Impact Acquire SDK Java
.NET Support

In case an application makes use of the Impact Acquire .NET interface the corresponding libraries must be deployed on the target system as well. Were and what version of these libraries must be shipped is explained in the Building, Linking And Running Applications Using Impact Acquire chapter of the .NET API manual.

Depending on the used functionalities the following libraries might be necessary:

  • mv.impact.acquire.dll (always needed)
  • mv.impact.acquire.display.dll (needed if the display module shall be used)
  • mv.impact.acquire.display.extensions.dll (needed if special features of the display module shall be used)
  • mv.impact.acquire.examples.helper.dll (needed if features from this module have been used)
Even if the listed files have the same names as the ones for the .NET Standard interface the files are NOT identical. Please have a look at chapter Locating Runtime Libraries to get some information where they are located in the default installation.