Impact Acquire SDK .NET

Category that contains the Chunk Data control features. More...

Public Member Functions

 ChunkDataControl (mv.impact.acquire.Device device)
 Constructs a new mv.impact.acquire.GenICam.ChunkDataControl object.
 ChunkDataControl (mv.impact.acquire.Device device, System.String settingName)
 Constructs a new mv.impact.acquire.GenICam.ChunkDataControl object.

Public Attributes

readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkBinningHorizontal = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Number of horizontal photo-sensitive cells combined together.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkBinningVertical = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Number of vertical photo-sensitive cells combined together.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF chunkBlackLevel = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF()
 A floating point property. Returns the black level used to capture the image included in the payload.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkBlackLevelSelector = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Selects which Black Level to return.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkComponentID = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Returns the Identifier of the selected Component.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkComponentIDValue = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Returns a unique Identifier value that corresponds to the selected chunk Component.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkComponents = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Returns the bitmask of components contained in this block.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkComponentSelector = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Selects the Component from which to retrieve data from.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkCounterSelector = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Selects which counter to retrieve data from.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkCounterValue = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Returns the value of the selected Chunk counter at the time of the FrameStart event.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkDecimationHorizontal = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Horizontal sub-sampling of the image.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkDecimationVertical = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Vertical sub-sampling of the image.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean chunkEnable = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean()
 A boolean property. Enables the inclusion of the selected Chunk data in the payload of the image.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkEncoderSelector = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Selects which Encoder to retrieve data from.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkEncoderStatus = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Returns the motion status of the selected encoder.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkEncoderValue = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Returns the counter's value of the selected Encoder at the time of the FrameStart in area scan mode or the counter's value at the time of the LineStart selected by ChunkScanLineSelector in Linescan mode.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF chunkExposureTime = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF()
 A floating point property. Returns the exposure time used to capture the image.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkExposureTimeSelector = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Selects which exposure time is read by the ChunkExposureTime feature.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkFrameID = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Returns the unique Identifier of the frame (image or data container) included in the payload.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF chunkGain = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF()
 A floating point property. Returns the gain used to capture the image.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkGainSelector = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Selects which Gain to return.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkGroupID = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Returns a unique Identifier corresponding to the selected Group of components.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkGroupIDValue = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Returns a unique Identifier value that corresponds to the Group of Components of the selected chunk Component.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkGroupSelector = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Selects the component Group from which to retrieve data from.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkHeight = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Returns the Height of the image included in the payload.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS chunkImage = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS()
 A string property. Returns the entire image data included in the payload.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkImageComponent = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. This feature is deprecated (See ChunkComponentID).
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkLinePitch = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Returns the LinePitch of the image included in the payload.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkLineStatusAll = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Returns the status of all the I/O lines at the time of the FrameStart internal event.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean chunkModeActive = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean()
 A boolean property. Activates the inclusion of Chunk data in the transmitted payload.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkmvCustomIdentifier = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Contains a custom identifier previously specified by the user.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkOffsetX = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Returns the OffsetX of the image included in the payload.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkOffsetY = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Returns the OffsetY of the image included in the payload.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkPartIndex = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Returns index of the image part in this block depending on selected component.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkPartSelector = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. This feature is deprecated (See ChunkComponentSelector).
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkPixelDynamicRangeMax = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Returns the maximum value of dynamic range of the image included in the payload.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkPixelDynamicRangeMin = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Returns the minimum value of dynamic range of the image included in the payload.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkPixelFormat = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Returns the PixelFormat of the image included in the payload.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean chunkRcAutoExposureAdapting = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean()
 A boolean property. True if auto exposure is still adapting.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF chunkRcBrightness = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF()
 A floating point property. Returns the brightness of the image.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF chunkRcNoise = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF()
 A floating point property. Returns the noise of the image.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF chunkRcOut1Reduction = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF()
 A floating point property. Returns the Out1 reduction.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean chunkRcTest = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean()
 A boolean property. True if test image.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkRegionID = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Returns the Identifier of Region that the image comes from.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkRegionIDValue = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Returns the unique integer Identifier value of the Region that the image comes from.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkRegionSelector = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Selects which Region to retrieve data from.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean chunkReverseX = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean()
 A boolean property. Flip horizontal of the image sent by the device.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean chunkReverseY = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean()
 A boolean property. Flip vertically of the image sent by the device.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF chunkScan3dAxisMax = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF()
 A floating point property. Returns the Maximum Axis value for the selected coordinate axis of the image included in the payload.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF chunkScan3dAxisMin = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF()
 A floating point property. Returns the Minimum Axis value for the selected coordinate axis of the image included in the payload.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF chunkScan3dBaseline = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF()
 A floating point property. Returns the baseline as the physical distance of two cameras in a stereo camera setup.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF chunkScan3dCoordinateOffset = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF()
 A floating point property. Returns the Offset for the selected coordinate axis of the image included in the payload.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkScan3dCoordinateReferenceSelector = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Selector to read a coordinate system reference value defining the transform of a point from one system to the other.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF chunkScan3dCoordinateReferenceValue = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF()
 A floating point property. Returns the value of a position or pose coordinate for the anchor or transformed coordinate systems relative to the reference point.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF chunkScan3dCoordinateScale = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF()
 A floating point property. Returns the Scale for the selected coordinate axis of the image included in the payload.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkScan3dCoordinateSelector = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Selects which Coordinate to retrieve data from.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkScan3dCoordinateSystem = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Returns the Coordinate System of the image included in the payload.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkScan3dCoordinateSystemReference = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Returns the Coordinate System Position of the image included in the payload.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkScan3dCoordinateTransformSelector = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Selector for transform values.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkScan3dDistanceUnit = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Returns the Distance Unit of the payload image.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF chunkScan3dFocalLength = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF()
 A floating point property. Returns the focal length of the camera in pixel.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean chunkScan3dInvalidDataFlag = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean()
 A boolean property. Returns if a specific non-valid data flag is used in the data stream.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF chunkScan3dInvalidDataValue = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF()
 A floating point property. Returns the Invalid Data Value used for the image included in the payload.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkScan3dOutputMode = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Returns the Calibrated Mode of the payload image.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF chunkScan3dPrincipalPointU = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF()
 A floating point property. Returns the value of this feature gives the horizontal position of the principal point, relative to the region origin, i.e.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF chunkScan3dPrincipalPointV = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF()
 A floating point property. Returns the value of this feature gives the vertical position of the principal point, relative to the region origin, i.e.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF chunkScan3dTransformValue = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF()
 A floating point property. Returns the transform value.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkScanLineSelector = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Index for vector representation of one chunk value per line in an image.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkSelector = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Selects which Chunk to enable or control.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkSequencerSetActive = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Return the index of the active set of the running sequencer included in the payload.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkSourceID = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Returns the Identifier of Source that the image comes from.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkSourceIDValue = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Returns the unique integer Identifier value of the Source that the image comes from.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkSourceSelector = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Selects which Source to retrieve data from.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkStreamChannelID = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Returns identifier of the stream channel used to carry the block.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkTimerSelector = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Selects which Timer to retrieve data from.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF chunkTimerValue = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF()
 A floating point property. Returns the value of the selected Timer at the time of the FrameStart internal event.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkTimestamp = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Returns the Timestamp of the image included in the payload at the time of the FrameStart internal event.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkTimestampLatchValue = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Returns the last Timestamp latched with the TimestampLatch command.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkTransferBlockID = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Returns the unique identifier of the transfer block used to transport the payload.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkTransferQueueCurrentBlockCount = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Returns the current number of blocks in the transfer queue.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkTransferStreamID = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An enumerated integer property. Returns identifier of the stream that generated this block.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkWidth = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()
 An integer property. Returns the Width of the image included in the payload.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean chunkXMLEnable = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyIBoolean()
 A boolean property. Activates the inclusion of the GenICam XML necessary to the chunk parser to decode all the Chunk data included in the transmitted payload.
readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS mvChunkJPEG = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS()
 A string property. Provides access to a JPEG image transmitted as part of the chunk data.

