Impact Acquire SDK .NET
ImageProcessing Class Referencesealed

Base class for image processing related properties. More...

Inheritance diagram for ImageProcessing:

Public Member Functions

IEnumerable< TgetEnumerable< T > ()
 Returns an enumerator of a certain type that iterates through the collection.
IEnumerator< intGetEnumerator ()
 Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
GainOffsetKneeChannelParameters getGainOffsetKneeParameter (int index)
 Returns a reference to a set of user definable parameters to configure a certain channel of the GainOffsetKnee filter.
LUTParameters getLUTParameter (int index)
 Returns a reference to a set of user definable parameters to configure LUT (Look Up Table) operations.
MirrorParameters getMirrorParameter (int index)
 Returns a reference to a set of user definable parameters to configure mirror filter related features.
WhiteBalanceSettings getWBUserSetting (int index)
 Returns a reference to a set of user definable parameters to perform a white balance correction.
 ImageProcessing (Device device)
 Constructs a new mv.impact.acquire.ImageProcessing object.
 ImageProcessing (Device device, String settingName)
 Constructs a new mv.impact.acquire.ImageProcessing object.
void restoreDefault ()
 Restores the default for every component of this collection.
void setSaturation (double K)
 Sets the saturation by using the color twist matrix.

Public Attributes

readonly PropertyF adaptiveEdgeSensingPlusSharpenGain = new PropertyF()
 A floating point property defining the intensity of the sharpening during AdaptiveEdgeSensingPlus deBayering.
readonly PropertyI adaptiveEdgeSensingPlusSharpenThreshold = new PropertyI()
 An integer property defining the max. brightness level difference for which sharpening is not applied during AdaptiveEdgeSensingPlus deBayering.
readonly EnumPropertyI< TBayerConversionModebayerConversionMode = new EnumPropertyI<TBayerConversionMode>()
 An enumerated integer property defining what kind of algorithm shall be used during Bayer to RGB conversion.
readonly PropertyI channelSplitChannelIndex = new PropertyI()
 An integer property which can be used to define which channel of the image shall be extracted.
readonly PropertyIBoolean channelSplitDeinterlaceEnable = new PropertyIBoolean()
 An enumerated integer property which can be used to enable/disable data re-ordering for interlaced images.
readonly PropertyIBoolean channelSplitEnable = new PropertyIBoolean()
 An enumerated integer property which can be used to enable/disable automatic data re-ordering or extraction from multi-channel images.
readonly EnumPropertyI< TChannelSplitModechannelSplitMode = new EnumPropertyI<TChannelSplitMode>()
 An enumerated integer property which can be used to define how data from multi-channel images shall be re-ordered.
readonly EnumPropertyI< TColorProcessingModecolorProcessing = new EnumPropertyI<TColorProcessingMode>()
 An enumerated integer property defining what kind of color processing shall be applied to the raw image data.
readonly PropertyIBoolean colorTwistEnable = new PropertyIBoolean()
 An enumerated integer property which can be used to enable/disable the color twist matrix.
readonly PropertyIBoolean colorTwistInputCorrectionMatrixEnable = new PropertyIBoolean()
 An enumerated integer property which can be used to enable/disable the color twist input correction matrix.
readonly EnumPropertyI< TColorTwistInputCorrectionMatrixModecolorTwistInputCorrectionMatrixMode = new EnumPropertyI<TColorTwistInputCorrectionMatrixMode>()
 An enumerated integer property which can be used to select an input color correction matrix.
readonly PropertyF colorTwistInputCorrectionMatrixRow0 = new PropertyF()
 The first row of the input color correction matrix.
readonly PropertyF colorTwistInputCorrectionMatrixRow1 = new PropertyF()
 The second row of the input color correction matrix.
readonly PropertyF colorTwistInputCorrectionMatrixRow2 = new PropertyF()
 The third row of the input color correction matrix.
readonly PropertyIBoolean colorTwistOutputCorrectionMatrixEnable = new PropertyIBoolean()
 An enumerated integer property which can be used to enable/disable the color twist output correction matrix.
readonly EnumPropertyI< TColorTwistOutputCorrectionMatrixModecolorTwistOutputCorrectionMatrixMode = new EnumPropertyI<TColorTwistOutputCorrectionMatrixMode>()
 An enumerated integer property which can be used to select an output color correction matrix.
readonly PropertyF colorTwistOutputCorrectionMatrixRow0 = new PropertyF()
 The first row of the output color correction matrix.
readonly PropertyF colorTwistOutputCorrectionMatrixRow1 = new PropertyF()
 The second row of the output color correction matrix.
readonly PropertyF colorTwistOutputCorrectionMatrixRow2 = new PropertyF()
 The third row of the output color correction matrix.
readonly PropertyF colorTwistResultingMatrixRow0 = new PropertyF()
 The first row of the resulting color twist matrix.
readonly PropertyF colorTwistResultingMatrixRow1 = new PropertyF()
 The second row of the resulting color twist matrix.
readonly PropertyF colorTwistResultingMatrixRow2 = new PropertyF()
 The third row of the resulting color twist matrix.
readonly PropertyF colorTwistRow0 = new PropertyF()
 The first row of the color twist matrix.
readonly PropertyF colorTwistRow1 = new PropertyF()
 The second row of the color twist matrix.
readonly PropertyF colorTwistRow2 = new PropertyF()
 The third row of the color twist matrix.
readonly PropertyI darkCurrentFilterCalibrationImageCount = new PropertyI()
 An integer property defining the number of consecutive images to take into account during calibration of the dark current filter.
readonly EnumPropertyI< TDarkCurrentFilterModedarkCurrentFilterMode = new EnumPropertyI<TDarkCurrentFilterMode>()
 An enumerated integer property defining the operation mode of the dark current filter.
readonly PropertyI defectivePixelOffsetX = new PropertyI()
 An integer property defining a list of X-offsets of all pixels currently treated as defective.
readonly PropertyI defectivePixelOffsetY = new PropertyI()
 An integer property defining a list of Y-offsets of all pixels currently treated as defective.
readonly Method defectivePixelReadFromDevice = new Method()
 Calling this method will download defective pixels from the device.
readonly PropertyI defectivePixelsFilterColdPixelDeviation_pc = new PropertyI()
 An integer property defining the max. allowed deviation for a pixel in per cent from the average grey value.
readonly PropertyI defectivePixelsFilterLeakyPixelDeviation_ADCLimit = new PropertyI()
 An integer property defining the max. allowed offset from the average grey value for a pixel during calibration.
readonly EnumPropertyI< TDefectivePixelsFilterModedefectivePixelsFilterMode = new EnumPropertyI<TDefectivePixelsFilterMode>()
 An enumerated integer property defining the operation mode of the defective pixels filter.
readonly PropertyI defectivePixelsFound = new PropertyI()
 An integer property (read-only) containing the number of pixels considered as being defective with respect to the last calibration run.
readonly PropertyI defectivePixelsMaxDetectionCount = new PropertyI()
 An integer property defining maximum the number of pixels considered as being defective during consecutive calibration runs.
readonly Method defectivePixelWriteToDevice = new Method()
 Calling this method will upload defective pixels from the device.
readonly EnumPropertyI< TImageProcessingFilterfilter = new EnumPropertyI<TImageProcessingFilter>()
 An enumerated integer property defining the filter to be applied to the image before it is transferred to the user.
