Impact Acquire SDK .NET

The Properties program shows how to handle the properties like ExposureTime and Gain of a Balluff device.

Program location
The source file Properties.cs can be found under:
If you have installed the package without example applications, this file will not be available. On Windows® the sample application can be installed or removed from the target system at any time by simply restarting the installation package.
Properties example:
  1. Opens a Balluff device.
  2. Snaps an image (without display using Linux).
  3. You can enter and set properties.
Console Output
[0]: BF000306 (mvBlueFOX-202C, Family: mvBlueFOX, interface layout: DeviceSpecific)

Please enter the number in front of the listed device followed by [ENTER] to open it: 0
Using device number 0.
Initialising the device. This might take some time...
enter quit, snap, list, help or the name of the property you want to modify followed by [ENTER]:
How it works
The image capture of this sample is equal to the SingleCapture and ContinuousCapture samples. Therefore we will focus on setting some properties in this example.

After selecting a device the user can choose what he wants to do. The program waits for the input:

bool boRun = true;
while (boRun)
Console.WriteLine(" enter 'quit', 'snap', 'list', 'help' or the name of ");
Console.WriteLine(" the property you want to modify followed by [ENTER]: ");
String command = Console.ReadLine();
if (command == "snap")
singleCapture(boMustStartAcquisition, fi, pDev, timeout_ms);
else if (command == "list")
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Property> KVP in propertyMap)
else if (command == "help")
Console.WriteLine("quit: terminates this sample application");
Console.WriteLine("snap: takes and displays one image with the current settings");
Console.WriteLine("snap: takes one image with the current settings");
#endif // USE_DISPLAY
Console.WriteLine("list: displays all properties available for this device");
Console.WriteLine("help: displays this help text");
Console.WriteLine("timeout: set a new timeout(in ms) used as a max. timeout to wait for an image");
Console.WriteLine("the full name of a property must be specified");
else if (command == "quit")
boRun = false;
else if (command == "timeout")
Console.WriteLine("Enter the new timeout to be passed to the imageRequestWaitFor function: ");
timeout_ms = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
if (!propertyMap.ContainsKey(command))
Console.WriteLine("Unknown command or property");
Property prop = propertyMap[command];
if (prop.hasDict)
Console.WriteLine("This function expects the string representation as input!");

'snap' takes and displays one image with the current settings

'list' displays all properties available for this device

'help' will display a help text in the console

'quit' will terminate the program

'timeout' will define a new timeout used as a max. wait timeout for a snapped image to become ready

Entering a valid property name first calls the displayPropertyData() function (from mv.impact.acquire.helper). This function will display some more information about the current property like the current value, possible min. and max. values etc.

string name =;
Console.WriteLine("Property '{0}' currently specifies the following flags: {1}", name, prop.flagsAsString());
if (prop.hasMinValue)
Console.WriteLine("The minimum value of '{0}' is {1}", name, prop.readS(TPropertyLimits.plMinValue));
if (prop.hasMaxValue)
Console.WriteLine("The maximum value of '{0}' is {1}", name, prop.readS(TPropertyLimits.plMaxValue));
if (prop.hasStepWidth)
Console.WriteLine("The increment of '{0}' is {1}", name, prop.readS(TPropertyLimits.plStepWidth));
if (prop.hasDict)
Console.WriteLine("'{0}' defines a dictionary. Valid values are: ", name);
TComponentType type = prop.type;
if (type == TComponentType.ctPropInt)
PropertyI p = new PropertyI(prop.hObj);
List<KeyValuePair<String, int>> sequence = new List<KeyValuePair<String, int>>();
foreach (KeyValuePair<String, int> entry in sequence)
Console.WriteLine("[{0}]: {1}", entry.Value, entry.Key);
else if (type == TComponentType.ctPropInt64)
PropertyI64 p = new PropertyI64(prop.hObj);
List<KeyValuePair<String, long>> sequence = new List<KeyValuePair<String, long>>();
foreach (KeyValuePair<String, long> entry in sequence)
Console.WriteLine("[{0}]: {1}", entry.Value, entry.Key);
else if (type == TComponentType.ctPropFloat)
PropertyF p = new PropertyF(prop.hObj);
List<KeyValuePair<String, double>> sequence = new List<KeyValuePair<String, double>>();
foreach (KeyValuePair<String, double> entry in sequence)
Console.WriteLine("[{0}]: {1}", entry.Value, entry.Key);
Console.WriteLine("Error! Unhandled enum prop type: {0}", prop.typeAsString);
Console.WriteLine("The current value of '{0}' is: {1}", name, prop.readS());
Defines valid limits which can be queried for a mv.impact.acquire.Property object.
Definition Property.cs:18
Allowed components handled by this module.
Definition mvPropHandlingDatatypes.cs:197

Afterwards the function modifyPropertyValue() will be called, that allows the user to enter a new value for this property. This has to be the string representation if there is more than one way to do that!

