Impact Acquire SDK C++

Category that contains items that belong to the data stream module of the transport layer. More...

#include <mvIMPACT_acquire_GenICam.h>

Inheritance diagram for DataStreamModule:

Public Member Functions

 DataStreamModule (mvIMPACT::acquire::Device *pDev, int64_type index, const std::string &settingName="Base")
 Constructs a new mvIMPACT::acquire::GenICam::DataStreamModule object.
HOBJ hObj (void) const
 Returns a unique identifier for the component collection referenced by this object.
const ComponentCollectionrestoreDefault (void) const
 Restores the default for every component of this collection.

Public Attributes

PropertyI64 eventNotification
 An enumerated integer property. Activate or deactivate the notification to the host application of the occurrence of the selected Event.
PropertyI64 eventSelector
 An enumerated integer property. Selects which Event to signal to the host application.
PropertyIBoolean mvAutoJoinMulticastGroups
 A boolean property. This feature controls whether the host automatically joins the multicast group(s) of the camera(s) it configures.
PropertyIBoolean mvLowLatencyModeEnable
 A boolean property. This feature controls whether the low-latency mode (NVIDIA specific) is active or not.
PropertyI64 mvMMAPBufferCount
 An integer property. The number of buffers internally used for the MMAP memory mode.
PropertyI64 mvMultiCoreAcquisitionBaseCore
 An integer property. This feature indicates the base CPU core (as selected by the NIC) that will be used for the processing of network data for this stream.
PropertyI64 mvMultiCoreAcquisitionCoreCount
 An integer property. This feature controls how many CPU cores will be used for the processing of network data for this stream.
PropertyI64 mvMultiCoreAcquisitionCoreSwitchInterval
 An integer property. This feature controls after how many network packets the processing shall switch to the next CPU core. Smaller values introduce a higher overhead, values too high might result in loss of data when the network card runs out of buffers. The recommended values are in the range of 32 - 256.
PropertyIBoolean mvMultiCoreAcquisitionEnable
 A boolean property. This feature controls whether the host shall process incoming data a single arbitrary CPU core (Off) or one or multiple dedicated ones (On).
PropertyI64 mvMultiCoreAcquisitionFirstCoreIndex
 An integer property. This feature controls which is the first CPU core to use for processing network data out of the list of CPU cores available for this task for the NIC associated with this stream.
PropertyIBoolean mvResendActive
 A boolean property. This feature controls if the stream will issue packet resend requests.
PropertyIBoolean mvResendBatchingActive
 A boolean property. This feature controls if the stream will issue batched packet resend requests if it detects several consecutive missing packets.
PropertyI64 mvResendMaximumGapSize
 An integer property. Defines the maximum gap between 2 consecutive packets in the stream.
PropertyI64 mvResendMode
 An integer property. Indicates the mode the internal resend algorithm is working in. This feature is a bit mask. The bits have the following meaning (LSB to MSB): Request Resends when a new block starts and the current one has missing packets(0x01)(not recommended for LAG), Request Resends when a new block starts and the current one has no trailer so far(0x02)(not recommended for LAG), Request Resends when more than 'ResendThreshold' packets have been received since a missing packet has been detected(0x04), Request Resends whenever 'mvResendResponseTimeout' did elapse for the previous still incomplete buffer(0x08), Request Resends whenever 'mvResendResponseTimeout' did elapse for the current still incomplete buffer(0x10), Request Resends whenever a packet is considered as missing(0x20)(not recommended for LAG), Request Resends whenever a block start has been missing(e.g. because no capture buffer was available at the time the block did start)(0x40)
PropertyF mvResendRequestCredits
 A floating point property. Indicates the maximum number of resend requests in percent of payload packets per buffer to send to the device until the packet is considered as lost.
PropertyI64 mvResendRequestMax
 An integer property. Indicates the maximum number of resend requests per packet to send to the device until the packet is considered as lost.
PropertyI64 mvResendResponseTimeout
 An integer property. This feature controls the resend response timeout in milliseconds.
PropertyI64 mvResendsPerTimeout
 An integer property. Indicates the number of packets to be requested whenever the resend response timeout elapses.
PropertyI64 mvResendThreshold
 An integer property. Indicates the resend threshold within the capture window.
PropertyIBoolean mvResendUserControlledEnable
 A boolean property. This feature controls if the resend related parameters on this stream will be controlled by the driver or the host application.
PropertyI64 mvStreamAnnounceBufferMaximum
 An integer property. Maximal number of buffers to announce to enable selected acquisition mode.
PropertyS mvStreamDriverTechnology
 A string property. The underlying driver technology used by this stream.
PropertyI64 mvV4L2MemoryMode
 An enumerated integer property. Controls which of the underlying V4L2 specific buffer memory modes will be used.
PropertyI64 payloadSize
 An integer property. Provides the number of bytes transferred for each data buffer or chunk on the stream channel.
PropertyI64 streamAnnounceBufferMinimum
 An integer property. Minimal number of buffers to announce to enable selected acquisition mode.
PropertyI64 streamAnnouncedBufferCount
 An integer property. Number of announced (known) buffers on this stream. This value is volatile. It may change if additional buffers are announced and/or buffers are revoked by the GenTL Consumer.
PropertyI64 streamBufferAlignment
 An integer property. Alignment size in bytes of the buffers passed to DSAnnounceBuffer.
PropertyI64 streamBufferHandlingMode
 An enumerated integer property. Allows to select the buffer handling mode for the stream.
PropertyI64 streamChunkCountMaximum
 An integer property. Maximum number of chunks to be expected in a buffer (can be used to allocate the array for the DSGetBufferChunkData function).
PropertyI64 streamDeliveredFrameCount
 An integer property. Number of delivered frames since last acquisition start.
PropertyS streamID
 A string property. Device wide unique ID of the selected stream.
PropertyI64 streamInputBufferCount
 An integer property. Number of buffers in the input buffer pool plus the buffers(s) currently being filled.
PropertyIBoolean streamIsGrabbing
 A boolean property. Flag indicating whether the acquisition engine is started or not.
PropertyI64 streamLostFrameCount
 An integer property. Number of lost frames due to queue underrun.
PropertyI64 streamOutputBufferCount
 An integer property. Number of buffers in the output buffer queue.
PropertyI64 streamStartedFrameCount
 An integer property. Number of frames started in the acquisition engine.
PropertyI64 streamType
 An enumerated integer property. Identifies the stream technology of the GenTL Producer implementation.