readonly PropertyI flatFieldFilterCalibrationAoiHeight = new PropertyI()
 An integer property defining the calibration AOI's height of the flat field correction filter.
readonly EnumPropertyI< TAoiModeflatFieldFilterCalibrationAoiMode = new EnumPropertyI<TAoiMode>()
 An enumerated integer property defining the correction AOI mode of the flat field correction filter.
readonly PropertyI flatFieldFilterCalibrationAoiOffsetX = new PropertyI()
 An integer property defining the calibration AOI's X-offset of the flat field correction filter.
readonly PropertyI flatFieldFilterCalibrationAoiOffsetY = new PropertyI()
 An integer property defining the calibration AOI's Y-offset of the flat field correction filter.
readonly PropertyI flatFieldFilterCalibrationAoiWidth = new PropertyI()
 An integer property defining the calibration AOI's width of the flat field correction filter.
readonly PropertyI flatFieldFilterCalibrationImageCount = new PropertyI()
 An integer property defining the number of consecutive images to take into account during the calibration of the flat field filter.
readonly PropertyI flatFieldFilterCorrectionAoiHeight = new PropertyI()
 An integer property defining the correction AOI's height of the flat field correction filter.
readonly EnumPropertyI< TAoiModeflatFieldFilterCorrectionAoiMode = new EnumPropertyI<TAoiMode>()
 An enumerated integer property defining the correction AOI mode of the flat field correction filter.
readonly PropertyI flatFieldFilterCorrectionAoiOffsetX = new PropertyI()
 An integer property defining the correction AOI's X-offset of the flat field correction filter.
readonly PropertyI flatFieldFilterCorrectionAoiOffsetY = new PropertyI()
 An integer property defining the correction AOI's Y-offset of the flat field correction filter.
readonly PropertyI flatFieldFilterCorrectionAoiWidth = new PropertyI()
 An integer property defining the correction AOI's width of the flat field correction filter.
readonly EnumPropertyI< TFlatFieldFilterCorrectionModeflatFieldFilterCorrectionMode = new EnumPropertyI<TFlatFieldFilterCorrectionMode>()
 An enumerated integer property defining the operation mode of the flat field correction filter.
readonly PropertyIBoolean flatFieldFilterCorrectionModeReverseX = new PropertyIBoolean()
 An enumerated integer property defining the X-orientation that shall be used when applying the correction.
readonly PropertyIBoolean flatFieldFilterCorrectionModeReverseY = new PropertyIBoolean()
 An enumerated integer property defining the Y-orientation that shall be used when applying the correction.
readonly EnumPropertyI< TFlatFieldFilterModeflatFieldFilterMode = new EnumPropertyI<TFlatFieldFilterMode>()
 An enumerated integer property defining which method will be used for the flat field correction.
readonly EnumPropertyI< TBayerMosaicParityformatReinterpreterBayerMosaicParity = new EnumPropertyI<TBayerMosaicParity>()
 An enumerated integer property defining the new Bayer parity of this buffer.
readonly PropertyIBoolean formatReinterpreterEnable = new PropertyIBoolean()
 An enumerated integer property which can be used to enable/disable the format reinterpreter filter.
readonly EnumPropertyI< TImageBufferFormatReinterpreterModeformatReinterpreterMode = new EnumPropertyI<TImageBufferFormatReinterpreterMode>()
 An enumerated integer property which can be used to configure the format reinterpreter filter.
readonly PropertyIBoolean gainOffsetKneeEnable = new PropertyIBoolean()
 An enumerated integer property which can be used to enable the Gain, Offset, Knee filter.
readonly PropertyF gainOffsetKneeMasterOffset_pc = new PropertyF()
 A float property that contains master offset(in percent).
readonly PropertyIBoolean LUTEnable = new PropertyIBoolean()
 An enumerated integer property which can be used to enable LUT (Look Up Table) transformations.
readonly EnumPropertyI< TLUTImplementationLUTImplementation = new EnumPropertyI<TLUTImplementation>()
 An enumerated integer property which can be used to configure the LUT (Look Up Table) implementation.
readonly EnumPropertyI< TLUTInterpolationModeLUTInterpolationMode = new EnumPropertyI<TLUTInterpolationMode>()
 An enumerated integer property which can be used to configure the LUT (Look Up Table) interpolation mode.
readonly EnumPropertyI< TLUTMappingLUTMappingHardware = new EnumPropertyI<TLUTMapping>()
 An enumerated integer property which can be used to configure the LUT (Look Up Table) mapping mode for LUT transformations done by the hardware.
readonly EnumPropertyI< TLUTMappingLUTMappingSoftware = new EnumPropertyI<TLUTMapping>()
 An enumerated integer property which can be used to configure the LUT (Look Up Table) mapping mode for LUT transformations done optimized software algorithms.
readonly EnumPropertyI< TLUTModeLUTMode = new EnumPropertyI<TLUTMode>()
 An enumerated integer property which can be used to configure the LUT (Look Up Table) transformation mode.
readonly EnumPropertyI< TMirrorModemirrorModeGlobal = new EnumPropertyI<TMirrorMode>()
 An enumerated integer property defining the mirror mode to be applied to ALL channels of the image.
readonly EnumPropertyI< TMirrorOperationModemirrorOperationMode = new EnumPropertyI<TMirrorOperationMode>()
 An enumerated integer property defining the general mode the mirror filter will work in.
readonly PropertyI polarizedDataExtractionChannelIndex = new PropertyI()
 An integer property defining the channel within the processing window of the polarization data extraction filter.
readonly PropertyIBoolean polarizedDataExtractionEnable = new PropertyIBoolean()
 An enumerated integer property defining whether the polarization data extraction filter shall be active or not.
readonly EnumPropertyI< TPolarizedDataExtractionInterpolationModepolarizedDataExtractionInterpolationMode = new EnumPropertyI<TPolarizedDataExtractionInterpolationMode>()
 An enumerated integer property defining the interpolation mode the polarization data extraction filter shall be operated in.
readonly PropertyI polarizedDataExtractionLowerLimit = new PropertyI()
 An integer property defining the lower limit of the grey value of a pixel to be taken into account within the processing window of the polarization data extraction filter.
readonly EnumPropertyI< TPolarizedDataExtractionModepolarizedDataExtractionMode = new EnumPropertyI<TPolarizedDataExtractionMode>()
 An enumerated integer property defining in which mode the polarization data extraction filter shall be operated in.
readonly PropertyI polarizedDataExtractionUpperLimit = new PropertyI()
 An integer property defining the upper limit of the grey value of a pixel to be taken into account within the processing window of the polarization data extraction filter.
readonly PropertyF rotationAngle = new PropertyF()
 The counterclockwise angle by which the image will be rotated.
readonly PropertyIBoolean rotationEnable = new PropertyIBoolean()
 An enumerated integer property which can be used to enable/disable the rotation filter.
readonly PropertyIBoolean tapSortEnable = new PropertyIBoolean()
 An enumerated integer property which can be used to enable/disable automatic data re-ordering from image sources delivering data from multiple taps that require re-ordering to reconstruct the image.
readonly EnumPropertyI< TWhiteBalanceParameterwhiteBalance = new EnumPropertyI<TWhiteBalanceParameter>()
 An integer property defining the parameter set to be used to perform the white balance correction.
readonly EnumPropertyI< TWhiteBalanceCalibrationModewhiteBalanceCalibration = new EnumPropertyI<TWhiteBalanceCalibrationMode>()
 An enumerated integer property defining the mode used for white balance calibration.


