which Action command to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Action3 (Display string: 'Action 3'): Specifies which Action command to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Action4 (Display string: 'Action 4'): Specifies which Action command to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Action5 (Display string: 'Action 5'): Specifies which Action command to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Action6 (Display string: 'Action 6'): Specifies which Action command to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Action7 (Display string: 'Action 7'): Specifies which Action command to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Action8 (Display string: 'Action 8'): Specifies which Action command to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Action9 (Display string: 'Action 9'): Specifies which Action command to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Action10 (Display string: 'Action 10'): Specifies which Action command to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Action11 (Display string: 'Action 11'): Specifies which Action command to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Action12 (Display string: 'Action 12'): Specifies which Action command to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Action13 (Display string: 'Action 13'): Specifies which Action command to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Action14 (Display string: 'Action 14'): Specifies which Action command to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Action15 (Display string: 'Action 15'): Specifies which Action command to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • CC1 (Display string: 'CC 1'): Index of the Camera Link physical line and associated I/O control block to use. This ensures a direct mapping between the lines on the frame grabber and on the camera. Applicable to CameraLink products only.
  • CC2 (Display string: 'CC 2'): Index of the Camera Link physical line and associated I/O control block to use. This ensures a direct mapping between the lines on the frame grabber and on the camera. Applicable to CameraLink products only.
  • CC3 (Display string: 'CC 3'): Index of the Camera Link physical line and associated I/O control block to use. This ensures a direct mapping between the lines on the frame grabber and on the camera. Applicable to CameraLink products only.
  • CC4 (Display string: 'CC 4'): Index of the Camera Link physical line and associated I/O control block to use. This ensures a direct mapping between the lines on the frame grabber and on the camera. Applicable to CameraLink products only.
  • CC5 (Display string: 'CC 5'): Index of the Camera Link physical line and associated I/O control block to use. This ensures a direct mapping between the lines on the frame grabber and on the camera. Applicable to CameraLink products only.
  • CC6 (Display string: 'CC 6'): Index of the Camera Link physical line and associated I/O control block to use. This ensures a direct mapping between the lines on the frame grabber and on the camera. Applicable to CameraLink products only.
  • CC7 (Display string: 'CC 7'): Index of the Camera Link physical line and associated I/O control block to use. This ensures a direct mapping between the lines on the frame grabber and on the camera. Applicable to CameraLink products only.
  • CC8 (Display string: 'CC 8'): Index of the Camera Link physical line and associated I/O control block to use. This ensures a direct mapping between the lines on the frame grabber and on the camera. Applicable to CameraLink products only.
  • CC9 (Display string: 'CC 9'): Index of the Camera Link physical line and associated I/O control block to use. This ensures a direct mapping between the lines on the frame grabber and on the camera. Applicable to CameraLink products only.
  • CC10 (Display string: 'CC 10'): Index of the Camera Link physical line and associated I/O control block to use. This ensures a direct mapping between the lines on the frame grabber and on the camera. Applicable to CameraLink products only.
  • CC11 (Display string: 'CC 11'): Index of the Camera Link physical line and associated I/O control block to use. This ensures a direct mapping between the lines on the frame grabber and on the camera. Applicable to CameraLink products only.
  • CC12 (Display string: 'CC 12'): Index of the Camera Link physical line and associated I/O control block to use. This ensures a direct mapping between the lines on the frame grabber and on the camera. Applicable to CameraLink products only.
  • CC13 (Display string: 'CC 13'): Index of the Camera Link physical line and associated I/O control block to use. This ensures a direct mapping between the lines on the frame grabber and on the camera. Applicable to CameraLink products only.
  • CC14 (Display string: 'CC 14'): Index of the Camera Link physical line and associated I/O control block to use. This ensures a direct mapping between the lines on the frame grabber and on the camera. Applicable to CameraLink products only.
  • CC15 (Display string: 'CC 15'): Index of the Camera Link physical line and associated I/O control block to use. This ensures a direct mapping between the lines on the frame grabber and on the camera. Applicable to CameraLink products only.