Detailed Description

Category that contains the Chunk Data control features.

A category that contains the Chunk Data control features.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ChunkDataControl() [1/2]

Constructs a new mv.impact.acquire.GenICam.ChunkDataControl object.

[in]deviceA pointer to a mv.impact.acquire.Device object obtained from a mv.impact.acquire.DeviceManager object.

◆ ChunkDataControl() [2/2]

ChunkDataControl ( mv::impact::acquire::Device device,
System::String settingName )

Constructs a new mv.impact.acquire.GenICam.ChunkDataControl object.

[in]deviceA pointer to a mv.impact.acquire.Device object obtained from a mv.impact.acquire.DeviceManager object.
[in]settingNameThe name of the driver internal setting to access with this instance. A list of valid setting names can be obtained by a call to mv.impact.acquire.FunctionInterface.availableSettings, new settings can be created with the function mv.impact.acquire.FunctionInterface.createSetting

Member Data Documentation

◆ chunkBinningHorizontal

An integer property. Number of horizontal photo-sensitive cells combined together.

Number of horizontal photo-sensitive cells combined together.

◆ chunkBinningVertical

An integer property. Number of vertical photo-sensitive cells combined together.

Number of vertical photo-sensitive cells combined together.

◆ chunkBlackLevel

A floating point property. Returns the black level used to capture the image included in the payload.

Returns the black level used to capture the image included in the payload.

◆ chunkBlackLevelSelector

An enumerated integer property. Selects which Black Level to return.

Selects which Black Level to return. Possible values are:

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • All (Display string: 'All'): Black Level will be applied to all channels or taps.
  • Blue (Display string: 'Blue'): Black Level will be applied to the blue channel.
  • Green (Display string: 'Green'): Black Level will be applied to the green channel.
  • Red (Display string: 'Red'): Black Level will be applied to the red channel.
  • Tap1 (Display string: 'Tap 1'): Black Level will be applied to Tap 1.
  • Tap2 (Display string: 'Tap 2'): Black Level will be applied to Tap 2.
  • Tap3 (Display string: 'Tap 3'): Black Level will be applied to Tap 3.
  • Tap4 (Display string: 'Tap 4'): Black Level will be applied to Tap 4.
  • Tap5 (Display string: 'Tap 5'): Black Level will be applied to Tap 5.
  • Tap6 (Display string: 'Tap 6'): Black Level will be applied to Tap 6.
  • Tap7 (Display string: 'Tap 7'): Black Level will be applied to Tap 7.
  • Tap8 (Display string: 'Tap 8'): Black Level will be applied to Tap 8.
  • Tap9 (Display string: 'Tap 9'): Black Level will be applied to Tap 9.
  • Tap10 (Display string: 'Tap 10'): Black Level will be applied to Tap 10.
  • Tap11 (Display string: 'Tap 11'): Black Level will be applied to Tap 11.
  • Tap12 (Display string: 'Tap 12'): Black Level will be applied to Tap 12.
  • Tap13 (Display string: 'Tap 13'): Black Level will be applied to Tap 13.
  • Tap14 (Display string: 'Tap 14'): Black Level will be applied to Tap 14.
  • Tap15 (Display string: 'Tap 15'): Black Level will be applied to Tap 15.
  • U (Display string: 'U'): Black Level will be applied to U channel.
  • V (Display string: 'V'): Black Level will be applied to V channel.
  • Y (Display string: 'Y'): Black Level will be applied to Y channel.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ chunkComponentID

An enumerated integer property. Returns the Identifier of the selected Component.

Returns the Identifier of the selected Component. This can be used to identify the image component type of a multi-component payload.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Intensity (Display string: 'Intensity'): The image data is the intensity component (visible).
  • Infrared (Display string: 'Infrared'): The image data is the infrared component.
  • Ultraviolet (Display string: 'Ultraviolet'): The image data is the ultraviolet component.
  • Range (Display string: 'Range'): The image data is the range component (distance or depth).
  • Reflectance (Display string: 'Reflectance'): The image data is the reflected intensity component (acquired with the Range).
  • Disparity (Display string: 'Disparity'): The image data is the disparity component.
  • Confidence (Display string: 'Confidence'): The image data is the confidence map component.
  • Scatter (Display string: 'Scatter'): The image data is the scatter component.
  • Multispectral (Display string: 'Multispectral'): The image data is the multispectral component.
  • Device-specific (Display string: 'Device-specific')
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ chunkComponentIDValue

An integer property. Returns a unique Identifier value that corresponds to the selected chunk Component.

Returns a unique Identifier value that corresponds to the selected chunk Component.

◆ chunkComponents

An integer property. Returns the bitmask of components contained in this block.

Returns the bitmask of components contained in this block.

◆ chunkComponentSelector

An enumerated integer property. Selects the Component from which to retrieve data from.

Selects the Component from which to retrieve data from.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Intensity (Display string: 'Intensity'): The image data is the intensity component (visible).
  • Infrared (Display string: 'Infrared'): The image data is the infrared component.
  • Ultraviolet (Display string: 'Ultraviolet'): The image data is the ultraviolet component.
  • Range (Display string: 'Range'): The image data is the range component (distance or depth).
  • Reflectance (Display string: 'Reflectance'): The image data is the reflected intensity component (acquired with the Range).
  • Disparity (Display string: 'Disparity'): The image data is the disparity component.
  • Confidence (Display string: 'Confidence'): The image data is the confidence map component.
  • Scatter (Display string: 'Scatter'): The image data is the scatter component.
  • Multispectral (Display string: 'Multispectral'): The image data is the multispectral component.
  • Device-specific (Display string: 'Device-specific')
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ chunkCounterSelector

An enumerated integer property. Selects which counter to retrieve data from.

Selects which counter to retrieve data from.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Counter0 (Display string: 'Counter 0'): Selects the counter 0.
  • Counter1 (Display string: 'Counter 1'): Selects the counter 1.
  • Counter2 (Display string: 'Counter 2'): Selects the counter 2.
  • Counter3 (Display string: 'Counter 3'): Selects the counter 3.
  • Counter4 (Display string: 'Counter 4'): Selects the counter 4.
  • Counter5 (Display string: 'Counter 5'): Selects the counter 5.
  • Counter6 (Display string: 'Counter 6'): Selects the counter 6.
  • Counter7 (Display string: 'Counter 7'): Selects the counter 7.
  • Counter8 (Display string: 'Counter 8'): Selects the counter 8.
  • Counter9 (Display string: 'Counter 9'): Selects the counter 9.
  • Counter10 (Display string: 'Counter 10'): Selects the counter 10.
  • Counter11 (Display string: 'Counter 11'): Selects the counter 11.
  • Counter12 (Display string: 'Counter 12'): Selects the counter 12.
  • Counter13 (Display string: 'Counter 13'): Selects the counter 13.
  • Counter14 (Display string: 'Counter 14'): Selects the counter 14.
  • Counter15 (Display string: 'Counter 15'): Selects the counter 15.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ chunkCounterValue

An integer property. Returns the value of the selected Chunk counter at the time of the FrameStart event.

Returns the value of the selected Chunk counter at the time of the FrameStart event.

◆ chunkDecimationHorizontal

An integer property. Horizontal sub-sampling of the image.

Horizontal sub-sampling of the image.

◆ chunkDecimationVertical

An integer property. Vertical sub-sampling of the image.

Vertical sub-sampling of the image.