IEnumerable< ComponentcomponentEnumerable [get]
 Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
IEnumerable< ComponentListcomponentListEnumerable [get]
 Returns an enumerator that iterates through all the mv.impact.acquire.ComponentList elements in the collection.
int gainOffsetKneeParameterCount [get]
 Returns the number of available user definable parameter sets for the GainOffsetKnee filter.
int hObj [get]
 Returns a unique identifier for the component collection referenced by this object.
int LUTParameterCount [get]
 Returns the number of available user definable parameter sets for LUT (Look Up Table) operations.
int mirrorParameterCount [get]
 Returns the number of available user definable parameter sets mirror filter related operations.
int WBUserSettingsCount [get]
 Returns the number of available user definable parameter sets for white balance correction.

Detailed Description

Base class for image processing related properties.

This class provides access to properties, which define how the image shall be processed after it has been captured but before it will be handed back to the user.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ImageProcessing() [1/2]

ImageProcessing ( Device device)

Constructs a new mv.impact.acquire.ImageProcessing object.

[in]deviceA pointer to a mv.impact.acquire.Device object obtained from a mv.impact.acquire.DeviceManager object.

◆ ImageProcessing() [2/2]

ImageProcessing ( Device device,
String settingName )

Constructs a new mv.impact.acquire.ImageProcessing object.

[in]deviceA pointer to a mv.impact.acquire.Device object obtained from a mv.impact.acquire.DeviceManager object.
[in]settingNameThe name of the driver internal setting to access with this instance. A list of valid setting names can be obtained by a call to mv.impact.acquire.FunctionInterface.availableSettings, new settings can be created with the function mv.impact.acquire.FunctionInterface.createSetting

Member Function Documentation

◆ getEnumerable< T >()

IEnumerable< T > getEnumerable< T > ( )

Returns an enumerator of a certain type that iterates through the collection.

This interface will allow to e.g. write code like this:

Info info = new Info(pDev);
foreach (Property c in info.getEnumerable<Property>())
A template class to represent 32 bit integer properties and 32 bit enumerated integer properties.
Definition EnumPropertyI.cs:61
A class to query various general information about the device, its driver and other information.
Definition Info.cs:10
A base class for properties.
Definition Property.cs:109

See the framework's documentation about the System.Collections.IEnumerable interface for more information.

An enumerator that iterates through the collection

◆ GetEnumerator()

IEnumerator< int > GetEnumerator ( )

Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.

See the framework's documentation about the System.Collections.IEnumerable interface for more information.

An enumerator that iterates through the collection

◆ getGainOffsetKneeParameter()

GainOffsetKneeChannelParameters getGainOffsetKneeParameter ( int index)

Returns a reference to a set of user definable parameters to configure a certain channel of the GainOffsetKnee filter.

A reference to one of the parameter sets for the GainOffsetKnee filter that can be altered by the user.
[in]indexThe index of the gain, offset, knee parameter set to be returned

◆ getLUTParameter()

LUTParameters getLUTParameter ( int index)

Returns a reference to a set of user definable parameters to configure LUT (Look Up Table) operations.

A reference to one of the parameter sets for LUT (Look Up Table) operations that can be altered by the user.
[in]indexThe index of the LUT parameter set to be returned

◆ getMirrorParameter()

MirrorParameters getMirrorParameter ( int index)

Returns a reference to a set of user definable parameters to configure mirror filter related features.

A reference to one of the parameter sets for mirror filter related features that can be altered by the user.
[in]indexThe index of the mirror parameter set to be returned

◆ getWBUserSetting()

WhiteBalanceSettings getWBUserSetting ( int index)

Returns a reference to a set of user definable parameters to perform a white balance correction.

Pass '0' for the setting that is activated by setting the property mv.impact.acquire.ImageProcessing.whiteBalance to mv.impact.acquire.TWhiteBalanceParameter.wbpUser1, '1' for mv.impact.acquire.TWhiteBalanceParameter.wbpUser2 and so on.

A reference to one of the parameter sets for white balance correction that can be altered by the user.
[in]indexThe index of the white balance parameter set to be returned

◆ restoreDefault()

void restoreDefault ( )

Restores the default for every component of this collection.