The call to the function writeS() will store the new value in the property. Calling the 'snap' command afterwards might show the result of the now different property if it's currently visible.

if (param.Length == 0)
Console.Write("Enter the new value for '{0}': ", name);
string val = Console.ReadLine();
if (prop.valCount > 1)
Console.WriteLine("'{0}' defines {1} values. Enter the index (zero-based) of the value to modify: ", name, prop.valCount);
valIndex = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
prop.writeS(val, valIndex);
if (index.Length != 0)
valIndex = Convert.ToInt32(index);
prop.writeS(param, valIndex);
Source code
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
#endif // #if USE_DISPLAY
using mv.impact.acquire.examples.helper;
namespace mv.impact.acquire.examples
class Properties
#region private members -----------------------------------------------
static ImageDisplayWindow window_ = null;
#endif // #if USE_DISPLAY
static void populatePropertyMap(Dictionary<string, Property> m, Component it, string currentPath)
while (it.isValid)
string fullName = currentPath;
if (fullName != "")
fullName += "/";
fullName +=;
if (it.isList)
populatePropertyMap(m, it.firstChild, fullName);
else if (it.isProp)
m.Add(fullName, new Property(it.hObj));
// method object will be ignored...
static void singleCapture(Device pDev, FunctionInterface fi, int maxWaitTime_ms)
// send a request to the default request queue of the device and wait for the result.
if (result != TDMR_ERROR.DMR_NO_ERROR)
Console.WriteLine("'FunctionInterface.imageRequestSingle' returned with an unexpected result: {0}({1})", result, ImpactAcquireException.getErrorCodeAsString(result));
DeviceAccess.manuallyStartAcquisitionIfNeeded(pDev, fi);
// wait for results from the default capture queue
int requestNr = fi.imageRequestWaitFor(maxWaitTime_ms);
Request pRequest = fi.isRequestNrValid(requestNr) ? fi.getRequest(requestNr) : null;
if (pRequest != null)
if (pRequest.isOK)
// everything went well. Display the result
// IMPORTANT: Please note that there will be just one refresh for the display window, so if it is hidden under another window the result will not be visible.
// initialise display window
// here we check whether this is the first snapshot or not. We do not want a new window created with each snapshot.
if (window_ == null)
window_ = new ImageDisplayWindow(String.Format("mvIMPACT_acquire sample, Device {0}",;
// Extension methods are not supported by CLR versions smaller than 3.5 and this next function
// is therefore not available then.
# else
// If extension methods are not available, the following function can be used instead. It is
// not as convenient and will only work for some pixel formats. For more complex pixel formats
// use other overloads of this method
window_.imageDisplay.SetImage(,,, * 8,;
# endif
#endif // #if USE_DISPLAY
Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", pRequest.requestResult.readS());
// if the application wouldn't terminate at this point this buffer HAS TO be unlocked before
// it can be used again as currently it is under control of the user. However terminating the application
// will free the resources anyway thus the call
// pRequest.unlock();
// could be omitted here.
Console.WriteLine("\t\t Image captured: {0}({1}x{2})", pRequest.imagePixelFormat.readS(),,;
// unlock the buffer to let the driver know that you no longer need this buffer.
// Please note that slow systems or interface technologies in combination with high resolution sensors
// might need more time to transmit an image than the timeout value which has been passed to imageRequestWaitFor().
// If this is the case simply wait multiple times OR increase the timeout(not recommended as usually not necessary
// and potentially makes the capture thread less responsive) and rebuild this application.
// Once the device is configured for triggered image acquisition and the timeout elapsed before
// the device has been triggered this might happen as well.
// The return code would be -2119(DEV_WAIT_FOR_REQUEST_FAILED) in that case, the documentation will provide
// additional information under TDMR_ERROR in the interface reference.
// If waiting with an infinite timeout(-1) it will be necessary to call 'imageRequestReset' from another thread
// to force 'imageRequestWaitFor' to return when no data is coming from the device/can be captured.
// Console.WriteLine("imageRequestWaitFor failed ({0}, {1}), timeout value too small?", requestNr, ImpactAcquireException.getErrorCodeAsString(requestNr));
DeviceAccess.manuallyStopAcquisitionIfNeeded(pDev, fi);
static void Main(string[] args)
mv.impact.acquire.LibraryPath.init(); // this will add the folders containing unmanaged libraries to the PATH variable.