Protected Attributes

HOBJ m_hRoot

Detailed Description

Category that contains items that belong to the data stream module of the transport layer.

The DataStream category contains items that belong to the data stream module of the transport layer.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ DataStreamModule()

DataStreamModule ( mvIMPACT::acquire::Device * pDev,
int64_type index,
const std::string & settingName = "Base" )

Constructs a new mvIMPACT::acquire::GenICam::DataStreamModule object.

[in]pDevA pointer to a mvIMPACT::acquire::Device object obtained from a mvIMPACT::acquire::DeviceManager object.
[in]indexThe index of the instance this object shall be created for. Passing an invalid index will raise an exception.
[in]settingNameThe name of the driver internal setting to access with this instance. A list of valid setting names can be obtained by a call to mvIMPACT::acquire::FunctionInterface::getAvailableSettings, new settings can be created with the function mvIMPACT::acquire::FunctionInterface::createSetting

Member Function Documentation

◆ hObj()

HOBJ hObj ( void ) const

Returns a unique identifier for the component collection referenced by this object.

This handle will always reference an object of type mvIMPACT::acquire::ComponentList.

A unique identifier for the component referenced by this object.

◆ restoreDefault()

const ComponentCollection & restoreDefault ( void ) const

Restores the default for every component of this collection.

Calling this function will restore the default value for every component belonging to this collection.

The caller must have the right to modify the component. Otherwise an exception will be thrown.
A const reference to the component.

Member Data Documentation

◆ eventNotification

PropertyI64 eventNotification

An enumerated integer property. Activate or deactivate the notification to the host application of the occurrence of the selected Event.

Activate or deactivate the notification to the host application of the occurrence of the selected Event.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Off (Display string: 'Off'): The selected Event notification is disabled.
  • On (Display string: 'On'): The selected Event notification is enabled.
  • Once (Display string: 'Once'): The selected Event notification is enabled for one event then return to Off state.
  • GigEVisionEvent (Display string: 'Gig E Vision Event')
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT::acquire::EnumPropertyI::getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ eventSelector

PropertyI64 eventSelector

An enumerated integer property. Selects which Event to signal to the host application.