Calling this function will restore the default value for every component belonging to this collection.

The caller must have the right to modify the component. Otherwise an exception will be thrown.

◆ setSaturation()

void setSaturation ( double K)

Sets the saturation by using the color twist matrix.

The following saturation formula is used:

[0.299 + 0.701*K , 0.587*(1-K) , 0.114*(1-K) ]
[0.299*(1-K) + 0.701*K , 0.587 , 0.114*(1-K) ]
[0.299*(1-K) + 0.701*K , 0.587*(1-K) , 0.114 + 0.886*K ]

K is the saturation factor K > 1 increases saturation K = 1 means no change 0 < K < 1 decreases saturation K = 0 produces B&W K < 0 inverts color

To enable/disable the saturation the application must write to mv.impact.acquire.ImageProcessing.colorTwistEnable.
[in]KThe saturation value.

Member Data Documentation

◆ adaptiveEdgeSensingPlusSharpenGain

readonly PropertyF adaptiveEdgeSensingPlusSharpenGain = new PropertyF()

A floating point property defining the intensity of the sharpening during AdaptiveEdgeSensingPlus deBayering.

Valid values for this property are between 0. and 100. (percent).


◆ adaptiveEdgeSensingPlusSharpenThreshold

readonly PropertyI adaptiveEdgeSensingPlusSharpenThreshold = new PropertyI()

An integer property defining the max. brightness level difference for which sharpening is not applied during AdaptiveEdgeSensingPlus deBayering.

Valid values for this property are between 0 and 2^(bits per pixel).


◆ bayerConversionMode

An enumerated integer property defining what kind of algorithm shall be used during Bayer to RGB conversion.

Valid values for this property are defined by the enumeration mv.impact.acquire.TBayerConversionMode.

◆ channelSplitChannelIndex

readonly PropertyI channelSplitChannelIndex = new PropertyI()

An integer property which can be used to define which channel of the image shall be extracted.

This property will only be visible if mv.impact.acquire.ImageProcessing.channelSplitMode is set to mv.impact.acquire.TChannelSplitMode.csmExtractSingle.

◆ channelSplitDeinterlaceEnable

readonly PropertyIBoolean channelSplitDeinterlaceEnable = new PropertyIBoolean()

An enumerated integer property which can be used to enable/disable data re-ordering for interlaced images.

Enabling this feature will cause interlaced images in a way that the 2 fields will be display next to each other. This will modify the original image in an image with twice the width but half the height.

Right now this property will only result in correct results for images, that are line wise interlaced, thus some special sensors that e.g. transfer Bayer interlaced data (2 lines field 0, 2 lines field even, etc.) can not be re-arranged in a meaningful way.

Valid values for this property are defined by the enumeration mv.impact.acquire.TBoolean.

◆ channelSplitEnable

An enumerated integer property which can be used to enable/disable automatic data re-ordering or extraction from multi-channel images.

Valid values for this property are defined by the enumeration mv.impact.acquire.TBoolean.

◆ channelSplitMode

An enumerated integer property which can be used to define how data from multi-channel images shall be re-ordered.

Valid values for this property are defined by the enumeration mv.impact.acquire.TChannelSplitMode.

◆ colorProcessing

An enumerated integer property defining what kind of color processing shall be applied to the raw image data.

Valid values for this property are defined by the enumeration mv.impact.acquire.TColorProcessingMode.

◆ colorTwistEnable

An enumerated integer property which can be used to enable/disable the color twist matrix.

Valid values for this property are defined by the enumeration mv.impact.acquire.TBoolean.

The color twist filter can be used to apply a linear transformation to a 3 channel image. Each pixel will first be multiplied by a 3x3 matrix and can then be added to an offset triplet.


◆ colorTwistInputCorrectionMatrixEnable

readonly PropertyIBoolean colorTwistInputCorrectionMatrixEnable = new PropertyIBoolean()

An enumerated integer property which can be used to enable/disable the color twist input correction matrix.

Valid values for this property are defined by the enumeration mv.impact.acquire.TBoolean.

◆ colorTwistInputCorrectionMatrixMode

An enumerated integer property which can be used to select an input color correction matrix.

Valid values for this property are defined by the enumeration mv.impact.acquire.TColorTwistInputCorrectionMatrixMode.


◆ colorTwistInputCorrectionMatrixRow0

readonly PropertyF colorTwistInputCorrectionMatrixRow0 = new PropertyF()

The first row of the input color correction matrix.

This property stores the first row of a user defined 3x3 input color correction matrix if mv.impact.acquire.ImageProcessing.colorTwistInputCorrectionMatrixMode is set to mv.impact.acquire.TColorTwistInputCorrectionMatrixMode.cticmmUser. For other values of mv.impact.acquire.ImageProcessing.colorTwistInputCorrectionMatrixMode modifying this property will have no effect.


◆ colorTwistInputCorrectionMatrixRow1

readonly PropertyF colorTwistInputCorrectionMatrixRow1 = new PropertyF()

The second row of the input color correction matrix.

This property stores the second row of a user defined 3x3 input color correction matrix if mv.impact.acquire.ImageProcessing.colorTwistInputCorrectionMatrixMode is set to mv.impact.acquire.TColorTwistInputCorrectionMatrixMode.cticmmUser. For other values of mv.impact.acquire.ImageProcessing.colorTwistInputCorrectionMatrixMode modifying this property will have no effect.


◆ colorTwistInputCorrectionMatrixRow2

readonly PropertyF colorTwistInputCorrectionMatrixRow2 = new PropertyF()

The third row of the input color correction matrix.

This property stores the third row of a user defined 3x3 input color correction matrix if mv.impact.acquire.ImageProcessing.colorTwistInputCorrectionMatrixMode is set to mv.impact.acquire.TColorTwistInputCorrectionMatrixMode.cticmmUser. For other values of mv.impact.acquire.ImageProcessing.colorTwistInputCorrectionMatrixMode modifying this property will have no effect.


◆ colorTwistOutputCorrectionMatrixEnable

readonly PropertyIBoolean colorTwistOutputCorrectionMatrixEnable = new PropertyIBoolean()

An enumerated integer property which can be used to enable/disable the color twist output correction matrix.

Valid values for this property are defined by the enumeration mv.impact.acquire.TBoolean.


◆ colorTwistOutputCorrectionMatrixMode

An enumerated integer property which can be used to select an output color correction matrix.