◆ chunkEnable

A boolean property. Enables the inclusion of the selected Chunk data in the payload of the image.

Enables the inclusion of the selected Chunk data in the payload of the image.

◆ chunkEncoderSelector

An enumerated integer property. Selects which Encoder to retrieve data from.

Selects which Encoder to retrieve data from.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Encoder0 (Display string: 'Encoder 0'): Selects the first Encoder.
  • Encoder1 (Display string: 'Encoder 1'): Selects the first Encoder.
  • Encoder2 (Display string: 'Encoder 2'): Selects the second Encoder.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ chunkEncoderStatus

An enumerated integer property. Returns the motion status of the selected encoder.

Returns the motion status of the selected encoder.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • EncoderUp (Display string: 'Encoder Up'): The encoder counter last incremented.
  • EncoderDown (Display string: 'Encoder Down'): The encoder counter last decremented.
  • EncoderIdle (Display string: 'Encoder Idle'): The encoder is not active.
  • EncoderStatic (Display string: 'Encoder Static'): No motion within the EncoderTimeout time.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ chunkEncoderValue

An integer property. Returns the counter's value of the selected Encoder at the time of the FrameStart in area scan mode or the counter's value at the time of the LineStart selected by ChunkScanLineSelector in Linescan mode.

Returns the counter's value of the selected Encoder at the time of the FrameStart in area scan mode or the counter's value at the time of the LineStart selected by ChunkScanLineSelector in Linescan mode.

◆ chunkExposureTime

A floating point property. Returns the exposure time used to capture the image.

Returns the exposure time used to capture the image.

◆ chunkExposureTimeSelector

An enumerated integer property. Selects which exposure time is read by the ChunkExposureTime feature.

Selects which exposure time is read by the ChunkExposureTime feature.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Blue (Display string: 'Blue'): Selects the blue ExposureTime.
  • Common (Display string: 'Common'): Selects the common ExposureTime.
  • Cyan (Display string: 'Cyan'): Selects the cyan common ExposureTime..
  • Green (Display string: 'Green'): Selects the green ExposureTime.
  • Infrared (Display string: 'Infrared'): Selects the infrared ExposureTime.
  • Magenta (Display string: 'Magenta'): Selects the magenta ExposureTime..
  • Red (Display string: 'Red'): Selects the red common ExposureTime.
  • Stage1 (Display string: 'Stage 1'): Selects the first stage ExposureTime.
  • Stage2 (Display string: 'Stage 2'): Selects the second stage ExposureTime.
  • Ultraviolet (Display string: 'Ultraviolet'): Selects the ultraviolet ExposureTime.
  • Yellow (Display string: 'Yellow'): Selects the yellow ExposureTime..
  • mvHorizontalZone0 (Display string: 'mv Horizontal Zone 0'): Selects the first horizontal exposure zone used when 'ExposureMode' is set to 'mvMultiZone' and when operating the device in a 'mvMultiAreaMode' different from 'mvOff'.
  • mvHorizontalZone1 (Display string: 'mv Horizontal Zone 1'): Selects the second horizontal exposure zone used when 'ExposureMode' is set to 'mvMultiZone' and when operating the device in a 'mvMultiAreaMode' different from 'mvOff'.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ chunkFrameID

An integer property. Returns the unique Identifier of the frame (image or data container) included in the payload.

Returns the unique Identifier of the frame (image or data container) included in the payload.

◆ chunkGain

A floating point property. Returns the gain used to capture the image.

Returns the gain used to capture the image.

◆ chunkGainSelector

An enumerated integer property. Selects which Gain to return.

Selects which Gain to return.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • All (Display string: 'All'): Gain will be applied to all channels or taps.
  • AnalogAll (Display string: 'Analog All'): Gain will be applied to all analog channels or taps.
  • AnalogBlue (Display string: 'Analog Blue'): Gain will be applied to the blue analog channel.
  • AnalogGreen (Display string: 'Analog Green'): Gain will be applied to the green analog channel.
  • AnalogRed (Display string: 'Analog Red'): Gain will be applied to the red analog channel.
  • AnalogTap1 (Display string: 'Analog Tap 1'): Analog gain will be applied to Tap 1.
  • AnalogTap2 (Display string: 'Analog Tap 2'): Analog gain will be applied to Tap 2.
  • AnalogTap3 (Display string: 'Analog Tap 3'): Analog gain will be applied to Tap 3.
  • AnalogTap4 (Display string: 'Analog Tap 4'): Analog gain will be applied to Tap 4.
  • AnalogTap5 (Display string: 'Analog Tap 5'): Analog gain will be applied to Tap 5.
  • AnalogTap6 (Display string: 'Analog Tap 6'): Analog gain will be applied to Tap 6.
  • AnalogTap7 (Display string: 'Analog Tap 7'): Analog gain will be applied to Tap 7.
  • AnalogTap8 (Display string: 'Analog Tap 8'): Analog gain will be applied to Tap 8.
  • AnalogTap9 (Display string: 'Analog Tap 9'): Analog gain will be applied to Tap 9.
  • AnalogTap10 (Display string: 'Analog Tap 10'): Analog gain will be applied to Tap 10.
  • AnalogTap11 (Display string: 'Analog Tap 11'): Analog gain will be applied to Tap 11.
  • AnalogTap12 (Display string: 'Analog Tap 12'): Analog gain will be applied to Tap 12.
  • AnalogTap13 (Display string: 'Analog Tap 13'): Analog gain will be applied to Tap 13.
  • AnalogTap14 (Display string: 'Analog Tap 14'): Analog gain will be applied to Tap 14.
  • AnalogTap15 (Display string: 'Analog Tap 15'): Analog gain will be applied to Tap 15.
  • AnalogU (Display string: 'Analog U'): Gain will be applied to U analog channel.
  • AnalogV (Display string: 'Analog V'): Gain will be applied to V analog channel.
  • AnalogY (Display string: 'Analog Y'): Gain will be applied to Y analog channel.
  • Blue (Display string: 'Blue'): Gain will be applied to the blue channel.
  • DigitalAll (Display string: 'Digital All'): Gain will be applied to all digital channels or taps.
  • DigitalBlue (Display string: 'Digital Blue'): Gain will be applied to the blue digital channel.
  • DigitalGreen (Display string: 'Digital Green'): Gain will be applied to the green digital channel.
  • DigitalRed (Display string: 'Digital Red'): Gain will be applied to the red digital channel.
  • DigitalTap1 (Display string: 'Digital Tap 1'): Digital gain will be applied to Tap 1.
  • DigitalTap2 (Display string: 'Digital Tap 2'): Digital gain will be applied to Tap 2.
  • DigitalTap3 (Display string: 'Digital Tap 3'): Digital gain will be applied to Tap 3.
  • DigitalTap4 (Display string: 'Digital Tap 4'): Digital gain will be applied to Tap 4.
  • DigitalTap5 (Display string: 'Digital Tap 5'): Digital gain will be applied to Tap 5.
  • DigitalTap6 (Display string: 'Digital Tap 6'): Digital gain will be applied to Tap 6.
  • DigitalTap7 (Display string: 'Digital Tap 7'): Digital gain will be applied to Tap 7.
  • DigitalTap8 (Display string: 'Digital Tap 8'): Digital gain will be applied to Tap 8.
  • DigitalTap9 (Display string: 'Digital Tap 9'): Digital gain will be applied to Tap 9.
  • DigitalTap10 (Display string: 'Digital Tap 10'): Digital gain will be applied to Tap 10.
  • DigitalTap11 (Display string: 'Digital Tap 11'): Digital gain will be applied to Tap 11.
  • DigitalTap12 (Display string: 'Digital Tap 12'): Digital gain will be applied to Tap 12.
  • DigitalTap13 (Display string: 'Digital Tap 13'): Digital gain will be applied to Tap 13.
  • DigitalTap14 (Display string: 'Digital Tap 14'): Digital gain will be applied to Tap 14.
  • DigitalTap15 (Display string: 'Digital Tap 15'): Digital gain will be applied to Tap 15.
  • DigitalU (Display string: 'Digital U'): Gain will be applied to U digital channel.
  • DigitalV (Display string: 'Digital V'): Gain will be applied to V digital channel.
  • DigitalY (Display string: 'Digital Y'): Gain will be applied to Y digital channel.
  • Green (Display string: 'Green'): Gain will be applied to the green channel.
  • Red (Display string: 'Red'): Gain will be applied to the red channel.
  • Tap1 (Display string: 'Tap 1'): Gain will be applied to Tap 1.
  • Tap2 (Display string: 'Tap 2'): Gain will be applied to Tap 2.
  • Tap3 (Display string: 'Tap 3'): Gain will be applied to Tap 3.
  • Tap4 (Display string: 'Tap 4'): Gain will be applied to Tap 4.
  • Tap5 (Display string: 'Tap 5'): Gain will be applied to Tap 5.
  • Tap6 (Display string: 'Tap 6'): Gain will be applied to Tap 6.
  • Tap7 (Display string: 'Tap 7'): Gain will be applied to Tap 7.
  • Tap8 (Display string: 'Tap 8'): Gain will be applied to Tap 8.
  • Tap9 (Display string: 'Tap 9'): Gain will be applied to Tap 9.
  • Tap10 (Display string: 'Tap 10'): Gain will be applied to Tap 10.
  • Tap11 (Display string: 'Tap 11'): Gain will be applied to Tap 11.
  • Tap12 (Display string: 'Tap 12'): Gain will be applied to Tap 12.
  • Tap13 (Display string: 'Tap 13'): Gain will be applied to Tap 13.
  • Tap14 (Display string: 'Tap 14'): Gain will be applied to Tap 14.
  • Tap15 (Display string: 'Tap 15'): Gain will be applied to Tap 15.
  • U (Display string: 'U'): Gain will be applied to U channel.
  • V (Display string: 'V'): Gain will be applied to V channel.
  • Y (Display string: 'Y'): Gain will be applied to Y channel.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ chunkGroupID