  • Counter0End (Display string: 'Counter 0 End'): Specifies which of the Counter signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Counter0Start (Display string: 'Counter 0 Start'): Specifies which of the Counter signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Counter1End (Display string: 'Counter 1 End'): Specifies which of the Counter signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Counter1Start (Display string: 'Counter 1 Start'): Specifies which of the Counter signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Counter2End (Display string: 'Counter 2 End'): Specifies which of the Counter signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Counter2Start (Display string: 'Counter 2 Start'): Specifies which of the Counter signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Counter3End (Display string: 'Counter 3 End'): Specifies which of the Counter signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Counter3Start (Display string: 'Counter 3 Start'): Specifies which of the Counter signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Counter4End (Display string: 'Counter 4 End'): Specifies which of the Counter signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Counter4Start (Display string: 'Counter 4 Start'): Specifies which of the Counter signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Counter5End (Display string: 'Counter 5 End'): Specifies which of the Counter signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Counter5Start (Display string: 'Counter 5 Start'): Specifies which of the Counter signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Counter6End (Display string: 'Counter 6 End'): Specifies which of the Counter signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Counter6Start (Display string: 'Counter 6 Start'): Specifies which of the Counter signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Counter7End (Display string: 'Counter 7 End'): Specifies which of the Counter signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Counter7Start (Display string: 'Counter 7 Start'): Specifies which of the Counter signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Counter8End (Display string: 'Counter 8 End'): Specifies which of the Counter signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Counter8Start (Display string: 'Counter 8 Start'): Specifies which of the Counter signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Counter9End (Display string: 'Counter 9 End'): Specifies which of the Counter signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Counter9Start (Display string: 'Counter 9 Start'): Specifies which of the Counter signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Counter10End (Display string: 'Counter 10 End'): Specifies which of the Counter signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Counter10Start (Display string: 'Counter 10 Start'): Specifies which of the Counter signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Counter11End (Display string: 'Counter 11 End'): Specifies which of the Counter signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Counter11Start (Display string: 'Counter 11 Start'): Specifies which of the Counter signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Counter12End (Display string: 'Counter 12 End'): Specifies which of the Counter signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Counter12Start (Display string: 'Counter 12 Start'): Specifies which of the Counter signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Counter13End (Display string: 'Counter 13 End'): Specifies which of the Counter signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Counter13Start (Display string: 'Counter 13 Start'): Specifies which of the Counter signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Counter14End (Display string: 'Counter 14 End'): Specifies which of the Counter signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Counter14Start (Display string: 'Counter 14 Start'): Specifies which of the Counter signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Counter15End (Display string: 'Counter 15 End'): Specifies which of the Counter signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Counter15Start (Display string: 'Counter 15 Start'): Specifies which of the Counter signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Encoder0 (Display string: 'Encoder 0'): Specifies which Encoder signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Encoder1 (Display string: 'Encoder 1'): Specifies which Encoder signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Encoder2 (Display string: 'Encoder 2'): Specifies which Encoder signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Line0 (Display string: 'Line 0'): Specifies which physical line (or pin) and associated I/O control block to use as external source for the trigger signal.
  • Line1 (Display string: 'Line 1'): Specifies which physical line (or pin) and associated I/O control block to use as external source for the trigger signal.
  • Line2 (Display string: 'Line 2'): Specifies which physical line (or pin) and associated I/O control block to use as external source for the trigger signal.
  • Line3 (Display string: 'Line 3'): Specifies which physical line (or pin) and associated I/O control block to use as external source for the trigger signal.
  • Line4 (Display string: 'Line 4'): Specifies which physical line (or pin) and associated I/O control block to use as external source for the trigger signal.
  • Line5 (Display string: 'Line 5'): Specifies which physical line (or pin) and associated I/O control block to use as external source for the trigger signal.
  • Line6 (Display string: 'Line 6'): Specifies which physical line (or pin) and associated I/O control block to use as external source for the trigger signal.
  • Line7 (Display string: 'Line 7'): Specifies which physical line (or pin) and associated I/O control block to use as external source for the trigger signal.
  • Line8 (Display string: 'Line 8'): Specifies which physical line (or pin) and associated I/O control block to use as external source for the trigger signal.
  • Line9 (Display string: 'Line 9'): Specifies which physical line (or pin) and associated I/O control block to use as external source for the trigger signal.
  • Line10 (Display string: 'Line 10'): Specifies which physical line (or pin) and associated I/O control block to use as external source for the trigger signal.
  • Line11 (Display string: 'Line 11'): Specifies which physical line (or pin) and associated I/O control block to use as external source for the trigger signal.
  • Line12 (Display string: 'Line 12'): Specifies which physical line (or pin) and associated I/O control block to use as external source for the trigger signal.
  • Line13 (Display string: 'Line 13'): Specifies which physical line (or pin) and associated I/O control block to use as external source for the trigger signal.
  • Line14 (Display string: 'Line 14'): Specifies which physical line (or pin) and associated I/O control block to use as external source for the trigger signal.
  • Line15 (Display string: 'Line 15'): Specifies which physical line (or pin) and associated I/O control block to use as external source for the trigger signal.
  • LinkTrigger0 (Display string: 'Link Trigger 0'): Specifies which Link Trigger to use as source for the trigger (received from the transport layer).
  • LinkTrigger1 (Display string: 'Link Trigger 1'): Specifies which Link Trigger to use as source for the trigger (received from the transport layer).
  • LinkTrigger2 (Display string: 'Link Trigger 2'): Specifies which Link Trigger to use as source for the trigger (received from the transport layer).
  • LogicBlock0 (Display string: 'Logic Block 0'): Specifies which Logic Block signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • LogicBlock1 (Display string: 'Logic Block 1'): Specifies which Logic Block signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • LogicBlock2 (Display string: 'Logic Block 2'): Specifies which Logic Block signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Software (Display string: 'Software'): Specifies that the trigger source will be generated by software using the TriggerSoftware command.