Valid values for this property are defined by the enumeration mv.impact.acquire.TColorTwistOutputCorrectionMatrixMode.


◆ colorTwistOutputCorrectionMatrixRow0

readonly PropertyF colorTwistOutputCorrectionMatrixRow0 = new PropertyF()

The first row of the output color correction matrix.

This property stores the first row of a user defined 3x3 output color correction matrix if mv.impact.acquire.ImageProcessing.colorTwistOutputCorrectionMatrixMode is set to mv.impact.acquire.TColorTwistOutputCorrectionMatrixMode.ctocmmUser. For other values of mv.impact.acquire.ImageProcessing.colorTwistOutputCorrectionMatrixMode modifying this property will have no effect.


◆ colorTwistOutputCorrectionMatrixRow1

readonly PropertyF colorTwistOutputCorrectionMatrixRow1 = new PropertyF()

The second row of the output color correction matrix.

This property stores the second row of a user defined 3x3 output color correction matrix if mv.impact.acquire.ImageProcessing.colorTwistOutputCorrectionMatrixMode is set to mv.impact.acquire.TColorTwistOutputCorrectionMatrixMode.ctocmmUser. For other values of mv.impact.acquire.ImageProcessing.colorTwistOutputCorrectionMatrixMode modifying this property will have no effect.


◆ colorTwistOutputCorrectionMatrixRow2

readonly PropertyF colorTwistOutputCorrectionMatrixRow2 = new PropertyF()

The third row of the output color correction matrix.

This property stores the third row of a user defined 3x3 output color correction matrix if mv.impact.acquire.ImageProcessing.colorTwistOutputCorrectionMatrixMode is set to mv.impact.acquire.TColorTwistOutputCorrectionMatrixMode.ctocmmUser. For other values of mv.impact.acquire.ImageProcessing.colorTwistOutputCorrectionMatrixMode modifying this property will have no effect.


◆ colorTwistResultingMatrixRow0

readonly PropertyF colorTwistResultingMatrixRow0 = new PropertyF()

The first row of the resulting color twist matrix.

This property stores the first row of the 3x4 resulting color twist matrix. This matrix is created by multiplying the input correction matrix by the color twist matrix by the output correction matrix. Only active matrices will be used to calculate the resulting matrix.


◆ colorTwistResultingMatrixRow1

readonly PropertyF colorTwistResultingMatrixRow1 = new PropertyF()

The second row of the resulting color twist matrix.

This property stores the second row of the 3x4 resulting color twist matrix. This matrix is created by multiplying the input correction matrix by the color twist matrix by the output correction matrix. Only active matrices will be used to calculate the resulting matrix.


◆ colorTwistResultingMatrixRow2

readonly PropertyF colorTwistResultingMatrixRow2 = new PropertyF()

The third row of the resulting color twist matrix.

This property stores the third row of the 3x4 resulting color twist matrix. This matrix is created by multiplying the input correction matrix by the color twist matrix by the output correction matrix. Only active matrices will be used to calculate the resulting matrix.


◆ colorTwistRow0

readonly PropertyF colorTwistRow0 = new PropertyF()

The first row of the color twist matrix.

This property stores 4 values. The first 3 components for the first row of the 3x3 matrix, the last component is the offset of this row.


◆ colorTwistRow1

readonly PropertyF colorTwistRow1 = new PropertyF()

The second row of the color twist matrix.

This property stores 4 values. The first 3 components for the second row of the 3x3 matrix, the last component is the offset of this row.


◆ colorTwistRow2

readonly PropertyF colorTwistRow2 = new PropertyF()

The third row of the color twist matrix.

This property stores 4 values. The first 3 components for the third row of the 3x3 matrix, the last component is the offset of this row.


◆ darkCurrentFilterCalibrationImageCount

readonly PropertyI darkCurrentFilterCalibrationImageCount = new PropertyI()

An integer property defining the number of consecutive images to take into account during calibration of the dark current filter.

◆ darkCurrentFilterMode

An enumerated integer property defining the operation mode of the dark current filter.

Valid values for this property are defined by the enumeration mv.impact.acquire.TDarkCurrentFilterMode.

◆ defectivePixelOffsetX

readonly PropertyI defectivePixelOffsetX = new PropertyI()

An integer property defining a list of X-offsets of all pixels currently treated as defective.

All these pixels will be replaced depending on the selected algorithm in mv.impact.acquire.ImageProcessing.defectivePixelsFilterMode.

In order to collect ALL defective pixels the list of detected pixels is not emptied each time a new calibration is started. In order to get rid of currently detected pixels an application must set the property mv.impact.acquire.ImageProcessing.defectivePixelsFilterMode to mv.impact.acquire.dpfmResetCalibration and then capture a fresh image. Only then all currently detected pixels will be discarded.

◆ defectivePixelOffsetY

readonly PropertyI defectivePixelOffsetY = new PropertyI()

An integer property defining a list of Y-offsets of all pixels currently treated as defective.

All these pixels will be replaced depending on the selected algorithm in mv.impact.acquire.ImageProcessing.defectivePixelsFilterMode.

In order to collect ALL defective pixels the list of detected pixels is not emptied each time a new calibration is started. In order to get rid of currently detected pixels an application must set the property mv.impact.acquire.ImageProcessing.defectivePixelsFilterMode to mv.impact.acquire.dpfmResetCalibration and then capture a fresh image. Only then all currently detected pixels will be discarded.

◆ defectivePixelReadFromDevice

readonly Method defectivePixelReadFromDevice = new Method()

Calling this method will download defective pixels from the device.

In order to collect ALL defective pixels the list of detected pixels is not emptied each time a download from the device is executed. In order to get rid of currently detected pixels an application must set the property mv.impact.acquire.ImageProcessing.defectivePixelsFilterMode to mv.impact.acquire.dpfmResetCalibration and then capture a fresh image. Only then all currently detected pixels will be discarded.
This feature will only be supported by some devices providing a special interface inside their firmware.

Calling this method will return

◆ defectivePixelsFilterColdPixelDeviation_pc

readonly PropertyI defectivePixelsFilterColdPixelDeviation_pc = new PropertyI()

An integer property defining the max. allowed deviation for a pixel in per cent from the average grey value.