An enumerated integer property. Returns a unique Identifier corresponding to the selected Group of components.

Returns a unique Identifier corresponding to the selected Group of components. This can be used to identify the component Group of a multi-group payload.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Group0 (Display string: 'Group 0'): Selects Components group 0.
  • Group1 (Display string: 'Group 1'): Selects Components group 1.
  • Group2 (Display string: 'Group 2'): Selects Components group 2.
  • Group3 (Display string: 'Group 3'): Selects Components group 3.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ chunkGroupIDValue

An integer property. Returns a unique Identifier value that corresponds to the Group of Components of the selected chunk Component.

Returns a unique Identifier value that corresponds to the Group of Components of the selected chunk Component.

◆ chunkGroupSelector

An enumerated integer property. Selects the component Group from which to retrieve data from.

Selects the component Group from which to retrieve data from.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Group0 (Display string: 'Group 0'): Selects Components group 0.
  • Group1 (Display string: 'Group 1'): Selects Components group 1.
  • Group2 (Display string: 'Group 2'): Selects Components group 2.
  • Group3 (Display string: 'Group 3'): Selects Components group 3.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ chunkHeight

An integer property. Returns the Height of the image included in the payload.

Returns the Height of the image included in the payload.

◆ chunkImage

A string property. Returns the entire image data included in the payload.

Returns the entire image data included in the payload.

◆ chunkImageComponent

An enumerated integer property. This feature is deprecated (See ChunkComponentID).

This feature is deprecated (See ChunkComponentID). It was representing the component of the payload image.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Intensity (Display string: 'Intensity'): Intensity
  • Infrared (Display string: 'Infrared'): Infrared
  • Ultraviolet (Display string: 'Ultraviolet'): Ultraviolet
  • Range (Display string: 'Range'): Range
  • Reflectance (Display string: 'Reflectance'): Reflectance
  • Disparity (Display string: 'Disparity'): Disparity
  • Scatter (Display string: 'Scatter'): Scatter
  • Confidence (Display string: 'Confidence'): Confidence
  • Multispectral (Display string: 'Multispectral')
  • Device-specific (Display string: 'Device-specific')
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ chunkLinePitch

An integer property. Returns the LinePitch of the image included in the payload.

Returns the LinePitch of the image included in the payload.

◆ chunkLineStatusAll

An integer property. Returns the status of all the I/O lines at the time of the FrameStart internal event.

Returns the status of all the I/O lines at the time of the FrameStart internal event.

◆ chunkModeActive

A boolean property. Activates the inclusion of Chunk data in the transmitted payload.

Activates the inclusion of Chunk data in the transmitted payload.

◆ chunkmvCustomIdentifier

An integer property. Contains a custom identifier previously specified by the user.

Contains a custom identifier previously specified by the user.

◆ chunkOffsetX

An integer property. Returns the OffsetX of the image included in the payload.

Returns the OffsetX of the image included in the payload.

◆ chunkOffsetY

An integer property. Returns the OffsetY of the image included in the payload.

Returns the OffsetY of the image included in the payload.

◆ chunkPartIndex

An integer property. Returns index of the image part in this block depending on selected component.

Returns index of the image part in this block depending on selected component.

◆ chunkPartSelector

An integer property. This feature is deprecated (See ChunkComponentSelector).

This feature is deprecated (See ChunkComponentSelector). It was selecting the individual parts of a multi-component/multi-part buffer to access.

◆ chunkPixelDynamicRangeMax

An integer property. Returns the maximum value of dynamic range of the image included in the payload.

Returns the maximum value of dynamic range of the image included in the payload.

◆ chunkPixelDynamicRangeMin

An integer property. Returns the minimum value of dynamic range of the image included in the payload.

Returns the minimum value of dynamic range of the image included in the payload.

◆ chunkPixelFormat

An enumerated integer property. Returns the PixelFormat of the image included in the payload.

