Impact Acquire SDK .NET
GenICam™ GenTL Device Specific

GenICam™ Runtime

For installation on a Linux-i686 system the files with the -i86 suffix must be extracted. On a Linux-x64_86 system the corresponding packages with the -x64.tgz suffix must be used. For ARM based platforms the corresponding package must be used instead.

mkdir /opt/genicam
tar xzvf GenICam_V3_5_0-Linux32_i86_gcc48-Runtime.tgz -C /opt/genicam

These variables must be added to the environment, e.g. by placing these lines in the .profile or .bashrc file.

export GENICAM_ROOT_V3_5=/opt/genicam
#if the next line shall work, $HOME/tmp must exist, which it does not by default, thus you might want to create it OR use the global 'tmp' folder
#export GENICAM_CACHE_V3_5=$HOME/tmp
export GENICAM_CACHE_V3_5=/tmp
export GENICAM_LOG_CONFIG_V3_5=$GENICAM_ROOT_V3_5/log/config-unix/

In case you are developing applications using the GenICam™ SDK add the GenICam™ include path to your pre-processor options, e.g:

CPPFLAGS += $(GENICAM_ROOT_V3_5)/include
and the GenICam lib resp. lib64 path to your linker options, e.g:
ifeq ($(DEST),$(filter $(DEST),x86_64))
LDFLAGS += $(GENICAM_ROOT_V3_5)/$(LIB_SUBDIR) -lGCBase_gcc48_v3_5 -lGenApi_gcc48_v3_5 -lMathParser_gcc48_v3_5 -lLog_gcc48_v3_5.'



must somehow end up in the systems library search path thus you might want to add a file to


containing the following line:


OR you can use a different mechanism.