If this filter is active every pixel that during the calibration produces a grey value which is lower than the average grey value of the image minus the allowed deviation in per cent will be considered as a cold pixel and therefore will be replaced by a value depending on the operation mode of the filter.

◆ defectivePixelsFilterLeakyPixelDeviation_ADCLimit

readonly PropertyI defectivePixelsFilterLeakyPixelDeviation_ADCLimit = new PropertyI()

An integer property defining the max. allowed offset from the average grey value for a pixel during calibration.

When this filter is calibrated each pixel producing a grey value higher than the average grey value plus the value of this property will be considered as a leaky pixel and therefore will be replaced by a value depending on the operation mode of the filter.

The allowed range of this property is 0 - 255 for historical reasons. So originally it was meant to be used for 8-bit formats. The value however will be standardized matching the corresponding pixel format automatically during the calibration process, so e.g. setting it to 128 will result in 128 to be used for 8-bit format, 512 for 10-bit formats, 2048 for 12-bit formats and so on.

◆ defectivePixelsFilterMode

An enumerated integer property defining the operation mode of the defective pixels filter.

Valid values for this property are defined by the enumeration mv.impact.acquire.TDefectivePixelsFilterMode.

◆ defectivePixelsFound

readonly PropertyI defectivePixelsFound = new PropertyI()

An integer property (read-only) containing the number of pixels considered as being defective with respect to the last calibration run.

In order to collect ALL defective pixels the list of detected pixels is not emptied each time a new calibration is started. In order to get rid of currently detected pixels an application must set the property mv.impact.acquire.ImageProcessing.defectivePixelsFilterMode to mv.impact.acquire.TDefectivePixelsFilterMode.dpfmResetCalibration and then capture a fresh image. Only then all currently detected pixels will be discarded.

◆ defectivePixelsMaxDetectionCount

readonly PropertyI defectivePixelsMaxDetectionCount = new PropertyI()

An integer property defining maximum the number of pixels considered as being defective during consecutive calibration runs.

With this property it is possible to define an upper limit for the number of detected defective pixels. This is not to be meant as an error checking mechanism for sensors reporting more defective pixels but to allow an application to keep the length of the list of defective pixels within reasonable boundaries. The more pixels a sensor has the higher a reasonable value might be. Set this to a value suitable for your application to protect the algorithm from huge lists due to incorrect calibration environments (too much light, not enough light, ...).

When after a calibration this value and the value of the mv.impact.acquire.ImageProcessing.defectivePixelsFound property are the same this indicates a problem. There are several possible reasons for this:

  • the lighting conditions or calibration parameters have not been set up correctly (fix your setup then)
  • the sensor is damaged (replace the device then)
  • the sensor has more defective pixels then indicated by the value of this property but which are still valid according to the specification of the sensor manufacturer (adjust the value of this property accordingly then)
When reducing this value at runtime excess pixels will be dropped from the current list of defective pixels if the new maximum list length is smaller than the amount of defective pixels currently detected.
Some devices might offer to store defective pixels inside the device in an Impact Acquire compatible format by calling mv.impact.acquire.ImageProcessing.defectivePixelWriteToDevice. However the device might not be able to store all these pixels due to a lack of storage space. Therefore always check the return value of the function!
In order to get rid of currently detected pixels an application must set the property mv.impact.acquire.ImageProcessing.defectivePixelsFilterMode to mv.impact.acquire.TDefectivePixelsFilterMode.dpfmResetCalibration and then capture a fresh image. Only then all currently detected pixels will be discarded.

◆ defectivePixelWriteToDevice

readonly Method defectivePixelWriteToDevice = new Method()

Calling this method will upload defective pixels from the device.

This will NOT automatically store this data in non-volatile memory on the device! A call to mv.impact.acquire.GenICam.mvDefectivePixelCorrectionControl.mvDefectivePixelDataSave might be needed!
This feature will only be supported by some devices providing a special interface inside their firmware.

Calling this method will return

◆ filter

An enumerated integer property defining the filter to be applied to the image before it is transferred to the user.

Valid values for this property are defined by the enumeration mv.impact.acquire.TImageProcessingFilter.

◆ flatFieldFilterCalibrationAoiHeight

readonly PropertyI flatFieldFilterCalibrationAoiHeight = new PropertyI()

An integer property defining the calibration AOI's height of the flat field correction filter.


◆ flatFieldFilterCalibrationAoiMode

readonly EnumPropertyI<TAoiMode> flatFieldFilterCalibrationAoiMode = new EnumPropertyI<TAoiMode>()

An enumerated integer property defining the correction AOI mode of the flat field correction filter.

When using an AOI only the AOI region is taken into consideration during calibration by this filter.

Valid values for this property are defined by the enumeration mv.impact.acquire.TAoiMode.


◆ flatFieldFilterCalibrationAoiOffsetX

readonly PropertyI flatFieldFilterCalibrationAoiOffsetX = new PropertyI()

An integer property defining the calibration AOI's X-offset of the flat field correction filter.


◆ flatFieldFilterCalibrationAoiOffsetY

readonly PropertyI flatFieldFilterCalibrationAoiOffsetY = new PropertyI()

An integer property defining the calibration AOI's Y-offset of the flat field correction filter.


◆ flatFieldFilterCalibrationAoiWidth

readonly PropertyI flatFieldFilterCalibrationAoiWidth = new PropertyI()

An integer property defining the calibration AOI's width of the flat field correction filter.


◆ flatFieldFilterCalibrationImageCount

readonly PropertyI flatFieldFilterCalibrationImageCount = new PropertyI()

An integer property defining the number of consecutive images to take into account during the calibration of the flat field filter.

◆ flatFieldFilterCorrectionAoiHeight

readonly PropertyI flatFieldFilterCorrectionAoiHeight = new PropertyI()

An integer property defining the correction AOI's height of the flat field correction filter.


◆ flatFieldFilterCorrectionAoiMode

readonly EnumPropertyI<TAoiMode> flatFieldFilterCorrectionAoiMode = new EnumPropertyI<TAoiMode>()

An enumerated integer property defining the correction AOI mode of the flat field correction filter.

When using an AOI only the AOI region is corrected by this filter.

Valid values for this property are defined by the enumeration mv.impact.acquire.TAoiMode.


◆ flatFieldFilterCorrectionAoiOffsetX

readonly PropertyI flatFieldFilterCorrectionAoiOffsetX = new PropertyI()

An integer property defining the correction AOI's X-offset of the flat field correction filter.