Selects which Event to signal to the host application.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • AcquisitionEnd (Display string: 'Acquisition End'): Device just completed the Acquisition of one or many Frames.
  • AcquisitionError (Display string: 'Acquisition Error'): Device just detected an error during the active Acquisition.
  • AcquisitionStart (Display string: 'Acquisition Start'): Device just started the Acquisition of one or many Frames.
  • AcquisitionTransferEnd (Display string: 'Acquisition Transfer End'): Device just completed the transfer of one or many Frames.
  • AcquisitionTransferStart (Display string: 'Acquisition Transfer Start'): Device just started the transfer of one or many Frames.
  • AcquisitionTrigger (Display string: 'Acquisition Trigger'): Device just received a trigger for the Acquisition of one or many Frames.
  • AcquisitionTriggerMissed (Display string: 'Acquisition Trigger Missed'): Device just missed a trigger for the Acquisition of one or many Frames.
  • ActionLate (Display string: 'Action Late'): The event will be generated when a valid scheduled action command is received and is scheduled to be executed at a time that is already past.
  • BufferTooSmall (Display string: 'Buffer Too Small'): This enumeration value indicates an event that is raised when the buffer was too small to receive the expected amount of data.
  • BuffersDiscarded (Display string: 'Buffers Discarded'): This enumeration value indicates an event that is raised when buffers discared by GenTL or device. This event could optionally carry two numeric child data fields EventBuffersDiscardedDeviceCount and EventBuffersDiscardedProducerCount.
  • BuffersDiscardedDeviceCount (Display string: 'Buffers Discarded Device Count'): This enumeration value indicates the number of buffers discarded by the device since last fired instance of this event (the producer would get to know about this for example by observing a gap in the block_id sequence).
  • BuffersDiscardedProducerCount (Display string: 'Buffers Discarded Producer Count'): This enumeration value indicates the number of buffers discarded by the producer since last fired instance of this event (this would happen e.g. if there are no free buffers available or if given buffer handling mode requires discarding old buffers etc.).
  • Counter0End (Display string: 'Counter 0 End'): The event will be generated when counter 0 ends counting.
  • Counter0Start (Display string: 'Counter 0 Start'): The event will be generated when counter 0 starts counting.
  • Counter1End (Display string: 'Counter 1 End'): The event will be generated when counter 1 ends counting.
  • Counter1Start (Display string: 'Counter 1 Start'): The event will be generated when counter 1 starts counting.
  • Counter2End (Display string: 'Counter 2 End'): The event will be generated when counter 2 ends counting.
  • Counter2Start (Display string: 'Counter 2 Start'): The event will be generated when counter 2 starts counting.
  • Counter3End (Display string: 'Counter 3 End'): The event will be generated when counter 3 ends counting.
  • Counter3Start (Display string: 'Counter 3 Start'): The event will be generated when counter 3 starts counting.
  • Counter4End (Display string: 'Counter 4 End'): The event will be generated when counter 4 ends counting.
  • Counter4Start (Display string: 'Counter 4 Start'): The event will be generated when counter 4 starts counting.
  • Counter5End (Display string: 'Counter 5 End'): The event will be generated when counter 5 ends counting.
  • Counter5Start (Display string: 'Counter 5 Start'): The event will be generated when counter 5 starts counting.
  • Counter6End (Display string: 'Counter 6 End'): The event will be generated when counter 6 ends counting.
  • Counter6Start (Display string: 'Counter 6 Start'): The event will be generated when counter 6 starts counting.
  • Counter7End (Display string: 'Counter 7 End'): The event will be generated when counter 7 ends counting.
  • Counter7Start (Display string: 'Counter 7 Start'): The event will be generated when counter 7 starts counting.
  • Counter8End (Display string: 'Counter 8 End'): The event will be generated when counter 8 ends counting.
  • Counter8Start (Display string: 'Counter 8 Start'): The event will be generated when counter 8 starts counting.
  • Counter9End (Display string: 'Counter 9 End'): The event will be generated when counter 9 ends counting.
  • Counter9Start (Display string: 'Counter 9 Start'): The event will be generated when counter 9 starts counting.
  • Counter10End (Display string: 'Counter 10 End'): The event will be generated when counter 10 ends counting.
  • Counter10Start (Display string: 'Counter 10 Start'): The event will be generated when counter 10 starts counting.
  • Counter11End (Display string: 'Counter 11 End'): The event will be generated when counter 11 ends counting.
  • Counter11Start (Display string: 'Counter 11 Start'): The event will be generated when counter 11 starts counting.
  • Counter12End (Display string: 'Counter 12 End'): The event will be generated when counter 12 ends counting.
  • Counter12Start (Display string: 'Counter 12 Start'): The event will be generated when counter 12 starts counting.
  • Counter13End (Display string: 'Counter 13 End'): The event will be generated when counter 13 ends counting.
  • Counter13Start (Display string: 'Counter 13 Start'): The event will be generated when counter 13 starts counting.
  • Counter14End (Display string: 'Counter 14 End'): The event will be generated when counter 14 ends counting.
  • Counter14Start (Display string: 'Counter 14 Start'): The event will be generated when counter 14 starts counting.
  • Counter15End (Display string: 'Counter 15 End'): The event will be generated when counter 15 ends counting.
  • Counter15Start (Display string: 'Counter 15 Start'): The event will be generated when counter 15 starts counting.
  • DeviceListChanged (Display string: 'Device List Changed'): This enumeration value indicates an event that is fired when the list of devices has been updated.
  • DeviceLost (Display string: 'Device Lost'): This enumeration value indicates an event that is raised when the local host looses connection to the physical(remote) device.
  • DeviceTemperatureStateCritical (Display string: 'Device Temperature State Critical')
  • DeviceTemperatureStateNormal (Display string: 'Device Temperature State Normal')
  • DeviceTemperatureStateOverTemperature (Display string: 'Device Temperature State Over Temperature')
  • Encoder0Restarted (Display string: 'Encoder 0 Restarted'): The event will be generated when the Encoder 0 restarts moving.
  • Encoder0Stopped (Display string: 'Encoder 0 Stopped'): The event will be generated when the Encoder 0 stops for longer than EncoderTimeout.
  • Encoder1Restarted (Display string: 'Encoder 1 Restarted'): The event will be generated when the Encoder 1 restarts moving.
  • Encoder1Stopped (Display string: 'Encoder 1 Stopped'): The event will be generated when the Encoder 1 stops for longer than EncoderTimeout.
  • Encoder2Restarted (Display string: 'Encoder 2 Restarted'): The event will be generated when the Encoder 2 restarts moving.
  • Encoder2Stopped (Display string: 'Encoder 2 Stopped'): The event will be generated when the Encoder 2 stops for longer than EncoderTimeout.
  • Encoder3Restarted (Display string: 'Encoder 3 Restarted'): The event will be generated when the Encoder 3 restarts moving.
  • Encoder3Stopped (Display string: 'Encoder 3 Stopped'): The event will be generated when the Encoder 3 stops for longer than EncoderTimeout.
  • Encoder4Restarted (Display string: 'Encoder 4 Restarted'): The event will be generated when the Encoder 4 restarts moving.
  • Encoder4Stopped (Display string: 'Encoder 4 Stopped'): The event will be generated when the Encoder 4 stops for longer than EncoderTimeout.
  • Encoder5Restarted (Display string: 'Encoder 5 Restarted'): The event will be generated when the Encoder 5 restarts moving.
  • Encoder5Stopped (Display string: 'Encoder 5 Stopped'): The event will be generated when the Encoder 5 stops for longer than EncoderTimeout.
  • Encoder6Restarted (Display string: 'Encoder 6 Restarted'): The event will be generated when the Encoder 6 restarts moving.
  • Encoder6Stopped (Display string: 'Encoder 6 Stopped'): The event will be generated when the Encoder 6 stops for longer than EncoderTimeout.
  • Encoder7Restarted (Display string: 'Encoder 7 Restarted'): The event will be generated when the Encoder 7 restarts moving.
  • Encoder7Stopped (Display string: 'Encoder 7 Stopped'): The event will be generated when the Encoder 7 stops for longer than EncoderTimeout.
