Impact Acquire SDK C
Deprecated List
Global afAny
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global afAuto
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global afEven
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global afOdd
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global amCentered
Up to version 2.36.0 the AOI had just a size of 50*50 pixels. The behavior was the following:
  • Assume a device that can deliver 640*480 pixels.
  • The user selects to capture an rectangular AOI starting at 100/100 with a width of 200*200 Now in the centered AOI mode a processing function will use a window smaller than the AOI in the middle of the user defined AOI. This e.g. could be a rectangle starting at 150/150 with a width of 100*100.
Global cdfBayer
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global cdfBayerPacked
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global cdfMono
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global cdfRGB
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global cdfUnknown
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global cdfYUV
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global ceseFallingEdge
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global ceseNo
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global ceseRisingEdge
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global cesoAuto
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global cesoBlue
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global cesoExtern
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global cesoGreen
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global cesoRed
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global citInterlaced
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global citInvertedInterlaced
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global citNone
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global cldvmActive
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global cldvmInactive
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global co2xComposite
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global co3GSDI
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global co3xComposite
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global co4xComposite
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global coAuto
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global coBase
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global coComposite
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global coDigital
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global coFull
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global coHDSDI
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global coMedium
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global coRGB
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global coSDSDI
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global coSVideo
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global coUndefined
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global cspbr115200
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global cspbr19200
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global cspbr230400
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global cspbr38400
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global cspbr460800
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global cspbr57600
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global cspbr921600
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global cspbr9600
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global dilDeviceSpecific
This interface layout has been declared deprecated for GenICam™ compliant devices(mvBlueCOUGAR-S, mvBlueCOUGAR-X and mvBlueCOUGAR-XD). For these products please use dilGenICam instead. Newer devices like the mvBlueFOX3 will not support this interface layout at all.
Global ditAfterDigOutSignals
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global ditImmediately
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global DMR_CopyCameraDescription (HDRV hDrv, HLIST hCameraDescList, const char *pNewName)
There is NO direct replacement for this function! Support for frame grabber boards has ended years ago. Simply remove all references to these functions and adjust your code to continue to work without them or stick to older releases of this SDK.
Global DMR_ExportCameraDescription (HDRV hDrv, HLIST hCameraDescList)
There is NO direct replacement for this function! Support for frame grabber boards has ended years ago. Simply remove all references to these functions and adjust your code to continue to work without them or stick to older releases of this SDK.
Global DMR_GetDeviceInfo (unsigned int devNr, TDMR_DeviceInfo *pInfo, size_t infoSize)
This function has been declared deprecated. Use DMR_GetDeviceInfoEx() instead.
Global DMR_GetImageRequestInfo (HDRV hDrv, int requestNr, RequestInfo *pInfo)
This function has been declared deprecated. Use the more flexible function DMR_GetImageRequestInfoEx() instead.
Global DMR_GetImageRequestResult (HDRV hDrv, int requestNr, RequestResult *pResult)
This function has been declared deprecated. Use the more flexible function DMR_GetImageRequestResultEx() instead.
Global DMR_GetImpactRequestBuffer (HDRV hDrv, int requestNr, IPL_BUFHANDLE *pBuffer)
This function is provided for compatibility with versions smaller than of this library and has been declared deprecated. Applications should call DMR_GetImpactRequestBufferEx() instead.
Global DMR_ImportCameraDescription (HDRV hDrv, HLIST hCameraDescList)
There is NO direct replacement for this function! Support for frame grabber boards has ended years ago. Simply remove all references to these functions and adjust your code to continue to work without them or stick to older releases of this SDK.
Global docmRTC
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global docmSoftware
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global dsNone
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global dsSignal1
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global dsSignal10
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global dsSignal11
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global dsSignal12
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global dsSignal13
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global dsSignal14
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global dsSignal15
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global dsSignal16
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global dsSignal2
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global dsSignal3
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global dsSignal4
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global dsSignal5
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global dsSignal6
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global dsSignal7
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global dsSignal8
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global dsSignal9
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global ecmAuto
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global ecmUser
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global efmAuto
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global efmUser
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global imOff
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global imOn
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global lcOff
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global lcOn
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global OBJ_DeleteSetting (const char *pName, TStorageFlag storageFlags, TScope scope)
This function has been declared deprecated and might be removed in future versions of this interface. Use OBJ_DeleteSetting() instead.
Global OBJ_GetBinary (HOBJ hProp, char *pBuf, unsigned int bufSize, int index)
This function has been declared deprecated. Use OBJ_GetBinaryEx() instead.
Global OBJ_GetHandle (HLIST hList, const char *pPathAndPropName, HOBJ *phObj)
This function has been declared deprecated. Use OBJ_GetHandleEx() instead.
Global OBJ_GetSArrayFormatted (HOBJ hProp, char *pBuf, size_t bufSize, const char *pFormat, const char *pDelimiters, int startIndex, int endIndex, int mode)
This function has been declared deprecated. Use OBJ_GetSArrayFormattedEx() instead.
Global OBJ_GetSFormatted (HOBJ hProp, char *pBuf, size_t bufSize, const char *pFormat, int index)
This function has been declared deprecated. Use OBJ_GetSFormattedEx() instead.
Global OBJ_IsSettingAvailable (const char *pName, TStorageFlag storageFlags, TScope scope)
This function has been declared deprecated and might be removed in future versions of this interface. Use DMR_IsSettingAvailable() instead.
Global obmmDefault
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global obmmUser
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global scAnalogue
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global scAuto
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global scDigital
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global ssITU601
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global ssSquare
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global ssUser
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global TAcquisitionField
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global TCameraDataFormat
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global TCameraExternalSyncEdge
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global TCameraExternalSyncOutput
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global TCameraInterlacedType
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global TCameraLinkDataValidMode
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global TCameraOutput
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global TCameraSerialPortBaudRate
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global TClampMode
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global TDeviceImageTrigger
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global TDigitalOutputControlMode
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global TDigitalSignal
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global TFieldGateMode
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global TInterlacedMode
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global TLineCounter
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global TOnBoardMemoryMode
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global TScanClock
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!
Global TScanStandard
Beginning with the release of 3.0.0 of Impact Acquire everything specifically related to frame grabber boards will be considered as deprecated and might be removed without further notice!