Device pDev = DeviceAccess.getDeviceFromUserInput();
if (pDev == null)
Console.WriteLine("Unable to continue! Press any key to end the program.");
Console.WriteLine("Initialising the device. This might take some time...");
// this e.g. might happen if the same device is already opened in another process...
Console.WriteLine("An error occurred while opening the device " + pDev.serial +
"(error code: " + e.Message + "). Press any key to end the application...");
// create an interface to the selected device
// obtain all the settings related properties available for this device
// Only work with the 'Base' setting. For more information please refer to the manual (working with settings)
Dictionary<string, Property> propertyMap = new Dictionary<string, Property>();
DeviceComponentLocator locator = new DeviceComponentLocator(pDev, TDeviceListType.dltSetting, "Base");
Component comp = new Component(locator.searchbase_id);
populatePropertyMap(propertyMap, comp.firstChild, "");
// this category is not supported by every device, thus we can expect an exception if this feature is missing
locator = new DeviceComponentLocator(pDev, TDeviceListType.dltIOSubSystem);
comp = new Component(locator.searchbase_id);
populatePropertyMap(propertyMap, comp.firstChild, "");
locator = new DeviceComponentLocator(pDev, TDeviceListType.dltRequest);
comp = new Component(locator.searchbase_id);
populatePropertyMap(propertyMap, comp.firstChild, "");
locator = new DeviceComponentLocator(pDev, TDeviceListType.dltSystemSettings);
comp = new Component(locator.searchbase_id);
populatePropertyMap(propertyMap, comp.firstChild, "SystemSettings");
locator = new DeviceComponentLocator(pDev, TDeviceListType.dltInfo);
comp = new Component(locator.searchbase_id);
populatePropertyMap(propertyMap, comp.firstChild, "Info");
comp = new Component(pDev.hDev);
populatePropertyMap(propertyMap, comp.firstChild, "Device");
int timeout_ms = 500;
bool boRun = true;
while (boRun)
Console.WriteLine(" enter 'quit', 'snap', 'list', 'help' or the name of ");
Console.WriteLine(" the property you want to modify followed by [ENTER]: ");
String command = Console.ReadLine();
if (command == "snap")
singleCapture(pDev, fi, timeout_ms);
else if (command == "list")
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Property> KVP in propertyMap)
else if (command == "help")
Console.WriteLine("quit: terminates this sample application");
Console.WriteLine("snap: takes and displays one image with the current settings");
Console.WriteLine("snap: takes one image with the current settings");
#endif // USE_DISPLAY
Console.WriteLine("list: displays all properties available for this device");
Console.WriteLine("help: displays this help text");
Console.WriteLine("timeout: set a new timeout(in ms) used as a max. timeout to wait for an image");
Console.WriteLine("the full name of a property must be specified");
else if (command == "quit")
boRun = false;
else if (command == "timeout")
Console.WriteLine("Enter the new timeout to be passed to the imageRequestWaitFor function: ");
timeout_ms = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
if (!propertyMap.ContainsKey(command))
Console.WriteLine("Unknown command or property");
Property prop = propertyMap[command];
if (prop.hasDict)
Console.WriteLine("This function expects the string representation as input!");
if (prop.isWriteable)
Console.Write("Enter new Value:> ");
String NewVal = Console.ReadLine();
int index = 0;
if (prop.valCount > 1)
Console.WriteLine("'{0} defines {1} values. Enter the (zero-based) index of the value to modify: ",, prop.valCount);
index = System.Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("An exception occurred: {0}(error code: {1})", e.errorString, e.errorCodeAsString);
Console.WriteLine("'{0}' is read-only, thus can't be modified.",;
String name
Returns the name of the component referenced by this object.
Definition ComponentAccess.cs:167
int hObj
Returns a unique identifier for the component referenced by this object.
Definition ComponentAccess.cs:155
int searchbase_id
Returns the unique identifier of the base list from where to start searching for a component.
Definition ComponentLocatorBase.cs:159
A base class to implement access to internal driver components.
Definition Component.cs:133
bool isWriteable
Checks if the caller has write/modify access to the component.
Definition Component.cs:769
bool isList
Checks if this component is of type mv.impact.acquire.ComponentList.
Definition Component.cs:680
Component firstChild
Moves to the first child of this component(moves down one level).
Definition Component.cs:597
bool isProp
Checks if this component is of type mv.impact.acquire.Property or a derived type.
Definition Component.cs:708
bool isValid