Returns the PixelFormat of the image included in the payload.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Mono1p (Display string: 'Mono1p'): Mono 1 bit packed.
  • Mono2p (Display string: 'Mono2p'): Mono 2 bit packed.
  • Mono4p (Display string: 'Mono4p'): Mono 4 bit packed.
  • Mono8 (Display string: 'Mono8'): Mono 8 bit packed.
  • Mono8s (Display string: 'Mono8s'): Mono 1 bit signed.
  • Mono10 (Display string: 'Mono10'): Mono 10 bit.
  • Mono10p (Display string: 'Mono10p'): Mono 10 bit packed.
  • Mono12 (Display string: 'Mono12'): Mono 12 bit.
  • Mono12p (Display string: 'Mono12p'): Mono 12 bit packed.
  • Mono14 (Display string: 'Mono14'): Mono 14 bit.
  • Mono16 (Display string: 'Mono16'): Mono 16 bit.
  • R8 (Display string: 'R8'): Red 8 bit.
  • G8 (Display string: 'G8'): Green 8 bit.
  • B8 (Display string: 'B8'): Blue 8 bit.
  • RGB8 (Display string: 'RGB8'): Red, Green, Blue 8 bit
  • RGB8_Planar (Display string: 'RGB8_Planar'): Red, Green, Blue 8 bit planar.
  • RGBa8 (Display string: 'RGBa8'): Red, Green, Blue 8 bit aligned on 8 bit
  • RGB10 (Display string: 'RGB10'): Red, Green, Blue 10 bit.
  • RGB10_Planar (Display string: 'RGB10_Planar'): Red, Green, Blue 10 bit planar.
  • RGB10p32 (Display string: 'RGB10p32'): Red, Green, Blue 10 bit packed in 32 bit pixel.
  • RGB12 (Display string: 'RGB12'): Red, Green, Blue 12 bit.
  • RGB12_Planar (Display string: 'RGB12_Planar'): Red, Green, Blue 12 bit planar.
  • RGB16 (Display string: 'RGB16'): Red, Green, Blue 16 bit.
  • RGB16_Planar (Display string: 'RGB16_Planar'): Red, Green, Blue 16 bit planar.
  • RGB565p (Display string: 'RGB565p'): Red, Green, Blue 16 bit packet in 5, 6, 5 bits.
  • BGR10 (Display string: 'BGR10'): Blue, Green, Red, 10 bit.
  • BGR12 (Display string: 'BGR12'): Blue, Green, Red, 12 bit.
  • BGR16 (Display string: 'BGR16'): Blue, Green, Red, 16 bit.
  • BGR565p (Display string: 'BGR565p'): Blue, Green, Red, 16 bit packet in 5, 6, 5 bits.
  • BGR8 (Display string: 'BGR8'): Blue, Green, Red, 8 bit.
  • BGRa8 (Display string: 'BGRa8'): Blue, Green, Red, Alpha 8 bit.
  • YUV422_8 (Display string: 'YUV422_8'): YUV 422 8 bit.
  • YCbCr411_8 (Display string: 'YCbCr411_8'): YCrCb 411 8 bit.
  • YCbCr422_8 (Display string: 'YCbCr422_8'): YCrCb 422 8 bit.
  • YCbCr601_422_8 (Display string: 'YCbCr601_422_8'): YCrCb 601 422 8 bit.
  • YCbCr709_422_8 (Display string: 'YCbCr709_422_8'): YCrCb 709 422 8 bit.
  • YCbCr8 (Display string: 'YCbCr8'): YCbCr 8 bit.
  • BayerBG8 (Display string: 'BayerBG8'): Bayer Blue Green 8 bit.
  • BayerGB8 (Display string: 'BayerGB8'): Bayer Green Blue 8 bit.
  • BayerGR8 (Display string: 'BayerGR8'): Bayer Green Red 8 bit.
  • BayerRG8 (Display string: 'BayerRG8'): Bayer Red Green 8 bit.
  • BayerBG10 (Display string: 'BayerBG10'): Bayer Blue Green 10 bit.
  • BayerGB10 (Display string: 'BayerGB10'): Bayer Green Blue 10 bit.
  • BayerGR10 (Display string: 'BayerGR10'): Bayer Green Red 10 bit.
  • BayerRG10 (Display string: 'BayerRG10'): Bayer Red Green 10 bit.
  • BayerBG12 (Display string: 'BayerBG12'): Bayer Blue Green 12 bit
  • BayerGB12 (Display string: 'BayerGB12'): Bayer Green Blue 12 bit
  • BayerGR12 (Display string: 'BayerGR12'): Bayer Green Red 12 bit.
  • BayerRG12 (Display string: 'BayerRG12'): Bayer Red Green 12 bit.
  • BayerBG16 (Display string: 'BayerBG16'): Bayer Blue Green 16 bit.
  • BayerGB16 (Display string: 'BayerGB16'): Bayer Green Blue 16 bit.
  • BayerGR16 (Display string: 'BayerGR16'): Bayer Green Red 16 bit.
  • BayerRG16 (Display string: 'BayerRG16'): Bayer Red Green 16 bit.
  • Coord3D_A8 (Display string: 'Coord3D_A8'): 3D coordinate, first component 8 bit.
  • Coord3D_B8 (Display string: 'Coord3D_B8'): 3D coordinate, second component 8 bit.
  • Coord3D_C8 (Display string: 'Coord3D_C8'): 3D coordinate, third component 8 bit.
  • Coord3D_ABC8 (Display string: 'Coord3D_ABC8'): 3D coordinates, 3 components 8 bit.
  • Coord3D_ABC8_Planar (Display string: 'Coord3D_ABC8_Planar'): 3D coordinates, 3 components 8 bit planar.
  • Coord3D_A16 (Display string: 'Coord3D_A16'): 3D coordinate, first component 16 bit.
  • Coord3D_B16 (Display string: 'Coord3D_B16'): 3D coordinate, second component 16 bit.
  • Coord3D_C16 (Display string: 'Coord3D_C16'): 3D coordinate, third component 16 bit.
  • Coord3D_ABC16 (Display string: 'Coord3D_ABC16'): 3D coordinates, 3 components 16 bit.
  • Coord3D_ABC16_Planar (Display string: 'Coord3D_ABC16_Planar'): 3D coordinates, 3 components 16 bit planar.
  • Coord3D_A32f (Display string: 'Coord3D_A32f'): 3D coordinate, first component 32 bit float.
  • Coord3D_B32f (Display string: 'Coord3D_B32f'): 3D coordinate, second component 32 bit float.
  • Coord3D_C32f (Display string: 'Coord3D_C32f'): 3D coordinate, third component 32 bit float.
  • Coord3D_ABC32f (Display string: 'Coord3D_ABC32f'): 3D coordinates, 3 components 32 bit float.
  • Coord3D_ABC32f_Planar (Display string: 'Coord3D_ABC32f_Planar'): 3D coordinates, 3 components 32 bit float planar.
  • Confidence1 (Display string: 'Confidence1'): Confidence data 1 bit.
  • Confidence1p (Display string: 'Confidence1p'): Confidence data 1 bit packed.
  • Confidence8 (Display string: 'Confidence8'): Confidence data 8 bit.
  • Confidence16 (Display string: 'Confidence16'): Confidence data 16 bit.
  • Confidence32f (Display string: 'Confidence32f'): Confidence data 32 bit float.
  • Data8 (Display string: 'Data8'): Generic non-pixel data 8 bit.
  • Data8s (Display string: 'Data8s'): Generic non-pixel data 8 bit signed.
  • Data16 (Display string: 'Data16'): Generic non-pixel data 16 bit.
  • Data16s (Display string: 'Data16s'): Generic non-pixel data 16 bit signed.
  • Data32 (Display string: 'Data32'): Generic non-pixel data 32 bit.
  • Data32s (Display string: 'Data32s'): Generic non-pixel data 32 bit signed.
  • Data32f (Display string: 'Data32f'): Generic non-pixel data 32 bit floating point.
  • Data64 (Display string: 'Data64'): Generic non-pixel data 64 bit.
  • Data64s (Display string: 'Data64s'): Generic non-pixel data 64 bit signed.
  • Data64f (Display string: 'Data64f'): Generic non-pixel data 64 bit floating point.
  • Raw8 (Display string: 'Raw8'): Raw 8 bit.
  • Raw16 (Display string: 'Raw16'): Raw 16 bit.
  • Mono12Packed (Display string: 'Mono12Packed'): Mono 12 bit packed (GigE Vision Specific).
  • BayerGR10Packed (Display string: 'BayerGR10Packed'): Bayer GR 10 bit packed (GigE Vision Specific).
  • BayerRG10Packed (Display string: 'BayerRG10Packed'): Bayer RG 10 bit packed (GigE Vision Specific).
  • BayerGB10Packed (Display string: 'BayerGB10Packed'): Bayer GB 10 bit packed (GigE Vision Specific).
  • BayerBG10Packed (Display string: 'BayerBG10Packed'): Bayer BG 10 bit packed (GigE Vision Specific).
  • BayerGR12Packed (Display string: 'BayerGR12Packed'): Bayer GR 12 bit packed (GigE Vision Specific).
  • BayerRG12Packed (Display string: 'BayerRG12Packed'): Bayer RG 12 bit packed (GigE Vision Specific).
  • BayerGB12Packed (Display string: 'BayerGB12Packed'): Bayer GB 12 bit packed (GigE Vision Specific).
  • BayerBG12Packed (Display string: 'BayerBG12Packed'): Bayer BG 12 bit packed (GigE Vision Specific).
  • RGB10V1Packed (Display string: 'RGB10V1Packed'): RGB 10 bit packed (GigE Vision Specific).
  • RGB12V1Packed (Display string: 'RGB12V1Packed'): RGB 12 bit packed (GigE Vision Specific).
  • Mono8Signed (Display string: 'Mono 8 Signed')
  • Mono10Packed (Display string: 'Mono 10 Packed')
  • RGB8Packed (Display string: 'RGB 8 Packed')
  • BGR8Packed (Display string: 'BGR 8 Packed')
  • RGBA8Packed (Display string: 'RGBA 8 Packed')
  • BGRA8Packed (Display string: 'BGRA 8 Packed')
  • RGB10Packed (Display string: 'RGB 10 Packed')
  • BGR10Packed (Display string: 'BGR 10 Packed')
  • RGB12Packed (Display string: 'RGB 12 Packed')
  • BGR12Packed (Display string: 'BGR 12 Packed')
  • RGB16Packed (Display string: 'RGB 16 Packed')
  • RGB10V2Packed (Display string: 'RGB 10 V 2 Packed')
  • RGB565Packed (Display string: 'RGB 565 Packed')
  • BGR565Packed (Display string: 'BGR 565 Packed')
  • YUV411Packed (Display string: 'YUV 411 Packed')
  • YUV422Packed (Display string: 'YUV 422 Packed')
  • YUV444Packed (Display string: 'YUV 444 Packed')
  • YUYVPacked (Display string: 'YUYV Packed')
  • RGB8Planar (Display string: 'RGB 8 Planar')
  • RGB10Planar (Display string: 'RGB 10 Planar')
  • RGB12Planar (Display string: 'RGB 12 Planar')
  • RGB16Planar (Display string: 'RGB 16 Planar')
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ chunkRcAutoExposureAdapting