  • Encoder8Restarted (Display string: 'Encoder 8 Restarted'): The event will be generated when the Encoder 8 restarts moving.
  • Encoder8Stopped (Display string: 'Encoder 8 Stopped'): The event will be generated when the Encoder 8 stops for longer than EncoderTimeout.
  • Encoder9Restarted (Display string: 'Encoder 9 Restarted'): The event will be generated when the Encoder 9 restarts moving.
  • Encoder9Stopped (Display string: 'Encoder 9 Stopped'): The event will be generated when the Encoder 9 stops for longer than EncoderTimeout.
  • Encoder10Restarted (Display string: 'Encoder 10 Restarted'): The event will be generated when the Encoder 10 restarts moving.
  • Encoder10Stopped (Display string: 'Encoder 10 Stopped'): The event will be generated when the Encoder 10 stops for longer than EncoderTimeout.
  • Encoder11Restarted (Display string: 'Encoder 11 Restarted'): The event will be generated when the Encoder 11 restarts moving.
  • Encoder11Stopped (Display string: 'Encoder 11 Stopped'): The event will be generated when the Encoder 11 stops for longer than EncoderTimeout.
  • Encoder12Restarted (Display string: 'Encoder 12 Restarted'): The event will be generated when the Encoder 12 restarts moving.
  • Encoder12Stopped (Display string: 'Encoder 12 Stopped'): The event will be generated when the Encoder 12 stops for longer than EncoderTimeout.
  • Encoder13Restarted (Display string: 'Encoder 13 Restarted'): The event will be generated when the Encoder 13 restarts moving.
  • Encoder13Stopped (Display string: 'Encoder 13 Stopped'): The event will be generated when the Encoder 13 stops for longer than EncoderTimeout.
  • Encoder14Restarted (Display string: 'Encoder 14 Restarted'): The event will be generated when the Encoder 14 restarts moving.
  • Encoder14Stopped (Display string: 'Encoder 14 Stopped'): The event will be generated when the Encoder 14 stops for longer than EncoderTimeout.
  • Encoder15Restarted (Display string: 'Encoder 15 Restarted'): The event will be generated when the Encoder 15 restarts moving.
  • Encoder15Stopped (Display string: 'Encoder 15 Stopped'): The event will be generated when the Encoder 15 stops for longer than EncoderTimeout.
  • Error (Display string: 'Error'): Device just detected an error during the active Acquisition.
  • ExposureEnd (Display string: 'Exposure End'): Device just completed the exposure of one Frame (or Line).
  • ExposureStart (Display string: 'Exposure Start'): Device just started the exposure of one Frame (or Line).
  • FrameBurstEnd (Display string: 'Frame Burst End'): Device just completed the capture of a burst of Frames.
  • FrameBurstStart (Display string: 'Frame Burst Start'): Device just started the capture of a burst of Frames.
  • FrameEnd (Display string: 'Frame End'): Device just completed the capture of one Frame.
  • FrameStart (Display string: 'Frame Start'): Device just started the capture of one Frame.
  • FrameTransferEnd (Display string: 'Frame Transfer End'): Device just completed the transfer of one Frame.
  • FrameTransferStart (Display string: 'Frame Transfer Start'): Device just started the transfer of one Frame.
  • FrameTrigger (Display string: 'Frame Trigger'): Device just received a trigger to start the capture of one Frame.
  • FrameTriggerMissed (Display string: 'Frame Trigger Missed'): Device just missed a trigger to start the capture of one Frame.
  • InterfaceListChanged (Display string: 'Interface List Changed'): This enumeration value indicates an event that is fired when the list of interfaces has been updated.
  • InterfaceLost (Display string: 'Interface Lost'): This enumeration value indicates an event that is raised when the interface connection is lost.
  • Line0AnyEdge (Display string: 'Line 0 Any Edge'): The event will be generated when a Falling or Rising Edge is detected on the Line 0.
  • Line0FallingEdge (Display string: 'Line 0 Falling Edge'): The event will be generated when a Falling Edge is detected on the Line 0.
  • Line0RisingEdge (Display string: 'Line 0 Rising Edge'): The event will be generated when a Rising Edge is detected on the Line 0.
  • Line1AnyEdge (Display string: 'Line 1 Any Edge'): The event will be generated when a Falling or Rising Edge is detected on the Line 1.
  • Line1FallingEdge (Display string: 'Line 1 Falling Edge'): The event will be generated when a Falling Edge is detected on the Line 1.
  • Line1RisingEdge (Display string: 'Line 1 Rising Edge'): The event will be generated when a Rising Edge is detected on the Line 1.
  • Line2AnyEdge (Display string: 'Line 2 Any Edge'): The event will be generated when a Falling or Rising Edge is detected on the Line 2.
  • Line2FallingEdge (Display string: 'Line 2 Falling Edge'): The event will be generated when a Falling Edge is detected on the Line 2.
  • Line2RisingEdge (Display string: 'Line 2 Rising Edge'): The event will be generated when a Rising Edge is detected on the Line 2.
  • Line3AnyEdge (Display string: 'Line 3 Any Edge'): The event will be generated when a Falling or Rising Edge is detected on the Line 3.
  • Line3FallingEdge (Display string: 'Line 3 Falling Edge'): The event will be generated when a Falling Edge is detected on the Line 3.
  • Line3RisingEdge (Display string: 'Line 3 Rising Edge'): The event will be generated when a Rising Edge is detected on the Line 3.
  • Line4AnyEdge (Display string: 'Line 4 Any Edge'): The event will be generated when a Falling or Rising Edge is detected on the Line 4.
  • Line4FallingEdge (Display string: 'Line 4 Falling Edge'): The event will be generated when a Falling Edge is detected on the Line 4.
  • Line4RisingEdge (Display string: 'Line 4 Rising Edge'): The event will be generated when a Rising Edge is detected on the Line 4.
  • Line5AnyEdge (Display string: 'Line 5 Any Edge'): The event will be generated when a Falling or Rising Edge is detected on the Line 5.
  • Line5FallingEdge (Display string: 'Line 5 Falling Edge'): The event will be generated when a Falling Edge is detected on the Line 5.
  • Line5RisingEdge (Display string: 'Line 5 Rising Edge'): The event will be generated when a Rising Edge is detected on the Line 5.
  • Line6AnyEdge (Display string: 'Line 6 Any Edge'): The event will be generated when a Falling or Rising Edge is detected on the Line 6.
  • Line6FallingEdge (Display string: 'Line 6 Falling Edge'): The event will be generated when a Falling Edge is detected on the Line 6.
  • Line6RisingEdge (Display string: 'Line 6 Rising Edge'): The event will be generated when a Rising Edge is detected on the Line 6.
  • Line7AnyEdge (Display string: 'Line 7 Any Edge'): The event will be generated when a Falling or Rising Edge is detected on the Line 7.
  • Line7FallingEdge (Display string: 'Line 7 Falling Edge'): The event will be generated when a Falling Edge is detected on the Line 7.
  • Line7RisingEdge (Display string: 'Line 7 Rising Edge'): The event will be generated when a Rising Edge is detected on the Line 7.
  • Line8AnyEdge (Display string: 'Line 8 Any Edge'): The event will be generated when a Falling or Rising Edge is detected on the Line 8.
  • Line8FallingEdge (Display string: 'Line 8 Falling Edge'): The event will be generated when a Falling Edge is detected on the Line 8.
  • Line8RisingEdge (Display string: 'Line 8 Rising Edge'): The event will be generated when a Rising Edge is detected on the Line 8.
  • Line9AnyEdge (Display string: 'Line 9 Any Edge'): The event will be generated when a Falling or Rising Edge is detected on the Line 9.
  • Line9FallingEdge (Display string: 'Line 9 Falling Edge'): The event will be generated when a Falling Edge is detected on the Line 9.
  • Line9RisingEdge (Display string: 'Line 9 Rising Edge'): The event will be generated when a Rising Edge is detected on the Line 9.
  • Line10AnyEdge (Display string: 'Line 10 Any Edge'): The event will be generated when a Falling or Rising Edge is detected on the Line 10.
  • Line10FallingEdge (Display string: 'Line 10 Falling Edge'): The event will be generated when a Falling Edge is detected on the Line 10.
  • Line10RisingEdge (Display string: 'Line 10 Rising Edge'): The event will be generated when a Rising Edge is detected on the Line 10.
  • Line11AnyEdge (Display string: 'Line 11 Any Edge'): The event will be generated when a Falling or Rising Edge is detected on the Line 11.
  • Line11FallingEdge (Display string: 'Line 11 Falling Edge'): The event will be generated when a Falling Edge is detected on the Line 11.
  • Line11RisingEdge (Display string: 'Line 11 Rising Edge'): The event will be generated when a Rising Edge is detected on the Line 11.