Checks if the internal component referenced by this object is still valid.
Definition Component.cs:727
A class to locate components within the driver.
Definition DeviceComponentLocator.cs:74
This class and its functions represent an actual device detected by this interface in the current sys...
Definition Device.cs:91
void open()
Opens a device.
Definition Device.cs:209
int hDev
A unique identifier for this device.
Definition Device.cs:350
readonly PropertyS serial
A string property (read-only) containing the serial number of this device.
Definition Device.cs:516
T read()
Reads a value from a property.
Definition EnumPropertyI.cs:342
The function interface to devices supported by this interface.
Definition FunctionInterface.cs:21
int imageRequestSingle()
Sends an image request to the mv.impact.acquire.Device driver.
Definition FunctionInterface.cs:656
Request getRequest(int nr)
Returns a const pointer to the desired mv.impact.acquire.Request.
Definition FunctionInterface.cs:452
int imageRequestWaitFor(int timeout_ms)
Waits for a request object to become ready.
Definition FunctionInterface.cs:1021
bool isRequestNrValid(int nr)
Check if nr specifies a valid mv.impact.acquire.Request.
Definition FunctionInterface.cs:1098
An base class for exceptions generated by Impact Acquire.
Definition Exceptions.cs:9
static String getErrorCodeAsString(int errorCode)
Returns a string representation of a error.
Definition Exceptions.cs:48
String errorCodeAsString
Returns a string representation of the error associated with the exception.
Definition Exceptions.cs:118
String errorString
Returns an error string containing information about the reason for the error.
Definition Exceptions.cs:92
A small helper class to administer various library search path related variables and paths.
Definition LibraryPath.cs:14
static void init()
Calling this method will add the folders containing unmanaged libraries to the systems library search...
Definition LibraryPath.cs:251
IntPtr read()
Reads a value from a property.
Definition PropertyPtr.cs:49
String read()
Reads a value from a property.
Definition PropertyS.cs:144
A base class for properties.
Definition Property.cs:109
Property writeS(String value)
Assigns a new value to this property.
Definition Property.cs:667
bool hasDict
Returns whether this property defines a translation dictionary or not.
Definition Property.cs:842
uint valCount
Returns the current number of values managed by this property.
Definition Property.cs:919
Contains information about a captured buffer.
Definition Request.cs:77
readonly PropertyPtr imageData
A pointer property (read-only) containing the start address of the image data.
Definition Request.cs:1579
readonly PropertyI imageLinePitch
An integer property (read-only) containing the offset (in bytes) to the next line of each channel bel...
Definition Request.cs:1655
readonly EnumPropertyI< TRequestResult > requestResult
An enumerated integer property (read-only) defining the result of this request.
Definition Request.cs:1211
readonly PropertyI imageWidth
An integer property (read-only) containing the width of the image in pixels.
Definition Request.cs:1693
readonly PropertyI imageBytesPerPixel
An integer property (read-only) containing the number of bytes per pixel in this image.
Definition Request.cs:1679
bool isOK
Convenience function to check if a request has been processed successfully.
Definition Request.cs:1173
readonly PropertyI imageHeight
An integer property (read-only) containing the height of the image in pixels.
Definition Request.cs:1704
int unlock()
Unlocks the request for the driver again.
Definition Request.cs:619
readonly EnumPropertyI< TImageBufferPixelFormat > imagePixelFormat
An enumerated integer property (read-only) containing the pixel format of this image.
Definition Request.cs:1540
A class that can be used to display images in a window.
Definition ImageDisplayWindow.cs:15
readonly ImageDisplay imageDisplay
Returns a reference to the actual display object associated with this window.
Definition ImageDisplayWindow.cs:108
void SetImage(IntPtr pData, int width, int height, int bipp, int pitch)
Sets the next image to display.
Definition ImageDisplay.cs:282
void Update()
Immediately redraws the current image.
Definition ImageDisplay.cs:333
Errors reported by the device manager.
Definition mvDriverBaseEnums.cs:2375
Defines valid interface list types, which can be located using an instance of mv.impact....
Definition TDeviceListType.cs:6
This namespace contains classes and functions that can be used to display images.
Definition Enumerations.cs:2
This namespace contains classes and functions belonging to the image acquisition module of this SDK.
Definition Enumerations.cs:2
Definition Enumerations.cs:2
Definition Enumerations.cs:2