◆ flatFieldFilterCorrectionAoiOffsetY

readonly PropertyI flatFieldFilterCorrectionAoiOffsetY = new PropertyI()

An integer property defining the correction AOI's Y-offset of the flat field correction filter.


◆ flatFieldFilterCorrectionAoiWidth

readonly PropertyI flatFieldFilterCorrectionAoiWidth = new PropertyI()

An integer property defining the correction AOI's width of the flat field correction filter.


◆ flatFieldFilterCorrectionMode

An enumerated integer property defining the operation mode of the flat field correction filter.

Valid values for this property are defined by the enumeration mv.impact.acquire.TFlatFieldFilterMode.

◆ flatFieldFilterCorrectionModeReverseX

readonly PropertyIBoolean flatFieldFilterCorrectionModeReverseX = new PropertyIBoolean()

An enumerated integer property defining the X-orientation that shall be used when applying the correction.

When active the calibration image will be applied reversed X direction thus the last correction factor of each line of the correction image will be applied to the first pixel of the image etc.. This can be useful e.g. if the calibration has been done and the device shall transmit the image flipped on a vertical axis in some configurations.

Valid values for this property are defined by the enumeration mv.impact.acquire.TBoolean.


◆ flatFieldFilterCorrectionModeReverseY

readonly PropertyIBoolean flatFieldFilterCorrectionModeReverseY = new PropertyIBoolean()

An enumerated integer property defining the Y-orientation that shall be used when applying the correction.

When active the calibration image will be applied reversed Y direction thus the last line of correction factors of the correction image will be applied to the first line of the image etc.. This can be useful e.g. if the calibration has been done and the device shall transmit the image flipped on a horizontal axis in some configurations.

Valid values for this property are defined by the enumeration mv.impact.acquire.TBoolean.


◆ flatFieldFilterMode

An enumerated integer property defining which method will be used for the flat field correction.

Valid values for this property are defined by the enumeration mv.impact.acquire.TFlatFieldCorrectionMode.

◆ formatReinterpreterBayerMosaicParity

readonly EnumPropertyI<TBayerMosaicParity> formatReinterpreterBayerMosaicParity = new EnumPropertyI<TBayerMosaicParity>()

An enumerated integer property defining the new Bayer parity of this buffer.

After applying the format reinterpreter this will be the new Bayer parity of the buffer when the filter is operated in one of the Mono To Mono modes.

Valid values for this property are defined by the enumeration mv.impact.acquire.TBayerMosaicParity.


◆ formatReinterpreterEnable

readonly PropertyIBoolean formatReinterpreterEnable = new PropertyIBoolean()

An enumerated integer property which can be used to enable/disable the format reinterpreter filter.

This filter can be used if a device transmits data in a non-compliant or incorrect format. Using this filter the incoming data will simply be treated as a different pixel format then. This will NOT copy or modify the pixel data but will only adjust some of the elements describing the buffer (e.g. the pixel format and width). When e.g. setting this filter to treat mono data as RGB data, this will result in buffers with a width divided by 3 but RGB pixels instead of mono pixel afterwards.

Valid values for this property are defined by the enumeration mv.impact.acquire.TBoolean.


◆ formatReinterpreterMode

An enumerated integer property which can be used to configure the format reinterpreter filter.

Valid values for this property are defined by the enumeration mv.impact.acquire.TImageBufferFormatReinterpreterMode.


◆ gainOffsetKneeEnable

readonly PropertyIBoolean gainOffsetKneeEnable = new PropertyIBoolean()

An enumerated integer property which can be used to enable the Gain, Offset, Knee filter.

Valid values for this property are defined by the enumeration mv.impact.acquire.TBoolean.

◆ gainOffsetKneeMasterOffset_pc

readonly PropertyF gainOffsetKneeMasterOffset_pc = new PropertyF()

A float property that contains master offset(in percent).

This offset will be applied before the channel specific gain.

◆ LUTEnable

An enumerated integer property which can be used to enable LUT (Look Up Table) transformations.

Valid values for this property are defined by the enumeration mv.impact.acquire.TBoolean.

◆ LUTImplementation

An enumerated integer property which can be used to configure the LUT (Look Up Table) implementation.

Valid values for this property are defined by the enumeration mv.impact.acquire.TLUTImplementation.

This property will be invisible when mv.impact.acquire.ImageProcessing.LUTEnable is set to mv.impact.acquire.TBoolean.bFalse.

◆ LUTInterpolationMode

An enumerated integer property which can be used to configure the LUT (Look Up Table) interpolation mode.

Valid values for this property are defined by the enumeration mv.impact.acquire.TLUTInterpolationMode.

This property will be invisible when mv.impact.acquire.ImageProcessing.LUTEnable is set to mv.impact.acquire.TBoolean.bFalse or if mv.impact.acquire.ImageProcessing.LUTMode is NOT set to mv.impact.acquire.TLUTMode.LUTmInterpolated.

◆ LUTMappingHardware

An enumerated integer property which can be used to configure the LUT (Look Up Table) mapping mode for LUT transformations done by the hardware.

Valid values for this property are defined by the enumeration mv.impact.acquire.TLUTMapping.

This property will be invisible when mv.impact.acquire.ImageProcessing.LUTEnable is set to mv.impact.acquire.TBoolean.bFalse or if mv.impact.acquire.ImageProcessing.LUTImplementation is NOT set to mv.impact.acquire.TLUTImplementation.LUTiHardware.

◆ LUTMappingSoftware

An enumerated integer property which can be used to configure the LUT (Look Up Table) mapping mode for LUT transformations done optimized software algorithms.

Valid values for this property are defined by the enumeration mv.impact.acquire.TLUTMapping.

This property will be invisible when mv.impact.acquire.ImageProcessing.LUTEnable is set to mv.impact.acquire.TBoolean.bFalse or if mv.impact.acquire.ImageProcessing.LUTImplementation is NOT set to mv.impact.acquire.TLUTImplementation.LUTiSoftware.

◆ LUTMode

An enumerated integer property which can be used to configure the LUT (Look Up Table) transformation mode.

Valid values for this property are defined by the enumeration mv.impact.acquire.TLUTMode.

This property will be invisible when mv.impact.acquire.ImageProcessing.LUTEnable is set to mv.impact.acquire.TBoolean.bFalse.

