Sometimes user interaction during an installation is not desired. The MSI engine therefore supports a set of command-line options that can be used to run setups in special ways.
- Attention
- In order to run unattended setups successfully this installer must be started with elevated privileges! Without them the installation will fail!
Probably the most common way to run an unattended setup will be an installation without any GUI display or user interaction. This can be achieved like this:
msiexec /i myInstaller.msi /quiet
myInstaller.exe /install /quiet /norestart
or (with an automatic reboot of the system at the end of the installation):
msiexec /i myInstaller.msi /quiet /forcerestart
myInstaller.exe /install /quiet
For a complete list of options type
myInstaller.exe /?
in a command shell and hit the ENTER
- Note
- Since Impact Acquire 2.22.0 all Balluff Impact Acquire installation packages will require the user to accept the EULA (End User License Agreement) before a package can be installed. For installations using the command line the ACCEPT_EULA property needs to be set if the user wants to suppress the GUI EULA confirmation:
msiexec /i myInstaller.msi ACCEPT_EULA=yes
myInstaller.exe /install ACCEPT_EULA=yes
The installation can be configured even more by passing additional parameters to the command line. A complete list of options is described here: Installation Options
- Note
- By using unattended setups (/quiet parameter in the command line) the user explicitly accepts the EULA!