A boolean property. True if auto exposure is still adapting.

True if auto exposure is still adapting.

◆ chunkRcBrightness

A floating point property. Returns the brightness of the image.

Returns the brightness of the image

◆ chunkRcNoise

A floating point property. Returns the noise of the image.

Returns the noise of the image.

◆ chunkRcOut1Reduction

A floating point property. Returns the Out1 reduction.

Returns the Out1 reduction.

◆ chunkRcTest

A boolean property. True if test image.

True if test image.

◆ chunkRegionID

An enumerated integer property. Returns the Identifier of Region that the image comes from.

Returns the Identifier of Region that the image comes from.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • All (Display string: 'All')
  • Region0 (Display string: 'Region 0'): Image comes from the Region 0.
  • Region1 (Display string: 'Region 1'): Image comes from the Region 1.
  • Region2 (Display string: 'Region 2'): Image comes from the Region 2.
  • Scan3dExtraction0 (Display string: 'Scan 3d Extraction 0'): Image comes from the Scan3dExtraction output Region 0.
  • Scan3dExtraction1 (Display string: 'Scan 3d Extraction 1'): Image comes from the Scan3dExtraction output Region 1.
  • Scan3dExtraction2 (Display string: 'Scan 3d Extraction 2'): Image comes from the Scan3dExtraction output Region 2.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ chunkRegionIDValue

An integer property. Returns the unique integer Identifier value of the Region that the image comes from.

Returns the unique integer Identifier value of the Region that the image comes from.

◆ chunkRegionSelector

An enumerated integer property. Selects which Region to retrieve data from.

Selects which Region to retrieve data from.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • All (Display string: 'All')
  • Region0 (Display string: 'Region 0'): Image comes from the Region 0.
  • Region1 (Display string: 'Region 1'): Image comes from the Region 1.
  • Region2 (Display string: 'Region 2'): Image comes from the Region 2.
  • Scan3dExtraction0 (Display string: 'Scan 3d Extraction 0'): Image comes from the Scan3dExtraction output Region 0.
  • Scan3dExtraction1 (Display string: 'Scan 3d Extraction 1'): Image comes from the Scan3dExtraction output Region 1.
  • Scan3dExtraction2 (Display string: 'Scan 3d Extraction 2'): Image comes from the Scan3dExtraction output Region 2.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ chunkReverseX

A boolean property. Flip horizontal of the image sent by the device.

Flip horizontal of the image sent by the device.

◆ chunkReverseY

A boolean property. Flip vertically of the image sent by the device.

Flip vertically of the image sent by the device.

◆ chunkScan3dAxisMax

A floating point property. Returns the Maximum Axis value for the selected coordinate axis of the image included in the payload.

Returns the Maximum Axis value for the selected coordinate axis of the image included in the payload.

◆ chunkScan3dAxisMin

A floating point property. Returns the Minimum Axis value for the selected coordinate axis of the image included in the payload.

Returns the Minimum Axis value for the selected coordinate axis of the image included in the payload.

◆ chunkScan3dBaseline

A floating point property. Returns the baseline as the physical distance of two cameras in a stereo camera setup.

Returns the baseline as the physical distance of two cameras in a stereo camera setup. The value of this feature can be used for 3D reconstruction from disparity images. In this case, the unit of the 3D coordinates corresponds to the unit of the baseline.

◆ chunkScan3dCoordinateOffset

A floating point property. Returns the Offset for the selected coordinate axis of the image included in the payload.

Returns the Offset for the selected coordinate axis of the image included in the payload.

◆ chunkScan3dCoordinateReferenceSelector

readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkScan3dCoordinateReferenceSelector = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()

An enumerated integer property. Selector to read a coordinate system reference value defining the transform of a point from one system to the other.

Selector to read a coordinate system reference value defining the transform of a point from one system to the other.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • RotationX (Display string: 'Rotation X'): Rotation around X axis.
  • RotationY (Display string: 'Rotation Y'): Rotation around Y axis.
  • RotationZ (Display string: 'Rotation Z'): Rotation around Z axis.
  • TranslationX (Display string: 'Translation X'): X axis translation.
  • TranslationY (Display string: 'Translation Y'): Y axis translation.
  • TranslationZ (Display string: 'Translation Z'): Z axis translation.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ chunkScan3dCoordinateReferenceValue

readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF chunkScan3dCoordinateReferenceValue = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyF()

A floating point property. Returns the value of a position or pose coordinate for the anchor or transformed coordinate systems relative to the reference point.

Returns the value of a position or pose coordinate for the anchor or transformed coordinate systems relative to the reference point.

◆ chunkScan3dCoordinateScale

A floating point property. Returns the Scale for the selected coordinate axis of the image included in the payload.

Returns the Scale for the selected coordinate axis of the image included in the payload.

◆ chunkScan3dCoordinateSelector

An enumerated integer property. Selects which Coordinate to retrieve data from.

Selects which Coordinate to retrieve data from.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • CoordinateA (Display string: 'Coordinate A'): The first (X or Theta) coordinate
  • CoordinateB (Display string: 'Coordinate B'): The second (Y or Phi) coordinate
  • CoordinateC (Display string: 'Coordinate C'): The third (Z or Rho) coordinate.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ chunkScan3dCoordinateSystem

An enumerated integer property. Returns the Coordinate System of the image included in the payload.

Returns the Coordinate System of the image included in the payload.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Cartesian (Display string: 'Cartesian'): Default value. 3-axis orthogonal, right-hand X-Y-Z.
  • Spherical (Display string: 'Spherical'): A Theta-Phi-Rho coordinate system.
  • Cylindrical (Display string: 'Cylindrical'): A Theta-Y-Rho coordinate system.
  • Default-specific (Display string: 'Default-specific')
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ chunkScan3dCoordinateSystemReference

readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkScan3dCoordinateSystemReference = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()

An enumerated integer property. Returns the Coordinate System Position of the image included in the payload.