◆ mirrorModeGlobal

An enumerated integer property defining the mirror mode to be applied to ALL channels of the image.

Valid values for this property are defined by the enumeration mv.impact.acquire.TMirrorMode.

This property will only be visible, when mv.impact.acquire.ImageProcessing.mirrorOperationMode is set to mv.impact.acquire.TMirrorOperationMode.momGlobal.

◆ mirrorOperationMode

An enumerated integer property defining the general mode the mirror filter will work in.

Valid values for this property are defined by the enumeration mv.impact.acquire.TMirrorOperationMode.

◆ polarizedDataExtractionChannelIndex

readonly PropertyI polarizedDataExtractionChannelIndex = new PropertyI()

An integer property defining the channel within the processing window of the polarization data extraction filter.

This channel will only be taken into account when mv.impact.acquire.ImageProcessing.polarizedDataExtractionMode is set to mv.impact.acquire.TPolarizedDataExtractionMode.prmExtractSingle.


◆ polarizedDataExtractionEnable

readonly PropertyIBoolean polarizedDataExtractionEnable = new PropertyIBoolean()

An enumerated integer property defining whether the polarization data extraction filter shall be active or not.

Valid values for this property are defined by the enumeration mv.impact.acquire.TBoolean.


◆ polarizedDataExtractionInterpolationMode

An enumerated integer property defining the interpolation mode the polarization data extraction filter shall be operated in.

Valid values for this property are defined by the enumeration mv.impact.acquire.TPolarizedDataExtractionInterpolationMode.

This property will only be available when the polarization data extraction mode is either horizontal, vertical or single.

◆ polarizedDataExtractionLowerLimit

readonly PropertyI polarizedDataExtractionLowerLimit = new PropertyI()

An integer property defining the lower limit of the grey value of a pixel to be taken into account within the processing window of the polarization data extraction filter.

This limit will only be taken into account when mv.impact.acquire.ImageProcessing.polarizedDataExtractionMode is set to mv.impact.acquire.TPolarizedDataExtractionMode.prmMeanValue.


◆ polarizedDataExtractionMode

An enumerated integer property defining in which mode the polarization data extraction filter shall be operated in.

Valid values for this property are defined by the enumeration mv.impact.acquire.TPolarizedDataExtractionMode.


◆ polarizedDataExtractionUpperLimit

readonly PropertyI polarizedDataExtractionUpperLimit = new PropertyI()

An integer property defining the upper limit of the grey value of a pixel to be taken into account within the processing window of the polarization data extraction filter.

This limit will only be taken into account when mv.impact.acquire.ImageProcessing.polarizedDataExtractionMode is set to mv.impact.acquire.TPolarizedDataExtractionMode.prmMeanValue.


◆ rotationAngle

readonly PropertyF rotationAngle = new PropertyF()

The counterclockwise angle by which the image will be rotated.

This property will store the counterclockwise angle at which the image will be rotated.


◆ rotationEnable

An enumerated integer property which can be used to enable/disable the rotation filter.

Valid values for this property are defined by the enumeration mv.impact.acquire.TBoolean.


◆ tapSortEnable

An enumerated integer property which can be used to enable/disable automatic data re-ordering from image sources delivering data from multiple taps that require re-ordering to reconstruct the image.

Valid values for this property are defined by the enumeration mv.impact.acquire.TBoolean.

◆ whiteBalance

An integer property defining the parameter set to be used to perform the white balance correction.

Valid values for this property are defined by the enumeration mv.impact.acquire.TWhiteBalanceParameter.

◆ whiteBalanceCalibration

An enumerated integer property defining the mode used for white balance calibration.

This property can be used to define the way a white balance calibration shall be performed. Currently only the mv.impact.acquire.TWhiteBalanceCalibrationMode.wbcmNextFrame mode is supported, but new modes might appear in later revisions of the interface.

When this property is set to mv.impact.acquire.TWhiteBalanceCalibrationMode.wbcmNextFrame the next image captured will be used as a reference to calculate the gain factors for the red, green and blue channel. So make sure when the next image is captured the camera looks on a plain white or slightly grey surface in order to obtain correct results. After the calibration has been done, the property will be reset to mv.impact.acquire.TWhiteBalanceCalibrationMode.wbcmOff again.

Performing this kind of white balance calibration will only affect Bayer color sensors and will only have any visual effect on the image if one of the user definable parameter sets has been selected before. This can be done by modifying the property mv.impact.acquire.ImageProcessing.whiteBalance. Afterwards the calculated factors will be stored in the mv.impact.acquire.WhiteBalanceSettings selected.

Valid values for this property are defined by the enumeration mv.impact.acquire.TWhiteBalanceCalibrationMode.

Property Documentation

◆ componentEnumerable

IEnumerable<Component> componentEnumerable

Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.

This interface will allow to e.g. write code like this:

Info info = new Info(pDev);
foreach (Component c in info.componentEnumerable)
String name
Returns the name of the component referenced by this object.
Definition ComponentAccess.cs:167
A base class to implement access to internal driver components.
Definition Component.cs:133

See the framework's documentation about the System.Collections.IEnumerable interface for more information.

An enumerator that iterates through the collection

◆ componentListEnumerable

IEnumerable<ComponentList> componentListEnumerable

Returns an enumerator that iterates through all the mv.impact.acquire.ComponentList elements in the collection.

This interface will allow to e.g. write code like this:

Info info = new Info(pDev);
foreach (ComponentList cl in info.componentListEnumerable)
A class to provide access to component lists.
Definition ComponentList.cs:14

See the framework's documentation about the System.Collections.IEnumerable interface for more information.

An enumerator that iterates through the collection

◆ gainOffsetKneeParameterCount

int gainOffsetKneeParameterCount

Returns the number of available user definable parameter sets for the GainOffsetKnee filter.

◆ hObj

int hObj

Returns a unique identifier for the component collection referenced by this object.

This handle will always reference an object of type mv.impact.acquire.ComponentList.

A unique identifier for the component referenced by this object.

◆ LUTParameterCount

int LUTParameterCount

Returns the number of available user definable parameter sets for LUT (Look Up Table) operations.

◆ mirrorParameterCount

int mirrorParameterCount

Returns the number of available user definable parameter sets mirror filter related operations.

◆ WBUserSettingsCount

int WBUserSettingsCount

Returns the number of available user definable parameter sets for white balance correction.