Impact Acquire SDK C++

Category that contains the File Access control features. More...

#include <mvIMPACT_acquire_GenICam.h>

Public Member Functions

 FileAccessControl (mvIMPACT::acquire::Device *pDev, const std::string &settingName="Base")
 Constructs a new mvIMPACT::acquire::GenICam::FileAccessControl object.

Public Attributes

PropertyS fileAccessBuffer
 A string property. Defines the intermediate access buffer that allows the exchange of data between the device file storage and the application.
PropertyI64 fileAccessLength
 An integer property. Controls the Length of the mapping between the device file storage and the FileAccessBuffer.
PropertyI64 fileAccessOffset
 An integer property. Controls the Offset of the mapping between the device file storage and the FileAccessBuffer.
PropertyI64 fileOpenMode
 An enumerated integer property. Selects the access mode in which a file is opened in the device.
Method fileOperationExecute
 A method object. Executes the operation selected by FileOperationSelector on the selected file.
PropertyI64 fileOperationResult
 An integer property. Represents the file operation result.
PropertyI64 fileOperationSelector
 An enumerated integer property. Selects the target operation for the selected file in the device.
PropertyI64 fileOperationStatus
 An enumerated integer property. Represents the file operation execution status.
PropertyI64 fileSelector
 An enumerated integer property. Selects the target file in the device.
PropertyI64 fileSize
 An integer property. Represents the size of the selected file in bytes.

Detailed Description

Category that contains the File Access control features.

A category that contains the File Access control features.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ FileAccessControl()

FileAccessControl ( mvIMPACT::acquire::Device * pDev,
const std::string & settingName = "Base" )

Constructs a new mvIMPACT::acquire::GenICam::FileAccessControl object.

[in]pDevA pointer to a mvIMPACT::acquire::Device object obtained from a mvIMPACT::acquire::DeviceManager object.
[in]settingNameThe name of the driver internal setting to access with this instance. A list of valid setting names can be obtained by a call to mvIMPACT::acquire::FunctionInterface::getAvailableSettings, new settings can be created with the function mvIMPACT::acquire::FunctionInterface::createSetting

Member Data Documentation

◆ fileAccessBuffer

PropertyS fileAccessBuffer

A string property. Defines the intermediate access buffer that allows the exchange of data between the device file storage and the application.

Defines the intermediate access buffer that allows the exchange of data between the device file storage and the application.

◆ fileAccessLength

PropertyI64 fileAccessLength

An integer property. Controls the Length of the mapping between the device file storage and the FileAccessBuffer.

Controls the Length of the mapping between the device file storage and the FileAccessBuffer.

◆ fileAccessOffset

PropertyI64 fileAccessOffset

An integer property. Controls the Offset of the mapping between the device file storage and the FileAccessBuffer.

Controls the Offset of the mapping between the device file storage and the FileAccessBuffer.

◆ fileOpenMode

PropertyI64 fileOpenMode

An enumerated integer property. Selects the access mode in which a file is opened in the device.

Selects the access mode in which a file is opened in the device.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Read (Display string: 'Read'): This mode selects read-only open mode.
  • Write (Display string: 'Write'): This mode selects write-only open mode.
  • ReadWrite (Display string: 'Read Write'): This mode selects read and write open mode.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT::acquire::EnumPropertyI::getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ fileOperationExecute

Method fileOperationExecute

A method object. Executes the operation selected by FileOperationSelector on the selected file.

Executes the operation selected by FileOperationSelector on the selected file.

◆ fileOperationResult

PropertyI64 fileOperationResult

An integer property. Represents the file operation result.

Represents the file operation result. For Read or Write operations, the number of successfully read/written bytes is returned.

◆ fileOperationSelector

PropertyI64 fileOperationSelector

An enumerated integer property. Selects the target operation for the selected file in the device.

Selects the target operation for the selected file in the device. This Operation is executed when the FileOperationExecute feature is called.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Open (Display string: 'Open'): Opens the file selected by FileSelector in the device. The access mode in which the file is opened is selected by FileOpenMode.
  • Close (Display string: 'Close'): Closes the file selected by FileSelector in the device.
  • Read (Display string: 'Read'): Reads FileAccessLength bytes from the device storage at the file relative offset FileAccessOffset into FileAccessBuffer.
  • Write (Display string: 'Write'): Writes FileAccessLength bytes taken from the FileAccessBuffer into the device storage at the file relative offset FileAccessOffset.
  • Delete (Display string: 'Delete'): Deletes the file selected by FileSelector in the device. Note that deleting a device file should not remove the associated FileSelector entry to allow future operation on this file.
  • MvFlashWrite (Display string: 'Mv Flash Write')
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT::acquire::EnumPropertyI::getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ fileOperationStatus

PropertyI64 fileOperationStatus

An enumerated integer property. Represents the file operation execution status.

Represents the file operation execution status.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Success (Display string: 'Success'): File Operation was successful.
  • Failure (Display string: 'Failure'): File Operation failed.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT::acquire::EnumPropertyI::getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ fileSelector

PropertyI64 fileSelector

An enumerated integer property. Selects the target file in the device.

Selects the target file in the device.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • DeviceFirmware (Display string: 'Device Firmware')
  • LUTBlue (Display string: 'LUT Blue'): The Blue LUT of the camera.
  • LUTGreen (Display string: 'LUT Green'): The Green LUT of the camera.
  • LUTLuminance (Display string: 'LUT Luminance'): The Luminance LUT of the camera.
  • LUTRed (Display string: 'LUT Red'): The Red LUT of the camera.
  • UserFile (Display string: 'User File')
  • UserSet1 (Display string: 'User Set 1'): The first user set of the device.
  • UserSet2 (Display string: 'User Set 2'): The second user set of the device.
  • UserSet3 (Display string: 'User Set 3'): The third user set of the device.
  • UserSetDefault (Display string: 'User Set Default'): The default user set of the device.
  • mvFFCImage (Display string: 'mv FFC Image')
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT::acquire::EnumPropertyI::getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ fileSize

PropertyI64 fileSize

An integer property. Represents the size of the selected file in bytes.

Represents the size of the selected file in bytes.