  • SoftwareSignal0 (Display string: 'Software Signal 0'): Specifies that the trigger source will be a signal generated by software using the SoftwareSignalPulse command.
  • SoftwareSignal1 (Display string: 'Software Signal 1'): Specifies that the trigger source will be a signal generated by software using the SoftwareSignalPulse command.
  • SoftwareSignal2 (Display string: 'Software Signal 2'): Specifies that the trigger source will be a signal generated by software using the SoftwareSignalPulse command.
  • Timer0End (Display string: 'Timer 0 End'): Specifies which Timer signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Timer0Start (Display string: 'Timer 0 Start'): Specifies which Timer signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Timer1End (Display string: 'Timer 1 End'): Specifies which Timer signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Timer1Start (Display string: 'Timer 1 Start'): Specifies which Timer signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Timer2End (Display string: 'Timer 2 End'): Specifies which Timer signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Timer2Start (Display string: 'Timer 2 Start'): Specifies which Timer signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Timer3End (Display string: 'Timer 3 End'): Specifies which Timer signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Timer3Start (Display string: 'Timer 3 Start'): Specifies which Timer signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Timer4End (Display string: 'Timer 4 End'): Specifies which Timer signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Timer4Start (Display string: 'Timer 4 Start'): Specifies which Timer signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Timer5End (Display string: 'Timer 5 End'): Specifies which Timer signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Timer5Start (Display string: 'Timer 5 Start'): Specifies which Timer signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Timer6End (Display string: 'Timer 6 End'): Specifies which Timer signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Timer6Start (Display string: 'Timer 6 Start'): Specifies which Timer signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Timer7End (Display string: 'Timer 7 End'): Specifies which Timer signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Timer7Start (Display string: 'Timer 7 Start'): Specifies which Timer signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Timer8End (Display string: 'Timer 8 End'): Specifies which Timer signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Timer8Start (Display string: 'Timer 8 Start'): Specifies which Timer signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Timer9End (Display string: 'Timer 9 End'): Specifies which Timer signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Timer9Start (Display string: 'Timer 9 Start'): Specifies which Timer signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Timer10End (Display string: 'Timer 10 End'): Specifies which Timer signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Timer10Start (Display string: 'Timer 10 Start'): Specifies which Timer signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Timer11End (Display string: 'Timer 11 End'): Specifies which Timer signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Timer11Start (Display string: 'Timer 11 Start'): Specifies which Timer signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Timer12End (Display string: 'Timer 12 End'): Specifies which Timer signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Timer12Start (Display string: 'Timer 12 Start'): Specifies which Timer signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Timer13End (Display string: 'Timer 13 End'): Specifies which Timer signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Timer13Start (Display string: 'Timer 13 Start'): Specifies which Timer signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Timer14End (Display string: 'Timer 14 End'): Specifies which Timer signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Timer14Start (Display string: 'Timer 14 Start'): Specifies which Timer signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Timer15End (Display string: 'Timer 15 End'): Specifies which Timer signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • Timer15Start (Display string: 'Timer 15 Start'): Specifies which Timer signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • UserOutput0 (Display string: 'User Output 0'): Specifies which User Output bit signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • UserOutput1 (Display string: 'User Output 1'): Specifies which User Output bit signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • UserOutput2 (Display string: 'User Output 2'): Specifies which User Output bit signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • UserOutput3 (Display string: 'User Output 3'): Specifies which User Output bit signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • UserOutput4 (Display string: 'User Output 4'): Specifies which User Output bit signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • UserOutput5 (Display string: 'User Output 5'): Specifies which User Output bit signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • UserOutput6 (Display string: 'User Output 6'): Specifies which User Output bit signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • UserOutput7 (Display string: 'User Output 7'): Specifies which User Output bit signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • UserOutput8 (Display string: 'User Output 8'): Specifies which User Output bit signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • UserOutput9 (Display string: 'User Output 9'): Specifies which User Output bit signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • UserOutput10 (Display string: 'User Output 10'): Specifies which User Output bit signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • UserOutput11 (Display string: 'User Output 11'): Specifies which User Output bit signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • UserOutput12 (Display string: 'User Output 12'): Specifies which User Output bit signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • UserOutput13 (Display string: 'User Output 13'): Specifies which User Output bit signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • UserOutput14 (Display string: 'User Output 14'): Specifies which User Output bit signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • UserOutput15 (Display string: 'User Output 15'): Specifies which User Output bit signal to use as internal source for the trigger.
  • mvLogicGateOR1Output (Display string: 'mv Logic Gate OR 1 Output')
  • mvLogicGateOR2Output (Display string: 'mv Logic Gate OR 2 Output')
  • mvLogicGateOR3Output (Display string: 'mv Logic Gate OR 3 Output')
  • mvLogicGateOR4Output (Display string: 'mv Logic Gate OR 4 Output')
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.