  • Line12AnyEdge (Display string: 'Line 12 Any Edge'): The event will be generated when a Falling or Rising Edge is detected on the Line 12.
  • Line12FallingEdge (Display string: 'Line 12 Falling Edge'): The event will be generated when a Falling Edge is detected on the Line 12.
  • Line12RisingEdge (Display string: 'Line 12 Rising Edge'): The event will be generated when a Rising Edge is detected on the Line 12.
  • Line13AnyEdge (Display string: 'Line 13 Any Edge'): The event will be generated when a Falling or Rising Edge is detected on the Line 13.
  • Line13FallingEdge (Display string: 'Line 13 Falling Edge'): The event will be generated when a Falling Edge is detected on the Line 13.
  • Line13RisingEdge (Display string: 'Line 13 Rising Edge'): The event will be generated when a Rising Edge is detected on the Line 13.
  • Line14AnyEdge (Display string: 'Line 14 Any Edge'): The event will be generated when a Falling or Rising Edge is detected on the Line 14.
  • Line14FallingEdge (Display string: 'Line 14 Falling Edge'): The event will be generated when a Falling Edge is detected on the Line 14.
  • Line14RisingEdge (Display string: 'Line 14 Rising Edge'): The event will be generated when a Rising Edge is detected on the Line 14.
  • Line15AnyEdge (Display string: 'Line 15 Any Edge'): The event will be generated when a Falling or Rising Edge is detected on the Line 15.
  • Line15FallingEdge (Display string: 'Line 15 Falling Edge'): The event will be generated when a Falling Edge is detected on the Line 15.
  • Line15RisingEdge (Display string: 'Line 15 Rising Edge'): The event will be generated when a Rising Edge is detected on the Line 15.
  • LineEnd (Display string: 'Line End'): Device just completed the capture of one Line.
  • LineStart (Display string: 'Line Start'): Device just started the capture of one Line.
  • LineTrigger (Display string: 'Line Trigger'): Device just received a trigger to start the capture of one Line.
  • LineTriggerMissed (Display string: 'Line Trigger Missed'): Device just missed a trigger to start the capture of one Line.
  • Link0Trigger (Display string: 'Link 0 Trigger')
  • Link1Trigger (Display string: 'Link 1 Trigger')
  • Link2Trigger (Display string: 'Link 2 Trigger')
  • Link3Trigger (Display string: 'Link 3 Trigger')
  • Link4Trigger (Display string: 'Link 4 Trigger')
  • Link5Trigger (Display string: 'Link 5 Trigger')
  • Link6Trigger (Display string: 'Link 6 Trigger')
  • Link7Trigger (Display string: 'Link 7 Trigger')
  • Link8Trigger (Display string: 'Link 8 Trigger')
  • Link9Trigger (Display string: 'Link 9 Trigger')
  • Link10Trigger (Display string: 'Link 10 Trigger')
  • Link11Trigger (Display string: 'Link 11 Trigger')
  • Link12Trigger (Display string: 'Link 12 Trigger')
  • Link13Trigger (Display string: 'Link 13 Trigger')
  • Link14Trigger (Display string: 'Link 14 Trigger')
  • Link15Trigger (Display string: 'Link 15 Trigger')
  • LinkSpeedChange (Display string: 'Link Speed Change'): The event will be generated when the link speed has changed.
  • LinkTrigger0 (Display string: 'Link Trigger 0'): The event will be generated when a Rising Edge is detected on the LinkTrigger 0.
  • LinkTrigger1 (Display string: 'Link Trigger 1'): The event will be generated when a Rising Edge is detected on the LinkTrigger 1.
  • PrimaryApplicationSwitch (Display string: 'Primary Application Switch'): The event will be generated when a primary application switchover has been granted (GigE Vision Specific).
  • SequencerSetChange (Display string: 'Sequencer Set Change'): Device sequencer set has changed.
  • Stream0TransferBlockEnd (Display string: 'Stream 0 Transfer Block End'): Device just completed the transfer of one Block.
  • Stream0TransferBlockStart (Display string: 'Stream 0 Transfer Block Start'): Device just started the transfer of one Block.
  • Stream0TransferBlockTrigger (Display string: 'Stream 0 Transfer Block Trigger'): Device just received a trigger to start the transfer of one Block.
  • Stream0TransferBurstEnd (Display string: 'Stream 0 Transfer Burst End'): Device just completed the transfer of a burst of Blocks.
  • Stream0TransferBurstStart (Display string: 'Stream 0 Transfer Burst Start'): Device just started the transfer of a burst of Blocks.
  • Stream0TransferEnd (Display string: 'Stream 0 Transfer End'): Device just completed the transfer of one or many Blocks.
  • Stream0TransferOverflow (Display string: 'Stream 0 Transfer Overflow'): Device transfer queue overflowed.
  • Stream0TransferPause (Display string: 'Stream 0 Transfer Pause'): Device just paused the transfer.
  • Stream0TransferResume (Display string: 'Stream 0 Transfer Resume'): Device just resumed the transfer.
  • Stream0TransferStart (Display string: 'Stream 0 Transfer Start'): Device just started the transfer of one or many Blocks.
  • Test (Display string: 'Test'): The test event will be generated when the device receives the TestEventGenerate command (EventNotification for the Test event is always On).
  • Timer0End (Display string: 'Timer 0 End'): The event will be generated when Timer 0 ends counting.
  • Timer0Start (Display string: 'Timer 0 Start'): The event will be generated when Timer 0 starts counting.
  • Timer1End (Display string: 'Timer 1 End'): The event will be generated when Timer 1 ends counting.
  • Timer1Start (Display string: 'Timer 1 Start'): The event will be generated when Timer 1 starts counting.
  • Timer2End (Display string: 'Timer 2 End'): The event will be generated when Timer 2 ends counting.
  • Timer2Start (Display string: 'Timer 2 Start'): The event will be generated when Timer 2 starts counting.
  • Timer3End (Display string: 'Timer 3 End'): The event will be generated when Timer 3 ends counting.
  • Timer3Start (Display string: 'Timer 3 Start'): The event will be generated when Timer 3 starts counting.
  • Timer4End (Display string: 'Timer 4 End'): The event will be generated when Timer 4 ends counting.
  • Timer4Start (Display string: 'Timer 4 Start'): The event will be generated when Timer 4 starts counting.
  • Timer5End (Display string: 'Timer 5 End'): The event will be generated when Timer 5 ends counting.
  • Timer5Start (Display string: 'Timer 5 Start'): The event will be generated when Timer 5 starts counting.
  • Timer6End (Display string: 'Timer 6 End'): The event will be generated when Timer 6 ends counting.
  • Timer6Start (Display string: 'Timer 6 Start'): The event will be generated when Timer 6 starts counting.
  • Timer7End (Display string: 'Timer 7 End'): The event will be generated when Timer 7 ends counting.
  • Timer7Start (Display string: 'Timer 7 Start'): The event will be generated when Timer 7 starts counting.
  • Timer8End (Display string: 'Timer 8 End'): The event will be generated when Timer 8 ends counting.
  • Timer8Start (Display string: 'Timer 8 Start'): The event will be generated when Timer 8 starts counting.
  • Timer9End (Display string: 'Timer 9 End'): The event will be generated when Timer 9 ends counting.
  • Timer9Start (Display string: 'Timer 9 Start'): The event will be generated when Timer 9 starts counting.
  • Timer10End (Display string: 'Timer 10 End'): The event will be generated when Timer 10 ends counting.
  • Timer10Start (Display string: 'Timer 10 Start'): The event will be generated when Timer 10 starts counting.
  • Timer11End (Display string: 'Timer 11 End'): The event will be generated when Timer 11 ends counting.
  • Timer11Start (Display string: 'Timer 11 Start'): The event will be generated when Timer 11 starts counting.
  • Timer12End (Display string: 'Timer 12 End'): The event will be generated when Timer 12 ends counting.
  • Timer12Start (Display string: 'Timer 12 Start'): The event will be generated when Timer 12 starts counting.
  • Timer13End (Display string: 'Timer 13 End'): The event will be generated when Timer 13 ends counting.
  • Timer13Start (Display string: 'Timer 13 Start'): The event will be generated when Timer 13 starts counting.
  • Timer14End (Display string: 'Timer 14 End'): The event will be generated when Timer 14 ends counting.
  • Timer14Start (Display string: 'Timer 14 Start'): The event will be generated when Timer 14 starts counting.
  • Timer15End (Display string: 'Timer 15 End'): The event will be generated when Timer 15 ends counting.
  • Timer15Start (Display string: 'Timer 15 Start'): The event will be generated when Timer 15 starts counting.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT::acquire::EnumPropertyI::getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ m_hRoot