Returns the Coordinate System Position of the image included in the payload.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Anchor (Display string: 'Anchor'): Default value. Original fixed reference. The coordinate system fixed relative the camera reference point marker is used.
  • Transformed (Display string: 'Transformed'): Transformed reference system. The transformed coordinate system is used according to the definition in the rotation and translation matrices.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ chunkScan3dCoordinateTransformSelector

readonly mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64 chunkScan3dCoordinateTransformSelector = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyI64()

An enumerated integer property. Selector for transform values.

Selector for transform values.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • RotationX (Display string: 'Rotation X'): Rotation around X axis.
  • RotationY (Display string: 'Rotation Y'): Rotation around Y axis.
  • RotationZ (Display string: 'Rotation Z'): Rotation around Z axis.
  • TranslationX (Display string: 'Translation X'): Translation along X axis.
  • TranslationY (Display string: 'Translation Y'): Translation along Y axis.
  • TranslationZ (Display string: 'Translation Z'): Translation along Z axis.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ chunkScan3dDistanceUnit

An enumerated integer property. Returns the Distance Unit of the payload image.

Returns the Distance Unit of the payload image.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Millimeter (Display string: 'Millimeter'): Default value. Distance values are in millimeter units.
  • Inch (Display string: 'Inch'): Distance values are in inch units.
  • Pixel (Display string: 'Pixel'): Distance values are given as a multiple of the size of a pixel.
  • Meter (Display string: 'Meter')
  • Default-specific (Display string: 'Default-specific')
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ chunkScan3dFocalLength

A floating point property. Returns the focal length of the camera in pixel.

Returns the focal length of the camera in pixel. The focal length depends on the selected region. The value of this feature takes into account horizontal binning, decimation, or any other function changing the image resolution.

◆ chunkScan3dInvalidDataFlag

A boolean property. Returns if a specific non-valid data flag is used in the data stream.

Returns if a specific non-valid data flag is used in the data stream.

◆ chunkScan3dInvalidDataValue

A floating point property. Returns the Invalid Data Value used for the image included in the payload.

Returns the Invalid Data Value used for the image included in the payload.

◆ chunkScan3dOutputMode

An enumerated integer property. Returns the Calibrated Mode of the payload image.

Returns the Calibrated Mode of the payload image.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • UncalibratedC (Display string: 'Uncalibrated C'): Uncalibrated 2.5D Depth map. The distance data does not represent a physical unit and may be non-linear. The data is a 2.5D range map only.
  • CalibratedABC_Grid (Display string: 'Calibrated ABC Grid'): 3 Coordinates in grid organization. The full 3 coordinate data with the grid array organization from the sensor kept.
  • CalibratedABC_PointCloud (Display string: 'Calibrated ABC Point Cloud'): 3 Coordinates without organization. The full 3 coordinate data without any organization of data points. Typically only valid points transmitted giving varying image size.
  • CalibratedAC (Display string: 'Calibrated AC'): 2 Coordinates with fixed B sampling. The data is sent as a A and C coordinates (X,Z or Theta,Rho). The B (Y) axis uses the scale and offset parameters for the B axis.
  • CalibratedAC_Linescan (Display string: 'Calibrated AC Linescan'): 2 Coordinates with varying sampling. The data is sent as a A and C coordinates (X,Z or Theta,Rho). The B (Y) axis comes from the encoder chunk value.
  • CalibratedC (Display string: 'Calibrated C'): Calibrated 2.5D Depth map. The distance data is expressed in the chosen distance unit. The data is a 2.5D range map. No information on X-Y axes available.
  • CalibratedC_Linescan (Display string: 'Calibrated C Linescan'): Depth Map with varying B sampling. The distance data is expressed in the chosen distance unit. The data is a 2.5D range map. The B (Y) axis comes from the encoder chunk value.
  • RectifiedC (Display string: 'Rectified C'): Rectified 2.5D Depth map. The distance data has been rectified to a uniform sampling pattern in the X and Y direction. The data is a 2.5D range map only. If a complete 3D point cloud is rectified but transmitted as explicit coordinates it should be transmitted as one of the 'CalibratedABC' formats.
  • RectifiedC_Linescan (Display string: 'Rectified C Linescan'): Rectified 2.5D Depth map with varying B sampling. The data is sent as rectified 1D profiles using Coord3D_C pixels. The B (Y) axis comes from the encoder chunk value.
  • DisparityC (Display string: 'Disparity C'): Disparity 2.5D Depth map. The distance is inversely proportional to the pixel (disparity) value.
  • DisparityC_Linescan (Display string: 'Disparity C Linescan'): Disparity 2.5D Depth map with varying B sampling. The distance is inversely proportional to the pixel (disparity) value. The B (Y) axis comes from the encoder chunk value.
  • CalibratedAC (Display string: 'Calibrated A C ')
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ chunkScan3dPrincipalPointU

A floating point property. Returns the value of this feature gives the horizontal position of the principal point, relative to the region origin, i.e.

Returns the value of this feature gives the horizontal position of the principal point, relative to the region origin, i.e. OffsetX. The value of this feature takes into account horizontal binning, decimation, or any other function changing the image resolution.

◆ chunkScan3dPrincipalPointV

A floating point property. Returns the value of this feature gives the vertical position of the principal point, relative to the region origin, i.e.

Returns the value of this feature gives the vertical position of the principal point, relative to the region origin, i.e. OffsetY. The value of this feature takes into account vertical binning, decimation, or any other function changing the image resolution.

◆ chunkScan3dTransformValue

A floating point property. Returns the transform value.

Returns the transform value.

◆ chunkScanLineSelector

An integer property. Index for vector representation of one chunk value per line in an image.

Index for vector representation of one chunk value per line in an image.

◆ chunkSelector

An enumerated integer property. Selects which Chunk to enable or control.

