Impact Acquire SDK C++
Building The wxWidgets Applications

This section contains information about the wxWidgets based applications making use of the Impact Acquire API. There main purpose is to allow the initial configuration of devices and the SDK itself as well as providing a way to check various product features quickly. The applications can also be used to copy code snippets from or to cross-check certain effects encountered during product development.


This section will NOT explain how the application works and what it can do, but how to re-compile it.

The source code of ImpactControlCenter (if installed) can be found under:

This section is just meant as a starting point. Balluff can't and won't give support on any questions on how to build and modify ImpactControlCenter. However, please feel free to modify the tool on your own OR submit a feature request to

The application has been written using wxWidgets. At least version 3.x is required to build it. wxWidgets is a multi platform GUI framework. The source code (needed) can be downloaded from here:

After installing wxWidgets the library must be compiled.

The easiest way to build Impact Acquire applications that use wxWidgets is by using CMake as explained in detail in the section: Building The Examples And GUI Tools Using CMake. If for whatever reasons using CMake is not an option for you read on.


ImpactControlCenter is linked against the static versions of the wxWidgets libraries, thus at least these versions (debug and release, 32- and 64-bit) are required.

The Visual Studio project file for ImpactControlCenter uses an environment variable WX_WIDGETS_SOURCE_DIR as well as WX_WIDGETS_BUILD_DIR_X86 and WX_WIDGETS_BUILD_DIR_X64 to reference wxWidgets headers and libraries. The variable must be registered by the user and must point to the top level directory of the wxWidgets installation.

A Visual Studio 2013 solution file, that correctly handles the build dependencies will be installed as part of the source code. On Windows also a link will be created by the installer in the programs menu under Balluff/Impact Acquire/Sample Applications'. The link will always point to the native to version of the application that has been built with the native bit depth of your Windows installation so to the 64-bit on a 64-bit Windows.

You can easily create Makefiles or Visual Studio project files matching your compiler version using CMake. How this is done is explained here: Building And Linking Using CMake


How to build and link ImpactControlCenter on Linux is explained in the chapter "Quickstart" of the respective product manual. The source code of the application will be part of the installation package.