HOBJ m_hRoot

◆ mvAutoJoinMulticastGroups

PropertyIBoolean mvAutoJoinMulticastGroups

A boolean property. This feature controls whether the host automatically joins the multicast group(s) of the camera(s) it configures.

This feature controls whether the host automatically joins the multicast group(s) of the camera(s) it configures.

◆ mvLowLatencyModeEnable

PropertyIBoolean mvLowLatencyModeEnable

A boolean property. This feature controls whether the low-latency mode (NVIDIA specific) is active or not.

PRELIMINARY. SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE. This feature controls whether the low-latency mode (NVIDIA specific) is active or not.

◆ mvMMAPBufferCount

PropertyI64 mvMMAPBufferCount

An integer property. The number of buffers internally used for the MMAP memory mode.

PRELIMINARY. SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE. This feature defines the number of buffers internally used for the MMAP memory mode. This is NOT to be confused with the value of the 'RequestCount' property.

◆ mvMultiCoreAcquisitionBaseCore

PropertyI64 mvMultiCoreAcquisitionBaseCore

An integer property. This feature indicates the base CPU core (as selected by the NIC) that will be used for the processing of network data for this stream.

This feature indicates the base CPU core (as selected by the NIC) that will be used for the processing of network data for this stream. This value when added to 'mvMultiCoreAcquisitionFirstCoreIndex' will indicate the first of 'mvMultiCoreAcquisitionCoreCount' actual CPUs that will ater be used for the processing of network data for this stream

◆ mvMultiCoreAcquisitionCoreCount

PropertyI64 mvMultiCoreAcquisitionCoreCount

An integer property. This feature controls how many CPU cores will be used for the processing of network data for this stream.

This feature controls how many CPU cores will be used for the processing of network data for this stream

◆ mvMultiCoreAcquisitionCoreSwitchInterval

PropertyI64 mvMultiCoreAcquisitionCoreSwitchInterval

An integer property. This feature controls after how many network packets the processing shall switch to the next CPU core. Smaller values introduce a higher overhead, values too high might result in loss of data when the network card runs out of buffers. The recommended values are in the range of 32 - 256.