Selects which Chunk to enable or control.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Image (Display string: 'Image'): Image
  • OffsetX (Display string: 'Offset X'): Offset X
  • OffsetY (Display string: 'Offset Y'): Offset Y
  • Width (Display string: 'Width'): Width
  • Height (Display string: 'Height'): Height
  • PixelFormat (Display string: 'Pixel Format'): Pixel Format
  • PixelDynamicRangeMin (Display string: 'Pixel Dynamic Range Min'): Pixel Dynamic Range Min
  • PixelDynamicRangeMax (Display string: 'Pixel Dynamic Range Max'): Pixel Dynamic Range Max
  • BinningHorizontal (Display string: 'Binning Horizontal'): Binning Horizontal
  • BinningVertical (Display string: 'Binning Vertical'): Binning Vertical
  • DecimationHorizontal (Display string: 'Decimation Horizontal'): Decimation Horizontal
  • DecimationVertical (Display string: 'Decimation Vertical'): Decimation Vertical
  • ReverseX (Display string: 'Reverse X'): Reverse X
  • ReverseY (Display string: 'Reverse Y'): Reverse Y
  • Timestamp (Display string: 'Timestamp'): Timestamp
  • TimestampLatchValue (Display string: 'Timestamp Latch Value'): Timestamp Latch Value
  • LineStatusAll (Display string: 'Line Status All'): Line Status All
  • CounterValue (Display string: 'Counter Value'): Counter Value
  • TimerValue (Display string: 'Timer Value'): Timer Value
  • EncoderValue (Display string: 'Encoder Value'): Encoder Value
  • EncoderStatusValue (Display string: 'Encoder Status Value'): Encoder Status Value
  • ExposureTime (Display string: 'Exposure Time'): Exposure Time
  • Gain (Display string: 'Gain'): Gain
  • BlackLevel (Display string: 'Black Level'): Black Level
  • LinePitch (Display string: 'Line Pitch'): Line Pitch
  • FrameID (Display string: 'Frame ID'): Frame ID
  • SourceID (Display string: 'Source ID'): Source ID
  • SourceIDValue (Display string: 'Source ID Value'): Source ID Value
  • RegionID (Display string: 'Region ID'): Region ID
  • RegionIDValue (Display string: 'Region ID Value'): Region ID Value
  • ComponentID (Display string: 'Component ID'): Component ID
  • ComponentIDValue (Display string: 'Component ID Value'): Component ID Value
  • GroupIDValue (Display string: 'Group ID Value'): Group ID Value
  • TransferBlockID (Display string: 'Transfer Block ID'): Transfer Block ID
  • TransferStreamID (Display string: 'Transfer Stream ID'): Transfer Stream ID
  • TransferQueueCurrentBlockCount (Display string: 'Transfer Queue Current Block Count'): Transfer Queue Current Block Count
  • StreamChannelID (Display string: 'Stream Channel ID'): Stream Channel ID
  • SequencerSetActive (Display string: 'Sequencer Set Active'): Sequencer Set Active
  • Scan3dDistanceUnit (Display string: 'Scan 3d Distance Unit'): Scan 3d Distance Unit
  • Scan3dOutputMode (Display string: 'Scan 3d Output Mode'): Scan 3d Output Mode
  • Scan3dCoordinateSystem (Display string: 'Scan 3d Coordinate System'): Scan 3d Coordinate System
  • Scan3dCoordinateSystemReference (Display string: 'Scan 3d Coordinate System Reference'): Scan 3d Coordinate System Reference
  • Scan3dCoordinateScale (Display string: 'Scan 3d Coordinate Scale'): Scan 3d Coordinate Scale
  • Scan3dCoordinateOffset (Display string: 'Scan 3d Coordinate Offset'): Scan 3d Coordinate Offset
  • Scan3dInvalidDataFlag (Display string: 'Scan 3d Invalid Data Flag'): Scan 3d Invalid Data Flag
  • Scan3dInvalidDataValue (Display string: 'Scan 3d Invalid Data Value'): Scan 3d Invalid Data Value
  • Scan3dAxisMin (Display string: 'Scan 3d Axis Min'): Scan 3d Axis Min
  • Scan3dAxisMax (Display string: 'Scan 3d Axis Max'): Scan 3d Axis Max
  • Scan3dCoordinateTransformValue (Display string: 'Scan 3d Coordinate Transform Value'): Scan 3d Coordinate Transform Value
  • Scan3dCoordinateReferenceValue (Display string: 'Scan 3d Coordinate Reference Value'): Scan 3d Coordinate Reference Value
  • AdditionalInfo (Display string: 'Additional Info')
  • JPEG (Display string: 'JPEG')
  • mvCustomIdentifier (Display string: 'mv Custom Identifier')
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ chunkSequencerSetActive

An integer property. Return the index of the active set of the running sequencer included in the payload.

Return the index of the active set of the running sequencer included in the payload.

◆ chunkSourceID

An enumerated integer property. Returns the Identifier of Source that the image comes from.

Returns the Identifier of Source that the image comes from.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Source0 (Display string: 'Source 0'): Image comes from the Source 0.
  • Source1 (Display string: 'Source 1'): Image comes from the Source 1.
  • Source2 (Display string: 'Source 2'): Image comes from the Source 2.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ chunkSourceIDValue

An integer property. Returns the unique integer Identifier value of the Source that the image comes from.

Returns the unique integer Identifier value of the Source that the image comes from.

◆ chunkSourceSelector

An enumerated integer property. Selects which Source to retrieve data from.

Selects which Source to retrieve data from.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • All (Display string: 'All')
  • Device-specific (Display string: 'Device-specific')
  • Source0 (Display string: 'Source 0'): Image comes from the Source 0.
  • Source1 (Display string: 'Source 1'): Image comes from the Source 1.
  • Source2 (Display string: 'Source 2'): Image comes from the Source 2.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ chunkStreamChannelID

An integer property. Returns identifier of the stream channel used to carry the block.

Returns identifier of the stream channel used to carry the block.

◆ chunkTimerSelector

An enumerated integer property. Selects which Timer to retrieve data from.

Selects which Timer to retrieve data from.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Timer0 (Display string: 'Timer 0'): Selects the first Timer.
  • Timer1 (Display string: 'Timer 1'): Selects the first Timer.
  • Timer2 (Display string: 'Timer 2'): Selects the second Timer.
  • Timer3 (Display string: 'Timer 3'): Selects the second Timer.
  • Timer4 (Display string: 'Timer 4'): Selects the second Timer.
  • Timer5 (Display string: 'Timer 5'): Selects the second Timer.
  • Timer6 (Display string: 'Timer 6'): Selects the second Timer.
  • Timer7 (Display string: 'Timer 7'): Selects the second Timer.
  • Timer8 (Display string: 'Timer 8'): Selects the second Timer.
  • Timer9 (Display string: 'Timer 9'): Selects the second Timer.
  • Timer10 (Display string: 'Timer 10'): Selects the second Timer.
  • Timer11 (Display string: 'Timer 11'): Selects the second Timer.
  • Timer12 (Display string: 'Timer 12'): Selects the second Timer.
  • Timer13 (Display string: 'Timer 13'): Selects the second Timer.
  • Timer14 (Display string: 'Timer 14'): Selects the second Timer.
  • Timer15 (Display string: 'Timer 15'): Selects the second Timer.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ chunkTimerValue

A floating point property. Returns the value of the selected Timer at the time of the FrameStart internal event.

Returns the value of the selected Timer at the time of the FrameStart internal event.

◆ chunkTimestamp

An integer property. Returns the Timestamp of the image included in the payload at the time of the FrameStart internal event.

Returns the Timestamp of the image included in the payload at the time of the FrameStart internal event.

◆ chunkTimestampLatchValue

An integer property. Returns the last Timestamp latched with the TimestampLatch command.

Returns the last Timestamp latched with the TimestampLatch command.

◆ chunkTransferBlockID

An integer property. Returns the unique identifier of the transfer block used to transport the payload.

Returns the unique identifier of the transfer block used to transport the payload.

◆ chunkTransferQueueCurrentBlockCount

An integer property. Returns the current number of blocks in the transfer queue.

Returns the current number of blocks in the transfer queue.

◆ chunkTransferStreamID

An enumerated integer property. Returns identifier of the stream that generated this block.

Returns identifier of the stream that generated this block.

The following string values might be valid for this feature:

  • Source0 (Display string: 'Source 0')
  • Source1 (Display string: 'Source 1')
  • Source2 (Display string: 'Source 2')
  • Stream0 (Display string: 'Stream 0'): Data comes from Stream0.
  • Stream1 (Display string: 'Stream 1'): Data comes from Stream1.
  • Stream2 (Display string: 'Stream 2'): Data comes from Stream2.
  • Stream3 (Display string: 'Stream 3'): Data comes from Stream3.
Depending on the device some of these values might not be supported and especially when working with third party devices there might be custom values which are not listed here. To get a complete and reliable list of supported values at runtime an application should therefore call mv.impact.acquire.EnumPropertyI<T>.listOfValidStrings() or one of the other functions dealing with translation dictionaries for enumerated properties.

◆ chunkWidth

An integer property. Returns the Width of the image included in the payload.

Returns the Width of the image included in the payload.

◆ chunkXMLEnable

A boolean property. Activates the inclusion of the GenICam XML necessary to the chunk parser to decode all the Chunk data included in the transmitted payload.

Activates the inclusion of the GenICam XML necessary to the chunk parser to decode all the Chunk data included in the transmitted payload.

◆ mvChunkJPEG

A string property. Provides access to a JPEG image transmitted as part of the chunk data.

Provides access to a JPEG image transmitted as part of the chunk data.