This feature controls after how many network packets the processing shall switch to the next CPU core. Smaller values introduce a higher overhead, values too high might result in loss of data when the network card runs out of buffers. The recommended values are in the range of 32 - 256

◆ mvMultiCoreAcquisitionEnable

PropertyIBoolean mvMultiCoreAcquisitionEnable

A boolean property. This feature controls whether the host shall process incoming data a single arbitrary CPU core (Off) or one or multiple dedicated ones (On).

This feature controls whether the host shall process incoming data a single arbitrary CPU core (Off) or one or multiple dedicated ones (On)

◆ mvMultiCoreAcquisitionFirstCoreIndex

PropertyI64 mvMultiCoreAcquisitionFirstCoreIndex

An integer property. This feature controls which is the first CPU core to use for processing network data out of the list of CPU cores available for this task for the NIC associated with this stream.

This feature controls which is the first CPU core to use for processing network data out of the list of CPU cores available for this task for the NIC associated with this stream. Please note that this number does NOT have a 1:1 relationship to the CPU in your system but to the CPUs available for processing on the selected NIC. So if e.g. the corresponding NICs RSS table can access CPUs 6, 8, 10 and 12 then setting 'mvMultiCoreAcquisitionFirstCoreIndex' to 2 will result in CPUs 10 and 12 to be used.

◆ mvResendActive

PropertyIBoolean mvResendActive

A boolean property. This feature controls if the stream will issue packet resend requests.

This feature controls if the stream will issue packet resend requests.

◆ mvResendBatchingActive

PropertyIBoolean mvResendBatchingActive

A boolean property. This feature controls if the stream will issue batched packet resend requests if it detects several consecutive missing packets.

This feature controls if the stream will issue batched packet resend requests if it detects several consecutive missing packets.

◆ mvResendMaximumGapSize

PropertyI64 mvResendMaximumGapSize

An integer property. Defines the maximum gap between 2 consecutive packets in the stream.

This feature defines the maximum gap between 2 consecutive packets in the stream. If a detected gap larger than 'MaximumGapSize' this block is considered as incomplete. When this parameter is 0 no gap will be considered as too big.

◆ mvResendMode

PropertyI64 mvResendMode

An integer property. Indicates the mode the internal resend algorithm is working in. This feature is a bit mask. The bits have the following meaning (LSB to MSB): Request Resends when a new block starts and the current one has missing packets(0x01)(not recommended for LAG), Request Resends when a new block starts and the current one has no trailer so far(0x02)(not recommended for LAG), Request Resends when more than 'ResendThreshold' packets have been received since a missing packet has been detected(0x04), Request Resends whenever 'mvResendResponseTimeout' did elapse for the previous still incomplete buffer(0x08), Request Resends whenever 'mvResendResponseTimeout' did elapse for the current still incomplete buffer(0x10), Request Resends whenever a packet is considered as missing(0x20)(not recommended for LAG), Request Resends whenever a block start has been missing(e.g. because no capture buffer was available at the time the block did start)(0x40)

Indicates the mode the internal resend algorithm is working in. This feature is a bit mask. The bits have the following meaning (LSB to MSB): Request Resends when a new block starts and the current one has missing packets(0x01)(not recommended for LAG), Request Resends when a new block starts and the current one has no trailer so far(0x02)(not recommended for LAG), Request Resends when more than 'ResendThreshold' packets have been received since a missing packet has been detected(0x04), Request Resends whenever 'mvResendResponseTimeout' did elapse for the previous still incomplete buffer(0x08), Request Resends whenever 'mvResendResponseTimeout' did elapse for the current still incomplete buffer(0x10), Request Resends whenever a packet is considered as missing(0x20)(not recommended for LAG), Request Resends whenever a block start has been missing(e.g. because no capture buffer was available at the time the block did start)(0x40)

◆ mvResendRequestCredits

PropertyF mvResendRequestCredits

A floating point property. Indicates the maximum number of resend requests in percent of payload packets per buffer to send to the device until the packet is considered as lost.

This feature indicates the maximum number of resend requests in percent of payload packets per buffer to send to the device until the packet is considered as lost.

◆ mvResendRequestMax

PropertyI64 mvResendRequestMax

An integer property. Indicates the maximum number of resend requests per packet to send to the device until the packet is considered as lost.

This feature indicates the maximum number of resend requests per packet to send to the device until the packet is considered as lost.

◆ mvResendResponseTimeout

PropertyI64 mvResendResponseTimeout

An integer property. This feature controls the resend response timeout in milliseconds.

This float value sets the resend response timeout in milliseconds. Whenever a requested packet does not arrive within this timer period it will be requested again until mvResendRequestMax resend requests for this packet have been issued.

◆ mvResendsPerTimeout

PropertyI64 mvResendsPerTimeout

An integer property. Indicates the number of packets to be requested whenever the resend response timeout elapses.

This feature indicates the number of packets to be requested whenever the resend response timeout elapses.

◆ mvResendThreshold

PropertyI64 mvResendThreshold

An integer property. Indicates the resend threshold within the capture window.

This feature indicates the resend threshold within the capture window. If current packet ID and first missing packet ID are mvResendThreshold IDs apart the stream will issue a resend request.

◆ mvResendUserControlledEnable

PropertyIBoolean mvResendUserControlledEnable

A boolean property. This feature controls if the resend related parameters on this stream will be controlled by the driver or the host application.

This feature controls if the resend related parameters on this stream will be controlled by the driver or the host application.

◆ mvStreamAnnounceBufferMaximum

PropertyI64 mvStreamAnnounceBufferMaximum

An integer property. Maximal number of buffers to announce to enable selected acquisition mode.

This feature indicates the maximal number of buffers to announce to enable selected acquisition mode.

◆ mvStreamDriverTechnology

PropertyS mvStreamDriverTechnology

A string property. The underlying driver technology used by this stream.

This is a read only element. It is a string that contains the underlying driver technology used by this stream.

◆ mvV4L2MemoryMode

PropertyI64 mvV4L2MemoryMode

An enumerated integer property. Controls which of the underlying V4L2 specific buffer memory modes will be used.

PRELIMINARY. SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE. This feature controls which of the underlying V4L2 specific buffer memory modes will be used.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • mvMMAP (Display string: 'mv MMAP'): PRELIMINARY. SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE. This enumeration value indicates that the acquisition engine will use the MMAP memory mode. This does NOT result in optimal performance since each image must be copied from the memory mapped buffer from kernel space into the target buffer in user space.
  • mvUSERPTR (Display string: 'mv USERPTR'): PRELIMINARY. SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE. This enumeration value indicates that the acquisition engine will use the user-pointrr memory mode.
  • mvOVERLAY (Display string: 'mv OVERLAY'): PRELIMINARY. SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE. This enumeration value indicates that the acquisition engine will use the overlay memory mode.
  • mvDMA (Display string: 'mv DMA'): PRELIMINARY. SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE. This enumeration value indicates that the acquisition engine will use the DMA memory mode.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT::acquire::EnumPropertyI::getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ payloadSize

PropertyI64 payloadSize

An integer property. Provides the number of bytes transferred for each data buffer or chunk on the stream channel.

Provides the number of bytes transferred for each data buffer or chunk on the stream channel. This includes any end-of-line, end-of-frame statistics or other stamp data. This is the total size of data payload for a data block.

◆ streamAnnounceBufferMinimum

PropertyI64 streamAnnounceBufferMinimum

An integer property. Minimal number of buffers to announce to enable selected acquisition mode.

This feature indicates the minimal number of buffers to announce to enable selected acquisition mode.

◆ streamAnnouncedBufferCount

PropertyI64 streamAnnouncedBufferCount

An integer property. Number of announced (known) buffers on this stream. This value is volatile. It may change if additional buffers are announced and/or buffers are revoked by the GenTL Consumer.

This is a read-only feature. It indicates the number of announced (known) buffers on this stream. This value is volatile. It may change if additional buffers are announced and/or buffers are revoked by the GenTL Consumer.

◆ streamBufferAlignment

PropertyI64 streamBufferAlignment

An integer property. Alignment size in bytes of the buffers passed to DSAnnounceBuffer.

This feature indicates the alignment size in bytes of the buffers passed to DSAnnounceBuffer. If a buffer is passed to DSAnnounceBuffer which is not aligned according to the alignment size it is up to the Producer to either reject the buffer and return a GC_ERR_INVALID_BUFFER error code or to cope with a potential overhead and use the unaligned buffer as is.

◆ streamBufferHandlingMode

PropertyI64 streamBufferHandlingMode

An enumerated integer property. Allows to select the buffer handling mode for the stream.

This enumeration allows the selection of the buffer handling mode for the stream.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • OldestFirst (Display string: 'OldestFirst'): This enumeration value indicates that this stream is using the default acquisition mode.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT::acquire::EnumPropertyI::getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ streamChunkCountMaximum

PropertyI64 streamChunkCountMaximum

An integer property. Maximum number of chunks to be expected in a buffer (can be used to allocate the array for the DSGetBufferChunkData function).

Maximum number of chunks to be expected in a buffer (can be used to allocate the array for the DSGetBufferChunkData function).

◆ streamDeliveredFrameCount

PropertyI64 streamDeliveredFrameCount

An integer property. Number of delivered frames since last acquisition start.

This feature indicates the number of delivered frames since last acquisition start. It is not reset until the stream is closed.

◆ streamID

PropertyS streamID

A string property. Device wide unique ID of the selected stream.

This is a read only element. It is a string that indicates a device wide unique identifier of the selected stream.

◆ streamInputBufferCount

PropertyI64 streamInputBufferCount

An integer property. Number of buffers in the input buffer pool plus the buffers(s) currently being filled.

This feature indicates the number of buffers in the input buffer pool plus the buffers(s) currently being filled.

◆ streamIsGrabbing

PropertyIBoolean streamIsGrabbing

A boolean property. Flag indicating whether the acquisition engine is started or not.

This feature indicates whether the acquisition engine is started or not. This is independent from the acquisition status of the remote device.

◆ streamLostFrameCount

PropertyI64 streamLostFrameCount

An integer property. Number of lost frames due to queue underrun.

This feature indicates the number of lost frames due to queue underrun. This number is initialized with zero at the time the stream is opened and incremented every time the data could not be acquired because there was no buffer in the input buffer pool. It is not reset until the stream is closed.

◆ streamOutputBufferCount

PropertyI64 streamOutputBufferCount

An integer property. Number of buffers in the output buffer queue.

This feature indicates the number of buffers in the output buffer queue.

◆ streamStartedFrameCount

PropertyI64 streamStartedFrameCount

An integer property. Number of frames started in the acquisition engine.

This feature indicates the number of frames started in the acquisition engine. This number is incremented every time in case of a new buffer is started and then to be filled (data written to) regardless even if the buffer is later delivered to the user or discarded for any reason. This number is initialized with 0 at the time the stream is opened. It is not reset until the stream is closed.

◆ streamType

PropertyI64 streamType

An enumerated integer property. Identifies the stream technology of the GenTL Producer implementation.

This is a read only feature. This enumeration provides a value that indicates stream technology of the GenTL Producer implementation.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Mixed (Display string: 'Mixed'): This enumeration value indicates that this is a data stream for a mixed protocol.
  • Custom (Display string: 'Custom'): This enumeration value indicates that this is a data stream for a custom protocol.
  • GEV (Display string: 'GigE Vision'): This enumeration value indicates that this is a data stream for the GigE Vision protocol.
  • CameraLink (Display string: 'CameraLink'): This enumeration value indicates that this is a data stream for the CameraLink protocol.
  • CoaXPress (Display string: 'CoaXPress'): This enumeration value indicates that this is a data stream for the CoaXPress protocol.
  • CameraLinkHS (Display string: 'CameraLink HS'): This enumeration value indicates that this is a data stream for the CameraLink HS protocol.
  • U3V (Display string: 'USB3 Vision'): This enumeration value indicates that this is a data stream for the USB3 Vision protocol.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mvIMPACT::acquire::EnumPropertyI::getTranslationDictStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.